Assessment 1 Sitxinv 002 Maintain the quality of perishable items PDF

Title Assessment 1 Sitxinv 002 Maintain the quality of perishable items
Author Anonymous User
Course Management
Institution University of Queensland
Pages 9
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ASSESSMENT 1 – Assignment This cover sheet is to be completed by the assessor and used as a record of outcome of this assessment task

Student Name: Student ID No: Unit code


Unit Title

Maintain the quality of perishable items

Note to Assessor: • You are to use this checklist when assessing the evidence provided by the student as a result of the student completing this assessment task. You should conduct your assessment in accordance with the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence as outlined in Standards for RTO’s 2015: Clause 1.8. • Attach student`s hand out during the coaching session if applicable.

Assessment Criteria

contents of stock date codes and rotation labels meaning of:  wastage to a commercial catering organisation and reasons to avoid it  contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code reasons for protecting food from contamination different types of contamination:  microbiological  chemical  physical methods of rejecting contaminated food


If Not Satisfactory, please comment

 Yes  No

 Yes  No

 Yes  No  Yes  No  Yes  No

potential deficiencies of delivered perishable food items: 

contaminated food

food that is intended to be: 

frozen but has thawed

chilled but has reached a dangerous

 Yes  No

temperature zone 

packaged food that is exposed through damaged packaging

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 

correct environmental storage conditions for each of the main food types specified in the Performance Evidence: correct application of humidity and temperature controls correct ventilation protecting perishables from exposure to:

 

heating or air conditioning accidental damage through people traffic

  

environmental heat and light sanitary cleanliness storing perishables:

 

in dry stores in cool rooms

 

in freezers in refrigerators

sanitised and hygienic conditionsat room temperature

food safety procedures and standards for storage of perishable supplies: appropriate containers labelling and coding first in first out methods storage environments temperature, humidity, light and ventilation specifications for storage cleaning and sanitising processes for food storage areas quarantining the storage of items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food: chemicals clothing personal belongings

 Yes  No

 Yes  No

 Yes  No indicators of spoilage and contamination of perishable supplies: degradation of flavour, aroma, colour and texture enzymic browning drying and hardening crystalisation infestation of animal and pest waste e4fcea36d7c9d5dd49370472d162dbeb.docxVersion 2.0

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mould exposed packaged food through damaged packaging odour indicators of quality of perishable items:  currency of best by or use by dates  Yes  No  freshness  size  weight correct and environmentally sound disposal methods  Yes  No for kitchen waste and hazardous substances  Satisfactory Not YetSatisfactory If Not Yet Satisfactory – Please identify the re-assessment arrangements: (Please tick the assessment result for this task) Comments/ Feedback (If the student is deemed Not Satisfactory the Assessor MUST state the circumstances and reasons why this judgment has been made):

Student Declaration:I hereby acknowledge by signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work in all the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged or as per the specific assessment task instructions. I declare that I have been assessed in this assessment task, have been provided with feedback and I have been advised of my result. I also am aware of my appeal rights

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback Assessor Name: _____________________________

Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____

Student name: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Date:


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Assessment Guidelines for Student: Conditions of assessment:     

This is a close book assessment requiring you answer all questions in your own words This assessment will be conducted in QCVE’S classroom Approximate time required to complete this assessment is 2 hours. All the questions must be answered satisfactorily

 

Your assessor will advise you the Dates and timing for this assessment as per the timetable. Your evidence submitted for this Assessment Task will be graded as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory. Your Assessor will provide you with feedback. If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this case you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that you can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.

For this Assessment you are required to follow the instructions provided under Tasks to be completed by the studentand submit your response by the date advised to your Assessor.

Submitting assessments You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor. Your assessor will tell you how to submit your responses to this task.

When and where will this assessment take place? The task must be done in your classroom. Your assessor will also tell you when your work should be submitted by.

What if the assessment is not suitable? If you are unable to respond to the questions in writing, your assessor may be able to provide you with an alternative method, such as asking you verbal questions. Discuss this with your assessor.

