Advanced Criminology exam 1 Notes PDF

Title Advanced Criminology exam 1 Notes
Course Advanced Criminology
Institution The University of Texas at Dallas
Pages 9
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Advanced Criminology exam 1 Notes

1. Question: Which of following are not among influences for innovative contemporary law enforcement strategies of today?= Evidenced based practices, crime mapping, compstat, hot spot analysis Answer: ALL are influential 2. Question: What are the historical roots of the predictive law enforcement policies of today? Return to more draconian form of LE; national initiate to…..; desire for additional quantitative research into reactive police measures; evidence based practices of large metropolitan….; cartographic criminology and spot maps from Shaw and McKay’s 1942 research… Answer: Cartographic criminology/spot maps from Shaw and McKay’s 1942 research 3. Question: Robert Park is credited for being one of the first individuals to ever engage in post modern data collection. Most find this interesting because he was actually involved in what occupation? Answer: Park was a journalist for a local newspaper in Chicago 4. Question: Who was the individual credited with establishing such LE innovations such as lie detector, use of patrol car and forensic investigation? Answer: August Vollmer 5. Question: Who is credited with the development of crime mapping? Answer: Jack Marple 6. Question: Which major US city was the first to make use of innovative crime mapping as a LE tool? Answer: Chicago 7. Question: The NYC PD as it is known today in actuality is a relatively recent development…which agencies merged to form the contemporary NYPD? Answer: transit police, housing police and NYC police 8. Question: According to Routine Activities theory, what elements must come together before a crime can occur? Answer: Motivated offender, suitable target, absence of capable guardian 9. Question: Which researchers are credited for developing spot maps or cartographic criminology in their work? Answer: Shaw and McKay 10. Question: The development of spot maps grew out of which 2 researchers’ desire to create a huge dynamic social laboratory using the city of Chicago? Answer: Park and Burgess


11. Question: Evidence based practices were used successfully in which of the following initiatives? Answer: Operation Ceasefire (Boston) 12. Question: Which researchers are credited with developing Routine Activities Theory? Answer: Cohen and Felson 13. Question: What was first proposed by utilitarian philosophers who contended that the fear of criminal consequences serves to deter crime? Answer: Deterrence Theory (Bentham and Beccaria) 14. Question: The __________ contends that punishment can be justified because the perpetrator must be held accountable for acts that harm society. Answer: Theory of Retribution (modern) 15. Question: Which theoretical position maintains that the public should be protected from the chance of future general victimization by those who are already convicted criminals? Answer: Incapacitation Theory 16. Question: The proponents of which theoretical position emphasize community involvement in determining appropriate punishment? Answer: Differential Association 17. Question: Modern crime control policies such as three strikes laws have resulted in which of the following? Answer: Explosion in the size of the U.S. prison population 18. Question: What is the basis of the Aristotelian golden mean? Answer: When making decisions regarding the proper course of action, we should seek the mean or the average between extremes. (decisions that represent most views) 19. Question: What are the two basic forms of hedonism? Answer: Psychological and ethical hedonism 20. Question: According to Akers, what 3(4?) criteria are used to determine the value of any theory? Answer: Logic, testability, empirical support, and utility

21. Question: Cesar Lombroso (father of criminology) is credited with what contribution to the study of crime and criminal behavior? Answer: (last answer) All of the above. (Born criminal, atavism, etc.) 22. Question: Which of the following would offer an explanation for female criminology according to routine activities theory? Answer: The increased number of women engaging in activities outside of the home provide opportunities to engage in criminal activity.


23. Question: Which researcher can be credited for creating the term ‘white collar criminal’? Answer: Edwin Sutherland (also known for Differential Association Theory) 24. Question: According to Sutherland, what one facet of personal interaction might explain criminal offending? Answer: Differential Association (has 9 principles)

25. Question: The term Anomie, (Durkheim; normlessness/confusion about role in society. Don’t know what’s expected of you)… Answer: Emile Durkheim 26. Question: According to theoretical tenets, extreme anomie can result in which of the following behavioral outcomes among individuals? Answer: Suicide 27. Question: What are the elements of the social bond according to Hershey? (social control) Answer: Attachment, involvement, belief, commitment (remember attachment in particular: best way to control delinquent behavior) 28. Question: What is responsible for crime according to the tenets of social ecology and social disorganization theory? Answer: (Interstitial zone (drug houses/homeless/boarded up houses) (high heterogeneity)) “The social disorganization….various …..”

