ARKY MT3 Study Guide - Summary Archaeology and Popular Culture PDF

Title ARKY MT3 Study Guide - Summary Archaeology and Popular Culture
Course Archaeology and Popular Culture
Institution University of Calgary
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ARKY MT3 Study Guide: Places to remember, where they are and why they are important 1.Nazca Plains- Example of Inkblot - desert southern coast of Peru, constructed complex shapes, etched into desert suface- criss crossing each other at all angles - 300 actual drawings rendered on an enormous scale of animals (fish, monkey, snake, birds, spiders) - Made by clearing away the darker surface rocks exposing the lighter surface underneath - (370 BCE- 450CE)A p r e -Columbian giant figure etched into the side of a hill in the Nazca region of Southern Peru. - § Like Inka roads, the Nazca lines were easily created with small models and ropes for measurements. - Maria Reiche mapped Nazca Lines in 1941- analyze how Nazca created such huge figures 2. Palenque - Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque where Pakal was buried. - Palenque Sarcophagus lid- shows pakal piloting a rocket- thought that they had experience with ET life 3. Glastonbury Abbey Recodings: 4. Presceli Mountains - transported volcanic rock called bluestone to stone henge from preseli mountain in SW wales - The eighty bluestones, some weighing as much as four tons, were transported from the Prescelly Mountains in Wales, 240 miles away. 5. Stonehenge - Best known of Europes megalithic site but it Is one of thousands of stones (mehirs) enclosed chambers (dolmens) and long barrows (graves) - Communal ceremonies, Calendrical purposes, Created Authority - Built in stages beginning more than 4,200 years ago - required the organized and coordinated labor of thousands. The ability of a relatively small group of leaders to conscript, organize, lead, and carry out the tasks necessary to construct Stonehenge implies the development of a complex social, economic, and political society. - is a composite structure built during three distinct periods. ■ In Period I (radiocarbon-dated to 3100 BC), Stonehenge was a circular ditch with an internal bank. ■ The circle, 320 feet in diameter, had a single entrance, 56 mysterious holes around its perimeter (with remains in them of human cremations), and a wooden sanctuary in the middle. ■ The circle was aligned with the midsummer sunrise, the midwinter sunset, and the most southerly rising and northerly setting of the moon. 6. Temple of the Inscriptions - Temple of inscription: • Large, temple built over wound, his son completed the construction after his death, there's a stairway that goes down, its all covered with rubble, other tombs from other countries, no entering or exiting, completely sealed in,

• Side ting, its a hollow thing that is for airconditioing, goes down to his tomb, physcho duct, thought that after pakal died he was resurrected as a deity, in another world, • Lid- having lots to do with rebirth, all ancestors were being reborn, he too shown in a jo, actually emerging fjjaws, he I emerging from the mouth of this fire=t,moving ups tree, that tree is that the 7. Stepped Pyramid of Djoser - Egypt’s OLDEST known pyramid -- 2630 B.C. (4630 ya) Stepped Pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser/Zoser (2nd king, Egypt’s 3rd Dynasty), the Saqqara Plateau. - Djoser’s pyramid on the Saqqara Plateau today, and a reconstruction of the surrounding tomb complex. - Designer of stepped pyramid – Imhotep - Built largely of stone rising through 6 levels- monumental achievement compared to far smalled mastabas it was quite poorly built - Originated from burying leaders in bedrock tombs 8. Hierakonpolis - • Southern part of Egypt part of kingdom, over 200 burial sforund, soaked in Lenin's and burried • Burial 71- adult women in a flexed position now because her body didn't mummify, placed with reed mating, had number of pottery vessels in one off them found remains of bread • Hers was one of the wealthiest burial at this site • Jewellery earrings, found body soaked in this linens, in resin preserved body a bit more, inner organs sometimes removed and sometimes they weren't, all suggested that good understanding of organs within the body, lead to fastter decomposition- they know about all go this ■ The Hierakonpolis Expedition has been excavating a cemetery of Predynastic working class inhabitants. ■ Of 260 burials, some have evidence for the beginnings of artificial mummification. ■ One of the bodies was carefully wrapped in resin soaked fine linins, particularly the head and hands. The entire body was also wrapped in an outer layer of coarser linen. 9. Newgrange - • Well preserved, documents in N Ireland made in 3200 BC, before stone henge, • Covers over 1 acre, surrounded by sculpted lithics in various arrangement away from actual structure, lots of evidence • Passage is 19m long, has a corralled roof: arches that slant up then there's a capstone at the topearly type of arch we seelots of people had worked to build this, built slowly over generations perhaps 2 generations, built in stages County Meath, Ireland: • E part of Ireland Binnie: cluster of megalithic features all across Ireland this place huge cluster of very well preserved features • Picture of Newgrange: well presevered,bright light exterior, covered base with diff type of lime stone, all kinds of standing monuments around • Interesting because it has long interior passage way, niches off main chamber, where individuals were incurred, maybe creamated, * astronomical orientation winter solctive shines directly through passage comes through window box over door, because of actual slant over interior, hits directly in to burial chamber

