Anatomy Mnemonics PDF

Title Anatomy Mnemonics
Course Medicine
Institution Trinity College Dublin University of Dublin
Pages 7
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Mnemonic for anatomy (Hilary Term)...


Intrinsic Back Muscles *subdivided into three by area of insertion: thoracis, cervicis, capitis† (everything above lumbar) †capitis: Latin for head (think of beheading or decapitation in capital punishment)

Intermediate Layer: Erector Spinae (Lateral to Medial) I Love Spaghet: I = Iliocostalis, L = Longissimus*, S = Spinalis

Deep Layer: Transversospinal Some More Ragu: Best developed in

S = Semispinalis* Neck

M = Multifidus lower back

R = Rotatores thoracic back

Diaphragm Apertures Vena cava (8 letters) = inferior vena cava pierces diaphragm at T8 Oesophagus (10 letters) = pierces diaphragm at T10 Aortic hiatus (12 letters) = pierces diaphragm at T12

Aperture Contents 3 things traversing each of 3 openings vena cava opening: right phrenic nerve, lymph nodes oesophagus hiatus: vagal trunks, left gastric vessels aortic hiatus: thoracic duct, azygous vein

Nerve Supply C-3-4-5 keeps the diaphragm alive

Bronchopulmonary Segments Right Lung Upper Lobe APA: A = Apical, P = Posterior, A = Anterior

Middle Lobe Middle Lobe contains Medial and Lateral segments

Lower Lobe PALMS = Posterior basal + Anterior basal + Lateral basal + Medial basal + Superior

Left Lung Identical to right lung except medial and lateral segments replaced by superior lingular and inferior lingular segments. LingULa = Left Upper Lobe

Bronchi Course Inhale a bite, goes down the right: right bronchus more prone to choking due to its vertical course

Relation of Pulmonary Artery to Bronchi RALS: Right pulmonary arteries are Anterior to right bronchi, Left pulmonary arteries are Superior

Contents of Mediastina Superior PVT Left BATTLE = Phrenic n. + Vagus n. + Thoracic duct + Left recurrent laryngeal n. + Brachiocephalic trunk + Arch of aorta + Trachea + Thymus + Lymph nodes + Esophagus

Posterior There are 4 birds (Which birds? Goose, goose, duck): the esophaGOOSE (esophagus), the vaGOOSE (vagus) nerve, the azyGOOSE (azygos) vein, the thoracic DUCK (duct) DATES = Descending aorta + Azygos and hemiazygos veins + Thoracic duct + Esophagus + Sympathetic trunk

Thoracic Duct Relation The duck between two gooses: thoracic duct is between two gooses, azygos and esophagus

Drainage Its Lymph from the Lower body and Left of the upper body

Contents of Thoracic Plane (T4-T5) CLAPTRAP: C = Cardiac plexus, L = Ligamentum arteriosum, A = Aortic arch (inner concavity), P = Pulmonary trunk, T = Trachea bifurcation, R = Right-to-left course of thoracic duct, A = Azygos vein drains into superior vena cava, P = Pre-vertebral fascia and pre-tracheal fascia end RATPLANT: R = Rib 2, A = Aortic arch, T = Trachea bifurcation, P = Pulmonary trunk, L = Ligamentum arteriosum, A = Azygos vein drains into SVC, N = Nerves (recurrent laryngeals, parasympathetic contributions to cardiac plexus, splanchnic), T = right-to-left movement of Thoracic duct

Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins Left Coronary Artery, Branches of LCA: Left Coronary Artery or Left coronary artery = left Circumflex artery + left Anterior descending artery

Right Coronary Artery, Branches of RPM: Right coronary artery = Posterior interventricular artery + right Marginal artery

Cardiac Veins Small Margin: Small vein drains right Marginal artery Middle schoolers show Public Display of Affection: Middle vein drains Posterior Descending Artery Great LAD: Great vein drains Left Anterior Descending artery CC: Coronary sinus drains left Circumflex artery

Heart Valves Location of Bicuspid and Tricuspid Valves LAB RAT = valve in Left Atrium is Bicuspid, valve in Right Atrium is Tricuspid

Semilunar* Cusps *semilunar valves are on arteries leaving heart, have three cusps (left, right, and…)

APP: Aorta is Posterior to pulmonary trunk ∴ its 3rd cusp is Posterior It follows that: Pulmonary trunk is Anterior to aorta ∴ its 3rd cusp is Anterior

Inguinal Canal Walls MALT (2M, 2A, 2L, 2T)

Superior 2 Muscles = external oblique + transverse abdominus

Anterior 2 Aponeuroses of external and internal obliques

Lateral 2 Ligaments = lacunar + inguinal

Posterior 2 Tendons = conjoint + transversalis fascia

Contents of Spermatic Cord Piles Don’t Contribute To A Good Sex Life Pampiniform plexus + Ductus deferens + Cremaster artery + Testicular artery + Artery of ductus deferens + Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve + Sympathetic nerve fibers + Lymph vessels *Ilioinguinal nerve runs alongside spermatic cord within deep inguinal ring

Layers of Scrotum Some Days Eddie Can Irritate People Very Thoroughly

Skin + Dartos fascia and muscle + External spermatic fascia + Cremasteric fascia + Internal spermatic fascia + Parietal tunica vaginalis + Visceral tunica vaginalis + Tunica albuginea

