Assignment 2 - Executive Project Briefing Report PDF

Title Assignment 2 - Executive Project Briefing Report
Course Project Management and the Professional
Institution University of Technology Sydney
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31272 Project Management and the ProfessionalAssignment 2Executive Project Briefing ReportUpload date: 21/05/ Executive Summary Section 1 - Business Overview 1 - Introduction 1 - Purpose 1 - Background 1 - Objectives 1 - Measurable Organisational Value 1 - Project Scope 1.6 - In-Scope Items 1.6 - Ou...


31272 Project Management and the Professional Assignment 2 Executive Project Briefing Report

Upload date: 21/05/2021


Executive Summary


Section 1 - Business Overview 1.1 - Introduction 1.2 - Purpose 1.3 - Background 1.4 - Objectives 1.5 - Measurable Organisational Value 1.6 - Project Scope 1.6.1 - In-Scope Items 1.6.2 - Out-Scope Items 1.7 - Assumptions and Constraints

5 5 5 6 6 7 9 9 10 12

Section 2 - Project Strategies 2.1 - Stakeholder Management Matrix 2.1.2 - Management Matrix 2.1.2 - Communication Matrix 2.2 System Development Approaches 2.2.1 Agile Approach Agile - Advantages Agile - Disadvantages 2.2.2 Waterfall Approach Advantages Disadvantages 2.2.3 Recommendation 2.3 Risk Identification, Planning and Management 2.3.1 Risk Identification 2.3.2 Risk Planning 2.3.2 Risk Management 2.4 Scope Management and Monitoring/Control Strategies 2.4.1 Scope Management 2.4.2 Monitoring and Control 2.4.3 Change Control Procedure 2.5 Quality Management 2.5.1 Quality Planning 2.5.2 Quality Assurance 2.5.3 Quality Control

14 14 14 17 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 27 27 28 30


Section 3 - Project Activities 3.1 - Work Breakdown Structure 3.2 - Task Sequencing 3.3 - Task Scheduling 3.4 - Key Milestones and Critical Path Dependencies 3.4.1 - Key Milestones 3.4.1 - Critical Path Dependencies 3.5 - Time Estimation 3.6 - Budget Estimation 3.6.1 Top Down 3.6.2 Bottom Up 3.6.3 Recommendation 3.7 - Human Resource Estimation 4 - Conclusion 4.1 - Recommendations Appendices Appendix A - Preliminary Risk Register Appendix B - Project Work Breakdown Structure Table Appendix C - Program Evaluation Review Technique Network Dependency Diagram Appendix D - Detailed Gantt Charts Appendix E - Major Line Items

33 33 35 36 38 38 39 40 41 41 42 46 46 48 48 50 50 55 64 68 73




Executive Summary This document was commissioned in tandem with the specifications set by Recreation Amalgamated Holdings (RAH) regarding their initiatives to modernise facilities, introduce new methodologies and update infrastructure across their five Australian holdings. The report will cover the development planning of a Visitor Management System that is to be integrated within the infrastructure of Snowy Mountain Resorts Group (SMR), with SMR being the first of five divisions to be modernised. The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed synopsis of the business overview, the project strategies and project activities. A preliminary budget of $720,000 has been allocated to the VMS project, with a recommended addition of $100,000 to cover for insufficient funding over the development stages. Development of the VMS system will be done within the agile methodology, with development time estimated to be 220 days which includes a 25 day contingency buffer.


Section 1 - Business Overview 1.1 - Introduction Recreation Amalgamated Holdings (RAH) is requesting the assistance of PMP Consultants Pty Ltd to collectively develop a Visitor Management System (VMS) that would address the wide-ranging disparity of systems and capability inherited from RAH’s mergers and acquisitions. RAH has prioritised the development of this system to cater the day-to-day needs to clients and staff and to better provide services to its chain of affiliates.

1.2 - Purpose The project aims to implement a new Visitor Management System (VMS) in regards to the customer’s outdated system, which still requires heavy human interaction. Using these outdated methods of operation creates inefficiencies that disadvantage the customer as well as visitors and clients of the venue. Modernising and automating the current systems will not only streamline visitor access and automate manual management processes, but will generate revenue by making it easier for customers of the venue to spend money within the resort.

1.3 - Background Snowy Mountain Resorts Group is a ski holiday and park management company who services the local area surrounding them. The company currently holds the head leases for areas of Kosciuszko National Park, giving them control of all services, real estate and sub-lease arrangements in this area. On top of these ski operations, the area also holds many of SMR’s private businesses that provide shopping, activities, restaurants, tours, accomodation and nightlife.

