Anatomy and Physiology Final Exam Study Guide PDF

Title Anatomy and Physiology Final Exam Study Guide
Author Alexis Roberts
Course Anatomy and Physiology of Mammals
Institution Jefferson State Community College
Pages 22
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Anatomy and Physiology Final Exam Study Guide The knee of hoofed animals is called the - carpus The reference plane that divides the body into cranial and caudal parts that are not necessarily equal is the - transverse The reference plane that runs down the center of the body lengthwise and divides it into equal left and right halves is the - median The directional term that means "toward the head" but not on the head is - cranial An animal's ears are located __ to its eyes. - caudal A dog is standing on the exam table with its front legs up on the chest of its owner. Which surface of the dog is touching the examination table? - plantar The outer surface of a cow's leg that is facing away from its body is the __ surface. lateral The shoulder of a camel is __ to its carpus. - proximal Which end of a donkey's tail attaches to the body? - proximal If you were told to look for a cut on the palmar surface of a dog's leg, where would you look? - the back surface of the front leg below the carpus If you were told to look for a tumor on the dorsal surface of a pig's hind leg, where would you look? - the front surface below the tarsus All the organs in the thoracic cavity are covered by a thin membrane called the - pleura How many basic tissue types are found in an animal's body? - 4 The type of tissue that forms sweat glands is __ tissue. - epithelial Bone is considered what type of tissue? - connective The process by which physiologic processes collectively and actively maintain balance in the structures, functions, and properties of the body is known as - homeostasis On a horse, the area dorsal to the scapulas is known as the - withers On a sheep the area on the top of the head between the bases of the ears is known as the - poll

The type of tissue that coordinates and controls activities in and around an animal's body is - nervous The body cavity that contains the heart is the - cranial thoracic cavity The structure that divides the ventral cavity into two parts is the - diphragm The medical term for a "baby" tooth is - deciduous What structure replaces the upper incisors and upper canines in ruminants? - dental pad What number represents the upper left quadrant in the Triadan System for numbering teeth? - 2 The "wolf tooth" in horses refers to - upper premolar 1 Which plane represents the cross-section? - transverse Which four elements make up 96% of the matter found in all living organisms? hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen The smallest unit of an element that retains the unique properties of the element is a/an - atom A/An __ is formed when an atom gains or loses an electron. - ion The smallest unit of a compound that retains the properties of that compound is a/an molecule Sol-gel transformation is an ability of __ to transform from a fluid to a solid and back again. - colloid In a mixture the component that is present in the greatest amount is the - solvent A covalent bond is formed between two molecules when they share - electron An ion with a positive charge is a/an - cation Water is the universal - solvent Water and fats don't mix well because fats are - hydrophobic Electrolytes are __ - ionized salts Of the pH values below, which is considered "neutral" pH? - 7

To buffer a solution means to - keep the solution in a neutral pH range When two monosaccharides join together they form a - disaccharide. Triglycerides are - neutral fats A saturated fatty acid is defined as - a chain of carbon atoms with one or two hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon atom by a single bond. Which group of lipids is characterized by a lipid bilayer? - phospholipids Which group of lipids contains prostaglandins that help mediate an inflammatory reaction? - eicosanoids Which three nucleotides do both DNA and RNA have in common? - adenine (A), guanine (G), and cytosine (C) How many nucleotides are needed to create a code for an amino acid? - 3 A sequence of nucleotides that carries information to make one peptide chain is a/an gene The double helix configuration is characteristic of - DNA The energy source for cells of the body to function properly is stored in and released by - ATP All proteins contain - carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen Cell membrane proteins that occur inside the lipid bilayer are called - integral proteins In the lipid bilayer that makes up the cell membrane the hydrophobic fatty acids are the inside of the membrane. The outside "sugar" coating of the cell membrane is called the - glycocalyx. Glycoproteins that cover the surfaces of almost all mammalian cells and allow the cells to bond with one another are called - cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) Membrane receptors are - integral proteins and glycoproteins Rigid areas of densely packed phospholipids, cholesterol, and protein in the cell membrane are called - rafts

