Anatomy and Physiology of Articulation-2 PDF

Title Anatomy and Physiology of Articulation-2
Author Deanna Barberi
Course  Speech Science I: Production
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 12
File Size 487.3 KB
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anatomy and physiology of articulation, ryalls, speech production, got a 100% using these notes...


Articulation The Vocal Tract ● Oral, pharyngeal, and nasal cavities ● Pharyngeal cavity: ○ Vertical tube at the posterior vocal tract ○ Throat ● Oral cavity: ○ Mouth ○ Horizontal tube that runs anterior to posterior ● Nasal cavities: ○ Horizontal cavities above the oral cavity ○ Resonators for nasal sounds

Articulatory Framework ● Bone of the Face, Bones of the Cranium Bones of the face ● Mandible ○ Ramus ○ Angle of mandible ● Maxillae (right and left fused) ○ fused ● Nasal bones ○ Nasal bone - separates the right and left sides ● Provide points attachment for muscles of articulation Mandible ● Class I occlusion: Normal ○ The bite is normal, but the upper teeth slightly overlap the lower teeth - A on the picture ● Class II malocclusion:

○ First molar of lower jaw is posterior to normal position; mandible is retracted; overbite; retrognathism ○ Also called distocclusion - C on the picture ● Class III malocclusion: ○ First molar of the lower jaw is anterior to normal position; mandible is protruded; underbite; prognathism - D on the picture

Bones of the cranium ● Frontal Bone ● Parietal Bone ● Occipital Bone ● Temporal Bone ● Protect the brain and provide points of articulation for muscles of articulation Muscles of Articulation ● Muscles of the face, mouth, and pharynx Muscles of the Face ● Orbicularis oris: ○ Upper and lower ○ Round the lips ● Risorius ○ Retracts lips at the corners and flattens cheeks ● Buccinator ○ Lip retraction and cheek depression

Upper Lip elevators ● Levator Labii Superioris muscle: ○ Upper lip elevator ● Zygomatic Minor muscle: ○ Upper lip elevator ● Zygomatic Major ○ Elevates and retracts angle of the mouth ● Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi: ○ Upper lip elevator Lower Lip Depressors ● Zygomatic major: ○ Elevates and retracts angle of the mouth ● Depressor Labii Inferioris muscle: ○ Pulls lips down and out ● Depressor Anguli oris muscle: ○ Pulls lips down and out ● Mentalis: ○ Wrinkles chin and depresses lower lip Muscles of the Mouth ● The tongue, velum, and mandible Tongue: Extrinsic Musculature ● Styloglossus: ○ Runs from: styloid process of temporal bone to inferior sides of tongue ○ Two portions: ■ Blends with inferior longitudinal

■ Blends with hypoglossus ○ Function: draws the tongue back and up ● Genioglossus ○ Primary mover of the tongue ○ Runs from: mandible to length of tongue and hyoid ○ Fanlike muscle ○ Genio - chin ○ Function: ■ Anterior: retraction of tongue, pulls the tongue down and back ■ Posterior: protrudes the tongue ■ Both: depresses the tongue ● Hypoglossus ○ Superficial to genioglossus ○ Deep to styloglossus ○ Antagonist to palatoglossus muscle ○ Rusn from: hyoid bone to lateral edges ○ Function: depresses sides of tongue ● Palatoglossus ○ Runs from velum to lateral edges of posterior tongue ○ Function: elevates posterior tongue and/or depresses velum ○ Also considered muscle of the velum ○ Forms anterior faucial pillars ■ Tonsils are in between these pillars ○ Gag reflect ○ When food hits here it triggers swallowing Intrinsic Tongue Muscles ● Superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, transverse and vertical muscles ● Superior Longitudinal Muscles ○ Upper layer of tongue ○ Runs from hyoid and epiglottis to lingual apex ○ Tip to base of tongue, whole tongue length ○ Function: lingual elevation and lateralization ○ Tongue piercing ● Inferior longitudinal Muscles ○ Inferior layer of tongue ○ Runs from: root and hyoid to apex ○ Function: pulls tip downward and/or lateralizes; also retracts tongue ● Transverse muscles

