Angielski Unit 4 (słownictwo + gramatyka) podręcznik English File PDF

Title Angielski Unit 4 (słownictwo + gramatyka) podręcznik English File
Course Pedagogika wczesnoszkolna
Institution Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Pages 13
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Notatki Angielski Unit 4 (słownictwo + gramatyka) podręcznik English File
Weather, risk, conditionals, future . Fakultety jęz. angielski poziom B2 1
Notatki robione jako przygotowanie do testu, obejmują cały rozdział 4 (4A i 4B)
English file intermediate 4th edition. Rok akademick...


4A Weather environmentally friendly - przyjazny dla środowiska put on a jumper rather than turning up the heating- załóż sweter zamiast podkręcać ogrzewanie


- energia fossil fuels - paliwa kopalne coal - węgiel gas - gaz will have installed - będzie zainstalowany solar panels - panele słoneczne wind turbines - turbiny wiatrowe flats - mieszkania generate - generować

waste - odpady/ marnotrastwo plastic bags - plastikowe torby single-use containers - pojemniki jednorazowego użytku takeaway coffe cups disappeared - zniknął

transport low-cost airlines - tanie linie lotnicze

food and water - jedzenie i woda commercially - komercyjnie fresh water - świeża woda running out - kończyć się desalination plants - zakłady odsalania

the weather - pogoda extreme weather heatwaves - fale gorąca hurricanes - huragany floods - powodzie frequent occurrences - częste zdarzenia lack of winter snow - brak zimowego śniegu low-lying beaches - nisko położone plaże be eroding - ulegać erozji desertification - pustynnienie deep river - głęboka rzeka air quality has also declined - jakość powietrza również się pogorszyła rainfall - opad deszczu flooded - zalane climate change - zmiana klimatu


It's cold: 1. It's cool (quite cold - chłodno) 2. It's chilly (unplesantly cold - nieprzyjemnie chłodno) 3. It's freezing (very cold - przeraźliwie chłodno) 4. It' s below zero (- 10 ) It's hot 5. It's mild (pleasant and not cold - przyjemnie i nie zimno) - łagodna pogoda 6. Its warm (a pleasantly high temperature - przyjemnie wysoka temperatura) - ciepło 7. It's boiling/ scorching (unplesaantly hot) - upalnie It's raining / wet 8. It's humid (warm and wet but not raining - ciepło i mokro, ale nie pada) - wilgotno 9. It's damp (cold and slightly wet - zimno i lekko mokro) - wilgotno 10. It's drizzling (raining lightly - lekko pada) - mży 11. There are showers (raining intermittently- przelotne deszcze 12. It's pouring (raining a lot- dużo, bardzo pada) - leje It's windy 13. There's a breeze (a light wind - lekki wiatr) When the weather's foggy (mgliście) or misty, or there's smog, it is difficult to see. Mist (mgła) isn't usually very thick (gęsta), and often occurs in the mountains or near the sea. Fog is thicker, and can be found in towns and in the country. Smog is caused by pollution and usually occurs in big cities. In the north of England and Scotland it will be very cold, with 'strong winds and heavy rain. There will also be thick fog in the hills and near the coast, though it should clear by midday. Driving will be dangerous as the roads will be icy. However, the south of England and the Midlands will have clear skies and it will be bright and sunny, though the temperature will still be quite low. Over the next few days the weather will be changeable, with some showers, but occasional sunny periods. It should become more settled over the weekend. Na północy Anglii i Szkocji będzie bardzo zimno, z silnymi wiatrami i ulewnymi deszczami. Na wzgórzach i w pobliżu wybrzeża będzie gęsta mgła, choć do południa powinna się rozejść. Jazda będzie niebezpieczna, ponieważ drogi będą oblodzone. Jednak południe Anglii i Midlands będą miały czyste niebo i będzie jasno i słonecznie, chociaż temperatura będzie nadal dość niska. W ciągu najbliższych kilku dni pogoda będzie zmienna, z przelotnymi opadami, ale od czasu do czasu będzie słonecznie. W weekend powinno się ustabilizować. 1. Heatwave (fala upałów) - a period of unusually hot weather 2. Drought (susza) - a long, usually hot, dry period when there is little or no rain 3. Hail (Grad) - small balls of ice that fall like 4. Lightning (błyskawica) - flash of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity 5. Thunder (grzmot) - the loud noise that you hear during a storm 6. Blizzard (zamieć) - a snow storm with very strong winds 7. Flood (powódź) - when everything becomes covered with water 8. Hurricane (huragan) - violent storm with very strong winds 9. Monsoon (monsun) - (also cyclone, tornado, typhoon) the season when it rains a lot in southern Asia 2

