AP1 Lab Manual_Answers PDF

Title AP1 Lab Manual_Answers
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I
Institution University of Massachusetts Lowell
Pages 169
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Lab Manual for Anatomy and Physiology 1...


Anatomy and Physiol ysiology ogy Lab Manual Version 11.1 .1 .1.0 .0 .01 1 Creat Created ed by by:: Mic Michelle helle W Willia illia illiams ms Brent Shel helll

Not for reuse, reproduction, or sale

Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Contents Lab 1: Body Plan and Homeostasis .............................................................................................................. 4 Pre-Lab Questions: .................................................................................................................................... 5 Exercise 1.1: Directional Terms ................................................................................................................ 6 Exercise 1.2: Planes of the Body .............................................................................................................. 9 Exercise 1.3: Body Cavities ..................................................................................................................... 11 Exercise 1.4: Regional Terms .................................................................................................................. 13 Exercise 1.5: Topographic Regions of the Abdominopelvic Cavity ......................................................... 15 Exercise 1.6: Organ Identification .......................................................................................................... 17 Exercise 1.7: Homeostasis and Feedback Loops .................................................................................... 20 Exercise 1.8: Negative and Positive Feedback Mechanisms .................................................................. 21 Post-Lab Questions: ................................................................................................................................ 22 Lab 2: Microscope and the Cell .................................................................................................................. 23 Pre-Lab Questions: .................................................................................................................................. 24 Exercise 2.1: Introduction to the Microscope ........................................................................................ 26 Exercise 2.2: Viewing Images Under the Microscope ............................................................................ 28 Exercise 2.3: Cell Organelle Identification ............................................................................................. 29 Exercise 2.4: Identifying the Stages of Mitosis ....................................................................................... 30 Exercise 2.5: Examining Mitosis Under the Microscope ......................................................................... 32 Post-Lab Questions: ................................................................................................................................ 33 Lab 3: Cell Physiology/Membrane Transport ............................................................................................. 35 Pre-Lab Questions: .................................................................................................................................. 36 Exercise 3.1: The Effect of Viscosity on Diffusion Rate .......................................................................... 37 Exercise 3.2: The Effect of Temperature on Diffusion Rate ................................................................... 38 Exercise 3.3: The Effect of Molecular Weight on Diffusion Rate ........................................................... 38 Exercise 3.4: The Effect of Particle Size on Diffusion Rate ..................................................................... 39 Exercise 3.5: Osmosis (instructor demo) ............................................................................................... 40 Exercise 3.6: Cell Tonicity (instructor demo) ......................................................................................... 41 Exercise 3.7: Filtration (instructor demo) .............................................................................................. 41 Post-Lab Questions: ................................................................................................................................ 42 Lab 4: Histology .......................................................................................................................................... 43 Pre-Lab Questions: .................................................................................................................................. 44 Exercise 4.1: Identification of Epithelial Tissue Under the Microscope ................................................. 45 1

Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab Exercise 4.2: Identification of Connective Tissue Under the Microscope ............................................. 53 Exercise 4.3: Identification of Muscle Tissue Under the Microscope .................................................... 63 Exercise 4.4: Identification of Nervous Tissue Under the Microscope ................................................... 65 Post-Lab Questions: ................................................................................................................................ 66 Lab 5: Skeletal System: Axial Skeleton ....................................................................................................... 69 Exercise 5.1: The Skull ............................................................................................................................ 71 Exercise 5.2: Fetal Skull: .......................................................................................................................... 83 Exercise 5.3: Vertebral Column .............................................................................................................. 84 Exercise 5.4: Thoracic Cage .................................................................................................................... 92 Post-Lab Questions: ................................................................................................................................ 94 Lab 6: Skeletal System: Appendicular Skeleton ......................................................................................... 96 Exercise 6.1: The Pectoral Girdle ........................................................................................................... 98 Exercise 6.2: The Upper Limb ............................................................................................................... 100 Exercise 6.3: The Pelvic Girdle ............................................................................................................. 104 Exercise 6.4: The Lower Limb ............................................................................................................... 105 Exercise 6.5: Left and Right .................................................................................................................. 110 Post-Lab Questions: .............................................................................................................................. 111 Lab 7: Muscular System: Axial Muscles ................................................................................................... 113 Exercise 7.1: Muscles of Facial Expression (use Fig. 11.5 in text) ........................................................ 114 Exercise 7.2: Muscles of Mastication (use Fig. 11.5 and 11.8 in text) ................................................. 115 Exercise 7.3: Muscles that move the head and neck (use Fig. 11.12 in text) ...................................... 116 Exercise 7.4: Muscles of the Vertebral Column: Figure 12.6 (use Fig. 11.14 in text) .......................... 117 Exercise 7.5: Muscles of Respiration: (use Fig. 11.15 in text) .............................................................. 118 Exercise 7.6: Muscles of the Abdominal Wall: (use Fig. 11.16 in text) ................................................. 119 Lab 8: Muscular System: Appendicular Muscles ...................................................................................... 122 Exercise 8.1: Muscles that act about the Pectoral Girdle: (use Fig. 11.21 in text) .............................. 123 Exercise 8.2: Muscles that act about the Glenohumeral Joint: (use Fig. 11.21 in text)........................ 125 Exercise 8.3: Muscles that act on the elbow (use Fig. 11.24 and 11.25 in text) .................................. 129 Exercise 8.4: Muscles that act on the wrist and hand: (use Fig. 11.27 and 11.29 in text) ................... 131 Exercise 8.5: Muscles that act on the hip and knee joints: (use Fig. 11.31, 11.32 and 11.33 in text) . 134 Exercise 8.6: Muscles that act on the ankle joint and foot: (use Fig. 11.35 and 11.36) ......................138 Post-Lab Questions ............................................................................................................................... 142 Lab 9: Sensory Organs: Eye and Ear ......................................................................................................... 144 2

Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab Pre-Lab Questions: ................................................................................................................................ 145 Exercise 9.1: Identify the Extrinsic Muscles of the Eye: ........................................................................ 147 Exercise 9.2: Identify the following structures of the Outer Layer of the Eye ..................................... 148 Exercise 9.3: Identify the following structures of the Middle Layer of the Eye .................................... 149 Exercise 9.4: Identify the following structures of the Inner Layer of the Eye ....................................... 151 Exercise 9.5: Identify the following structures of the Outer Ear .......................................................... 152 Exercise 9.6: Identify the following structures of the Middle Ear ........................................................ 153 Exercise 9.7: Identify the following structures of the Inner Ear .......................................................... 155 Exercise 9.8: Visual Acuity: Snellen Test ............................................................................................... 155 Lab 10: Nervous System: Brain and Spinal Cord ....................................................................................... 157 Pre-Lab Questions: ................................................................................................................................ 158 Exercise 10.1: Identify the parts of the brain listed below on the full brain ....................................... 160 Exercise 10.2: Identify the parts of the brain on the models in class and in the picture listed below using a sagittal section .......................................................................................................................... 161 Exercise 10.3: Identify the following Cranial Nerves on the model ..................................................... 162 Exercise 10.4: Label the 12 Cranial Nerves ........................................................................................... 163 Exercise 10.5: Identify and label the following structures of the spinal cord...................................... 164 Exercise 10.6: Label the structures on a cross-sectional view of the spinal cord ................................. 165 Exercise 10.7: Dissection of a Sheep Brain........................................................................................... 166 Post-Lab Questions: .............................................................................................................................. 167


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Lab 1: Body Plan and Homeostasis Objectives for this Lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Demonstrate correct anatomical position. Use directional terms to compare different regions of the body. Determine what plane or section is used to divide various parts of the body. Relate regional terms to specific parts of the body. List the eleven organ systems in the body and their primary organs. Name the major organs that reside within each of the body cavities. Locate the major organs found in the abdominopelvic cavity. Label the four quadrants and nine topographic regions of the abdominopelvic cavity and determine which organs are found in each. 9. Define homeostasis and the components of a feedback loop. 10. Differentiate between positive and negative feedback loops and apply this to specific situations in the body.

Overview: In order to maintain consistency between all health-care professionals, it is necessary to use terminology that is the same for everyone. In this lab, we will be applying the terminology that was discussed in lecture, to models and real-life situations. Homeostasis is the ability for the body to maintain a state of equilibrium or stability within its own internal environment. This is a dynamic process that requires constant adjustments from the body’s regulatory processes. Although all of the body’s organ systems contribute to this maintenance of homeostasis, the Nervous and Endocrine Systems directly regulate it. The body is able to monitor, evaluate and change various conditions through feedback systems. Most of the body’s processes are maintained by negative feedback systems. We will be discussing specific conditions and how feedback systems maintain homeostasis in the body. At the conclusion of this lab, we will consider how various healthcare professions may use this terminology and homeostatic information in the clinical setting.


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Pre Pre--Lab Questions: 1.