Reasonable adjustment or special needs Reasonable adjustment will be provided for students with a disability or learning difficulty according to the nature of the disability or difficulty. Reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that the student is not presented with artificial barriers to demonstrating achievement in the program of study. Reasonable adjustments may include the use of adaptive technology, educational support and alternative methods of assessment such as oral assessment. e4fcea36d7c9d5dd49370472d162dbeb.docxVersion 2.0

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In assessing the competence of individuals, assessors must provide for reasonable adjustments to ensure the assessment principles of fairness and flexibility are addressed. However, assessors must be confident that reasonable adjustments do not compromise the outcomes of the unit and the integrity of the qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued as certification of achievement.

What if the answers are not satisfactory? You have 2 attempts of submission for each unit of competency. For each assessment re-submission, you should complete any assessment tasks that were marked as NYS and resubmit. Students should meet the student support officer and book for the reassessment at this stage. Third attempt to submit the assessment will require further training and you will need to enrol in the unit of competency and subsequently extend your CoE. If you are dissatisfied with an assessment decision, you should make an appeal to the CEO in writing no longer than 20 days following advice of the assessment decision.

What if I missed my assessment day? You will be required to attempt the assessment during the re-assessment week. Please check the fee and charges policy for any fee that may apply for re-assessment.

Cheating and Plagiarism QCVE has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating and plagiarism. The work that you submit should be your own. must not be a used or reproduced (all or parts) of another student's work. o o o o

Must not be collaborated with another student on work that is intended to be completed individual submission Must not be performed/submitted by another person on your behalf contracted another person to do the work for you allowed or contracted another person to edit and substantially change your work

Feedback Students are encouraged to reflect on key observations and issues encountered during their studies to encourage learning. Knowing what you understand or have mastered and identifying where you need to improve the critical skills for successful learning. Your assessor will give you feedback throughout the duration of the unit you are studying and after assessment results. The feedback given to you will always be to support your achievements and to monitor your progress throughout your studies.

Context of and specific resources for assessment  Access to office equipment and learning resources, access to computer with internet, printer, projector, and other office facilities.  Assignment questions

Tasks to be completed by the student e4fcea36d7c9d5dd49370472d162dbeb.docxVersion 2.0

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You are required to provide printed response to all the assignment questions For this assessment your assessor will assessing you on criteria listed on the assessment cover sheet: Evidence to be collected for this assessment: Printed copy of responses to all the question listed in the Assignment

Questions 1. What is the importance of avoiding wastage in a commercial kitchen operation? Business kitchens can do a lot to lessen the food squander that winds up in landfills, especially with regards to following the sort and measure of food that is coming into the kitchen. When requesting food it regularly bodes well to purchase a ton immediately and stock up so food orders don't need to be set as every now and again 2. Provide 3 reasons why food needs to be protected from contamination: Right food taking care of practices and food stockpiling help keep microbes from sullying and increasing on food varieties. The accompanying move should be made to forestall bacterial pollution: Protect food from defilement handle food appropriately. Keep microbes from increasing 3. What are the different types of contamination? How are these caused? Responses Type of Contamination chemical



Causes Alludes to food that has been defiled by some kind of compound substance. Since synthetics can be exceptionally valuable when cleaning the kitchen, they can without much of a stretch taint food. Synthetics should be appropriately marked and put away independently for food item to limit the danger of defilement. Alludes to food that is debased by substances delivered by living animals – like people, rodents, irritations, or microorganisms. This incorporates bacterial tainting, viral pollution, or parasite defilement that is moved through salivation, bother droppings, blood, or fecal matter. Bacterial defilement is believed to be the most widely recognized reason for food contamination around the world, and the most ideal approach to ensure against it happening is by keeping up the best sanitation rehearses. Alludes to food that has been debased by an unfamiliar article at some phase of the creation interaction. These items can harm somebody and can likewise possibly convey hurtful natural impurities, which at that point cause ailment. An extra outcome of actual tainting is the disturbed caused to the individual who

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discovers the item. Things like bandages, fingernails, and bits of cooking hardware are the last thing you might want to discover in your supper.