GRAMA >Present perfect: Budowa: S + HAVE/HAS + III FORMA + O Kiedy używamy? -kiedy robimy coś od jakiegoś czasu, aż do teraz; kiedy mamy jakieś widoczne skutki np. I have come here I have seen U2 twice >Past perfect: Budowa: S + HAD + III FORMA + O Kiedy używamy? -kiedy coś do jakiegoś momentu w przeszłości udało nam się zrobić, osiągnąć np. I had seen U2 twice before I met you >Future perfect: Budowa: S + WILL HAVE + V w III formie + O np. I will have come here... I will have seen U2 twice by the end of the year (zobacze U2 dwa razy do końca tego roku) She will have finished her homework by the time her mother comes back (Ona skończy prace domową zanim wróci jej mama) I will have bought new car by the time I'm 40. "by the time"- przed końcem/do końca jakiegoś momentu w przyszłości "By the end"...of the year, month, week... by this afternoon, middday >Future simple Budowa: S + WILL + V w I formie + O kiedy używamy? - chcemy powiedzieć, że coś zrobimy np. We will rock you! We will rock you? We won't rock you I will clean my room >Future continous - S + WILL BE + Ving + O kiedy używamy? -kiedy chcemy powiedzieć, że coś będziemy robić np. I will be watching you Will I be watching you I won't watching you I will be cleaning my room

Future perfect: he rain will have stopped by this afternoon. Some people think that sea levels will have risen by as much as a metre in 50 years' time. Laura won't have arrived before dinner, so I'll leave some food in the oven for her. When will they have learned enough English to be able to communicate fluently?


• future perfect (will have + past participle) żeby powiedzieć coś się skończy przed określonym czasem w przyszłości. • This tense is frequently used with the time expressions by Saturday / March / 2030, etc., or in two weeks / months, etc. • by + a time expression at the latest. With in, you can say in six months or in six months' time. • We form the negative with won't have + past participle, and make questions by inverting the subject and will / won't.

Future continous: 1 Don't phone between 7.00 and 8.30, as we'll be having dinner then. Good luck with your test tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you. Will you be waiting for me when I get off the train? This time tomorrow, I'll be sitting at a café, drinking a beer. 2 You don't need to get up early. We won't be leaving until about 9.30. I'll be going to the supermarket later. Do you want anything? 1 future continuous (will be + verb + -ing) używamy aby powiedzieć, że akcja będzie w toku w określonym czasie w przyszłości. Porównywać: Come at around 7.30. We' ll have dinner at 8.00. (=we will start dinner at 8.00) and Don't phone between 7.00 and 8.30, as we'll be having dinner. (= at 8.00 we will already have started having dinner) -We sometimes use the future continuous, like the present continuous, to talk about things which are already planned or decided. Future perfect and future continous In 20 years' time... •everyone will be using their own reusable shopping bags, cups, and bottles. • most people will have stopped eating any animal product and will be following a vegan diet. • all private swimming pools and golf courses will have been banned. • people will be having more holidays in their own country and fewer abroad. • car companies will only be selling electric cars. • most people in office jobs will be working from home. Za 20 lat... • każdy będzie używał własnych toreb na zakupy, kubków i butelek wielokrotnego użytku. • większość ludzi przestanie jeść jakiekolwiek produkty pochodzenia zwierzęcego i przejdzie na dietę wegańską. • wszystkie prywatne baseny i pola golfowe zostaną zakazane. • ludzie będą mieli więcej wakacji we własnym kraju, a mniej za granicą. • firmy samochodowe będą sprzedawać wyłącznie samochody elektryczne. • większość osób na stanowiskach biurowych będzie pracować w domu. -The rain wille have stopped by this afternoon. Some people


