Assignment 1- Cognitive Devel. Table PDF

Title Assignment 1- Cognitive Devel. Table
Author Peyton Hack
Course Child and Early Adolescent Development and Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Peyton Hack ELM-200 Professor Danuser August 29th, 2019


Cognitive Development Table Cognitive Development Concept Sensorimotor stage

Preoperational stage

Definition (Age: Newborn- 2ish) This stage is based on their behaviors and perceptions. The child is beginning to have understanding of self and environment through senses. (pg.217) (Age: 2-5) Language enhances so children can now think and play/communicate with others. They start to learn how to process

Provide Example of the Concept Applied A baby sees her mom is holding her phone, she notices when her mom presses it, it gives off light. The baby is amazed by the light given off of the phone and reaches for the phone to identify the light. A child forms his arms like a t-rex and while doing this, he makes the sound of a dinosaur.

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One Strategy to Support the Concept Someone could expose the child to different types of stimulants such as things that create light or sound.

A person could support the child with this type of communication by playing with them and pretending to be a dinosaur as well.

Concrete operations stage

Formal operations stage




thought to form ideas. (pg.217) (Age: 5-11) Adult-like logic appears but is limited to reasoning of real-life situations. (pg.218) (Age 11+) Logical reasoning processes are applied to abstract ideas; capabilities essential for advance reasoning in math and science appear. Thinking is more sophisticated in this stage. (pg. 218) Absorbing new information and applying it to the real world.

Where children either 1) modify scheme to account for object or event or 2) form a scheme to deal with it (pg.212) When children can address new events using what they’ve

A child separate’s m&m’s and puts them into different piles by assigning their colors to groups. A teen is asked to go cliff jumping with his friends; he thinks about the possible consequences and outcomes of doing this. Such as, how fun and cool he would look if he jumped. A child has seen a golden retriever dog before in pictures, he then sees a different breed of dog in person and recognizes it as a dog. A child sees a cat in public and yells “cat”. The child knows that a dog as has fur and a tail and the cat possesses the same traits. When a soccer play knows how to play soccer but still goes to

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You could tell the child the colors and ask them which group the color goes into. Someone could help give him another perspective on the consequences and outcomes of cliff jumping. Like, how if his parents found out, they would ground him or, if he jumps wrong, he could get seriously injured. A person could point to the different breed of dog and acknowledge that it’s a dog, so the child recognizes it as a dog.

Someone could remind the child that no, that is cat and point out the traits the are different between the cat and a dog. As a teacher, you could teacher them familiar curriculum but introduce

previously learned about the world. A social construct to learn about varies different issues and ideas.

practice sharpening his skills. Students communicate with other students of various different opinions.

Social construction of meaning

Development of understanding the world around you by assumptions of reality.

Mediated learning

Interaction between a teacher/ someone with someone who is more experienced, to learn information. Children first use complex interactions with people, overtime they use in their own thinking (pg.214) Children talk to themselves mentally rather than aloud (pg.214)

A person had a bad experience with the church, so they apply that to the way they think every church is. A singer goes to a singing coach, who use to sing professor, to become a better singer.


Role of diversity


Inner speech


The temporary support given to a child by a more knowledgeable person, that helps them perform a task until

A child will hear many different opinions based on politics and will utilize that to formulate their own opinion. A child is given the task to do a puzzle, he can think about all the pieces and putting them together without anyone hearing. A grandfather will help his granddaughter ride a bike without training wheels up until he thinks she’s able to do it

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them new material to enhance their skills. Teachers could have their students work with other students on topics that have various different opinions. If a child is raised in a household that was strict about certain things, the child will uphold/ apply those rules to their life Teachers will use their own skills they’ve learned and apply is to their lessons to pass their wisdom onto students. Teaching students a variety of ideas and topics to get them to think about what is being taught and absorb it into their minds. A teacher could have students work problems that allow students to think internally.

A teacher will offer support when teaching students material but then will have them do it on their own, once they feel

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

Role of diversity

they can do it themselves. Children can’t yet preform independently but can perform with other people’s help. This is the difference between a student’s ability to perform by themselves or with a person’s help. Using social environments to learn how others think and formulate their own views based on their backgrounds.

on her own.

like they are ready.

A student tries finishing his in-class work but doesn’t get it, unless, his teacher is by his side helping him.

Teachers can offer to provide help to students and materials that will help them learn material.

Students of different upbringings and culture work together on a project to form different ideas.

Teachers have students work together with the other class, full of different upbringings, to come up with ideas.

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With a vast number of teachers in this world, comes many individually creative and strategic teaching techniques. Studying the cognitive development theories has not only given me on insight on my future classroom environments, but how I want to impact my students. Cognitive development concepts are the construction of thought processes: problem- solving, recalling, and decision making that get increasingly complex from childhood to adulthood (Ormrod & Jones 2018). Every child develops and learns differently, the cognitive development concepts second this. A student that’s level of cognition is different than their age group will have a hard time learning at the same pace as everyone else (Ewing et al., 2011). If a student going into first grade is still in the Preoperational stage, their thoughts are just starting to form ideas, this could affect their successfulness. This is significant because almost every teacher and parent wants their child to succeed in school. The cognitive development concepts are so essential when it comes to teaching a class efficiently. Teachers can plan their lessons and adjust accordingly to the different levels their children are learning at (Ojsoe, 2008, p. 29). As a future Elementary teacher, learning about the concepts have helped me recognize that my teaching habits will need to be geared towards the various learning styles. For example, knowing that children in the Concrete operations stage are limited to the reasoning of real-life situations, I would implement real life problem solving in their lessons. Therefore, teachers can benefit from having knowledge of these concepts to plan effective instruction. © 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Engaging students with various developmentally activities is essential to improving their memory and learning abilities. Children will absorb the information given to them in class when it relates their mental processes (Ojose, 2008, p. 27). For example, I’ve noticed that children in grades Kindergarten and 1st are more interested in playing rather than working. If a teacher taught a kindergartner by saying they need to work or they won’t be successful, it wouldn’t be effective. Therefore, I would teach my lessons through games and explain ideas in a playful manner. Teaching a student depending on the stage they are at will support their learning capabilities. All in all, the utilization of the Cognitive development concepts is vital when being efficient teacher. It is a pivotal tool that, when used correctly, sharpens the minds of children. Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s concepts of cognitive development enable me to become the best teacher I strive to be.

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Ewi n gJ oh nC. ,Fos t e rDa ni e lD. , &Whi t t i n gt onM.Sus i e .( 2011 ) .Exp l a i ni n gs t ude ntc o g ni t i ondu r i n gc l a s ss e s s i onsi nt hec ont e xt pi a g e t ’ st he or yofc o gni t i v ede v e l opme nt . NACTAJ ou r nal , 55( 1) ,68.

Oj os e ,B.( 20 08) .App l yi n gPi a g e t ’ st he or yo fc o gni t i v ede v e l opme ntt oma t he ma t i c si n s t r uc t i on. Mat he mat i c sEduc at or ,18( 1) ,2 6– 30 .

Ormrod, J.E & Jones, B.D. (2018). Cognitive development. Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas to Guide Effective Teaching 1(5) 237

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