Animal cruelty - Grade: A PDF

Title Animal cruelty - Grade: A
Author Isabela Lopez
Course English literature and composition
Institution High School - USA
Pages 1
File Size 42.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Esssay written about animal cruelty...


There are millions of them, roaming the streets of the richest and poorest countries on Earth. Mistreated, weak, and hungry they fight for survival, and unable to speak demonstrate their sorrow through their eyes. Some even without a shelter, without an owner, and without the ability to witness love from anybody, have hope for a better day. Others endure brutal acts by their owners who only see them as property and not as the loyal companions that they really are. Attacking or ignoring a living creature that cannot stand up for itself is the worst thing we can do as the civilized humans we claim to be. As babies we are given everything, from food to care to love, because we are completely dependent on our parents being that we can't walk nor talk. We are not expected to pay for our expenses or bring in anything else other than joy to our families because we are physically and mentally unable to do so. With animals it is the exact same thing because these creatures are bearly able to survive without the care of human beings and are meant to bring happinness and companionship to our daily lives. One would think that only a soulless human being would be able to hurt a defenseless creature, and yet atrocities toward animals occur every single day in every part of the world. How is it possible that someone in Malta was capable of shooting 40 times,and burying alive a dog named Star? How is it possible that this person felt no compassion while hearing this dog whimpering as it was barely being able to breath? But the real question here is, how is it possible that this person only has to face a year sentence for committing this atrocity? It is almost impossible to understand a baby's cry but it is inevitably associated with pain or discomfort. A baby cannot complain if there is an injustice or accuse anyone of any abuse. They are helpless and deserve respect even if they cannot do anything for us or even for themselves. Animals are helpless and dependent on us as well, creating a responsibility that we should not neglect nor violate by cruelty. Laws have been made and reinforced to protect these defenseless creatures, but there is still a great amount of injustice that surround these laws, and people who get away with committing the cold-blooded crimes that are many times only seen as misdemeanor offences. Animal cruelty has sadly increased as the years go by, and as much as laws claim to protect animals they are not given the right amount of importance as they should. Philosopher Mhatma Gandhi once stated that "the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated", and I couldn't agree more. Maybe animal cruelty opposition cannot be nations' first priority but it still deserves a significant amount of consideration in order to live in a more compassionate world....

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