Article Critique PDF

Title Article Critique
Author abena otu
Course Strategic Management
Institution University of Ghana
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ARTICLE CRITIQUETITLE OF THE PAPER: Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A case of Kenya Commercial Bank in Migori CountyBYPamela Akinyi Omollo Journal: International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058 2015, Vol. 5, No. 2. IntroductionThis section ...


ARTICLE CRITIQUE TITLE OF THE PAPER: Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A case of Kenya Commercial Bank in Migori County


Pamela Akinyi Omollo Journal: International Journal of Human Resource Studies ISSN 2162-3058 2015, Vol. 5, No. 2. Introduction This section presents the summary and review of an article titled “Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A case of Kenya Commercial Bank in Migori County”. Here, the review of the named article is critically based on the outline of the following; Abstract of the paper, introduction, literature, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions drawn and recommendations made as well as the references presented. Thus, as a summary of the paper, the paper sought to assess the effect that motivation had on employee performance, specifically, on the job of workers of the Kenya Commercial Bank in Migori County (Omollo, 2015). Further, the study focused on the demotivating factors like delay of promotion, no clear career progression, unreasonable load, long working hours and lack of appreciation from the managers. This study adopted a descriptive design as a way achieving the objectives of the study through interviewing or administering questionnaire to a sample of individuals (Orodho, 2005). As a way of achieving the sampling objective, simple random sampling technique was used. The study employed the use of self-administered questionnaire to collect the required primary data. 1

Descriptive statistical analysis technique was employed to obtain useful summary of responses. Statistical Programme of Social Scientists (SPSS) version 17 was used to generate data that was presented in tables and pie charts as was necessary. The paper concluded that, managers should know that employees are motivated by monetary rewards. Finally, the paper recommended that there is need for managers to have a comprehensive motivation scheme in all aspects of an organization as this is directly proportional to the output of the employees. Strengths of the Paper The paper deals with an important subject of interest for Western and African countries and commercial banks’ workers facing challenges in terms of motivation and performance at the workplace in the contemporary business environment. The article is well structured, in agreement with the requirements of a research paper. An abstract was given to summarise the purpose, method, and findings of the paper. The coverage of the study was also highlighted. In terms of the results, the paper indicated the relationship between the variables under study. References were provided both in-text and reference list. Generally, the paper was good. However, it has some weaknesses Weaknesses of the Paper Topic of the Paper: The use of a “case” sounds more of the study going to last for a long time and for that matter, the “evidence from Kenya Commercial Bank in Migori” should have been proper. The reason for this is that in research, a case study of a particular institution for a short period of time is proper rather using the institution as an evidence to deal with a particular is better looking at the nature of the study.


Abstract: The abstract failed to incorporate the research approach used by the study and the range of years covered in the study. Also, the research approach by the study was not indicated method used. In addition, the results or the findings of the study were not presented specific policy recommendations were not included. Problem Statement In going through the statement of the problem, the research gap to be established to indicate actual effect of motivation on employee performance was absent rather the paper was hovering on the surrounding issues. Thus, from my perspectives, the paper should have highlighted on the research gap which actually informed the guest for this study. Hypotheses The paper was about assessing the effect of motivation on employee performance. However, the paper stated research questions in relation to the stated specific objectives. In studying effect of a motivation on employee performance, hypotheses would have been better to test the real significance of the effect on motivation on employee performance. Therefore, research questions were not appropriate for the study. Literature Review The paper did not indicate any clear empirical review to inform the statement of the problem. Hence, the absence of a research gap in the paper. The concepts of motivation and employee performance were not explained in the paper. Moreover, the paper used more than one theory, however, what informed the use of more than one theory was not clearly stated in the literature.


Methodology The authors did not indicate research approach the study adopted in carrying the study. In addition, the basis for the selection of the four banks and employees of the banks as the sample size was not given. The study did not explain more in depth the selection of the variables used as explanatory variables. Also, such a study warrants a regression model and the paper did not specify any regression model to study the relationship among the variables. There was no justification for the use of descriptive research design and the questionnaire. Data source were not provided, and the type of scale used for the questions was more of categorical which is not appropriate for the study for the study was quantitative and that rate scale would have been better than the likert scale used in the study. No research design and estimation technique.

Results and Discussion The presentations of the results were based on the descriptive analyses. This was as a result of the nature of the questions used. From my perspectives, the authors should have gone further to do correlation and regression analyses to effectively study the effect of motivation on employee performance. Also, the presentation of the results was devoid of policy implications which are key to inform policy makers and stakeholders. From my perspective, the results are incomplete for meaningful generalisation. The presentations of some of the results were poorly done and not clear particularly Figures 4.5 and 4.8. Again, categorical data were not suitable for a quantitative study of this nature, though the author claimed to use both qualitative and quantitative approaches.



The paper did not base the recommendations on the conclusions and also the recommendations were not specific which are of importance.

References: There were inconsistencies in the references. Also, some of the in-text references were not in the reference list such as Kothari (2008).

Conclusions and Recommendations

Generally, the paper has informed us on the relation between motivation and employee performance for policy purposes. However, critical review of the paper suggested that there more to be done about the paper to effectively convince readers on the actual relationship between motivation and employee performance. It is therefore recommended that further analyses should be done such as correlation and regression and hypotheses testing to give a clear picture of the study. Thus, the author should restructure the paper for future publication. References Omollo, P. A. (2015). Effect of motivation on employee performance of commercial banks in Kenya: A case of Kenya commercial bank in Migori County, International Journal of Human Resource Studies, ISSN 2162-3058, 5(2). Orodho A. J. (2005). Elements of Motivation and Social Science Research Methods.


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