Describe what Anatomic Position is: ________________________________________________________________________

2. A _______________ plane separates the body into superior and inferior portions. 3. A _______________ plane would separate the right kidney form the left kidney. 4. Using Directional Terms, relate the following body parts to one another: a. The head is ____________________ to the shoulders. b. The knees are _____________________ to the hips. c. The ears are _____________________ to the nose. 5. Match the following anatomical terms with their common name: _______ cervical A. low back _______ brachial B. thigh _______ femoral C. eye _______ lumbar D. neck _______ orbital E. arm 6. The Dorsal Cavity is divided into ______________ and _______________ cavities. 7. List 4 organs that are found in the Abdominal Cavity: ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Match the following organs with their correct Organ System: ________ heart A. Nervous System ________ stomach B. Digestive System ________ kidneys C. Respiratory System ________ brain D. Urinary System ________ lungs E. Cardiovascular System 9. Which two Organ Systems directly regulate homeostasis: _____________________________ 10. A _______________ feedback system negates or reverses the original condition or stimulus. 11. In a positive feedback system, if blood pressure is increasing, will it continue to increase or will it decrease? ____________________________


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Lab Exercises: Exercise 1.1: Directi Directional onal Terms Using the torso models in the lab, label the following Directional Terms on the images below: A. Superior B. Inferior C. Medial D. Lateral E. Proximal F. Distal G. Anterior H. Posterior


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Exercise 1.2: Planes of the Body Using the torso models in the lab, label the following image with the correct Planes or Sections: A. Sagittal Section B. Frontal/Coronal Section C. Transverse Section D. Oblique Section

Modified/ © Osteomyoamare 1 2 3/ Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-3.0


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Exercise 1.3: Body Cavities While observing the torso models in the lab, label the following cavities and their sub-cavities on the image below: A. Dorsal Cavity B. Ventral Cavity C. Cranial Cavity D. Thoracic E. Pelvic Cavity F. Vertebral Cavity G. Abdominal Cavity H. Pleural Cavity I. Pericardial Cavity J. Abdominopelvic


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Modified/ © Connexions/ Openstax/ CC-BY-4.0


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Exercise 1.4: Regional Ter erms ms Label the following anatomical terms on the image below: A. Cervical B. Lumbar C. Buccal D. Axillary E. Brachial F. Orbital G. Thoracic H. Pelvic I. Femoral


J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R.

Palmar Plantar Cephalic Vertebral Gluteal Digital Sacral Inguinal Olecranal

Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Exercise 1.5: Topographic Regions of the Abdominopelvic Cavity

Label the 4 Quadrants and then the 9 topographic regions of the abdominopelvic cavity on the images following:


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Exercise 1.6: Organ Identi dentification fication Locate the following organs on the torso models in the lab and label them on the picture below: H. Large intestines: A. Lungs - Cecum B. Heart - Transverse colon C. Liver - Ascending colon D. Pancreas - Descending colon E. Stomach - Sigmoid colon F. Gallbladder G. Small intestines


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Exercise 1.7: Homeostasis and Feedba Feedback ck Loops Label the different components of a feedback system:


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Exercise 1.8: Negative and Posi ositiv tive Feedback Mechanisms For the following conditions, explain how the body would respond using a negative feedback system. List the stimulus (which you have been given), receptor, control center, effector and response for each. Use a flow chart to represent this process. A. Body Condition: Thermoregulation Stimulus: increase in body temperature

B. Body Condition: Blood Pressure Stimulus: increase in blood pressure

C. Body Condition: Blood Oxygen Levels Stimulus: drop in blood oxygen levels

D. Body Condition: Blood Glucose Levels Stimulus: an increase in blood glucose levels


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Post Post--Lab Questi uestions: ons: 1. Why is it important that healthcare professionals are familiar with anatomic position?

2. Why would it be relevant for an ER Doctor to know the names of the 4 quadrants or 9 topographic regions of the abdominopelvic cavity?

3. Name a health care professional that would use directional terms on a regular basis and how they would use them? (there could be multiple answers for this)

4. If a patient presents to the hospital complaining of pain in their lower right quadrant, what organ(s) could be involved?

5. Explain what would happen if you touched a hot stove? Include all of the components of a feedback loop.

6. Why do we consider negative feedback the “normal” feedback system in the body?

7. Name some medical conditions where homeostasis has become “imbalanced”. How would each be treated?


Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab

Lab 2: Microscope and the Cell Objectives for this Lab: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Identify the various parts of the compound microscope. Understand terminology associated with the compound microscope. Identify the organelles (listed in the slides) on the cell models. Describe each of the identified organelle’s function in the cell. List the different stages of ...

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