Ans Practice Quiz on fossil fuels- sent PDF

Title Ans Practice Quiz on fossil fuels- sent
Author Akasha Diyunuge
Course Global Warming
Institution St. John's University
Pages 13
File Size 194.5 KB
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Ans Practice Quiz on fossil fuels 1. Which of the following is the most cleanly burning fossil fuel available, producing the least carbon dioxide per unit of energy released? A) coal B) kerosene C) natural gas D) nuclear energy E) petroleum Answer: C

2. Which of the following energy sources is considered nonrenewable? A) fossil fuel energy B) solar energy C) geothermal energy D) tidal energy E) wind energy Answer: A

3. Solar radiation makes several other energy sources possible, including ________. A) wind energy B) tidal energy C) geothermal energy D) hydrothermal energy E) nuclear energy Answer: A

4. Which country leads the world in coal production and consumption by extracting and consuming approximately half of the world's annual coal yield? A) United States B) Russia

C) Canada D) China E) India Answer: D 5. What happens at an oil refinery? A) Oil is heated to high temperatures to evaporate off harmful impurities such as radon. B) Oil is microfiltered to remove small dirt and rock particles. C) Oil is made more viscous by evaporating off most of the water. D) Oil is separated into its component compounds. E) Oil is turned into a cleaner-burning material called synfuel. Answer: D 6. Instead of only generating more electricity, rising energy demands may also be met by ________. A) switching from natural gas to coal B) switching from coal and natural gas to windmills and solar technologies C) increasing the efficiency of energy consumption D) using more nuclear power instead of fossil fuels E) building more coal-burning power plants Answer: C 7. Crude oil is ________. A) composed of three different hydrocarbon molecules B) usable in its raw form C) formed less than 100 yards below the surface; in deeper places with more pressure, coal is formed D) formed in a wide range of temperature and pressure circumstances E) refined to separate the chemicals used for gasoline, lubricants, plastics, and other products Answer: E 8. Natural gas ________. A) consists primarily of octane B) can be extracted via hydrofracking

C) was discovered by M. King Hubbert in 1885 D) will be depleted by 2030 at current usage rates E) is transported primarily by truck and rail Answer: B 9. The various classes of coal have been exposed to high heat and pressure for different periods of time. Which of the following lists in order the classes of coal from lowest to highest energy content? A) lignite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, anthracite B) lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous, anthracite C) lignite, anthracite, sub-bituminous, bituminous D) sub-bituminous, bituminous, lignite, anthracite E) anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, lignite Answer: B 10. The Keystone XL pipeline ________. A) carries petroleum from northern Alaska to the Gulf of Alaska B) carries natural gas from gas fields near Keystone, South Dakota, to the eastern United States C) was a hotly debated pipeline that would have carried petroleum from Canada to the southern United States D) was a hotly debated oil pipeline that would have passed through Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona E) would have allowed Canada to import more oil from Brazil Answer: C 11. The oil spill resulting from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster ________. A) is considered a minor incident compared to other oil spills B) is the largest accidental oil spill in world history C) resulted in a permanent ban on all offshore drilling in U.S. coastal waters D) eclipsed all non-point oil spills by 500% E) was quickly cleaned up, preventing loss of wildlife and damage to fisheries along the Gulf Coast Answer: B 12. Energy conservation in the United States ________.

A) can be accomplished only through changes in technological efficiencies B) is unlikely to ever occur C) can be accomplished by changes in tax laws D) becomes more difficult during times of war E) can be achieved through personal actions and more efficient technologies Answer: E 13. Energy can be conserved by ________. A) using heat from a power plant to heat nearby homes B) using cogeneration in automobiles, especially in SUVs C) replacing compact florescent with tungsten bulbs D) replacing mass transit with more and larger roads for cars and trucks E) repealing the law of entropy Answer: A 14. What is the current status of offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean? A) Although open waters are now making offshore drilling more feasible, weather conditions have thus far hampered efforts to pursue offshore drilling there. B) Melting sea ice has allowed many companies to successfully drill for oil in waters that were previously off-limits because of icebergs and a solid layer of sea ice. C) An international treaty similar to the one protecting Antarctica has been ratified by 184 nations. This treaty bans oil development and other ecologically detrimental activities in the open waters of the Arctic Ocean. D) Canada, Russia, Denmark, Norway, and the U.S. have exclusive rights to all offshore drilling in the Arctic Ocean, although these countries may sell drilling rights to other countries as they see fit. E) There has been a moratorium on new offshore drilling projects in the Arctic Ocean as a result of the BP accident in the Gulf of Mexico. Answer: A 15. Which of the following would be put at risk by the Keystone XL pipeline? A) Lake Michigan B) Yellowstone National Park C) the Nebraska Sandhills D) the American bison

E) the Ogallala Aquifer Answer: E 16. In the United States, the energy source used predominantly for the production of electricity is ________. A) water power B) nuclear power C) coal D) natural gas E) renewable energy Answer: C 17. The U.S. imports more oil from ________ than from any other nation. A) OPEC nations B) Canada C) Venezuela D) Saudi Arabia E) Iraq Answer: B 18. Natural gas is primarily composed of ________. A) methane B) oxygen C) nitrite D) nitrogen E) sulfur dioxide Answer: A 19. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of eminent domain? A) The United States government pays subsidies to the fossil fuel industry despite the negative environmental impacts of fossil fuel use. B) Settlers in the Oklahoma Territory were allowed to claim land during the land rush. C) Residents of the Chicago area who were in the proposed path of Interstate 355 were forced to sell their homes and move when the interstate was built.