1. Sonia is usually at the gym between 6.30 and 7.30. There's no point phoning Sonia now. It's seven o'clock and she' ll be working out at the gym. (work out) 2. The flight to Geneva takes off at 9.00 and lands at 10.30. At ten o'clock, they 'll be flying to Geneva. (fly) 3. I usually save €200 a month. By the end of the year, I 'll have saved €2.400. (save) 4. Rebecca leaves at 6.30. It takes her an hour to get to work. At seven o'clock tomorrow, she 'll be driving to work. (drive) 5. The meeting starts at 2.00 and finishes at 3.30. Don't call me at half past two, because we 'll be having a meeting. (have) 6. Sam is paying for his car. The last payment is in May. By June, he 'll have paid (pay) 7. Their last exam is on 31st May. By the end of May, they 'll have finished their exams. (finish) 8. She writes a chapter of her novel a week. This week she's on chapter five. By the end of this week, she 'll have written five chapters. (write) for his car. Well, they say we 'll be having (have) much higher temperatures here in London, as high as 40 degrees! And remember, we won't be lying (not lie) on the beach - we 'll be working (work) in 40 degrees, which is quite different. And islands like the Maldives will have disappeared (disappear) by the end of this century because of the rise in the sea level. They say the number of storms and tsunamis will have doubled (double) by 2050, so even more people then, looking for work. Big cities will have grown even larger by then. Can you imagine the traffic? I don't think there'll be a problem with the traffic. Petrol will have run out (run out) completely by then anyway, so nobody will have a car. Someone will have invented (invent) a new method of transport, so we'll be getting (get) around in flying taxis or something.

definitely - zdecydowanie probably - prawdopodobnie likely - prawdopodobne unlikely - mało prawdopodobne Często używamy czasownika + definitely or probably, and be likely / unlikely + to + bezokolicznik when talking about the future, especially when we are making predictions (dokonujemy przewidywań) I think... it'll definitely happen. it's (very) likely to happen. it'll probably happen. it probably won't happen. it's (very) unlikely to happen. it definitely won't happen.


4B A risky business having cosmetic surgery - mieć operacje plastyczną cycling in your city - jazda na rowerze w twoim mieście smoking - palenie eating street food when you're travelling buying a second-hand car walking in the hills - chodzenie po wzgórzach online dating telling a lie on your CV a risk-taker - osoba biorąca ryzyko cycle lanes - ścieżki rowerowe stalls- stajnie adrenaline junkie- osoba uzależniona od adrenaliny as soon as- jak tylko unless - Jeżeli nie (if not, zastępue np.) np. If you don't get an invitation, you can't come to the party Unless you get the invitation, you cant' come to the party. as far as - tak daleko jak/ aż do as far as i know- z tego co mi wiadomo as far as i'm concerned- jeśli o mnie chodzi and above all - i ponad wszystko/ nade wszystko such an amazing - takie niesamowite short time ago- niedawno worth it - warto było it was worth it in the end- w końcu było warto First af all - Przede wszystkim in an ideal world - W idealnym świecie

wingsuit flying- latający kombinezon bungee jumping - skoki na bungee skydiving - spadochroniarstwo parachuted - spadochroniarstwo parachutes - spadachrony paragliding - paralotnistwo the percentage of female climbers- odsetek kobiet alpinistek deadly extreme sports - śmiertelne sporty ekstremalne Taft Point (very high granite rock in California) - Taft Point (bardzo wysoka skała granitowa w Kalifornii) GoPro (compact action camera capable of taking photos in extreme conditions) - kompaktowa kamera sportowa zdolna do robienia zdjęć w ekstremalnych warunkach leap from the top of the mountain - skok ze szczutu góry spread their wings to fly down - rozpościerają skrzydła, by lecieć w dół cliff edges - krawędzie klifu drift down to land - dryfować na ląd booming - kwitnie (np. extreme sports are booming) glaciers- lodowce 6

