Analisis Konsep Iklan Teh Sariwangi sebagai Teh yang membangun Kehangatan dan Keharmonisan Keluarga DOC

Title Analisis Konsep Iklan Teh Sariwangi sebagai Teh yang membangun Kehangatan dan Keharmonisan Keluarga
Author Vira N Cahya
Pages 11
File Size 68.5 KB
File Type DOC
Total Downloads 879
Total Views 929


Analisis Konsep Iklan Teh Sariwangi sebagai Teh yang membangun Kehangatan dan Keharmonisan Keluarga Ferly Sagita1 , Nahlah Nuhailah2 , Rifa Rizanty3, Vira Novia Cahya4 , Yuninda Farhatunnisa5 Abstract (Rifa Rizanty) SariWangi is a local Indonesian brand introduced in 1973, a pioneer in the teabag fo...


Analisis Konsep Iklan Teh Sariwangi sebagai Teh yang membangun Kehangatan dan Keharmonisan Keluarga Ferly Sagita1 , Nahlah Nuhailah2 , Rifa Rizanty3 , Vira Novia Cahya4 , Yuninda Farhatunnisa5 Abstract (Rifa Rizanty) SariWangi is a local Indonesian brand introduced in 1973, a pioneer in the teabag format in Indonesia. SariWangi is here as a tea bag brand that inspires Indonesian families to continue to maintain family togetherness and warmth, by gathering together for at least 15 minutes every day. As a form of SariWangi's commitment to encourage the formation of a harmonious family through effective communication, SariWangi launched the #BeraniBicara campaign which invites the Indonesian people to to express their hearts to their families. Through this #BeraniBicara campaign, SariWangi presents the best quality tea for Indonesian families. Original tea which contains flavonoids and theanines in it gives a feeling of relaxation, increases focus, and reduces stress. SariWangi believes that a cup of tea is present as a facilitator for Indonesian families in expressing their hearts by meeting face-to-face to make the atmosphere warmer and calmer. is to find out the meaning behind the Sariwangi Tea advertisement as a Facilitator in building warmth and togetherness in the family. In addition, this study aims to determine how the roles of husband and wife are depicted in Sariwangi tea advertisements. This advertisement uses the theme of husband and wife life in the household. This theme becomes interesting to study because so far the theme of family, especially the role of husband and wife in domestic life, has been appointed as a commodity in making an advertisement to attract buyers to consume a product. Therefore, Teh SariWangi launched the #BeraniBicara campaign whose aim is to invite Indonesian people to express their hearts to their families in order to build a sense of warmth and togetherness within the family Keywords : tea sariwangi, family. Abstrak SariWangi merupakan merek lokal Indonesia yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1973, pelopor dalam format teh celup di Indonesia. SariWangi hadir sebagai merek teh celup yang menginspirasi keluarga Indonesia untuk terus menjaga kebersamaan dan kehangatan keluarga, dengan cara berkumpul bersama setidaknya 15 menit setiap harinya.Sebagai bentuk komitmen SariWangi untuk mendorong terbentuknya keluarga harmonis melalui komunikasi efektif, SariWangi meluncurkan kampanye #BeraniBicara yang mengajak masyakat Indonesia untuk mengungkapkan isi hati mereka kepada keluarga. Melalui kampanye #BeraniBicara ini, SariWangi mempersembahkan teh berkualitas terbaik bagi keluarga Indonesia. Teh asli yang mengandung flavonoid dan theanin di dalamnya memberikan perasaan rileks, meningkatkan...

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