D) The transportation sector has shifted away from using coal as an energy source and now relies almost entirely on oil. E) The conversion of landscapes is an inescapable effect of our reliance on fossil fuels. Answer: C 20. When assessing energy resources, it is helpful to use a measure called EROI, which is ________. A) energy returned minus energy invested B) energy returned plus energy invested C) amount of energy invested minus heat released into the environment D) money invested in extraction and processing minus income from sales E) energy returned divided by energy invested Answer: E

21. The EROI (energy returned on investment) ratio is calculated as a. Energy invested/Energy returned. b. Energy invested × Energy returned. c. Energy returned/Energy invested. d. Energy returned × Energy invested

22. _____ contains the most proven reserves of oil in the world, while _____ consumes the most. a) Mexico; Japan b) Kuwait; France c) Venezuela; the United States d) The United States; the United States

23. Which of the following is NOT considered an unconventional fossil fuel? a) Methane hydrate b) Oil shale c) Oil sands d) Coal

24. What is mountaintop removal? a) The tops of mountains are removed while drilling for oil. b) The tops of mountains are removed while mining for coal. c) Mountaintops are deforested to access natural gas sites. d) There is no such thing as removing a mountain’s top.

25. How are oil sands extracted? a) By strip mining b) By drilling c) By burning d) By mountaintop removal

26. It is estimated that we have already depleted _____ of our conventional oil reserves. a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 100%

27. Carbon capture and storage is attempting to prevent which environmental impact of fossil fuel use? a) Formation of photochemical smog b) Water pollution c) Toxic sludge pools d) Global climate change

28. According to this graph, which area has already peaked in oil production?

a) Polar oil b) Deep-water oil c) Lower 48 U.S. states d) None of them are correct.

29. Which fossil fuel was formed from dense, woody material, and has the greatest reserves-toproduction (R/P) estimate? a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas

30. Which fossil fuel is a mixture of hydrocarbons that must be separated before they can be individually used as different fuels? a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas 31. What “unconventional” fossil fuel is being extracted in Alberta, Canada, and shipped into the United States through the Keystone pipeline? a. Methane hydrates

b. Shale oil c. Oil sands 32. What extraction technology pumps chemically treated water under high pressure into layers of rock to crack them, releasing methane? a.Directional drilling b.Oil sands c.Hydraulic fracturing d. Mountaintop removal

33. Which fossil fuel can escape during transportation, enter the atmosphere, and directly become a greenhouse gas? a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas

34. As a result of the 1970s energy crisis, where does the United States now import most of its oil from? a. Canada b. Saudi Arabia c. Mexico d. OPEC Nations

35. Which of these does not accurately describe changes in U.S. energy use since 1970? a. Per capita energy use has decreased. b. Energy intensity has decreased. c. Energy efficiency has decreased. d. All of these changes have taken place since 1970.

36. The EROI (energy returned on investment) ratio is calculated as a) Energy invested/Energy returned.

b) Energy invested × Energy returned. c) Energy returned/Energy invested. d) Energy returned × Energy invested.

37. _____ contains the most proven reserves of oil in the world, while _____ consumes the most. a) Mexico; Japan b) Kuwait; France c) Venezuela; the United States d) The United States; the United States 38. Which of the following is NOT considered an unconventional fossil fuel? a) Methane hydrate b) Oil shale c) Oil sands d) Coal 39. What is mountaintop removal? a) The tops of mountains are removed while drilling for oil. b) The tops of mountains are removed while mining for coal. c) Mountaintops are deforested to access natural gas sites. d) There is no such thing as removing a mountain’s top. 40. How are oil sands extracted? a) By strip mining b) By drilling c) By burning d) By mountaintop removal 41. It is estimated that we have already depleted _____ of our conventional oil reserves. a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 100%

42. Carbon capture and storage is attempting to prevent which environmental impact of fossil fuel use? a) Formation of photochemical smog b) Water pollution c) Toxic sludge pools d) Global climate change

43. According to this graph, what has happened to average fuel efficiency since 2005?

a. Cars have lower fuel efficiency


b. Trucks have the same fuel efficiency. c. Both types of vehicles have higher fuel efficiency. d. No consistent pattern is evident

44. Which fossil fuel was formed from dense, woody material, and has the greatest reserves-toproduction (R/P) estimate? a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas 45. Which fossil fuel is a mixture of hydrocarbons that must be separated before they can be individually used as different fuels? a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas 46. What “unconventional” fossil fuel is being extracted in Alberta, Canada, and shipped into the United States through the Keystone pipeline?

a. Methane hydrates b. Shale oil c. Oil sands 47. What extraction technology pumps chemically treated water under high pressure into layers of rock to crack them, releasing methane? a) Directional drilling b) Oil sands c) Hydraulic fracturing d) Mountaintop removal 48. Which fossil fuel can escape during transportation, enter the atmosphere, and directly become a greenhouse gas? a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas 49. As a result of the 1970s energy crisis, where does the United States now import most of its oil from? a) Canada b. Saudi Arabia c. Mexico d. OPEC Nations 50. Which of these does not accurately describe changes in U.S. energy use since 1970? a. Per capita energy use has decreased. b. Energy intensity has decreased. C. Energy efficiency has decreased. d. All of these changes have taken place since 1970...

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