• Lots of art, part of basal foundation, some with human images but uncommon • Winter solstice winter- roof box, sun shines through - only one day for 17min - required good understanding of constellations- passage is like the northern cross- maybe related to signus- but dont know if it was done purposely - may not have been known at that time- not been coalasced, • Newgrange had excellent skills but didn't need to have knowledge- its simple geometry through simple obervation- simple geometry with rope-

10. Carnac - • Many arrangement, stones, marking, earliest stone here dates to 4500 BC, earlier than stone henge, may be the earliest that we have good arky evidence for me, circles, lines, up to 6.5m high, quite large, extend over expensive area, cover large area over • Form long lines, also can form circles, some are shaped, some not too much, put up over diff periods of time, not each arrangement looks exactly the same, lots of arrangements • Free standing 11. Rapa Nui (Textbook it) Individuals to remember, why are they important, what did they propose? 1. Frederick Bligh Bond - Investigated Glastonbury Abbey in England in 1909, claimed to have contact with the spirits of the dead monks of the abby through a spirit medium. - He found 5 chapels, and the foundation of cloisters - He was a competent field excavator and dug where any good excavator would 2. Jeffrey Goodman - Know for this idea that modern man was found in Cali 500k years ago, claims conventional scenario to be backwards and that modern humans originated not from aftica but in cali where he cites the proverbial garden of eden 500k years ago 3. Amesbury Archer 4. Frank Waters - • Well known author given grant, wrote a book published in 1975 this one put together what he thought about Maya, zoinism, multiple catastrophe destroyed the world and how Maya documented that • In book identifies date of December 24 2011- end of time- its like turning of millenia - big cycle- based on reading Maya dates, he could tell that this cycle was gonna change, 1000s-2000s, - • Frank Waters, a writer on the subject of Hopi mythology. • In 1970, Waters was the recipient of a Rockefeller Foundation grant to support research in Mexico and Central America. This resulted in his 1975 book Mexico Mystique: The Coming Sixth World of Consciousness, a discussion of Mesoamerican culture strongly colored by Waters' beliefs in astrology, prophecy, and the lost continent of Atlantis. • In this book Waters identifies 24 December 2011 as the end of the Great Cycle. 5. John Major Jenkins - • doing diff type of work- wrote books saying that 2012 also related to astronomy had to do with galactic alignment that happened every-- where everything lines up- gravitation - • The bottom line of my theory is that the ancient Maya chose the 2012 end- date because this is the date on which occurs a rare alignment of the solstice sun with the Galactic Center. 6. Graham Hancock

