Art History Midterm II - James Swenson PDF

Title Art History Midterm II - James Swenson
Author Jamison Walker
Course World Civilization to 1500
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 7
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James Swenson...

Description Art History 201________________________________________________ World Civilization: Prehistory to 1500 A.D. Midterm II Review – topics and terms to know Classical Greek Art - Greek Architecture – know the orders!!! - Doric, Ionic, corinthian - What is the significance of the Athenian Acropolis? Terms to Know: Athena, G  oddess the Acropolis was built for Sparta, greek city state known for war Peloponnese War, m  ad at athens because pericles embezzled money to build parthenon. Defeats athens. the Erechtheion, building with the “Porch of the Maidens” Amphiprostyle. O  nly columns in front and back, walls on sides Late Classical & Hellenistic Greek Art. - In which ways is the sculpture and architecture of the Late Classical Period a break away from the Classical Greek Style? M  ore of a focus on realistic sculpture. Ratio changes to 8:1. - In which ways is the sculpture and architecture of the Hellenistic Period a break away from the Classical Greek Style and Late Classical Style? Think Extremes! V  ery realistic, dramatic, emotional, extreme detail to drapery and hair. Diversity of subject matter Terms to Know: Plato & his cave; Greek philosopher that teaches about ideal vs real The Greek Tragedy; T  ragedies and comedies became popular at the theater Socrates, parts of a Greek theater (orchestra c enter circle, proscenium stage behind orchestra, skene scenery behind the proscenium, theatron seating area),  Pergamum, Powerful greek city in modern day Turkey. Where the Pergamon Altar of Zeus is with “Athena Attacking the Giants” Attalos I; R  uler of Pergamon Gauls; Enemies of Athens Phillip II & Macedonia; Alexander’s dad, ambitious, hates persia, military minded. Macedonia starts to spread, conquering city state by city state -- athenians hated them and thought they were coarse and crude Phalanx; L  ong spears on the front lines of battle, developed by Phillip the II Alexander the Great, T  utored by Aristotle, conquers the world by age 25, sees himself as a god. Lyssipos does his portrait with the cowlick that becomes the standard for portraits of leaders. Apelles; r enowned Greek painter Ptolomy; M  athematician from Alexandria Mausolus; Built a tomb - called a Mausoleum Halicarnassus, W  here Mausolus ruled and built his Mausoleum Corinthian Order.

Etruscan Art - In which ways does a discussion of Etruscan Art and Architecture revolve around the notions of originality and conventionality Etruscans were influenced by Greek culture but didn’t care about exact proportions or making things look realistic. - Etruscan Temple – know the basic components and decoration. Bases built of stone, rest wood and terracotta, single staircase, not interested in golden mean, statues stand on roof, three cellas, columns only in front - Etruscan Funerary art – Know the elements of Early (Reclining Couple ) and Late (Lars Pulena ) sarcophagi. What are the basic elements of Etruscan Tomb decoration, both in fresco and relief? Terracotta. Reclining couple shows a stylized man and woman. Women could have a title and hold wealth. Lars Pulena just shows a man with a scroll that shows what positions he held, and it shows demon figures with hammer hitting Lars. Late art is darker. Tombs were decorated like houses with things the people would need in the afterlife. Decoration was leisurely--hunting and fishing. - Know the importance of Etruscan Bronzes. What do they tell us about their society? Etruscans were really good at metalwork - Etruscans and Romans – How does the art of the Etruscans change with the annexation and conquest of the Etruscan city-states? It gets darker and predicts the downfall of the Etruscans Terms to Know: Etruria, Etruscan nation Rasenna, What etruscans called themselves Necropolis, Etruscan cemeteries/tombs tumulus tombs, t ombs dug into mounds of earth Vanths, W  inged etruscan deity of the underworld Haruspex; religion that used animal guts for divination Terracotta, clay used in architecture and sculpture waddle & daub, b  uilding walls with interwoven sticks covered in clay or mud Repousse, relief in metalwork hammered from reverse side Granulation, t iny dots used in etruscan metalwork Filigree; fine threads twisted into a design then soldered onto jewelry divination (not the class), predicting the future the arch, used by the etruscans before the romans podium, atrium, Tuscan Order, d  oric columns with bases Veii, Etruscan city Vulca. E  truscan artist

