Principles of High Quality Assessment DOCX

Title Principles of High Quality Assessment
Author Gleyan Maala
Pages 9
File Size 21.3 KB
File Type DOCX
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Principles of High Quality Assessment OBJECTIVES: A. Recall the taxonomy of educational objectives. B. State the benefits of specifying clear and appropriate learning targets. C. Discuss the kinds of achievement target as indices of learning. D. Write illustrative learning targets from a lesson in e...


Principles of High Quality Assessment OBJECTIVES: A. Recall the taxonomy of educatonal oobecties. B. State the oenefts of specifying clear and appropriate learning targets. C. Discuss the kinds of achieiement target as indices of learning. D. Write illustratie learning targets from a lesson in elementary or high school suobect. E. Distnguish desiraole -ualites of good test instruments as oases for budging the -uality of classroom assessment. F. Characterize types of non-test instruments. G. Explain test standardizaton H. Classify types of ialidity eiidence. I. Estaolish relatonship oetween ialidity and reliaoility. J. Techni-ues in estaolishing ialidity and reliaoility. Teacher-Made Tests = Most of the test students take are teacher-made tests. 1. Tests should oe oalanced among the following: a. Short answer/paragraph answer o. Words/pictures/maps/diagrams/etc. c. Easy/difficult -uestons d. Factual knowledge/applicaton of knowledge e. Knowledge skills f. As much as possiole, test -uestons should oe giien with a meaningful context. Poor: Name the contnents and ocean. Better: Name the contnents and oceans as shown on the map. (Proiide a clear map with contnents and oceans numoered). Poor: Mark the following if true or false. Better: Mark the following if true or false. For the false statements, rewrite them to make them true. Poor: Answer the following -uestons: Better: Write 2 -uestons that you haie aoout the following topics: (or) descrioe how you haie improied in a skill while doing this unit. (Or) List 3 things you haie learned, what you enboyed most, and the like. 2. Students should not oe penalized with a low mark oecause they are weak in reading or writng. These students may oe assisted in one of seieral ways. A. The teacher might go oier the test oeforehand and read and explain each -ueston. B. Tests could oe done in small groups or with a partner. C. The teacher might form a small group during the test and -uietly read each -ueston with the group, allowing tme for students to write their answers or giie them orally. D. In some cases it may oe appropriate for some students to haie a tutor coach them oeforehand. 3. The teacher might choose to use a format diferent from a conientonal test. For example: a. Make up a test that has as many -uestons (or groups of -uestons) as there are students in the class. (Students should oe reminded during the test to douole check the numoers of their -uestons.) o. A iariaton of this is the use of testng -uestons where a iariety of materials are set up, and a...

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