Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards Quizlet
Course Marketing Research
Institution Howard University
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Marketing Quiz...



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

125 terms

Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review


Terms in this set (125) Good Marketers

C. seek new ways to satisfy customers

A. ignore their competitors' actions B. avoid adapting based on marketplace developments C. seek new ways to satisfy customers D. do not care about stockholders or suppliers E. fail to monitor their customers Which of the following


definitions of marketing

Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and

is an example of a

groups obtain what they need and want through creating,



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

social definition of

offering, and freely exchanging products and services of


value with others

A. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, and partners. B. Marketing is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value. C. Marketing is the art of selling products. D. Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. E.



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

Marketing is meeting needs profitably. The entities that include

C. goods

billions of fresh, canned, bagged, and frozen food products and millions of cars, refrigerators, and televisions are __________. A. services B. information C. goods D. events E. experiences The entity that includes

e. places

cities, states, regions, and nations that compete to attract tourists, residents, factories, and company headquarters are __________. A. information B. experiences C. properties D. events



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

E. places The demand state

b. latent

described when consumers share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product is _______________ demand. A. negative B. latent C. unwholesome D. full E. declining Jemma smokes two

d. unwholesome

packs of cigarettes each day. She is aware of the negative impacts of smoking on her health and the potential for second-hand smoke to harm the health of others. Her demand state is best characterized as _____________________ demand. A. latent B. nonexistent C.



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

irregular D. unwholesome E. overfull Which of the following

e. defection

suggests that prospects are abandoning a firm? A. A donation B. A purchase C. A vote D. Attention E. Defection _____________________, such as

d. service channels

transportation companies, banks, and insurance companies, are used to carry out transactions with potential buyers. A. Distribution channels B. Communication channels C. Broad environment players D. Service channels



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

E. Competitors The markets that consist

d. consumer

of mass consumer goods and services such as juices, cosmetics, athletic shoes, and air travel are called _____________________ markets. A. business B. nonprofit C. global D. consumer E. governmental The desire to eat a

b. want

Philly cheesesteak, whether or not you are in the position to buy one, is an example of a __________________. A. position B. want C. brand D. demand E. need



A consumer who is

Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

c. secret

shopping for a car does not admit it, but he wants his friends to see him as a savvy customer. This is an example of a(n) _________________ need. A. real B. delight C. secret D. unstated E. stated In the statement "Volvo

a. target market

develops its cars for buyers to whom safety is a major concern, positioning the vehicles as the safest a customer can buy," the buyers to whom safety is a major concern are the ___________________. A. target market B. market offering C. position D. value proposition



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

E. satisfaction Drug maker Roche

c. iPads

supplies their sales teams with _____ to support input real time data, improve quality of the data and decreasing time spent on those tasks? A. Customer relationship management software B. Dedicated Facebook pages C. iPads D. Real time market data E. News desks According to the

c. consumer-centric marketing models

concept of Marketing 3.0, successful marketing is distinguished by its human or emotional element, and has resulted in valuesdriven marketing. Which of the following least supports the central trends of values-driven marketing? A.



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

Increased use of collaborative marketing B. Marketing models based on globalization C. Consumer-centric marketing models D. Increased consumer participation E. The rise of a creative society The __________________________

d. holistic marketing

concept is based on the development, design, and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognize their breadth and interdependence. A. selling B. marketing C. product D. holistic marketing E. production Digital technology is

c. industry convergence

fueling massive _______________________. For



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

example, Apple, Sony, and Samsung release a stream of entertainment devices from MP3 players to plasma TVs and camcorders. A. customer buying power B. consumer participation C. industry convergence D. disintermediation E. deregulation The force where

d. consumer resistance

customers show less brand loyalty, more price, quality sensitivity, and lower tolerance for undesired marketing is ___________________________. A. retail transformation B. privatization C. heightened competition D. consumer resistance E. consumer information The Internet augments


marketers' geographic

Marketers can use the Internet as a powerful information

reach to inform

and sales channel.



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

customers and promote products worldwide. This is an example of which of the following new company capabilities? A. Companies can improve their cost efficiency by skillful use of the Internet. B. Marketers can use the Internet as a powerful information and sales channel. C. Marketers can facilitate and speed external communication among customers. D. Companies can improve purchasing, recruiting, training, and internal and external communications. E. Marketers can reach consumers on the move with mobile marketing. What has expanded



Make better choices and share their preferences and

communication, and

opinions with others around the world

mobility enabled consumers to do?



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

What has expanded information, communication, and mobility enabled consumers to do? A. Make better choices and share their preferences and opinions with others around the world. B. Enable new channels of distribution. C. Send targeted ads and coupons. D. Improve comparison shopping and cost efficiency opportunities. E. Minimize the effects of globalization. B. Enable new channels of distribution. C. Send targeted ads and coupons. D. Improve comparison shopping and cost efficiency opportunities. E. Minimize the effects of globalization.