4. What are the requirements for checking foods and perishables when a delivery arrives? This needs to include the underpinning regulatory requirements, e.g. how to check, recording mechanisms etc. 

decay like an odd shading or smell.

broken, spilling, or harmed bundling.

bothers, including chewed bundles, droppings, or nuisances themselves.

defrosting of frozen products.

swollen or marked jars and guarantee that their seals are in acceptable condition.

bundling for dried merchandise has dampness stains.

5. List the suitable storage area, provision for correct storage (e.g. sanitised container) and typical storage temperatures for each of the commodities listed in the table. Explain how these storage areas should be prepared prior to storing food items following a delivery. Commodity

Storage area

Storage temperature

Storage provision

1. Vegetables 2. Beverages 3. Dairy products 4. Canned products 5. Dry goods 6. Cooked Food Items 7. Frozen goods 8. Fruit 9. Meat 10. Oils 11. Poultry 12. Seafood 13. Vacuumed sealed items Preparation of Storage areas:

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6. What are the humidity and ventilation requirements for dry store, cool room and freezers? What are the requirements for monitoring and documentation? The rules underneath ought to be followed: Keep dry stockpiling regions clean with great ventilation to control stickiness and forestall the development of shape and microscopic organisms. Store dry food sources at 50°F for greatest time span of usability. Nonetheless, 70°F is satisfactory for dry stockpiling of most items. 7. What actions you will take for effective pest control and maintenance of storage areas? 

A powerful nuisance control program oversaw by somebody with suitable ability.

Keeping outside regions liberated from waste, flotsam and jetsam, and food sources.

Keeping a totally clear border region around structures of about 0.5m.

Keeping all entryways and windows shut and ensuring there are no holes that permit bother access

8. You receive a delivery of fresh, frozen and dry goods. How will you store these items to ensure food safety requirements, prevent spoilage and ensure security of goods? fresh 4°C (39°F) or colder

frozen - 18°C (0°F) or lower

dry goods 50°F for maximum shelf life. However, 70°F is adequate

9. What are the labelling and coding requirements for food items? How does this assists in effective FIFO procedures? FIFO is "earliest in, earliest out" and essentially implies you need to mark your food with the dates you store them, and put the more established food varieties in front or on top so you use them first. This framework permits you to discover your food faster and use them all the more effectively 10. What is the purpose of stock rotation? Stock revolution is the way toward getting sorted out stock to relieve the stock misfortune brought about by termination or oldness. Fundamental stock pivot involves moving items with approaching sell-by dates to the front of the rack and moving items with later lapse dates to the back.

11. What are the recommended methods for cleaning and sanitising floors, wall and shelving in storage areas to ensure food safety for storage? e4fcea36d7c9d5dd49370472d162dbeb.docxVersion 2.0

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Eliminate food pieces or earth on a superficial level Wash the surface Flush the surface Clean the surface Permit the surface to air dry Divider cleaning doesn't need any exceptional divider cleaner. Residue the dividers. Blend water and dish cleanser. Test a fix on the divider. Tenderly wash in round movements. Tackle any difficult stains. Wash the dividers Wipe down racks with a perfect material or wipe and warm water with gentle cleanser. Wipe food contact surfaces with a subsequent fabric submerged in cleaning arrangement; let air dry. For dirtier surfaces in cooking regions, for instance, utilize a shower degreaser and nylon bristle brush or non-grating scouring cushion.

12. Provide 7 examples of indicators which can be used to identify whether stock is spoiled or contaminated:       

slime mold discoloration bad odors chnages texture frost and package damage canned food, souring, egg float

14. How would you dispose of kitchen waste and potentially hazardous substances according to environmental requirements and to prevent potential contamination in a food production area?

A portion of the dangerous substances you might be experience in the kitchen include: Cleaning items, for example cleansers, dye, stove

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