Assignment-1 Econ1193 Nguyen-Minh-Tung PDF

Title Assignment-1 Econ1193 Nguyen-Minh-Tung
Author Khoi Khuu
Course Business Statistics
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University Vietnam
Pages 16
File Size 867.8 KB
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A. Are Diesel Cars more efficient than Petrol Cars? Page 3 Line Graph for fuel efficiency of diesel and petrol cars Page 3 Table of comparison all the measure of Central Tendency of petrol and diesel cars fuel efficiency Page 4 Table of comparison all the measure of Variation of petrol and diesel ca...




A. Are Diesel Cars more efficient than Petrol Cars? 1) Line Graph for fuel efficiency of diesel and petrol cars 2) Table of comparison all the measure of Central Tendency of petrol and diesel cars fuel efficiency

Page 3

Page 3

Page 4

3) Table of comparison all the measure of Variation of petrol and diesel cars

Page 5

4) Histogram of fuel efficiency of petrol and diesel cars

Page 5

5) Box-and-Whisker plot of fuel efficiency of petrol and diesel cars

B) Conclusion

Page 6

Page 9

C) Personally Opinion

Page 10

D) Article Analysis

Page 11

E) Reference

Page 15

I n t r o d u c t i o n :Th eg i v e na n a l y s i si sg o i n gt od e s c r i b et h el i n ec h a r t , t a b l eo fc o mp a r i s o nwi t ha l l me a s u r eofCe n t r a lT e n d e n c ya n dVa r i a t i o n . I ta l s op r o v i d e sahi s t o g r a ma n db o x a n dwh i s k e r p l o t st oe x pl a i nt h ef ue le ffic i e n c yo fb o t hmo d e l :Pe t r o la n dDi e s e lBMW c a r s * DAT A3 2

Case Study Analysis

A) Are Diesel Cars more efficient than Petrol Cars?

1. Line Graph for fuel efficiency of diesel and petrol cars

Fuel efficiency of Diesel and Petrol Cars 70 Average of fuel efficiency

60 50 40

Diesel Petrol

30 20 10 0 2013









Figure 1: Line Graph about the fuel efficiency of Diesel and Petrol BMW Cars

The above-mentioned line graph depicts the average of mile-per gallon of each car model, namely petrol and diesel from BMW. As is presented in graph, it is apparently the fuel efficiency of diesel model is much more effective rather than the petrol ones. Standing at 57.614mpg in 2013, however the number of this fuel efficiency in diesel car decelerated to 56,375mpg in 2014 and shared roughly comparable figure in two years forwards. A point worth noting is a downward trend was witnessed from 2017, which reveals that the effectively of utilizing in diesel model until present. The figures fluctuated by varying but the main trend was upward varied greatly through 7 yearperiod (2013-2020). With 37,7mpg was recorded as the fuel efficiency and equivalent more than 6.24 liters per 100km, nonetheless, this average number has a tendency to move forward to exactly 50,1mpg (4.69L/100km). Indeed, the petrol car model is often more expensive when it compared to diesel and contributes to the car’s operating expense over the period, also due to the volatility of fuel so that the mileage of the car also impacted. It is also noticed that the efficiency


of petrol model had been developed as well as reducing the gasoline uses to from the manufacture to 42,05mpg.

2. Table of comparison all the measure of Central Tendency of petrol and diesel cars fuel efficiency.

Table of Central Tendency for fuel efficiency in Diesel and Petrol BMW car Types Diesel Compare (>, 43,47719 Median 55,4 > 44,8 Mode None #N/A None Outliers


Diesel Observation value < 33.85

Petrol Observation value < 21.2

Or Observation value > 78.13 Yes

Or Observation value > 65.2 Yes

Figure 2: Table of comparison measurement of fuel efficiency in 2 model: Petrol and Diesel (2013-2020)

When it comes a measure of central tendency which is a summary statistic and reflect central point or typical value of dataset. According to the table of comparing measures of fuel efficiency, the best measure in both BMW car models petrol and diesel is the median while the outlier occurred and there was no accuracy in order to compare with average fuel efficiency (MPG) between 2 categories. To be more specific, the middle positions of the fuel consumption value indicated that 55.4 miles per gallon for the diesel car model as well as haft of these model (50%) are equipped a level of fuel efficiency (55.4mpg) even more than average of the amount of fuel utilization. Meanwhile, this dataset illustrates the used volume in diesel model is exceeded the petrol cars, 55.4mpg and 44.8mpg respectively. Although the distance between gasoline economy and petrol engines is narrowing, the way that diesel engines operates the merit of competing with most advances’ petrol engines. Because of ongoing technical advances, diesel engines in BMW cars maintains fuel efficient than petrol engines of the same scale. 3. Table of comparison all the measure of Variation of petrol and diesel cars 4