Chemical messengers that bind to specific binding sites on cell surfaces and bring about a change in the cell's activity are called - ligands Cilia are located - on the surface of the cell The function of a flagellum is to - move a cell through a fluid. The viscous, semitransparent fluid of the cell is the - cytosol Microtubules, intermediate fibers, and microfilaments are all parts of the - cytoskeleton. Actin and myosin proteins form - microfilaments Within the cell secretory granules, mitochondria and lysosomes will attach to microtubules A neurofilament is an example of a/an - intermediate fiber (of nerve cells). Pores in the cell membrane are formed by - integral proteins. This thickest and strongest fiber in a cell is the - microtubule. Which organelle in a cell is involved in the synthesis and storage of lipids? - smooth endoplasmic reticulum Which organelle in the cell is an important site for protein synthesis? - ribosome The most common organelle in a cell is the - ribosome. The powerhouse of a cell is the - mitochondria. Ribosomes that are not free in the cytoskeleton of a cell are attached to the - rough endoplasmic reticulum Where in the cell does respiration, where oxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide is excreted, take place? - mitochondria Which organelle in a cell acts as a modification, packaging, and distribution center for molecules destined for secretion? - Golgi apparatus The organelle that is considered the stomach of the cell because it contains digestive enzymes is the - lysosome. Which protein degradation "machine" within the cell breaks down unwanted proteins one protein at a time? - proteasome

Lysosomes are formed by the - Golgi apparatus. When a cell dies, which organelle is responsible for autolysis? - lysosome Which organelle assists in the removal of free radicals, normal products of cellular metabolism? - peroxisomes Fat globules in a cell are considered - inclusions. The control center or "brain" of a cell is the - nucleus Small invaginations in the cell membrane are called - caveolae Which organelle in the cell breaks down large nutrient molecules into smaller molecules that can be used as fuel in the cell? - mitochondria The nitrogen base thymine (T) found in DNA can bind only to - adenine (A). During cell division X-shaped chromosomes are formed from - chromatin In a healthy animal, insensible water loss is the water lost - during respiration. Which compartment of water makes up the majority of total body water? - intracellular fluid Ions that have a negative charge are called - anions Which ion has the highest intracellular concentration? - potassium An alkaline solution is one that has - a high concentration of hydroxyl ions and a low concentration of hydrogen ions Waste products of cellular metabolism that are carried in the blood are slightly acidic. To counteract the effects of the acidic waste materials, what would be an ideal pH for blood? - 7.4 Osmolality measures the concentration of __ in fluid. - solutes The concentration of salt in water in normal saline is - 0.9% NaCl A solution that contains more solutes than plasma is - hypertonic Edema results when there is an abnormal movement of fluid - from the intravascular space to the interstitial space.

Lactated Ringers Solution, a frequently administered IV fluid, is a/an - isotonic, crystalloid fluid Fluid therapy to correct dehydration in an animal would be - replacement therapy A patient that has a capillary refill time (CRT) of 2.5 seconds is - 5% to 7% dehydrated. A patient is depressed and lying down. The mucous membranes and tongue are dry. It is conscious with a weak and rapid pulse. What would you estimate the percentage of dehydration to be? - 10% to 12% Diffusion is - molecules moving from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration in a liquid or gas Facilitated diffusion - moves molecules from extracellular spaces to intracellular spaces using no energy from the cell. Osmosis involves the movement of __ to achieve equilibrium between intracellular and extracellular fluids - water If cells (e.g., red blood cells) are placed in a hypotonic solution, what will happen to them? - They will burst Which processes rely on movement of water through a membrane? - filtration and osmosis Abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity is called - ascites A macrophage "ingests" a dead neutrophil (white blood cell) through - phagocytosis What is the correct order of stages of mitosis? - prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase X-shaped chromosomes are linked together at the - centromere Protein synthesis begins in the - DNA Transcription results in - mRNA production All mutations result in a/an - alteration of genetic material. The basal surface of an epithelial cell - faces the underlying connective tissue Which surface of an epithelial cell lies closest to its blood supply? - basal surface