○ Intermediate to inferior and superior longitudinal muscles ○ Runs from: median fibrous septum to lateral edges of tongue ○ Function: narrows tongue ○ Side to side ○ Contract: draw sides together, narrows the tongue ● Vertical Muscles ○ Interwoven with transverse muscles ○ Run from base of tongue to cover ○ Function: flattens the tongue and pulls tongue down ○ Straight up and down ○ Contract: muscle shortens, flattens tongue ● Transverse and Vertical work together ● Stick tongue out - superior and inferior push against each other to keep tongue straight and in the middle Velum ● Levator Veli Palatini ○ Elevates the velum to seal off the nasal cavities ○ Closed for most english sounds except for the nasals ○ Uvula hangs from it ○ Active a lot with non-nasal sounds ● Tensor veli palatini ○ Tenses the velum and flattens it ○ Dilates the eustachian tube, equalize pressure in our ear ● These two work together to close the nasal passage Mandible ● Elevators: ○ Masseter - clench jaw it pops out ○ Temporalis - shell-like starts on mandible and spreads up to temporal bone ○ Biggest ones that we can see and feel ○ Work together to contract to elevate the mandible (close your mouth...nothing for your lips) ● Protrusion and lateralization: ○ Lateral pterygoid ○ Medial pterygoid ○ Move mouth side to side and back and forth “pterodactyl muscles” ● Depressors:

○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Digastricus Mylohyoid Geniohyoid Platysma - starts on cheek and runs all the way down the neck All help to lower the jaw, to give that extra opening like when we are chewing, etc. ○ Do we really need them? No if we relax gravity takes over, we only recruit these for a big bite, etc. Muscles of the Pharynx Pharyngeal Constrictors Pharyngeal Constrictors ● Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor ○ Wrap around, start on vertebral column and move to the front to make the top part of your pharynx ● Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor ● Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor ○ Blends into the cricopharyngeus ● Cricopharyngeus ○ Opening to our esophagus ○ Always contracted (always tonic) ● They squeeze the food down from top to bottom ● Don't really use them a ton in english, but do use them a lot for swallowing ○ When we swallow the cricopharyngeus relaxes and opens up ○ When we swallow the pharyngeal constrictors squeeze in order to the cricopharyngeus and then it relaxes and the food goes through to the esophagus Valves of the Vocal Tract ● Labial Valve - /p/ /b/ /m/ lips allowing the air or stop it from coming out of the mouth ● Velopharyngeal - soft palate, open to make nasal sounds ● Lingual Valve - our tongue can manipulate air flow ● Laryngeal Valve - first valve, vocal folds

Articulatory Physiology Source-filter theory & resonance Source Filter Theory of Vowel Production ● Vibrating source that makes the sound - vocal folds ● Space that modifies the sound, filter - vocal tract ○ Pharynx, oral, nasal cavities ● Proposed by Gunnar Fant (1960) and Stevens and House (1961) ○ States that energy from the source is modified by resonance characteristics of the filter (filter = vocal tract) ● sounds can be generated form the vocal folds OR the vocal tract ○ /k/ ○ /s/ ○ /f/ ○ These are not using the vocal folds

Speech Sound Sources ● Sound can be generated from the vocal folds and/or vocal tract ○ /k/ ○ /s/ ○ /f/ ○ These are not using the vocal folds ● Periodic sounds: ○ Generated at the vocal folds (there is voicing) ○ voiced ○ Vowels, diphthongs, semivowels, and nasals ■ Semivowels: liquids and glides

● /r/ /w/ /j/ ? ○ Repeating part is vocal fold vibration ○ Any voiceless sound, is not periodic ● Aperiodic Sounds: ○ Generated along the vocal tract ○ Voiceless stops, frictives, and affricates ○ Affricate = stop + fricative ● Mixed (periodic and aperiodic): ○ Sound generated at vocal folds and along vocal tract ○ Voiced stops, fricatives, and affricates ○ Vocal fold vibration along with noise on the vocal tract ■ Stopping the flow of air, /b/ /d/ /g/, /z/ /v/ /shudg sound/, / ???? / Next QUIZ covers: Consonant physiology Consonants ● Classified by place, manner, and voicing of articulation. ● Place: ○ Bilabial:/p/, /b/, /m/, /w/ ■ Muscles: orbicularis oris, palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus ● Don't care about what muscles make that sound ● Do know what each sound is ○ Labio-dental: /f/, /v/ ■ Muscles: orbicularis oris, masseter, medial pterygoid, temporalis ○ Lingua-dental: /θ/, /ð/ ■ Superior longitudinal, genioglossus, geniohyoid, mylohyoid, digastricus, lateral pterygoid ● Lingua-alveolar: /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /n/, /l/ ○ Muscles: superior longitudinal, genioglossus, transverse, palatoglossus ● Lingua-palatal : /ʤ/, /t∫/, /r/, /∫/, /ʒ/,/ŋ/, /j/ ○ Muscles: superior longitudinal, palatoglossus, transverse, mandibular elevators(masseter,med. pterygoid, temporalis) ● Lingua-velar (soft palate): /k/, /g/, /w/ ○ Muscles: inferior longitudinal, styloglossus, palatoglossus ● Glottal: /h/, / / ● Manner ○ Obstruents (noise-turbulence) ■ Stops - /p,b,t,d,k,g,?/ ■ Fricatives- /f,v,s,z,long s, 3, theta, fish thing, h/ ■ Affricatives - /t∫,ʤ/ ○ Sonorants (resonance)

