Argued that the major activities of management and leadership are played out differently PDF

Title Argued that the major activities of management and leadership are played out differently
Author marwan ma
Course Leadership Study
Institution Kansai University
Pages 6
File Size 70.8 KB
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_______________ argued that the major activities of management and leadership are played out differently, but both are essential to an organization a. Jago b. Zaleznik c. Kotter d. Bass Kotter Power is described as a. A relational concern for both leaders and followers b. Use of force over others to manipulate them c. Letting any follower do whatever he or she wants d. Forcing people to engage in extreme behaviors A relational concern for both leaders and followers The “Great Man/Person” trait definition of leadership a. Is about the interaction between leaders and followers b. Can be learned c. Is restricted to those with inborn talent, qualities, or characteristics d. Is about developing leadership skills Is restricted to those with inborn talent, qualities, or characteristics The four key elements of the definition of leadership used in the text are a. Trait, goal, emergent, expert b. Process, influence, group, goal c. Values, ethics, process, performance d. Capability, competency, skill, relationship Process, influence, group, goal In their discussion about management and leadership, Bennis and Nanus said that leaders a. “Do things right” b. “Do the right thing” c. “Do what followers want” d. “Do enough to get the job done” "Do the right thing" People in the organization like me because I know what I am doing and share knowledge with followers. I have a. Position power b. Personal power c. Information power d. Legitimate power e. Reward power Personal power Chief executive officers of any company have a. Legitimate power b. Referent power c. Expert power d. Personal power e. Emergent power Legitimate power Associated with having status or formal job authority. A judge who administers sentences in the courtroom exhibits legitimate power. I can emerge as the leader in my group project by a. Telling all group members exactly what to do b. Communicating and listening well with group members c. Sitting at the head of the table d. Being designated by the instructor as the group leader Communicating and listening well with group members Kellerman argues that in the last forty years there has been a shift in leadership power from a. Shared power to top down power b. Leader dominated power to shared power with followers c. Follower dominated power to shared power with leaders d. Referent power focus to coercive power focus Leader dominated power to shared power with followers Information power is a. Associated with having formal job authority b. Based on followers liking of their leader c. Derived from having the ability to provide rewards d. Focused on the social

contract between leaders and followers e. Derived from possessing knowledge that others want or need Derived from possessing knowledge that others want or need Who is said to engage leadership? a. Followers b. Groups c. Organizations d. Leaders Leaders Who is responsible for the leadership process? a. Followers b. Leaders c. Organizations d. Followers and leaders Followers and leaders The common goals element of the definition of leadership means a. Leaders and followers have a mutual purpose b. Leaders and followers have similar personalities c. Leaders and followers have similar interests d. Leaders and followers have a mutual desire for power Leaders and followers have a mutual purpose The statement “She/he is born to be a leader” suggests a a. Process definition of leadership b. Trait definition of leadership c. Gender bias definition of leadership d. Coercive definition of leadership Trait definition of a leadership Social identity theory would suggest leadership emergence occurs when a. The group identifies with the leader b. They acquire the skills to do the job well c. The group assigns them the role of leader d. They become most like the group prototype They become most like the group prototype Coercive leadership a. Is not allowing a player to play in competition because he or she was late to practice b. Is forcing followers to engage in extreme behaviors c. Is using the influence relationship to affect change d. Is supporting ethical behavior amongst team members Is forcing followers to engage in extreme behaviors To coerce means to a. Influence others toward a common goal b. Influence others to behave ethically c. Influence others to do something against their will d. Influence others using positive rewards Influence others to do something against their will Non-leadership is a. A relational interaction between a group of people toward common goals b. Sharing goal development with followers c. Leadership that is focused on individual goals d. Leadership that is focused on working with followers to achieve common goals Leadership that is focused on individual goals The primary functions of leadership are a. Directing, ruling, encouraging b. Aligning, visioning, inspiring c. Building, maintaining, staffing d. Budgeting, controlling, problem solving Aligning, visioning, inspiring Simonet and Tett (2012) found that management is distinct from leadership by a. Extrinsic motivation b. Intrinsic motivation c. Strategic planning d. Creative thinking Extrinsic motivation - motivation to do something for rewards. EXTRA NOT THE ANSWER: Intrinsic motivation because you enjoy doing something Differences between management and leadership include a. Leaders are emotionally involved, whereas managers have low emotional involvement b. Managers shape ideas, whereas leaders are reactive in solving problems c. Leaders are unidirectional influencers, whereas managers are multidirectional influencers d. Leaders are controlling, whereas managers are motivating