Cells that are linked by tubular channels that run from the cytoplasm of one cell to the cytoplasm of the adjacent cell are said to connected by - gap junctions. The __ anchors a cell to its underlying connective tissue. - basement membrane The brush border of an epithelial cell is found - on the apical surface of the cell. Keratin is found - in skin cells. If a tissue has more than one layer of epithelial cells, the epithelial cells are classified as - stratified. The type of epithelium found on the surface of the ovaries and lining the ducts of glands is - simple cuboidal. The thinnest epithelial cells are fragile and are found lining surfaces involved in passage of liquids or gasses. They are classified as - simple squamous. The urinary bladder is partially lined by __, giving it the ability to expand and contract as needed. - transitional epithelium Pseudostratified columnar epithelium is classified as such based on - the nonuniform level of the nuclei of the cells. The most abundant tissue type by weight in the body is - connective tissue. Glands produce their secretions in their - endoplasmic reticulum. When mucin is mixed with water, it becomes - mucus. If a gland loses the apex of a secretory cell during the secretory process, it is classified as a/an - apocrine gland. If a gland loses an entire secretory cell during the secretory process, it is classified as a/an - holocrine gland. If a gland has a branched duct that carries secretions to the deposition site, it is a compound gland. Which two components of connective tissue allow connective tissue to be elastic or rigid, or semisolid or liquid? - ground substance and fiber type An example of a wandering cell type in connective tissue is - white blood cells. Elastic fibers are also known as - yellow fibers.

Collagen fibers are composed of - protein. The medium through which cells exchange nutrients and waste materials with the bloodstream is - ground substance. An example of a fixed cell is a/an - osteoblast. A chondroblast will produce the fibers and ground substance for - cartilage. Tendons are made up of - dense regular connective tissue. Because it is a site of heat production, this type of connective tissue is found in animals that hibernate during the cold winter months. - brown adipose tissue Gristle is a common name for - cartilage. The pinna of the ears of animals contains __ cartilage. - elastic The most rigid type of cartilage is __ cartilage. - hyaline The __ has many tiny blood vessels that supply nutrients to cartilage. - perichondrium The matrix of blood in the body is - plasma. The type of connective tissue associated with haversian canals is - bone. The lamina propria of a mucous membrane is composed of - loose connective tissue. A high fever can lead to __ mucous membranes - red The capillary refill time test is performed - on the gums The portion of a membrane that lines a cavity wall is the - parietal layer If a membrane lines a cavity with an opening to the external environment, it is called a mucous membrane. The type of membrane that lines the cavities of joints is - synovial membrane. The type of membrane that has no epithelium is - synovial membrane. Another name for the skin is - cutaneous membrane. A normal transudate in the abdominal cavity is called - peritoneal fluid. Serosal fluid is found - between the parietal and visceral layers of a serous membrane.

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is found - in the skin The muscles in the wall of the uterus and urinary bladder are - nonstriated involuntary muscle. The major muscles in all four legs of a horse are - striated voluntary muscle. Which type of muscle is paralyzed when its nerve supply is absent? - striated voluntary muscle Which type of muscle makes up the majority of the heart? - striated involuntary muscle Which type of muscle is responsible for constricting the walls of blood vessels? nonstriated involuntary muscle Which type of muscle has muscle cells that connect to one another at junctions called intercalated disks? - striated involuntary muscle The nucleus of a nerve cell is found in the - perikaryon. The part of the nerve cell that receives impulses of information from other cells is the dendrite. The longest cells in the body are - nerve cells. During the inflammatory process the first thing that happens is - vasoconstriction. During the inflammatory process phagocytosis is the job of - macrophages. Heparin and histamine from mast cells function to directly cause - vasodilation. A scab is a/an - external clot. "Proud flesh" is composed of - collagen fibers and capillaries Scar tissue is made from - granulation tissue. The type of wound healing that occurs when a wound is sutured is - first-intention healing. Which is a characteristic of second-intention wound healing? - A scar develops The majority of cells found in the skin are - keratinocytes. The pigment found in skin is produced by - melanocytes.