- Orion Correlation Theory (1993+) • Bauval was later joined by Graham Hancock, a journalist-author, in 1997 and expanded the theory. • They argued that the Great Sphinx was constructed ca 10,500 BCE, and its lion- shape was a deliberate reference to the constellation of Leo. • They further claim that the 4th Dynasty "Unfinished Pyramid" south of Giza represents the star Bellatrix in Orion, and the pyramid of Djedefre at Abu Rawash, north of Giza represents the star Saiph. • This means that these pyramids were intended to create an earthly copy of the stellar netherworld. 7. Maria Reiche • Mapping Nazca lines, • Cleaned, preserved/ protected the lines, got military • Person who gave us most of the data we have about nazca lines, suggested they were also used in ritual percussion 8. Von Daniken 9. K’inich Janaab Pakal I - • Vondonagen most famous • King ruled at site or palenque modern day Mexica gulf area, ascended to throne, very important bring kingdom to prosperity, inherited throne from mother • Burried in temple of inscritption- has the most elaborate tomb of anyone in Maya area • Within enormous crypt, finely carved sarcophagi's lid corner stone of dude most well known argument of aliens, suggesting the pakal is an alien and he arrived on a rocket ship, 10. Howard Carter 11. Lard Carnarvon 12. Stefan Ossowiecki - A psychic who claimed to have contact with paleolithic people through handling stone artifactsknown as psychometry 13. Edgar Cayce Terms to remember 1. Mastaba - In the beginning of the dynastic period (~5100 ya), kings of Egypt constructed mud-brick structures over their burial pits; these are known today as mastabas. - These included more elaborate grave goods than previous burials (e.g., clothing, tools, food, jewels, perfume, cosmetics, furniture, wine/beer, musical instruments…) 2. Canopic Jar - Preserved organs inside of it 3. Natron - They then covered it in natron for 40 days. This dehydrated (dried out) the body and stopped it from rotting. This ensured that the body was preserved 4. Ley lines - Ley lines type of route first identified in 1921 to RR, along which all henges lay, lines of precisonal, sacred- possible reason why henges were placed the way they were, spiritual meaning,

5. Mayanism - • Periodic end of the world, we have a tendency to talk about apoctalitic end of the world, • This has to do with indigenous writing in America, • Mayanist (scholar) vs myanism- beliefs based somewhat of Maya, Aztec- whole bunch all put tougher- modern belief people have of the past • Maya has always been a hot topic- its always been there, took current form in 1970s - A term used to refer to a non-codified eclectic collection of beliefs, influenced in part by PreColumbian Maya mythology and some folk beliefs of the modern Maya peoples. Adherents of this belief system are not to be confused with Mayanists, scholars who research the historical Maya civilization. 6. Dowsing 7. Remote viewing 8. Galactic Alignment - John Major Jenkins • doing diff type of work- wrote books saying that 2012 also related to astronomy had to do with galactic alignment that happened every-- where everything lines up- gravitation - On the morning of Dec. 21, 2012, the Earth and Sun will align with the “Dark Rift” near the Galactic Center. This event last happened about 25,800 years ago. John Major Jenkins claims that the Maya Calendar was set, originally devised, specifically to reach its “end” (the Long Count date coinciding with this very special event. 9. Haab - • 365-day cycle - 18 named months of 20 days each, plus 5 additional days of apprehension and bad luck at the end of the year. • The Haab month names changed every 20 days instead of daily; so the day after 4 Zotz would be 5 Zotz, followed by 6 Zotz ... up to 19 Zotz, which is followed by 0 Tzec. • The Wayeb days acquired a very derogatory reputation for bad luck; known as "days without names" or "days without souls," and were observed as days of prayer and mourning. • When did the Haab Start? • Long Count corresponds to 8 K’umk’u. 10. Tzolkin • 260-day cycle • primarily religious and divinatory • guidance of daily affairs • 20 named days, combined with numbers 1-13, in which the exact combination of name and number would recur every 260 days. • not based on natural phenomenon. • When did the Tzolk’in start? • Long Count corresponds to 4 Ajaw. 11. Long Count - • This has fixated people for centuries, they did have pre-occupational calendar- very precise dates important to them • Dates recorded in three diff calendars (long count- has great cycle, its like our count of year, has starting date , Maya had - and + dates just like us.

