ARTS1000 Workbook 2 PDF

Title ARTS1000 Workbook 2
Course Humanities and the world
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 8
File Size 495 KB
File Type PDF
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Workbook 2 ...




Image attribution: The Internet as Connected Tissue

Introduction to Workbook 2 In this second part of your Skills Portfolio Assessment in ARTS1000 you have the task of completing a series of mini activities related to how you study this unit, how you develop your skills and how you engage with the various activities and resources in weeks 6, 7, 8 and 9.

There are four parts for you to complete in Workbook 2: 1. Reading notes. Please choose any of the essential readings from weeks 6, 7, 8, and 9 and use the questions provided in the template to unpack the reading. 2. Video notes. Watch the video/panel discussion on fake news and complete the relevant sections using the questions in the template as a prompt. 3. Activity 1. Participate in a learning activity and use the questions in the template to reflect on your learning. The learning activity can be from this unit (preparation work, lectorial or tutorial activities) or it can be extracurricular (e.g: work, volunteering, community work, creative practice, attending workshops, seminars, etc.) 4. Activity 2. As above.

Tips:    

Complete and submit on time (note that the late penalty is 2 marks per day unless special consideration is granted) Use your personal learning journal to take notes as you study in this unit. It will help when completing this task. If you are citing sources, remember to use APA style for referencing Ask for support or clarifications online using the General discussion forum

Please complete the sections of this workbook and submit it electronically using TurnitIn on or before 11.59 pm on Friday 8th May 2020.

Reading note-taking template

Title of reading:

Reflection about the reading (approximately 100 words): • What is this chapter/ article about? • What did my lecturer/ tutor say about this chapter or subject? • What do I already know about this subject? • How does this reading relate to what I already know/ have read?

Unpack the reading (100 words): • Take notes from the text but write information in your own words. • Note down the main idea(s) of keys paragraphs in a section. They are often found in the first or last sentence. For this activity focus on maximum two to three sections in a reading.

Consolidate (50 words) • underline or highlight the important points of the overall reading in bullet points

Video note-taking template Title of Video: Background Knowledge: Before watching the video, write anything you already know about this topic.

Main Points in this video: Record key points and details you learned from this video.

Arguments: What arguments, examples or evidence did the presenters give to support their point? What was one point in the discussion that surprised you/ was new to you? What evidence can you find in the published literature that supports some of the arguments made in the video?

Questions you have: Write any questions you still have about this topic and how you can look for answers.

Activity template Name of Activity:

Description of the activity (What, when?):

Reason(s) for undertaking the activity (Why?):

Knowledge or skills gained (So what?):

Impact of the activity (Now what?):

Final Reflection/Notes (e.g. How well did you feel the activity was conducted and how well did you contribute to it?):

Activity template Name of Activity:

Description of the activity (What, when?):

Reason(s) for undertaking the activity (Why?):

Knowledge or skills gained (So what?):

Impact of the activity (Now what?):

Final Reflection/Notes (e.g. How well did you feel the activity was conducted and how well did you contribute to it?):

Marking Rubric Outstanding HD 100%-85%)

Advanced D (84%-75%)

Proficient C (74%-65%)

Functional P (64%-50%)

Developing F (49%-0%)

Writing is mostly clear and concise.

Writing is mostly clear but needs work to become more concise.

Writing is at times clear and needs work to become concise.

Writing lacks clarity.

Quality of reflection (25 marks)

All resources, activities and ideas have been unpacked. The reflections demonstrate an in-depth and insightful response, which engage with personal opinions and/or feelings.

All resources, activities and ideas have been unpacked. The majority of the reflections demonstrate an in-depth and insightful response, which engage with personal opinions and/or feelings.

Most resources, activities and ideas have been unpacked. The reflections demonstrate an insightful response, which sometimes engages with personal opinions and/or feelings.

Ability to draw connections between resources, activities and one's existing and developing knowledge and skills (25 marks)

The portfolio draws clear and insightful connections between the resources, activities and the student's existing and developing knowledge and skills. There is a learning strategy.

The portfolio draws clear connections between the resources, activities and student's existing and developing knowledge and skills. Strategies for future learning are mentioned.

The portfolio draws some connections between the resources, activities and student's existing and developing knowledge and skills.

Some resources, activities and ideas have been unpacked but the notes and debrief are mostly descriptive and does not sufficiently engage with personal opinions and/or feelings. The portfolio draws a few connections between the resources, activities and the student's existing knowledge. There is no mention of developing knowledge or learning strategy.

Feedback from previous activities and/or submissions has been fully incorporated and the portfolio demonstrates significant improvement.

Most of the feedback from previous activities and/or submissions has been incorporated and the portfolio demonstrates significant improvement.

Some of the feedback from previous activities and/or submissions has been incorporated. The portfolio demonstrates some improvement.

Quality of writing (25 marks)

Improvement and incorporation of feedback (25 marks)

Writing is clear and concise.

Some of the feedback from previous activities and/or submissions has been considered. There are minor improvements.

Superficial or no unpacking of the resources, activities and ideas. The notes and debrief remain descriptive and do not engage with personal opinions and/or feelings.

No clear connections between the resources and activities and student's knowledge and skills.

Feedback has not been incorporated. There is no clear improvement.

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