Roman Art

- What was the true art of the Romans? C  onquering and sparing the humble In which ways did they appropriate art and architecture from other cultures? What were their primary contributions? In which ways is art used to support a Republic and/or an Empire? A  dopted greek art and architecture, influenced by Etruscans. Used skill, precision, innovation, and engineering to build functional, dynamic buildings. Also used propaganda. - Know the ways in which the Roman Republic projected its attributes through its art. R  uled by many - art focuses more on people and abstract ideas. Eagle - speed, power, animal sacred to Zeus, Fasces Reeds bound together with an axe coming out - symbolized power of emperor or consulate and ability to punish, Purple - expensive color to create - Know the innovations of Roman Architecture. T  he arch (not invented by the romans but they utilized it, barrel vault, groin vault, domes, brick and concrete - Know the basic elements of the Roman Villa (Atrium greeting room, Cubiculum private room/bedroom, Peristyle k itchen, bedrooms, fountain, Triclinium dining room, best furniture ) - Know the basic elements of the Four Pompeian Styles of fresco wall decoration. 1. Painted plaster walls to look like marble or corbelling 2. Painted wall to look like a window on the world (theatrical backdrops)(Villa of the Mysteries - life size figures painted on wall like a theater scene) 3. Decorative - basic forms of solid color painted on wall, some small figures 4. Mix of all three - Imperial Art – What is its message and its aims? Know Augustus, his history, and his deft use of art and architecture as propaganda. Octavius becomes Augustus. Senate still exists but he has all power. Establishes peace, expands the empire, builds bridges, roads, uses idealized image of himself as propaganda (Prima Porta Augustus - cupid, military garb, raised right hand) - Imperial Portraiture – How does it differ from Emperor to Emperor (Augustus idealized images of himself to Vespasian v eristic portraits to show he is relatable to the people to Caracalla looks idealized and  Century)? Know its various guises – equestrian, general, intimidating to the Soldier Emperors of the 3rd religious, etc. - What are the basic artistic and architectural elements of the Roman Coliseum? What is its message to the public? The columns were basically relief sculpture and ascended from etruscan style to ionic style to corinthian style. This was to show that we conquered the etruscans, we conquered the greeks and we the romans, who performed the corinthian style are on top - Know the meaning and use of Triumphal Arches and Triumphal Columns - Forum architecture – know the basic elements and purposes of the Forum and their basilica (nave, aisles, exedrae. . . ). - Hadrianic Architecture – How is the architecture of Hadrian the pinnacle of Roman Architecture? pantheon - Decline of the Empire – How was Rome’s decline reflected in its art? stoic/worried expressions of the leaders - Art of the Tetrarchy – What is its basic message? How is it unique? - Art of Constantine – How is he a throw back to the Emperors of the past? How is he a talisman of the future? – art is no longer as good as it used to be. Takes sculptures of other emperors and has his portrait added. Portrays himself as a god like previous emperors. Terms to Know: Rome, Romulus, founder or rome the Roman Forum & the Sacred Way, c entral part of city with most important temples, places, palaces Fasces, R  eeds bound together with an axe

Lictors, officer that holds the fasces, executes people Republic, e  lected officials form upper class or military. Ideals: honor, sacrifice, please gods. Expansion: roads, trade routes Plebeians commoners & patricians nobel men Oligarchy, s mall group of people having control of a country Toga, sign of the upper class. The toga would also have a stripe of purple on it showing wealth. Consul, o  ne of the two annually elected chief magistrates who jointly ruled the republic. a triumvirate, g  roup of three men holding power Battle of Actium, o  ctavian pins mark anthony down in egypt. Marc anthony commits suicide by stabbing himself in the heart and cleopatra commits suicide by being bit by an asp. Octavian become Augustus Verism, E  xtremely realistic portrait busts dynamic functionalism, using engineering and architecture to build functional, lasting things Arch, not invented by the romans but they utilized it keystone & voussoirs, keystone - top central stone, voussoirs - round part of arch vault (barrel a  rched tunnel, annular barrel vault in shape of a circle (santa costanza), groin two barrel vaults meeting), dome, Exedra, s emicircular room where people could sit and talk engaged columns, c olumns built into a wall concrete (& its parts), a  ggregate (stone or tufa), water, sand, and lime stone Mosaic, C  reating a piece of art using concrete and colored bits Sulla, B  ecame dictator of Rome from civil war where he killed his opponents Pompey, Teams up with Crassus and Caeser (First Triumvirate) Julius Caesar, declared himself dictator for life and assisted into the ushering of the time of the emperors Marc Anthony & Cleopatra, Octavian,  oman peace Pax Romana, R Pontifex Maximus, c hief high priest empire, Virgil, P  oet during rome’s golden age Vitruvius, Marcus Agrippa, the aqueduct, c arries water to Nimes, made of cut stone (no mortar) Tellus, cameos, The Julio-Claudian Family, Nero, b  elieves he is a god, greatest thespian - 8 hour plays. After rome burns down he blames it on the Christians. Builds largest palace in rome with private lake and colossus of Nero. The Golden House, Titus, S  ieges Jerusalem, brings back 18,000 kg of gold Fall of Jerusalem, the menorah, apotheosis, Vesuvius, Volcano that erupts, buries Herculaneum and Pompeii Herculaneum, Pompeii, Nerva & the Five Good Emperors, Trajan,