has rocketed - wystrzelił paragliding business - paralotniarska firma jumped off - zeskoczył skydive - skok spadochronowy blidfolded - z zawiązanymi oczyma skydiving without a parachute into a giant net - skok spadochronowy bez spadochronu w gigantyczną siatkę opponents - przeciwnicy "perhaps getting better means becoming more elegant"- być może stawanie się lepszym oznacza stawanie się bardziej eleganckim often - często risks - ryzyko taking part - brać udział 1. I take after my dad - we're both sports-mad (kochamy sporty) 2. I think it's becaouse I love taking risks; I love the adrenaline rush (przypływ adrenaliny) 3. I think more and more people are taking part in extreme sports... Expressions with take 1. My neighbour takes care of my son while I'm at work. (opiekuje się) 2. You should take advantage of that job offer. It's a great opportunity. (skorzystać) 3. The concert will take place on 6th March. (odbędzie się) 4. You don't need to hurry Take your time (nie spiesz się) 5. As regards evaluation, coursework is taken into account , as well as exam results. (jest brany pod uwagę) 6. Take no notice of my brother. He's just being annoying. (nie zwracaj uwagi) 7. The dog looked so hungry that I took pity on it, and gave it some of my food. (zlitowałem się na dnim) take pity- litować się Phrasal verbs with take 8. Take your jacket off - it's hot in here. The flight will take off in about 20 minutes. (zdejmij kurtkę) 9. I'd love to take up snowboarding - it sounds really exciting. (zająć się) 10. My boyfriend's little sister has really taken to me - she always wants to play with me. (zbliżyła się?) 11. I don't know why Mum has suddenly taken against the neighbours. She always used to like them. (nagle wystąpiła przeciwko) 12. Jonas is taking me out for dinner tonight. He's booked a great new restaurant. Please take the rubbish out. It's beginning to smell. 1. Who do you take often more, your father or mother? (częściej zabierasz) 2. Do you take care of yourself, or you quite laid-back about your health? (dbasz o siebie) 3. Have you ever not taken adventage of a good opportunity and then regretted it? (nie wykorzytsac okazji)


4. Has any big sporting event ever taken place in your (nearest big) city? Did you go to it? (miało miejsce) 5. Do you sometimes get annoyed by little things that people do, or do you take no notice? What kinds of things? (nie zauważasz) 1. Do you get up very quickly in the morning or do you take your time? (nie spieszysz się) 2. Have you taken up a new sport or hobby recently, or is there one you would like to take up ? (zająłeś się) 3. If you were thinking of buying a new phone, what factors would you take into account? (brać pod uwagę) 4.What things might make you take to or against someone when you meet them for the first time? 5. Who takes the rubbish out in your house, youor someone else? (wywozi) Giving exemples: We often use for example or for instance, to give examples. I usually get up quickly, but sometimes I take my time, for example / for instance, at the weekend. Glossary (słowniczek) surfboard a long narrow piece of hard material that you stand on to surf (also body-, a short, light board that you ride iying on your front) (deska surfingowa) wipe out to fall, especially when doing a sport such as surfing or skiing

GRAMA Zero and first conditional, future time clauses (with all present and future forms):

>Zero conditional (Zdania, które są zawsze prawdziwe 100%; czynności, które są cykliczne i się powtarzają) IF/WHEN + PRESENT SIMPLE + PRESENT SIMPLE -Jeśli nie jesz, umierasz (zawsze to jest prawda ;) -If you don't eat, you die. -If ice melts, it becomes water -Jeśli podgrzejesz wodę do 100, zagotuje się. -If/When you heat water to 100, it boils *If można zastępywać When -Jeśli pogoda jest dobra, jestem szczęśliwa -If the weather is good, I'm happy. *jeśli zdanie zaczyna się od if/when jest w zdaniu przecinek! -You need to do some exercise if you want to be fit. !!! Można też użyć present continous lub present perfect pod dowolnym warunkiem np. -If people are wearing (present countinous) headphones in the street, they often don't notice other people. -If you haven't been to New York, you haven't lived. (present perfect)