29. Question: While the vast majority of research is concerned about the why of crime and not the why of what topic? Answer: Criminal justice 30. Question: What are the reasons for rapid criminal justice expansion in the last 30 years according to social construction theoretical framework? Answer: “Not going to be on exam. Erase it” 31. Question: Traditional approach to teaching theory involves which of the following? Answer: All of the above 32. Question: Victimology is primarily concerned with which of the following? Answer: All of the above 33. Question: Which of the following could be considered the tenets of victim facilitation theory? Answer: C. A victim unintentionally makes it easier for an offender to commit a crime. 34. Question: What contribution did Hans Von Hentig make to the


Answer: All of the Above. 35. Question: Who is regarded as the father of victimology Answer: Benjamin Mendelsohn 36. Question: According to Mendelsohn’s most guilty victim, what role does the victim of a crime play? Answer: A victim who is victimized during the perpetration of a crime or as a result of a crime 37. Question: Where was victim compensation first developed? Answer: California 38. Question: In 2011, a person under 18 yrs., accounted for approximately what percentage of arrests? Answer: 11.8% 39. Question: What state was the first authorized creation… for the juvenile court? Answer: Chicago, IL 40. Question: When was first juvenile court? Answer: 1899 41. Question: What % of offenders is estimated to engage in criminal behavior throughout their lifetime? Answer: 5-6% 42. Question: For children age 6-11 what was the single strongest predictor of delinquency at ages 15-25? Answer: Commission of an offense 43. Question: In TX, a juvenile is recognized as a juvenile rather than an adult in which age range? Answer: 10-16 44. Question: According to an American correctional study of girls held in state training schools what % of incarcerated population required substance abuse treatment upon intake? Answer: 60% 45. Question: Between 1985-2002, the number of girl’s delinquency cases referred to juvenile courts increased to what percentage? Answer: 92% 46. Question: What is a major problem among delinquent girls regardless of whether runaway, aggressive, or substance abuse? Answer: Depression 47. Question: The youth risk behavior surveillance system reviews self-reported drug use which indicates the following: Answer: declines in alcohol abuse for both males and females


48. Question: According to researchers what is the link between gender and ptsd? Answer: Almost half of reported substance abusing girls exhibit signs of ptsd

49. Question: According to data, what has been happening to juvenile criminality over past 2 decades? Answer: Continued to decrease

50. Question: According to UCR stats which is true regarding race and crime? Answer: More blacks are over represented, but more whites are arrested.

51. Question: Which of the following are weakness of the UCR? Answer: All of above

52. Question: Which of the following authors published a study in 1899 for University of PA titled the Philadelphia Negro, a social study? Answer: W.E.B. Du Bois 53. Question: Which of following theoretical schools of thought focuses on concepts such as utilitarianism, hedonism, free-will, rational choice? Answer: Classical Theory 54. Question: Which of following methodological tools are utilized in studies of popular culture? Answer: All of the Above 55. Question: Which of the following Scholars have discovered what with regard to children’s exposure to violent media images? Answer: Their aggressive behavior increases…increased likelihood to engage in aggressive forms of thought or behavior. 56. Question: Which 2 criminological theorists have examined the effects of capitalism on the issues of crime and criminal offending? Answer: Marx and Bonger 57. Question: According to Marx, capitalism ultimately produces what 2 groups of people Answer: Capitalists and proletarians 58. Question: Gangs emerged in the NE during this time because of what? Answer: All of the Above 59. Question: According to LE agencies what is the most predominant influence on local gang violence?


Answer: Drug trafficking 60. Question: Which of following community conditions is thought to facilitate permanent institutionalization of gangs? Answer: All of the Above 61. Question: Within adult correctional facilities approx. what percentage of inmates are gang members? Answer: 19% 62. Question: Which of following is leading federal agency for addressing youth gang problems? Answer: Office of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention 63. Question: Which of following could be considered major benefits of the comprehensive gang program model? Answer: promote intervention teams that give priority attention to reducing violence among gang involved probationers 64. Question: A Sexual assault include which of following components? Answer: All of the Above 65. Question: Which of following can be considered a sex crime despite fact no physical contact occurs? Answer: Exhibitionism 66. Question: What percentage of rapes of children under 12 did child know the offender? Answer: 90% 67. Question: According to arrest data, what is the race makeup of typical sex offender? Answer: White 68. Question: Which state implemented first sex offender registry? Answer: CA, 1947 69. Question: “There will be a question on required internet site 2”





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