• Most of them have + dates, there are some - dates (mythological dates), also count days, we count years, they have a place marker for each - they had place markers, • Have the ones, tens, like the hundreds, 1000 --count days, • End of great cycle is the end of 13 100 and 44 day periods, what they call the end of the great cycle.this is an infinite count- starting with day 1, • Everything is in the bundle of 20 12. Menhir - • Arrangement that is small standing stone in lines or cirular arrangement, not as large as stone henge 2-3m tall, some really tall, Ex. Kingstone in Cotswalk of UK • Can be shaped, diff form, in clusters, in this case this stone suggested to mark burial mound, early Bronze Age burials • Menhirs of France: highest % of Meir in world, lots of activities asscoatied with it, figurines, burial places, some amount of astronomical observations can be made 13. Dolmen 14. Passage Grave ■ Chamber tombs with passages ■ Approximately 150 in the northern half of the UK ■ Cruciform chamber lined with upright stones supporting roofing slabs ■ Ex. Boyne Valley & Newgrange, Ireland 15. Henge - • Pan European culture: marked by beaker culture driven by economic evolution- replaced old culture • 1000s of people required to make the stone henge, 16. Beaker culture - Amesrbury Archer is from here 3km from stone henge datest o phase 2 of stone henge, speculation of kind of people coming into the area, studies show that he was from alpine region- he was from beaker culture not the only person Bring with him expensive stuff, gold, arrow heads, jewelry, lots of wealth,Early bronze (lots of copper in it) seeing 2350 BC bronze coming into culture 17. Orion Correlation Theory

Short answer questions: 1. Why did Egyptians mummify the dead? 2. When was mummification most widespread? - • Around 2650, around 3000 BC, mummification became part of actual mortuary practice - In Egypt began around 12,000 years ago during the Neolithic period 3. What is the major astronomical sighting marked at Stonehenge? - • We do know that it has important astronomical alignment, # of diff astronomical observations can be made, by looking over some line, most important is the winter solistice, can see the setting sun, can also so sun rise but not as dramatic, thought to primary focus of stone henge during stage 3, during ancient times 4. In what phase were the Bluestones erected?

5. What is the major astronomical sighting marked at Newgrange? 6. What were Von Daniken’s three major hypotheses, according to Feder? - 1. The Horny Austronaut hypothesis - 2. Th Inkblot Hypothesis - 3. Our Ancestors, the dummies hypothesis 7. What is the hypothesis regarding Stonehenge’s function that was presented in the film? What was one piece of evidence used to support this hypothesis? - It had healing purposes, people use to break it apart and take it with them- these were found far away in skeletal remains - In excavation not too far away from stone henge, found blue stone- indicated that this was someone who was in a lot of pain and to get healed he had with him blue stones. 8. What are the three major cycles of time recorded in a complete date in the Maya calendar. - Tzolk’in – 260 days - Solar Year, Haab- 365 days 9. Why did people think that the Maya calendar predicted the end of the world? - End of major cycle of the 13th bokhun 10. In what phase were the Sarsen stones erected? - In the third phase 11. What are the three hypotheses regarding Stonehenge’s function presented in lecture? - Ancient route markers-may hav e been used as territorial markers for different regions less evidence for this tho - Spiritual reason - Used in ceremonies- druids have rights to go there and perform their ceremonies - Astronomical alignment- important for winter solistice- can see winter solstice 12. What evidence regarding the people who built the pyramids did archaeologists discover in the area surrounding the pyramids on the Giza Plateau? 13. How were the Moai put into place? - People were able to big move blocks all over the world in Europe- huge statues, one of the ways its d one is by moving it on a series of rocks, rolls over, taken from back and then taken to the front like conveyer belt - did not require large air craft 14. What was one of the main functions of the Nazca Lines, according to lecture?...

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