Ap free response review questions 1 spring 2020 answers PDF

Title Ap free response review questions 1 spring 2020 answers
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A.P. U.S. Government Free Response Practice 1) “It is well established that minorities turn out less than whites in most elections in the US. Our research shows that the racial turnout gap doubles or triples is states that enact strict ID laws. Latinos are the most disadvantaged. Their turnout is 7.1% lower in general elections and 5.3% lower in primaries in strict ID states than it is in other states. Strict ID laws lower African-American, Asian-American, and multi-racial American turnout as well. In fact, where these laws are implemented, white turnout goes up marginally, compared with non-voter ID states.” - Zoltan L. Hajnal, Los Angeles Times, September 8, 2016

After reading the above scenario, respond to A, B, and C below. a) Describe an action Congress can take to address the comments in the scenario Congress can pass a law that forbids state from having voter ID laws b) In the context of this scenario, explain how the use of congressional power in part A can be affected by interactions between Congress and the state legislatures States can challenge the law in court; lobbying Congress to change it or vote against it; pass protections within the state law to quell federal fears c) In the context of this scenario, explain how voter ID laws affect democratic representation. Minorities are less likely to have government issued ID’s (drivers’ licenses, passports, etc….), hence racial minorities would be less likely to vote on Election Day. 2) Consumers complained after EpiPen maker Mylan “hiked the price of the emergency auto-injector by $100 in recent months for no obvious reason…The price has increased 450 percent since 2004, when a dose cost $100 in today’s dollars, to its current price of more than $600…The medication itself isn’t expensive. Analysts calculate that the dosage contained in a single pen is worth about $1” -Washington Post, August 23, 2016 After reading the scenario, respond to A, B, and C below: a) Describe a power Congress could use to address the comments outlined in the scenario. Congress can set price controls to control the price of the good to make in more affordable; or set a maximum price on the good by law; or Congress can provide subsides (payments) for the product to help cover the increase in cost

b) In the context of the scenario, explain how the use of congressional power described in Part A can be affected by its interaction with the presidency. The interaction from the presidency would come in the form of signing into law whatever legislation that Congress passes; or by vetoing any legislation passed by Congress, forcing them to rewrite the law so the President can sign it or override his veto with a 2/3 majority vote in both houses.


In the context of the scenario, explain how the interaction between Congress and the presidency can be affected by linkage institutions.

Linkage Institution #1- Interest Groups Interest Groups can lobby members of Congress to pass legislation either in favor of the consumers or drug company. They can also lobby members of Congress to override a presidential veto of that legislation. They can also try to influence the public through grassroots lobbying by directly talking to the public and trying to influence them to contact their congressperson or the drug company to take appropriate action. Linkage Institution #2- Political Parties Leadership within the political parties in Congress can exert pressure on their members on how to vote the piece of legislation. Party leadership can also use how the party members vote as a rallying point for or against a member of the party based on how they vote on the legislation, thus affecting their re-election. Linkage Institution #3- Media Via the use of the gatekeeper role, the media can give extensive or very little coverage in the news. If given extensive coverage, this can exert a great deal of pressure on members of Congress and the president to act, especially if the public is expecting them act in the best interest of consumers.

3) Develop an argument that explains whether voting in the United States should be mandatory, as it is in Australia, Belgium, Mexico, Singapore, and 18 other nations: In your essay, you must: a) Articulate a defensible claim or thesis that responds to the prompt and establishes a line of reasoning AGAINST- Although voter turnout is the United States is often lower than other Western countries, mandatory voting, limiting people’s right to make their own decisions about voting, goes against the freedoms protected in the Bill of Rights. b) Support your claim with at least TWO pieces of accurate and relevant information: At least ONE piece of evidence must be from one of the following fundamental documents: -

Article I of the Constitution

Section 4- gives the states to right to decide the time, place and manner of elections -

1st Amendment of the Constitution

Free expression guaranteed in the Bill of Rights c)

Use the second piece of evidence from the list above or from your study of modern voting and voter behavior and elections

See above or…the right not to vote, possibly in protest, is a form of symbolic speech and protected by the 1st amendment which would be threatened by a mandatory voting law. d) Use the reasoning to explain why your evidence supports your claim or thesis Congress gives the authority to the states to run elections and a national mandatory voting law would violate the Constitution. 1st Amendment freedoms give Americans the ability not to participate in elections, which would be violated by a mandatory law to vote. e)

Respond to an opposing or alternate perspective using refutation, concession or rebuttal

FOR- With 1/3 or more of its eligible voters deciding not to cast votes in elections, the United States should make voting mandatory as it is in other democratic nations.


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