History of Art Midterm Review PDF

Title History of Art Midterm Review
Course Introduction To World Art
Institution University of Pittsburgh
Pages 2
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History of Art Midterm Review 

KEY WORKS: o Readymades  challenged and problematized the accepted definition of art;  Dematerialized the notion of art relocating from the object to the idea  Elevated art to an intellectual endevor o Jade Axe  British Museum – London  Small – 21.25 cm x 8.12 cm  Object of desire  Very smooth  It enabled the settlers to clear the space that they needed. It was a revolutionary tool.  It was intended to be admired though, but actually became very useful. o Statue of Kafre  Iconography: Khafre, side and frontal views, detail of headdress embraced by wings of galcon, representing sky god, Horus.  Medium: hard stone, diorite, one large piece that was carved.  Pose: authoritative, arms are closed to the body, legs are closed to the chair, he is looking ahead. The pose is static & rigid. Sitting on a royal throne symbolizing he is the ruler of the unified kingdom. He is wearing the attire of a pharoh. Falcon is perched on his back which signifies the sky god, and his ruling is protected by the sky gods.  Size/Scale: life size, 5 6  View Point: from below. Sculpture was not meant to be seen and was only accessible to high priests who performed rituals. o Terracotta Army  Originally they were brightly/vividly painted. Great emphasis on individuality, diversity, and variety. These are not meant to be seen. The goal is to increase their effectiveness, so if the figures look more realistic then chances are they are going to be effective.  Facture: mass produced, set # of torsos, legs, arms, heads, and then the different pieces were assembled and combined in different combinations to make them individualized. The artist would carve out the hair and individual features, but the starting point was very standardized.  -This process tells us that you need a strong leader and needs to put in a strict organizational system to organize pieces, labor, and draw from different areas to make a well oiled, efficient system in place. Strong leadership and management.  Life like and life size. Slightly vary in height, uniform, hairstyle, and facial features. They are all unique.  Different hairstyles represent different areas of china. o Vietnam war memorial

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Focused on the victims and not just creating them to look like heroes The Vietnam War Memorial was the first victim’s memorial. It was made to help the soldier’s heal and not to glorify the nation like other monuments do. It is the first and only memorial to claim all the names of the U.S. people who died. Not made to attract a ton of visitors  no original path Li n ’ sd e s i g nwa sr a d i c a l l ys i mp l e , a b s t r a c ta nds p a r s e . Es s e n t i a l l yt wo wa l l s , t r i a n g ul a ri ns h a p ea n di d e n t i c a li ns i z e , me e ta ta no b t u s ea n g l e . Fr omt h ee ndo ft h efir s twa l lt ot h eo t h e r ,t h eme mo r i a li s2 4 7f e e tl o n g . Th ewa l l sa r ec a r v e di n t ot hee a r t h . Ea c hi n d i vi d u a ln a mei sc a r v e di n t o t h eb l a c kgr a n i t e ,5 / 8 ”h i g h–r e l a t i v e l ys ma l lf o n t . Th en a me sa r ea r r a n g e d o nt h ewa l l i nt h eo r d e ri nwh i c ht h e ydi e d .

KEY TERMS: o Readymades- commonplace prefabricated object isolated from its functional context and elevated to the status of art by the mere act of an artist’s selection o Medium- physical material used as a vehicle of expression for the artist (oil paint, acrylic paint, watercolor, clay etc.) o Texture- way two-dimensional work feels, refers to the surface’s quality. (smooth, polished, rough, thick, etc.) o Scale- the size of the art work o Factures- the physical process by which something is made/produced – material is worked through skill, technique, and labor to be fundamentally altered or turned into something else. o KA- died but continued his life on earth as an invisible spirit enjoying all the spirits of life with no pain and no suffering. Mumification provides a dwelling or shelter for the KA. Mumification was offered to anyone and everybody because it was understood that everyone had a spirit that would survive after death. They provided additional dwelling for the KA. o personal space- how the viewer interacts with the object o social space- historical context o counter monument- not like a traditional monument. o matrix- how art changes throughout time, the act of making art, and artists as the agent o authorship- who makes the art, what inspires the art, and who commissions(pays) for the art.


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