■ Nasals - /m,n,nj thing/ ■ Glides - /w,j/ ■ Liquids - /l,r/ ● Liquids and glides are also known as semi-vowels ● Voicing Vowel Physiology ● Classifies by tongue height and position in oral cavity ○ Height ■ High ■ Medium ■ Low ○ Position ■ Front ■ Middle ■ Back

Vowel quadrilateral, ee ah oo = /i , a, u/ Vowels ● Muscles involved ○ Superior longitudinal: elevates tongue tip ○ Inferior longitudinal: depresses tongue tip ○ Transverse: narrows tongue ○ Vertical: groove tongue ○ Genioglossus: protrude and retract tongue ○ Hypoglossus: depress tongue body ○ Styloglossus: retract tongue ○ Palatoglossus: elevate posterior tongue Resonance ● Resonance ○ A condition of a vibrating system that is driven by a periodic force at the natural frequency of the system ○ Results in amplification or damping of the frequencies of vocal fold vibration

○ Influenced by the length, shape, size, and openness of the vocal tract ○ A tube open at one end and closed at the other is known as a quarter-wave resonator ○ Can have amplification impact or damping impact ○ Which ones get amplified and damped depends on how our vocal folds are shaped ● Natural Resonance frequency ○ The frequency of sound to which the cavity most effectively responds ○ Based on the length of the vocal tract ● Formant ○ A peak of resonance in the vocal tract;formants are displayed in a wide-band spectrogram as broad bands of energy ○ Odd-number multiples of the natural  resonant frequency, of the vocal tract (NOT vocal folds) ○ If at 100 Hz, first would be 100, second would be 3 times it, at 300, the third would be 5 times it, at 500. ○ Formant Calculations ● Depending on vocal tract shape, we can calculate formant frequencies ● If we assume the vocal tract is 17 cm long, then wavelength will be 4 x 17 = 68 cm ○ Take 4 because our vocal tract is a quarter way resonator ● Then divide wavelength by speed of sound (34000 cm/s) thus 68/34000 = 500 Hz ● If formant frequencies are dd multiples then: ○ F1 = 500 Hz ○ F2 = 1500 Hz ○ F3 = 2500 ● No calculations of formant frequencies on the test Source- Filter Revisited ● The key aspects: ○ Source function = harmonics ○ Transfer function = resonance ○ Output function = what we hear once it leaves the mouth ● Vocal folds is the source

Top part is not important Image: bottom Harmonics, formants, and output (combination of harmonics(up and down), resonance/formants(peaks and valleys) Formants and Vocal Tract Shape ● The values of the formant are dependent on the volume  and length of the oral cavity and pharyngeal cavity ● F1 depends on the volume of the pharyngeal cavity ○ The higher the vowel the lower the formant frequency ○ Biggest is at the /i/ sound that correlates with the lowest first formant value ● F2 is related to the length of the oral cavity ○ Back vowels have a lower F2 and front vowels have a higher F2 ○ /u/ has the lowest value ○ /e/ has the smallest oral cavity, so there is not a lot of free open space, f2 is way higher ● F3 is related to front versus back constriction ● Influenced by the shape of our vocal tract ● Each peak = a formant ● /i/ large, small oral ● /a/ small pharyngeal, big oral ● /u/ large, but not as large as /i/, big in both ● /a/ smallest pharyngeal, first formant is the highest value ● The bigger the pharyngeal cavity, the lower the value of the first format will be ● Bigger the space, the slower frequencies respond better to these ● Lower frequency in big space will vibrate more ● Big space, low vibration ● /a/ ○ Small pharyngeal cavity space ○ First formant is higher...

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