answers to a communication quiz PDF

Title answers to a communication quiz
Course Interpersonal Communication
Institution Brock University
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answers to a quiz...


Which factor contributed most to the collapse of regimes such as those in the Soviet Union?

A. ineffective security forces

B. a lack of sustained public support

C. deviation from true Marxist ideology

D. lack of decisive policy making by government officials

Answer Key: B Question 2 of 100 1.0 Points What is one way in which television influenced the 1960s civil-rights movement that print and radio did not?

A. Television pundits advocated for non-violent resistance.

B. Television directly communicated commentators’ opinions.

C. Television showed police attacking peaceful demonstrators.

D. Television allowed news anchors to editorialize about the events.

Answer Key: C Question 3 of 100 1.0 Points Andrew Jackson’s 1828 victory over John Quincy Adams is widely considered to be __________.

A. one of the dirtiest media campaigns in history

B. a model for the positive use of the media in campaigning

C. a product of wealthy backers paying for expense advertisements

D. an example of how establishment candidates fail to use the media effectively

Answer Key: A Question 4 of 100

1.0 Points Outside of the elite media, most news organizations are wary of too much investigative reporting for fear of lawsuits.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key: A Question 5 of 100 1.0 Points The 1964 New York Times versus Sullivan case made it easy for public figures to sue media organizations for libel. This was a great blow in the fight against corruption.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key: B Question 6 of 100 1.0 Points Lower levels of education, along with corresponding lower incomes, reduce the likelihood that people will __________.

A. have democratic values

B. hold populist views

C. have low political efficacy

D. vote

Answer Key: D Question 7 of 100 1.0 Points Which of the following is the strongest source of political socialization?

A. school

B. peer groups

C. mass media

D. family

Answer Key: D Question 8 of 100 1.0 Points Which of these forms of media tend to be the most partisan?

A. blogs

B. online newspapers

C. radio news reports

D. television

Answer Key: A Question 9 of 100 1.0 Points What is one advantage of social media that is not shared by television or print media?

A. The Internet reaches a wider demographic spectrum.

B. Blogs can recycle content from the Associated Press.

C. The Internet often catches stories the mass media overlooks.

D. It is easier to get people to read an in-depth story when it is presented online.

Answer Key: C Question 10 of 100 1.0 Points News framing is a way of simplifying complicated phenomena.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key: A Question 11 of 100 1.0 Points How do published exit polls affect the outcome of presidential elections in the United States?

A. They have not been shown to have any impact.

B. They have been shown to significantly influence undecided voters.

C. They had a significant impact, which is why publishing exit polls are now illegal.

D. They have led to lower voter turnout, since people already know who is likely to win.

Answer Key: A Question 12 of 100 1.0 Points What is one reason that distrusting the government can be a good thing?

A. Skeptical citizens are more likely than trusting citizens to run prosperous businesses.

B. Skeptical citizens are more likely than trusting citizens to vote in midterm elections.

C. Skeptical citizens are more likely than trusting citizens to notice and oppose

government corruption.

D. Skeptical citizens are more likely than trusting citizens to hold moderate political views.

Answer Key: C Question 13 of 100 1.0 Points The work of Karl W. Deutsch demonstrated that __________.

A. policy makers are more influenced by opinion polls than they admit

B. the political system and the communication system parallel each other

C. free media tends to hurt establishment candidates more than help them

D. elites understand the role of the media better than the general public does

Answer Key: B Question 14 of 100 1.0 Points In terms of their political subculture, African-Americans tend to be __________ and __________ than white Americans.

A. less affluent; more liberal

B. less affluent; more conservative

C. more affluent; more liberal

D. more affluent; more conservative

Answer Key: A Question 15 of 100 1.0 Points Which of these is a difference between newspapers and blogs?

A. Newspapers have less impact than blogs.

B. Blogs offer more verified data than newspapers.

C. Newspapers offer more objective coverage than blogs.

D. Blogs are more likely to include lengthy investigative reporting pieces.

Answer Key: C Question 16 of 100 1.0 Points How has the content of local newspapers changed over the past few decades?

A. It has become less editorial.

B. It has become less biased and more objective in its reporting.

C. It has moved from politics and world affairs to more human-interest stories.

D. It has moved away from reliance on national news organizations like the Associated Press.

Answer Key: C Question 17 of 100 1.0 Points An oligopoly occurs when __________.