Leaders are emotionally involved whereas managers have low emotional involvement The primary functions of management are a. Producing change and movement b. Producing positive leadership outcomes c. Producing a creative vision d. Producing order and consistency Producing order and consistency One key to emerging as a leader a. Is to be perceived by others as likable and knowledgeable b. Is to be forceful in asserting your opinions c. Is to avoid listening to opposing opinions d. Is to be perceived by others as commanding and dominant Is to be perceived by others as likable and knowledgeable Which of the following bases of power are considered personal power? a. Information b. Referent c. Coercive d. Reward e. LegitimateTerm Referent Based on followers’ identification and liking for the leader. A teacher who is adored by students has referent power. Scholarly research and popular work on the nature of leadership exploded in this decade a. 1950 b. 1960 c. 1970 d. 1980 1980 The emerging approach called servant leadership a. Focuses on followers needs b. Focuses on traits c. Focuses on adapting to solve problems d. Focuses on spirituality Focuses on followers needs Which way of classifying leadership involves capabilities to make leadership possible? a. Group process b. Personality c. Skills d. Power Skills The process definition of leadership implies a. Leadership is linear b. Leadership is one-way, top-down c. Leadership is leader centered d. Leadership is reciprocal between leaders and followers Leadership is reciprocal between leaders and followers Although there are clear differences between management and leadership, a. There is little research to support one or the other b. Leadership is more valued than management c. The two constructs overlap d. Management is more valued than leadership The two constructs overlap Argued that leaders and managers are distinct; they are different types of people a. Jago b. Zaleznik c. Kotter d. Bass e. Burns Zaleznik Leaders' power to provide pay raises and promotions is a. Reward b. Coercive c. Legitimate d. Referent e. Expert Reward Defining leadership as a process means a. It is a transactional event. b. It is focused on influence. c. It is an inborn trait or characteristic d. It may only take place in groups. It is an inborn trait or characteristic The following is not one of the classifications for a definition of leadership: a. The focus of group process b. An artistic process c. A behavior d. A personality trait e. An instrument of goal achievement An artistic process

The primary functions of management are a. Planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling. b. Forming, storming, norming, and reforming. c. Building, breaking down, rebuilding, and maintaining. d. Ruling, listening, adapting, and adjusting. e. Directing, framing, extending, and encouraging. Planning, organizing, staffing and controlling Some positive communication behaviors that account for successful leader emergence are a. Sense of humor, facial expressiveness. b. Being dominant, speaking frequently. c. Differentiating oneself from the group, challenging group norms. d. Being informed, initiating new ideas. Being informed, initiating new ideas Leadership definitions have evolved during the 20th century in the following way: a. The trait approach remains the most popular approach over time. b. A leader's power remains a key requirement for goal accomplishment. c. Focus on leadership effectiveness became prominent in the 1970s. d. Leadership research peaked in the 1980s. Leadership research peaked in the 1980s Fisher associates all of the following positive communication behaviors with emergent leadership, except a. Being verbally involved b. Establishing roles c. Seeking others' opinions d. Initiating new ideas Establishing roles You are told you need to work weekends. Your supervisor gives you a pay raise in return. What type of power is your supervisor using? a. Referent b. Expert c. Legitimate d. Reward e. Coercive Reward Leadership is a phenomenon that takes place in the context of the interaction between leaders and followers. This viewpoint would suggest leadership is accessible by all: a. Reward b. Referent c. Process d. Trait e. Legitimate Process You really enjoy working for your boss and look up to her or him as a role model. You are more than willing to work hard for the organization because of your relationship with your boss. This is an example of a. Legitimate power b. Coercive power c. Position power d. Personal power e. Reward power Personal power On the way to track practice you get pulled over for speeding. When you arrive to practice late, the coach makes you run laps. This is an example of a. Legitimate power b. Coercive power c. Expert power d. Personal power e. Reward powerTerm Coercive power Often leadership occurs within a context where one individual influences a group of others to accomplish goals. Which best describes this component of leadership? a. Leadership occurs in groups. b. Leadership involves influence. c. Leadership includes organizations. d. Leadership includes attention to common goals. Leadership occurs in groups Watson and Hoffman's study on leadership emergence with regard to gender-biased perceptions would suggest a. Influential women were rated the same as men in terms of leadership. b. Women are much more likeable than men. c. Emergence in leadership has little to do with gender