The comparison of Variation in Petrol and Diesel Model Types


Compare (>, < > >

30.7 11 51.71036 7.190992





Figure 3: Table of comparison the variation in 2 BMW models: Petrol and Diesel (2013-2020)

A glance at the table given, which demonstrates that the basic detail in term of spread of data. By giving the dissimilarity among the lowest and highest point in the set of data, but the range is influenced by the outliers. As the matter of fact, the interquartile range reflected that a measure of how spread-out the middle 50% of petrol and diesel set of data are. Followed the table of comparison, despite the gap amongst the fuel efficiency of diesel and petrol BMW model was narrowed by 0.5mpg, it could be plainly viewed that fuel consumption of petrol is lower, compared to diesel model. Nevertheless, the variance of IQR in 2 models is 0.5 mpg, 10.5mpg with 11mpg respectively, it apparently indicated that have uniformity in the data set of fuel efficiency (MPG) in diesel.

4. Histogram of fuel efficiency of petrol and diesel cars Due to the impact of outlier in both datasets of fuel efficiency in 2 models: Petrol and Diesel, there is also the appearance of value of general pattern of distribution. One interesting feature which should be noted here is a common pattern is the bell-shaped curved in the histogram of diesel engine model. Likewise, the frequently also prevalently of consumers use the diesel cars was expressed through the given chart. In contrast, a left-skewed distribution was showed under the name negatively-skewed distribution via the histogram of petrol model, that owing to the exist of long tail in the negative direction on number line. Consequently, the petrol model is costly when it compared to diesel and led to the negative effect in fuel efficiency.


Figure 4: Histogram of fuel efficiency (MPG) of BMW Diesel Car Model (2013-2020)

Figure 5: Histogram of fuel efficiency (MPG) of BMW Petrol Car Model (2013-2020)



Box-and-Whisker plot of fuel efficiency of BMW petrol and diesel cars

Figure 6: Box-and-Whisker plots of fuel efficiency in Petrol and Diesel BMW Car Model in 7 years (2013-2020)

Diesel Car Model (Unit: MPG) Box Whisker Q2 to Min/Max

Left side 5.8 18.2 24

Compare > < >

Right side 4.7 18.4 23.1

Result Left-skewed Right-skewed Left-skewed

Compare > > <

Right side 3.9 6.8 55.5

Result Left-skewed Left-skewed Right-skewed

Petrol Car Model (Unit: MPG) Box Whisker Q2 to Min/Max

Left side 7.1 30.9 20

Figure 7: The summary of Box Plots in Petrol and Diesel Cars.

According to the box-and-whisker plots exhibited that more than half data correlated with the fuel efficiency of BMW Petrol car model is higher than 44.8mpg, while this number of diesel model is just over than 55.4mpg. Furthermore, the box plots are a useful method to visualize the differences between petrol and diesel engine, specifically, the interquartile range is examined as the longer the box, the more scatter the data. Otherwise, the mean of petrol model is closer to the top of the box under this circumstance that the whisker is lower on the upper end of the box, resulted in the distribution is negatively skew whereas there is symmetric in the box of Diesel model.


Case Study Analysis

B)Conc l us i o n


Car engine is often discussed yet rarely understood to non-technical customer and a hotly debated topic that often-divided opinions. Deciding petrol or diesel is one of the prominent choosing for buyer when this is the first decisions of how to make before buying a new car. Looking back of the mentioned line graph which illustrated that fuel efficiency of diesel model is much higher than petrol and there was a downward tendency in using the fuel means that the lower the value, the more economic an automobile is in 7 years from 2013. Taking the table of comparison in central tendency that impacted by the outlier, the median is clearly conceded with 55.4 mile-per-gallons (4.25L/100km) in diesel engine is an ideal number for this BMW model, whereas the petrol consumes more than 44mpg (44.8mpg) as more than 5 liter per 100km in a similar fashion. With regard to the table of variance, the interquartile range is interesting to note that the amount of IQR in diesel engine was south of 0.5 compared to the petrol engine. Indeed, a small margin between 2 number indicated that the higher in IQR as the spread out of the data points is larger while the smaller in diesel engine similar to the more data points are clustered around the mean. With the interquartile range, the customers are likely to have more favored in BMW cars which operate by diesel engine. Thirdly, based on the histogram of both models, the users apparently seen that the difference among diesel and petrol. The figures for fuel efficiency of petrol model is presented as a leftskewed chart and often call negative-skewed distribution, while the data of bell-shaped was outlined in the efficiency in consuming fuel of diesel cars. Furthermore, the measures of shapes are showed by the box-and-whisker plots in order to describe the differences or the amount of fossil fuel is used in 2 models: petrol and diesel.