Borders of Inguinal (Hesselbach) Triangle Direct inguinal hernias are prone to RIP thru the inguinal triangle (medial to superior to inferior) Rectus sheath + Inferior epigastric artery + Poupart’s (inguinal) ligament

Retroperitoneal Organs SAD PUCKER = Suprarenal glands + Aorta + Duodenum (excl. first 2cm) + Pancreas (excl. tail) + Ureters + Colon (excl. transverse) + Kidneys + Esophagus + Rectum

Structures of Hepatoduodenal Ligament DAVE (anterior to posterior) Duct (common bile) + Artery (hepatic) + Vein (portal) + Epiploic foramen

Visceral Liver Ligaments VC goes with VC ligamentum Venosum and Caudate lobe are on the same side as the Vena Cava (superior) ∴ by process of elimination, ligamentum teres and quadrate lobe are on the other side (inferior)

The H

Left vertical stroke (left sagittal fissure) divides right and left lobes Crossbar (transverse fissure) contains porta hepatis Right vertical stroke (right sagittal fossa) divides liver by blood supply (hemi-livers)

Branches of Celiac Trunk LHS (Left Hand Side) = Left gastric artery + common Hepatic artery + Splenic artery

Autonomic Supply to Gut Parasympathetic Vagus = foregut, sacral splanchnic = outflow tract

Sympathetic Greater, lesser, least splanchnic to coeliac, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric ganglion

Kidney Hilum Level L1 goes through the hilum of only one kidney – the Left One

Relation of Structures Vegetarians Avoid Urchins and Abalone (anterior to posterior) Vein (renal) + Artery (renal, first two branches of) + Ureter + Artery (renal, third branch of)

Impressions Anterior

*Do NOT forget ADRENAL impression (on superior pole) Right* Chris Likes 2Dance = Colon + Liver (peritoneal & bare areas) + 2nd stage of Duodenum Left* Jenny Caught Squirrels Stealing Peanuts = Jejunum + Colon + Stomach + Spleen + Pancreas

Posterior† PQRST = Psoas major + Quadratus lumborum + Rib(s) + intercostal Space + Transversus abdominis †PQRST gives order of muscles (medial to lateral) that make impression on inferior pole of kidneys

L4 B4U: Bifurcation of aorta  L4  Umbilicus

Relation of Ureters Water under the bridge = ureters under uterine artery in ♀ (vas deferens in ♂)

Motor Supply of Continence S-2-3-4 keeps the pee and poo off the floor S2-S4 supply external urethral sphincter and puborectalis

Pelvic Floor PiCoLA: Pi = Piriformis, Co = Coccygeus, LA = Levator Ani

Tributaries to Inferior Vena Cava I Like To Rise So High = Iliac + Lumbar + Testicular + Renal + Suprarenal + Hepatic

Branches of Abdominal Aorta Sometimes Intestines Get Really Stretched Causing Leakage Suprarenal + Inferior mesenteric + Gonadal + Renal + Superior mesenteric + Coeliac + Lumbar Canned Soup Really Good In Cups (superior to inferior) Coeliac + Superior mesenteric + Renal + Gonadal + Inferior mesenteric + Common iliacs

Branches of Internal Iliac Artery I Like Going Places In My Very Own Underwear Iliolumbar + Lateral sacral + superior and inferior Gluteal + internal Pudendal + Inferior vesical (uterine in ♀) + Middle rectal + Vaginal + Obturator + Umbilical N.B.: First three branches listed form posterior division of internal iliac artery

Anterior Division Oranges Under Some Ice Might Peel Instantly = Obturator + Uterine & Umbilical + Superior vesical + Inferior vesical + Middle rectal + internal Pudendal + Inferior gluteal

Contents of Broad Ligament BROAD = neurovascular Bundle + Round ligament (of uterus) + Ovarian ligament + Artefacts (i.e., paroophoron, epoophoron) + oviDuct FUR ROPE = Fallopian tube + Uterine n/v + Round ligament of uterus + Round ligament of ovary + Ovarian n/v + Paroophoron + Epoophoron

Position of Uterus and Cervix ANTEflexed and ANTEverted bend towards ANTErior cerVix is retroVerted (NOT anteverted) ∴ uterus is anteflexed

Ejaculatory Path of Sperm (proximal to distal) SEVEn UP Seminiferous tubules + Epididymis + Vas deferens + Ejaculatory duct + nothing + Urethra + Penis

Male Urethral Segments (proximal to distal) Pet My Big Pug = Prostatic + Membranous + Bulbar + Penile

Branches of Plexuses Lumbar Indecent Ian Gets Laid On Fridays Iliohypogastric + Ilioinguinal + Genitofemoral + Lateral femoral cutaneous + Obturator + Femoral

Sacral Six Ps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Nerve to piriformis Perforating cutaneous nerve Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve Parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic nerves Pudendal nerve Perineal branch of pudendal nerve

SLIP DSP = Superior gluteal n. + Lumbosacral trunk + Inferior gluteal n. + Posterior femoral cutaneous n. + Direct branches to lateral rotators and pelvic floor + Sciatic n. + Pudendal n....

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