bias. d. There continue to be barriers to women's emergence as leaders in some settings. e. Men are always more influential within groups and organizations.Term There continue to be barriers to women's emergence as leaders in some settings Kotter suggested that management produces_______ and ________. a. Change and structure b. Vision and order c. Order and consistency d. Change and movementTerm Order and consistency Although there are clear differences between management and leadership, a. There is little research to support one or the other. b. Leadership is more valued than management. c. The two constructs overlap. d. Management is more valued than leadership.Term The two constructs overlap In which way will leadership and power be approached in upcoming chapters? a. As a form of coercion. b. As positional power. c. From the perspective of the follower. d. As a relational concern for both leaders and followers. e. As a tool to be used by the leader.Term As a relational concern for both leaders and followers Understanding the nature of leadership has proved to be quite the challenge for practitioners and researchers because: a. Its appeal is limited to academics and scholars. b. Very little research has been done. c. It has not received much attention. d. It is a highly valued phenomenon that is very complex. It is a highly valued phenomenon that is very complex Your parents and older siblings are all successful elected officials. After graduation, it is suggested by many that you should seek office and, in turn, offer you their support. Which best describes the leadership approach being demonstrated? a. Behavioral approach to leadership b. Leadership as a process c. Trait perspective d. Expert powerTerm Trait perspective As captain of the soccer team, your primary concern is winning games and maintaining the strength of the team. Your players couldn’t care less about teamwork and just want to win. Which component of leadership would you recommend the leader focus on? a. Roles b. Common goals c. Process d. InfluenceTerm Common goals The leader is at the core of group change and activity, representing the backbone of the group or organization. Leadership is viewed as a. Focus of group processes b. Personality perspective c. Leadership as an act d. Leadership as a behaviorTerm Focus of group processes Jeffrey is the chief financial officer of an established marketing firm. He recently learned that the company is going to try to merge with a new firm. He shares this potential merger with only a few of his mid-level managers he trusts. Jeffrey has a. Information and referent power b. Reward and referent power c. Information and legitimate power d. Personal and information powerTerm Information and legitimate power Coercive leadership is not considered ideal leadership as defined in this text because: a. Influence in leadership includes followers and leaders working toward a common goal b. Process is a part of the definition in both coercion and leadership c. Forcing and manipulative behaviors are legitimate leadership tactics d. Coercive leadership involves both individual and common goals

Influence in leadership includes followers and leaders working toward a common goal My boss really does not get the technical aspects of the job my group is trying to complete. I understand the intricacies of the project and my team members come to me with all of their questions. What has happened in this work setting? a. I have taken control and power of the group b. I have undermined my boss c. I have emerged as the team leader d. My boss is no longer a leader I have emerged as the team leader Writing about and researching leadership is a. Declining in popularity b. A universally appealing topic c. Simplistic rather than complex d. Less popular in the business area than in social sciences A university appealing topic Leadership and management a. Are completely separate entities b. Occur only in large corporations c. Occur only in small organizations d. Are both needed in organizations Are both needed The faculty member on my study abroad trip to Costa Rica has traveled there many times and is quite knowledgeable about the country and places we visited. She gave us guidance about the country, local culture, and safety issues while we were interning with the local farmers. The faculty member was using a. Referent power b. Positional power c. Coercive power d. Expert power Expert power Based on followers’ perceptions of the leader’s competence. A tour guide who is knowledgeable about a foreign country has expert power. Which of the following is a planning and budgeting management function? a. Create a vision b. Build teams and coalitions c. Setting timetables d. Aligning people Setting timetables The trait definition of leadership suggests a. Leadership occurs because of who the leader is b. Interaction is the key to leadership success c. Self-confidence is required for good leadership d. Dominance is required for good leadership Leadership occurs because of who the leader is...

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