Quality of life assessment PDF

Title Quality of life assessment
Course Dimensions of Nursing Practice
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 5
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Quality of Life Self Care


Quality of Life Self Care Assessment

Quality of Life Self Care

2 The Quality of Life Self Care Assessment

The quality of life self-care wheel assessment is a tool used to reflect and gain some insight into the stability of life and how to satisfy life’s diverse areas (Baker, 2017). This assessment main goal is to identify how an individual is currently spending their time and how pleased that individual is in the different stages of their life. This assessment tool is divided into several different categories of life and is scored using a scale of 10 being high and 1 is low. This assessment tool helps an individual to recognize his or her weakness and strength and build on it. Wellness is an awareness, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential in life. I used the dimensional model to identity my weakness and strength in life in order to improve my life style. To be well, one most have balance and harmony between the different aspects that make up our lives. The quality of life self-care wheel assessment consists of seven categories which includes health, rest/recreation, personal development/relationship, finances, environment, career/school passion. I scored a 10 for health, career/school and environment I also scored a 10 for passion, rest/recreation 9, and personal development/relationship a 6. For finances I scored 1. Starting with passion because I scored 10 is my greatest strength because I am doing what I love and desire. I have worked in the health field for 10 years and caring helping people have been my dream and I am glad that part of my life is fulfill. The next one is environment which is very important. My son says saving the earth. I respect the environment by respecting and taking action to make sure it is protected. I make sure the amount of pollutant is reduced in the environment by deposing waste to the appropriate places, reuse container and batteries and recycle papers, glass and plastic. I will do everything I can in my power to keep the environment safe. Health is very important so I make sure I am healthy and well in order to do what is

Quality of Life Self Care


expected of me. A healthy body create a healthy mind. I keep heathy by doing exercises which includes exercising 4 times daily and participating in different active activities. Visiting my doctor, eating healthy and having a healthy lifestyle keeps me motivated to do what I love to do which is helping people. Even though I am in a good place now but to remain at this level I would have to continue keeping myself healthy and doing more. According to Hettler, choose from what you love and push yourself to do it. Career/school is one that I am doing now which is improving my skills to better serve those entrusted to my care. I set my goal every year to at least make education my number one priority because it involves improving skills, being better at what I do. Achieving goals satisfy the content of work life and balancing work and school. Life is a balance and must be met. Interaction and relationship is important because interacting with people and creating this unique bond is what matters most. My finances are worst which is why I scored 1. I have also worked so hard to budget and take control of my finances but to no avail. My spending and using budget is my biggest problem. I haven’t been able to balance my finances. Money play a vital role in our lives today and not having enough impact our health and balance in life. It also brings stress, anxiety which leads to health issues. Strategies to make my finances wellness better, I would start by setting a budget plan and set it in a place to read it every day for remembrance. Keeping track of my expenses, setting a budget and putting it on places that I would have easy access every day till I can improve my financial wellness. Look for financial counselor and make sure I get help for experts on financial issue till I learn to balance in the financial area. Strategies to still balance on those areas that I also have control would be to keep doing or focusing on those areas like I am doing now. For example, I will continue to do my exercises

Quality of Life Self Care


four times daily to keep healthy and balance my life. I would keep recycling papers, plastics and doing everything daily to protect the earth. Conclusion, is to always remember the quality of life self-care tool to balance life and help others to balance their life too. Like the body parts, quality of life assessment is important to our daily lives.


Quality of Life Self Care



https://shcs.ucdavis.edu/wellness/financial/#.VxRY1DArLbI Baker (2013). Wheel of Life-A Self-Assessment Hettler, B. (1976). Six dimension of wellness model Catalano, Joseph T. (02/2015). Nursing now; today’s Issues, Tomorrow’s Trend, 7th Edition...

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