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following


represents the

Marketers need to balance old and new marketing

challenge for marketers

techniques and provide demonstrable evidence of

given new marketing


realities? A. Marketers need to justify investments and balance returns on marketing investments. B. Marketers need to balance old and new marketing techniques and provide demonstrable evidence of success. C. Marketers need to abandon old marketing techniques in order to reach a new audience. D. Marketers need to spend a larger portion of the marketing budget on new and innovative techniques. E. Marketers should minimize the value of intangible assets. What concept claims

d. the selling concept

that if consumers are left alone, they won't buy enough of an organization's product?



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

A. The holistic marketing concept B. The marketing concept C. The product concept D. The selling concept E. The production concept Given the breadth,

b. people

complexity, and richness of marketing in holistic marketing, three additional Ps were added to the traditional four Ps of marketing. _____________________ is one of the new Ps and describes the firm's internal marketing and the fact that marketers must view consumers as people to understand their lives more broadly. A. Processes B. People C. Programs D. Packaging E. Public relations



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following

c. the extent to which customers are readily able to acquire

best describes

the product

accessibility in a consumer-centric marketing management framework? A. When a firm's total product offering exceeds customer expectations B. The extent to which customers are informed about the product's characteristics and are persuaded to try it C. The extent to which customers are able to readily acquire a product D. The extent to which companies shape separate offers, service, and messages to individual customers E. The extent to which customers in the target market are able and willing to pay the product's price

Creating an

a. the creation of successful long time growth

organization capable of



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

responsibly implementing the marketing plan will result in what ? A. The creation of successful long-term growth B. The communication of values to the customer base C. An anticipation of competitor moves D. Value at a specific price point E. The delivery value When learning about

c. connecting with customers

how organizational buyers buy, what marketing management activity is taking place? A. Capturing marketing insights B. Creating value C. Connecting with customers D. Building strong brands E. Communicating value



Panasonic is realigning

Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

b. redefining the businesses concept or "big idea"

its business to maximize its core competencies. The first step in the process is _______________. A. (re)positioning the company's brand identity B. (re)defining the business concept or "big idea" C. (re)introducing outsourced processes internally D. (re)shaping the business scope E. reducing spending on marketing research

What is the second

d. providing the value

phase of the value creation and delivery sequence? A. Calculating the value. B. Communicating the value. C. Calibrating the value. D. Providing the value.



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

E. Choosing the value.

Five primary activities

e. inbound logistics

create value and cost in a specific business. Which of the following is an example of a primary activity? A. Human resource management B. Firm infrastructure C. Technology development D. Procurement E. Inbound logistics Which of the following

c. the customer-acquisition process

includes all the activities associated with defining target markets and prospecting for new customers? A. The fulfillment management process B. The customer relationship management process C. The customer



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

acquisition process D. The new-offering realization process E. The market-sensing process Jordan oversees the

e. the new offering realization process

departmental activities that include researching, developing and launching new, high-quality offerings quickly and within budget. With which process is her job most closely aligned? A. The fulfillment management process B. The market-sensing process C. The customer relationship management process D. The customeracquisition process E. The new-offering realization process Companies who link

e. cross-functional teams

activities between multiple departments to



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

make sure that valuechain processes flow smoothly into one another use _____? A. fulfillment management teams B. market-sensing teams C. new-offering realization teams D. customer-acquisition teams E. cross-functional teams the process by which

d. value creation

holistic marketers efficiently create more promising new value offerings is ____________________. A. value distribution B. value assessment C. value delivery D. value creation E. value exploration Which of the following

d. they discuss specific competitive companies

does NOT contribute to the five major



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

characteristics of a good mission statement? A. They take a long-term view. B. It provides a shared sense of purpose. C. They focus on a limited number of goals. D. They discuss specific competitive companies. E. They are short, memorable and meaningful as possible "Enriching Women's


Lives" is a three-word

They are short, memorable, and as meaningful as possible.

mantra that is used by Mary Kay. This is an example of which of the following characteristics of good mission statements? A. They take a long-term view. B. They are short, memorable, and as meaningful as possible. C. They stress the company's major



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

policies and values. D. They focus on a limited number of goals. E. They define the major competitive spheres in which the company will operate When a company

b. the major competitive spheres in which the company will

identifies the industry,


range of products and applications it will supply, the type of market or customers a company will serve, and/or the vertical sphere in which it will participate, it is fulfilling which of the following characteristics of a good mission statement? A. A limited number of goals B. The major competitive spheres in which the company will operate C. Stressing the company's major policies and values D. Taking a long-term view E.



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

Short, memorable, and as meaningful as possible When the mission

c. products and application

statement from St. Jude Medical notes St. Jude Medical is "dedicated to developing medical technology and services that put more control in the hands of physicians, and that advance the practice of medicine and contribute to successful outcomes for each patient," it is defining competitive territory and boundaries on the __________________________________ ___ level. A. vertical B. market segment C. products and application D. competence E. geographic A small company

e. technology

defines its business as designing incandescent lighting systems for



Ag Marketing Management AGEC 4303 Test 1 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

television studios. The incandescent lighting part of the business definition is an example of ______________...

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