A. a single person owns and controls an entire industry

B. the government owns and controls an entire industry

C. a single corporation owns and controls an entire industry

D. a small number of corporations own and control an entire industry

Answer Key: D Question 18 of 100 1.0 Points What is one direct consequence of people demanding their “rights” in the absence of a corresponding sense of responsibility?

A. Demands placed on government become impossible to meet.

B. Disgruntled voters start dangerous, extremist political movements.

C. Voters stop attending church regularly.

D. Membership in the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts increases dramatically.

Answer Key: A Question 19 of 100 1.0 Points Almond described the "attentive public" as an intermediary between media messaging and the masses.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key: A Question 20 of 100 1.0 Points Which of the following is a largely unmined source of important news stories?

A. exit polls

B. blog posts

C. the federal bureaucracy

D. congressional press secretaries

Answer Key: C Question 21 of 100 1.0 Points Television media tends to fixate on Congress and ignore the Presidency.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key: B Question 22 of 100 1.0 Points Which of the following individuals would most likely be a member of Nixon’s “silent majority” in the late 1960s?

A. a Republican attending church in Oklahoma

B. a student protesting the Vietnam War in D.C.

C. a hippie buying LSD in San Francisco

D. a musician performing political songs in New York City

Answer Key: A Question 23 of 100 1.0 Points How does political competence compare with political efficacy?

A. Political competence is concerned with knowing how to have a political impact, whereas political efficacy is concerned with feeling one has at least some power to have such a political impact.

B. Political competence is concerned with knowing why political events occur, whereas political efficacy is concerned with feeling one has at least some power to have a political impact.

C. Political competence is concerned with being able to pass a citizenship test about national history, whereas political efficacy is concerned with making sure no one in

society feels powerless.

D. Political competence is concerned with knowing those who have a political impact, whereas political efficacy is concerned with feeling one has at least some power to have a political impact.

Answer Key: A Question 24 of 100 1.0 Points A poll’s margin of error will increase by __________.

A. decreasing the sample size

B. decreasing the number of questions

C. polling an equal number of men and women

D. supplementing the poll with a focus group

Answer Key: A Question 25 of 100 1.0 Points Media ownership in the US used to be characterized by oligopoly but strong anti-trust laws have

broken up most corporations into smaller competing businesses.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key: B Question 26 of 100 1.0 Points Polls designed to influence respondents’ opinions are known as __________ polls.

A. anecdotal

B. focus

C. push

D. salience

Answer Key: C Question 27 of 100

1.0 Points The Associated Press and the United Press International are still in close competition with each other for dominance among wire services.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key: B Question 28 of 100 1.0 Points Which of the following is a consequence of structural bias in the U.S. mass media?

A. News coverage critical of government is decreasing.

B. People are less likely to pay attention to political news.

C. Conventional media are being replaced by Internet sources.

D. Policy problems tend to be ignored until they reach a crisis point.

Answer Key: D Question 29 of 100 1.0 Points One plausible explanation for Quebec’s desire for separation from Canada is that __________.

A. bilingualism and multiculturalism can lead to national fragmentation

B. mainstream culture is inherently shallow and inferior

C. nations need one national language for true patriotism to take hold

D. the Quebecois became far too liberal to fit in with the rest of Canada

Answer Key: A Question 30 of 100 1.0 Points Which of the following contributed to citizens’ declining trust in the U.S. government.

A. The Vietnam War

B. Watergate

C. Inflation

D. All of them

Answer Key: D Question 31 of 100 1.0 Points In 2012, which of the following events led to years of Congressional investigations?

A. a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya

B. then-Senator Obama’s intention to campaign for the presidency

C. the Bush administration’s termination of liberal-leaning attorneys

D. a scandal concerning corruption among private contractors in Iraq

Answer Key: A Question 32 of 100 1.0 Points

Despite their lack of natural resources, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have experienced high economic growth thanks to their __________.

A. cultural focus on rugged individualism

B. work ethic and willingness to trust one another

C. universal higher education programs

D. religious convictions

Answer Key: B Question 33 of 100 1.0 Points The fact that most Americans turned against the Iraq War after learning that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction (WMD) illustrates __________.