Case Study Analysis

C)Pe r s o na l l yOp i ni o n


Frankly speaking, from the financial perspective, a less dissimilarity is presented through the above-mention charts between a petrol and a diesel car. This is often believed that under the case that the user looks at the fuel running cost, a diesel engine will charge their money less. Additionally, a diesel car are more effectively and utilize approximately 15% to 20% less fuel, according to the first the figure (1), the car’s fuel index of petrol model is always lower than diesel due to it have extremely low revs and speed rather than petrol engine. To be more specific, the average consumed fuel in diesel model accounted for more than 55mpg equivalent to 4.23L/100km as petrol engine made up higher than with 43,477mpg (5.41L/100km). However, given the tables below will provide some further information could impact the consumer choices: Types Financial

Environmental Issue

Pros Higher fuel efficiency (MPG) as lower

Cons The price of diesel model is often higher than petrol

consumed gasoline.

Produced lower carbon dioxide emissions


Low-speed torque

model Even produced less C02 into environment butt the diesel cars have tiny dust related to breathing issue Nosier

Figure 8: Pros and Cons of Diesel Model.




The price of petrol is cheaper


Produce less than the dangerous dust and


smoke s noisy

D) Article Analysis

Cons Less efficient and utilize more fuel Bring out more carbon dioxide The users have to change gear in many times

Case Study Analysis


“6 countries, 6 curves: Ho wna t i o nst ha tmo v e df a s ta g a i ns tCOVI D1 9a v o i de ddi s a s t e r ” ( Apr i l30 , 2020) ByHas s anVa l l y

Th eme n t i o n e da r t i c l eb r ou g h tt h ei n f or ma t i o no ft h es pr e a d so fCOVI D1 9–t h et r a g e d yt ha th a s s p r e a di ns i xd i ffe r e n tc o u n t r i e sa n di npa r t i c u l a rs t a t e swi t h i nt h e m. I n d e e d ,a c c o r d i n gt oaNe w 10

Ze a l a n dr e s e a r c h ,t h e yh a v ea l r e a d yd r a wnt h ev i r u se p i de mi cc u r v ef o rmo r et h a n2 0c o u n t r i e s a n dd e mo n s t r a t et h es p r e a do fc o r o n a v i r usun d e rt h er e s po n s eo fn u me r i c a ll o c k d o wnme a s u r e s . Ne v e r t h e l e s s ,t hei n v e s t i g a t i o ni sn otpe e r r e v i e we dj u s tc l a s s i fie dt h e s ec o u n t r i e spu b l i ch e a l t h r e s p o n s ei n4di ffe r e n ts t a t u si nNe wZe a l a n da l e r ts y s t e m,wh i l et h ep os i t i o nfir s ta n ds e c o n d p r e s e n t e df o ru n d e rc o n t r o li na n yc i r c u ms t a n c e s , a sl e v e lt h i r da ndf o u r t hme a nst h e ya r eo n h i g h l y a l e r t .

Figure 10: The map of effective reproduction number (Hassan Vally,2020)

Furthermore, the author revealed to the audience the data set with presenting in the Histogram which clearly indicated the level of these countries are staying in, followed by the New Zealand health’s standard. 

New South Wales, Australia + Italy

Using the right-skewed histogram to describe the cases in New South Wales as a positive-skewed direction, hence, the Australia government had accomplished their duty in order to apply the strict isolation between inhabitants. This state ranked the fourth level which is on highly alert about the infectious pandemic happened, but after 15 days this number fall further to level 1, explained for the authority’s success.


Figure 11: New South Wale histogram (Hassan Vally,2020).

Figure 12: Italy (Hassan Vally,2020)

In contrast, Italy witnessed a tragedy with a high case for many weeks, so it caused an explosion of infected patients and overload for Italian hospitals as well as health system. There were over 27,0000 total deaths recorded and this number showed an upward trend.