>First conditional (Duże prawdopodobieństwo spełnienia warunku, zaczyna się w teraźniejszości a rezultat jest w przyszłości) IF + PRESENT SIMPLE + FUTURE SIMPLE - If I study, I will pass the exam Present Future -If the weather is nice, we will go to the cinema -We will go to the cinema if the weather is nice -It won't work if you don't check this.

*można zamieniać strony

*Will można zastępywać may, might, could Możesz użyć dowolnej formy teraźniejszej w zdaniu if (present simple, continous, perfect) i dowolnej formy przyszłej. (will, going to, future perfect, future continuous) lub trybu rozkazującego w drugim zdaniu np.: -If the photos are good, I'll send them to you. -If you're not going to Jason's party, I'm not going to go either. - If I haven't come back by 9.00, start dinner without me. (tryb rozkazujący, dlatego nie ma will) -I'll have finished in an hour if you don't disturb me.

Future time clauses (jak zrobię coś, to zrobię coś innego) -zdania czasowe (podrzędne okolicznikowe czasu przyszłego) Zawierają różne spójniki i wyrażają przyszłość, ale nie w całości są napisane w czasie przyszłym np. When I come back home, I will call you. *oba zdania są tłumaczone jako czas przyszły Present Simple Future Simple Spójniki: If




As soon as




Next time

PO TYCH SPÓJNIKACH JEST CZAS Present Simple NIE ma w nich will Will jest w drugim zdaniu Present Simple+Future Simple -After I get your e-mail, I'll call you. (Po tym jak dostanę towjego maila, zadzwonię do Ciebie) -Once I eat, I will go to work (Gdy tylko zjem, pójdę do pracy) -As I come, I will let you know (Kiedy przyjdę, dam Ci znać) -Before I eat, I will have a shower (Zanim zjem, wezmę prysznic) -Until you try, you'll never know (Dopóki niespróbujesz, nigdy nie będziesz wiedział) -If you are lucky, you will win the lottery (Jeśli będziesz mieć szczęście, wygrasz na loterii) *Może być tak, że zamiast Present Simple użyjesz innego czasu teraźniejszego Present Perfect oznacza to, że dana czynność wystąpi wtedy, kiedy inna zostanie zakończona) np. When I have finished my work, I will go home. We will contact you, when we have made our decision.


Future time clauses są podobne do klauzuli if w pierwszych zdaniach warunkowych, ale zamiast if używamy wyrażeń takich jak: as soon as, when, until, until, before, after oraz in case po których następuje teraźniejszość (nie przyszłość) Może to być dowolny czas teraźniejszy: present simple, present continuous, present perfect. A w drugim zdaniu może być dowolny czas przyszły lub tryb rozkazujący! -I'll be ready as soon as I've had a cup of coffee. -Send me a message when your train's coming into the station. -I'm not going to buy the new model until the price has gone down a bit. -I'm not going to work overtime this weekend unless I get paid for it. -Take your umbrella in case it's raining when you leave work. A TIME EXPRESSION: after- po as soon as- jak tylko before- przed after- po if- jeśli in case- w razie / na wypadek unless- Jeżeli nie/chyba, że until -dopóki/do momentu when- gdy, kiedy

*Po tych słowach nie ma will!!!

I'll call you my plane lands. 1 I'm going to pack my suitcase before I go to bed. 2 Take your phone with you in case you get lost. 3 I'll be leaving work early tomorrow unless there's a last-minute crisis. 4 Let's meet when I'm in London next week. 5 There's a crisis! Please call me as soon as you possibly can. 6 If I'm late tomorrow, start the meeting without me. (tryb rozkazujący) 7 Lily will have packed some sandwichesin in case we get hungry. 8 Dan will be playing football in the park until it gets dark. Then he'll go home. 9 L...

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