A. that public opinion is often based on misinformation

B. how strongly public opinion shapes government policy

C. the fact that public opinion rarely influences government policy

D. the limitations on government’s ability to create the public opinion it desires

Answer Key: D Question 34 of 100 1.0 Points Which statement about social media in China is accurate?

A. Most Chinese have no interest in social media despite its widespread availability.

B. The Chinese government announced plans to allow access to social media starting in 2016.

C. Nearly all Chinese are unwilling to use social media because of its origin as a Western form of communication.

D. Millions of Chinese use social media despite the Chinese government’s efforts to crack down on those who use it to criticize the government.

Answer Key: D Question 35 of 100 1.0 Points Which statement can explain why a public opinion poll taken in 2006 found that large numbers of Americans still believed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and significant links to Al Qaeda?

A. The poll was deliberately constructed to make Americans look uninformed.

B. People often hold onto impressions even after the facts have been shown to them.

C. Americans knew that the weapons of mass destruction would eventually be found.

D. The polling sample included a disproportionate number of people who supported the Iraq War in 2002.

Answer Key: B Question 36 of 100 1.0 Points A person’s dedication to her organic vegetable garden would not be considered part of public opinion but her __________ would be.

A. crop output

B. eating habits

C. views on food industry

D. activities at the farmer’s market

Answer Key: C Question 37 of 100 1.0 Points Which statement explains why public opinion is an important consideration for both democratic and authoritarian governments?

A. Public opinion provides leaders with smart policy ideas.

B. Manipulating public opinion is necessary to maintain social control.

C. Every society needs to have uniformity of public opinion to remain strong.

D. Strong public dissent can lead to an electoral defeat or the collapse of the regime.

Answer Key: D Question 38 of 100 1.0 Points Which statement explains why the publication of the Pentagon Papers in the New York Times was significant for the relationship between media and the government?

A. It led to an immediate reversal in defense policy.

B. It was the first instance of the media openly challenging government policy.

C. It created a more adversarial relationship between reporters and public officials.

D. It showed the government’s disregard for content published in the mainstream media.

Answer Key: C Question 39 of 100 1.0 Points According to Theodor _______, a high score on his F-Scale personality test indicates potentially fascist or authoritarian tendencies.

A. Roosevelt

B. Dreisler

C. Adorno

D. Milgram

Answer Key: C Question 40 of 100 1.0 Points The 1959 and 1960 surveys of 1,000 people in five countries conducted by Almond and Verba uncovered two political cultures. they characterized as participant. Which were these

A. the US and England

B. Argentina and Mexico

C. Germany and the US

D. None of the options

Answer Key: A Question 41 of 100 1.0 Points Who is most likely to feel threatened by a blog published by a dissident writer?

A. an unelected ruler

B. a wealthy campaign donor

C. an establishment political analyst

D. a minor-party presidential candidate

Answer Key: A Question 42 of 100 1.0 Points Most political blogs are relatively objective and non-partisan.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key: B Question 43 of 100 1.0 Points Why is it significant that California made English its official language in 1986, and in 1998 eliminated bilingual education?

A. The U.S. Supreme Court found California’s policies unconstitutional.

B. California is by far the most liberal state in the country.

C. California is often an indicator of nationwide trends.

D. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld these policies, which encouraged other states to pass similar laws.

Answer Key: C Question 44 of 100 1.0 Points Mahatma Gandhi’s movement in India illustrated that __________.

A. peaceful movements are more likely to succeed than violent ones

B. a government always responds to the public opinion of the population

C. a government responds to public opinion when its image is threatened

D. public opinion must be shaped into a non-violent protest movement to be successful

Answer Key: C Question 45 of 100 1.0 Points What is one reason mass media yields a greater voter-opinion return than face-to-face communication?

A. Mass media reaches a larger audience.

B. People who attend live events tend to be highly skeptical.

C. Mass media appeals to a more politically engaged demographic.

D. Face-to-face communication occurs without technological mediation.

Answer Key: A Question 46 of 100 1.0 Points One challenge of __________ approach is that many Americans tend to identify as middle class, even if they are too poor or too rich to qualify.

A. an anecdotal

B. a scie...

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