1.4 - Objectives General: - Automated booking services - Easy user interface - Monitor customer satisfaction - Cashless payment options - Reduce waiting time - Event management system - Identification and regrouping system


Specific: The following table shows SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Bound) which provide benefits for Snowy Mountains Resorts Group Pty Ltd, explained in the intended outcome section of the table Objective



Intended Outcome

Automated booking services

Increase usage by 20%

Objective completed by June 15, 2022

Reduce workloads, operating costs, and labor costs

Easy user interface

User interface provided for online purchases

Objective completed by August 1, 2022

Generate 10% more sales

Monitor customer satisfaction

Using reviews of personal account information and activities to monitor effectively

Objective completed by August 1, 2022

Achieve an overall satisfaction score of more than 3 out of 5 stars

Cashless payment options

Cashless payment options provided for on-snow merchants

Objective completed by June 15, 2022

Customers could pay conveniently which would generate 5% more sales

Reduce waiting time

Visitor Management System is implemented

Objective completed by June 1, 2022

Waiting time on lifts is reduced by 20%

Event management system

Visitor Management System is implemented

Objective completed by June 1, 2022

Due to ease of event management, events held in the resort would increase by 10%

Identification and regrouping system

Visitor Management System is implemented

Objective completed by June 1, 2022

The regrouping system will decrease separated individuals by 25%

Note: The objectives are based on the minimum requirements provided by Snowy Mountains Resorts Group Pty Ltd #

Success Criteria



Project is fully developed, tested and assessed as problem-free prior to delivery to the customer



Project is fully ready before May 2022



Project meets all functional requirements



Project follows all government privacy laws




Project budget does not exceed 10% of its original budget of $720,000


1.5 - Measurable Organisational Value The simplification, integration, and automation of a number of manual processes that currently require heavy human intervention will assist in meeting the project objectives. Features including a more convenient, efficient accommodation and equipment booking system will serve as one of many “Quality of Life” improvements for customers, which in conjunction with other planned renovations, will bring positive value to Snowy Mountains Resorts Group Pty Ltd. The following values will aid managers in tracking progress towards this objective. #

Anticipated Measurable Organisational Value


The streamlined VMS booking system will increase resort attendance by 15%, generating positive word-of-mouth which may encourage further tourists.


The VMS system will increase sales of ski lessons, personal tuition and mountain guide services by 10%, by making it easier to book such services, enticing adrenaline seekers who may have previously had no interest


Reduce wait times on queue lifts by 30%, allowing customers to spend more time experiencing the resort, and less time waiting around.


Increase equipment, clothing and souvenir purchases by 15% by allowing for remote purchase from the online store.


Decrease reports of separated groups and individuals by 20% through unique identification and tracking of customers, which can make tourists feel safer and accounted for.


Increase customer satisfaction by 25% by hosting ski events that provide entertainment to tourists.


Increase market awareness by 20% through sponsored ski events


1.6 - Project Scope 1.6.1 - Specific Requirements Traceability - In-Scope Items #

In-Scope Items

Success Measures


Develop accommodation and ski pass booking software


Team of software engineers is assembled Stock management system and database is established Customer application is developed, including unique accounts system to access booking and purchasing system


Deploy NFC pay-terminals


Database for payment details, implement security functions is created Terminals are linked to financial system


Install and administrate new network hardware


System is set up to accommodate for administrative monitoring and logging of events All physical systems are linked to operate seamlessly


Upgrade accommodation and ski-lift access terminals to accommodate new booking system


Use of terminals by customer is simplified and easy to use Booking and accommodation system is cohesive with the terminals


Generate and analyse informative reports to monitor project performance


Reports are timely and accurate


Integrating and RFID card system for patrons to purchase goods, book events and accommodation and rent equipment


RFID system is linked to user accounts as well as booking and payment system RFID cards are deployed and are easily carried by patrons

Upgrade event management system




Pre-set geographical boundaries are implemented to accommodate event booking and patron location management



Manage and track event sponsors within the system


Sponsorship placement is pre-set and can be tracked Sponsorship management is linked in real time to finance system

1.6.2 - Out-Scope Items #

Out of Scope Items



Acquisition of Sponsors for Ski Events

The system allows for scheduling and sponsorship management, but will not assist in seeking out sponsorship deals for the resort.


Acquisition and Training of Staff not involved with the VMS System

There will be no training modules for staff that do not interact with the system.


Acquisition of Food/Drink Vendors

VMS has no current plans to incorporate food/drink vendors into the resort or system.


Buildings/Offices for Project Staff

VMS won’t have any capacity to assist in the development of new buildings/offices.


Sourcing of “Non-IT” Hardware

The VMS will not assist in sourcing “Non-IT” Hardware, and it is up to staff to order it.


Merchandise/Souvenirs offered in the Online Store

System can integrate items into the online store but cannot assist in determining which products to include.