The cells thought to aid in the sense of touch are - Merkel cells. The macrophages of the epidermis are the - Langerhans cells. One of the most common skin tumors in dogs over the age of 5 is - squamous cell carcinoma. The nose of a white cat is especially susceptible to - squamous cell carcinoma. The old gray mare is especially susceptible to - malignant melanoma. One of the most common benign tumors of cats is - basal cell tumor. The most common site for malignant melanoma in dogs and cats is the. - oral cavity. Which layer of epidermis is most actively involved in replacing exfoliated skin cells? basal layer The thickest layer of the epidermis is the - horny layer. Tylotrich hairs are important in the perception of - touch Meissner's corpuscle is important in the perception of - touch Pacinian corpuscles are important in the perception of - touch Which layer of skin allows it to move freely over underlying bone and muscle without tearing? - hypodermis On a footpad, which layer of skin is the thickest? - stratum corneum In which species of animal would you find a planum nasolabiale? - equine Which dark, horny structures are found buried in the long, caudal hairs of equine fetlocks? - ergots Infraorbital, interdigital, and inguinal pouches are found in what species of animal? ovine The part of a hair that is buried within skin is the - root The invagination of epidermis in which a hair is anchored is the - follicle. How many hairs are found in an average hair follicle or pore of an animal with fur? - 15

In a compound follicle a primary hair is also known as a __ hair. - guard Whiskers are also known as __ hairs. - tactile The outermost layer of a hair is the - cuticle. As an animal ages and its hair turns white, the medulla becomes filled with - air The implantation angle of a hair is increased when the - arrector pili muscle contracts. The white, semiliquid mixture released by sebaceous glands is called - sebum Another name for a blackhead is - comedone Which species of animal produces enough sweat to turn into a white froth? - equine In which species of animal does sebum eventually become lanolin? - ovine A sudoriferous gland is also known as a/an - sweat gland Which animals have tail glands that help them identify individual animals? - dogs and cats The tail gland is located on the __ surface of the tail. - dorsal Where would you look for anal sacs in a cat? - at 5 and 7 o'clock positions around the anus Which one of the following animals can retract its claws. - cat Another name for a hoofed animal is an - ungulate. The sensitive tissue of both claws and hooves is the - corium Hooves grow from the - coronary band. The lateral aspects of an equine hoof wall are called - quarters. The junction of the sole and hoof wall in an equine hoof is called the - white line. Horns emerge from the horn processes of the __ bones. - frontal Horns are bound to the horn process by - periosteum. Horns are composed of - keratin.

Antlers are composed of - bone The cells that secrete the matrix of a bone are the - osteoblasts. Bones act as a storage site for primarily which mineral? - calcium What are the two calcitropic hormones involved calcium homeostasis? - calcitonin and parathyroid hormone Cancellous bone is sometimes called - spongy bone The outside layer of all bones is made up of - compact bone The __ contains(s) blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves that supply osteocytes. haversian canal Large blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves enter large long bones through channels called - nutrient foramina. As a young animal grows so must its bones grow. Where does creation of new bone that allows long bones to lengthen as the animal grows take place? - epiphyseal plates Endochondral bone formation takes place in a fetus over a __ template that is eventually replaced by bone. - cartilage The diaphysis is the __ of a long bone. - shaft Fractures of the __ of long bones are especially common in young animals. - epiphyseal plate The __ of a fracture is the healing tissue felt as a lump at the site of a fracture. - callus Which one of the following bones is classified as an irregular bone? - patella Red bone marrow consists primarily of - hematopoitic tissue. A depressed or sunken area on the surface of a bone is called a/an - fossa A hole in a bone is called a/an - foramen Where would you find immovable fibrous joints called sutures? - skull The most caudal external bone of the cranium is the - occipital bone. The bone that forms the forehead region of the skull is the - frontal bone

When cattle are dehorned, the corneal process of which bone is removed? - frontal The hormone that will be released if a patient has hypercalcemia is _______________. The hormone that will be released if a patient has hypocalcemia is ______________________ - calcitonin parathyroid hormone How is a cranial cruciate rupture diagnosed? - cranial drawer test The site which allows bones to grow in length: - Epiphyseal plate Healing tissue which bridges a fracture gap is called: - callus The caudal surface of the hind foot is known as: - plantar Which of the following is NOT part of the visceral skeleton? Os Rostri Os Cordis Os Mosis Os Penis - Os Mosis The bones from proximal to distal of the pelvic limb of the dog/cat are: - Pelvis, Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals, Metatarsals, Phalanges P-3 in the horse is known as the: - Coffin bone The scientific name for the hip joint: - Coxofemoral Classified as an irregular bone: - L-3 The metacarpophalangeal joint of the horse is known as the: - Fetlock The inside of the leg is in what direction from the outside of the leg? - Medial The name of the las...

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