Figure 13: Number of deaths was recorded in Europe -last updated in August,2020 (CEOC,2020)

United Kingdom + New York

The U.K is one of nation took up the largest number of deaths by COVID-19, according to the histogram this country was stayed in alert at level 4 for 18 days after the case 100th. Because of late lockdown, the prime minister was too slowly in handling and operate the lockdown which led to the initial infection spread out of control (Jasmina PanovskaGriffiths,2020)


Figure 14: Histogram for the U.K and New York city

Similar to United Kingdom, New York authority was late to shut down the city and nursing homes became one of the most inviting targets for the virus (D. Armstrong, H. Goldman and K. Clukey,2020).


Singapore + Sweeden

Figure 15: Histogram for Singapore and Sweeden

A contrary between a European Countries and South-East Countries was happed, Sweeden paid their attention on minor restrictions as maintained less open a usual however the social distancing is occurred personal responsibility for the purpose of controlling the spread out of virus. Although, Singapore brought some positive news via extensive testing on their city dwellers also strict lockdown to ensure the pandemic cannot spread out the social. However, the virus has hit back to the attempt of the health system in Singapore that reflected that they are in level 4 of New Zealand Health Standard. To sum up, there is a table of summary deaths in Europe which is added in in order describe more information about the speed of spread out of COVID-19.

Re f e r e nc e :


1 )Fi g u r e1 0 :Va l l y ,H2 0 2 0 ,' 6c o u n t r i e s ,6c ur v e s :Ho wn a t i o n st h a tmo v e df a s ta g a i n s t COVI D1 9 a v o i d e dd i s a s t e r ' ,Th eCo nv e r s a t i o n, 3 0Apr i l ,v i e we d13No v e mbe r 20 2 0 , . 2 )Fi g u r e1 1 :Va l l y ,H2 0 20 ,' 6c ou n t r i e s , 6c ur v e s :Ho wna t i o nst h a tmo v e df a s ta g a i n s t COVI D1 9 a v o i d e dd i s a s t e r ' ,Th eCo nv e r s a t i o n, 3 0Apr i l ,v i e we d13No v e mbe r 20 2 0 , . 3 )Fi g u r e1 2 :Va l l y ,H2 0 20 ,' 6c ou n t r i e s , 6c ur v e s :Ho wna t i o nst h a tmo v e df a s ta g a i n s t COVI D1 9 a v o i d e dd i s a s t e r ' ,Th eCo nv e r s a t i o n, 3 0Apr i l ,v i e we d13No v e mbe r 20 2 0 , .

4 )D. Ar ms t r on g , H.Go l d ma na n dK.Cl u k e y20 2 0 , ' Wh yNe wYo r kSu ffe r e dWh e nOt he r Ci t i e sWe r eSp a r e db yCo v i d 1 9 ' , Bl o o mb e r g,2 8Ma y ,v i e we d1 3No v e mbe r 20 2 0 , . 5 )Fi g u r e1 3 :Eu r o p e a nCe n t r ef o rDi s e a s ePr e v e n t i ona n dCo n t r o l20 2 0 ,' COVI D1 9 s i t u a t i o nu p da t ef o rt heEU/ EEAa n dt h eUK, a sof14No v e mb e r20 2 0 ' ,Eu r op e a nCe n t r e f o rDi s e a s ePr e v e n t i o na n dCo n t r o l , v i e we d1 4No v e mb e r 20 2 0 , .

6 )Fi g u r e1 4 :Va l l y ,H2 02 0 ,' 6c o u n t r i e s ,6c u r v e s :Ho wna t i o nst h a tmo v e df a s ta g a i n s t COVI D1 9 a v o i d e dd i s a s t e r ' ,Th eCo nv e r s a t i o n, 3 0Apr i l ,v i e we d13No v e mbe r 20 2 0 , . 7 )Fi g u r e1 5 :Va l l y ,H2 02 0 ,' 6c o u n t r i e s ,6c u r v e s :Ho wna t i o nst h a tmo v e df a s ta g a i n s t COVI D1 9 a v o i d e dd i s a s t e r ' ,Th eCo nv e r s a t i o n, 3 0Apr i l ,v i e we d13No v e mbe r 20 2 0 , . 8 )J . Pa n o v s k a Gr i ffit hs2 0 2 0 ,' Co r o n a v i r u s :fiv er e a s o nswh yt h eUKd e a t ht o l li ss o hi g h ' ,Th eCon v e r s a t i o n,1 0J u n e ,v i e we d14No v e mb e r 20 2 0 , .



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