Quality control of Merchandise

VMS will determine stock levels but the staff are responsible for controlling the quality of the products.


Lost & Found Item Recovery List

No current plans to incorporate a lost and found item database



Trend Analysis to determine Customer Preferences and Behaviours

VMS can keep records of customer activities and purchases, but will not analyse the data.


Camera Surveillance Hardware and Software

Tracking software will not include camera surveillance, but will only record the location of a customer’s purchases.


Additional methods of accessing the VMS system such as mobile applications

There are no current plans to create alternative access options for the VMS such as mobile applications.


Provisions for Legal Risks & Issues

It is up to SMR to take precautions to ensure the system is in line with current legislation


Provisions regarding Environment, Land and Governing bodies such as permits

It is the duty of SMR to ensure their leases on the ski areas are valid


Back Office, Financial & Other systems not related to Project Development

VMS will not assist in creating other systems for the resort.


1.7 - Assumptions and Constraints #



PMP would need sufficient access to the existing system. SMR will also provide PMP with the details of the current manual processes.


SMR already has the tools available to facilitate training and basic management.


SMR has the right infrastructure for PMP to implement the new VMS across the resort.


There will be no unexpected macroeconomic or socio-political events that will hinder the production time.


Feedback and requirements will be provided by SMR stakeholders to PMP within the agreed time limits.


SMR will have the inventory to update the online store.


PMP will have access to a small percentage of staff and customers to research and test initial design concepts.


SMR and its private businesses will be able to track their cash flow, either through the VMS or an integrated software.


The system will already have provisions for issues and risk related to legislation, environment, land and governing bodies.


Access to SMR’s existing websites to determine whether it will co-exist, or if a new website is needed to be developed.




Budget: The project has a preliminary budget of $720,000; however, SMR has “emphasised that money is less important than time and quality”


Time: The VMS must be fully developed, tested and implemented prior to the ‘go live’ date: 30 May 2022


Laws: PMP must take into consideration the Government privacy laws regarding the storage and collection of data.


Training: Employee’s of SMR must have reasonable training on the implemented VMS. If employees are not trained, the effectiveness and functions of the system may be compromised.



Section 2 - Project Strategies 2.1 - Stakeholder Management Matrix 2.1.2 - Management Matrix


Interest (L/M/H)*

Influence (L/M/H)*

CEO of Project Management Professionals Pty Ltd



Role Project Owner


Management Strategy

Consider stakeholders’ interests and organize plans to meet requirements

Effective communication to all high-priority stakeholders

Manage approvals for reports, operations, and agreements

Deliberate and rational decision making

Ensure project is achieved within the established time and budget frame Snowy Mountains Resorts Group Pty Ltd




Implement a new Visitor Management System for the resort

Request and receive reports from the CEO and consultants of PMP on a timely manner

Project Manager



Team Manager

Ensure project is achieved within the

Effective communication to all


established time and budget frame

high priority stakeholders, placing their interests towards goals Requesting status and financial reports from necessary departments

Software Engineers



Website and System Manager

Managing the functionalities and implementation of websites

Ensuring code is finished in a timely manner

Securing website from possible threats (e.g., cyber attacks)

Beta-testing to measure the strengths and weaknesses of websites

Data Analysts



Financial Advisor

Deliver reports based on events, visitor counts, feedbacks, financial information, and customer details. Data includes visitors using the VMS website and regular visitors.

Regular reports to the project manager

PMP Consulting Teams



Project Proposal Producer

Produce a detailed project proposal in a timely manner

The team will be split into 6 groups. Each team will be given a specific task. Tasks


include: Stakeholders, Scope, Tasks, Risk, Scheduling, and Time Estimation. Team should ensure the effectiveness of collaboration and communication Staff Members



Managing the resort

Managing a clean, safe, and functional environment in Snowy Mountains Resort

Provide appropriate training for all staff members Communicate with managers

Accommodating and amiable to visitors and fellow peers Sponsors




Sponsors events organised by the event coordinator

Regular financial reports to the Project Manager

Third Party Services



Visitor Management System Users

Supplying Snowy Mountain Resorts Group Pty Ltd with necessary inventory and delivery options

Regular inventory reports to the Project Manager

Event Coordinator



Visitor Management System Users

Organises events for the resort

Plan event according to reports

Ski Trainers



Visitor Management System Users

Provide adequate and professional ski training

Plan schedules according to bookings and events





Visitor Management System Users

Experience the convenience and improvement of the resort due to the Visitor Management System implementation

Provide feedback and customer experience to staff members

*(L/M/H) = (Low/Medium/High)

2.1.2 - Communication Matrix


Receiving Stakeholder

Report Required

CEO of Project Management Professionals Pty Ltd

Weekly Status Report

Snowy Mountains Resorts Group Pty Ltd

Project Manag...

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