Dacia, basilica, Hadrian & his Villa, oculus, Stoicism, Bath Architecture - tepidarium (warm), caldarium (hot), frigidarium (cold), Septimius Severus, Geta, Damnatio Memoriae , the Pathetic Style – C  haotic, used to show emotion the Aurelian Wall – Aurelian built a wall around Rome showing he can no longer control outside of Rome Diocletian – E  stablishes the tetrarchy with his three biggest rivals, splits up the kingdom and they all marry each other’s daughters. Makes the empire manageable and saves them all from killing each other. Constantine – F  ather was one of the tetrarchs, he rises up and defeats Maxentius The Battle of the Milvian Bridge – Defeats Maxentius, has dream night before battle about winning under a symbol of Christ Basilica Nova – Massive basilica built by Constantine in the Forum

Early Christian Art - (Again) Know the importance of Constantine. - Early Christian Architecture: Know the origins of basilica (or longitudinal) and central type structures Basilicas were originally used for markets/public events. - Know the development of Early Christian iconography - Old and New – how do you create a new symbolism for Christianity? - Use and iconography of the Christian Catacombs, paintings, mosaics - Know the ways in which the early Christians adopted and adapted the symbols of Roman might. Showed Christ as Sol Invictus (emperor with light beams coming from head - Know the origins and evolution of the Illuminated manuscript, a product of Rome. - In which ways does paganism persist in the art following the fall of Rome? Terms to Know: Chi rho – S  ymbol of Christ Constantine saw in his dream Edict of Milan – L  egalizes Christianity Constantine, St. Helena – C  onstantine’s mom, takes trip to Sol Invictus – B  elief in one sun god – competed with christianity Dura Europas – Roman outpost in Syria – rises to prominence in 2nd century, abandoned soon after – Jewish synagog was found with depictions of old testament stories on walls The Christian House Church – Found in Dura Europus, earliest form of Christian worship are like a house – earliest images of Christ were found inside Catacombs – p  laces of burial especially on outskirts of Rome – had paintings inside Jonah Cycle - T  he Sign of Jonah is the symbol of the resurrection Christian Mosaics - U  sed mosaics to tell stories

basilica-plan church - N  arthex (entrance), Nave (large central area), Aisles, Apse (semicircular end of Nave), transept (crosses Nave) central-plan church - h  as a dome, other parts are the same (no transept) Greek Cross Latin Cross Tholos Narthex Nave Aisles Rotunda Apse altar, transept, clerestory, Liturgy, r itual Eucharist, last supper ritual Ravenna, - Becomes capital of Italy after Rome falls, surrounded by malaria infested swamps Visgoths, Ostragoths, Syncretization – taking from old to make part of new Julian the Apostate – Emperor reopens pagan temples in 362 the Bishop of Rome.

Slide List Please know the following works of art and the artist or architect that created it (if applicable). Classical Greek XKallikrates, Temple of Athena Nike XPorch of the Maidens Late Classical Greek XPraxiteles  Hermes and the Infant Dionysus  phrodite of Cnidos XPraxiteles, A XLyssipos, A  poxyomenos (The Scraper) XLyssipos , Alexander the Great XPhiloxenos, A  lexander the Great Confronts and Darius at the Battle of Issus XPolykleitos the Younger, Theater at Epidauros Hellenistic Greek XAthena attacking Giants (from Pergamon) XEpignos, Dying Gaul XVenus de Milo XNike of Samothrace XAthanadoros, Hegesandros & Polydoros , Laocoön, XThe Boxer Etruscan Art

XTemple of Veii xFibula xApollo/Apulu of Veii xTomb of Hunting and Fishing xTomb of the Reliefs xSarcophagus with reclining figures xSarcophagus of Lars Pulena Roman Republic xHead of a Roman Patrician xThe Orator xTemple of Portunus xSanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia xVilla of the Mysteries fresco

Roman Empire xAra Pacis Augustea xPrima Porta Augustus xColiseum / Flavian Amphitheater xDisplaying the Spoils, Arch of Titus xBust of a Flavian Woman xHerakleitos, U  pswept Floor (Mosaic) xColumn of Trajan xThe Pantheon xEquestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius xCommodus as Hercules xPortrait bust of Caracalla xPortrait of Philip the Arab xPortraits of the Four Tetrarchs xArch of Constantine xColossal Portrait of Constantine Early Christian Art xThe Good Shepherd, Orants and Jonah Cycle (Catacomb painting) x(Old) St. Peter’s Basilica xSarcophagus of Junius Bassus xSanta Costanza xParting of Lot and Abraham (Mosaic) xChrist as Good Shepherd (Mosaic) xSymmachi Diptych...

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