Assignment 2 PDF

Title Assignment 2
Author Lorna Hodgson
Course Biological And Cognitive Psychology
Institution Bath Spa University
Pages 4
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Two short-form essays (weighted at 25% each) You will be asked to complete two short-form essays, one on Cognitive Psychology (1250 words +/-10%) and one on Biological Psychology (1250 words +/-10%). Deadlines will be confirmed on Minerva during the course of the term. Essay questions as well as additional details about the coursework, will be made available in the first few weeks of term. Note that you should write the essay answers using your own wording and NOT word for word, sentence for sentence copying from a book, journal or off a website. We have sophisticated plagiarism detection software that will notify us of any cases of unfair practice. Please make sure you follow the citation and references guidelines available here: Extensions Please note that the University has a specific and strict policy with regards to dealing with extensions and mitigating circumstances. The policy can be found here: Unseen examination (weighted at 50%) A two hour unseen examination where you will answer questions from two sections: Section A: Select ONE question from a choice of three Biological Psychology topics. Section B: Select ONE question from a choice of three Cognitive Psychology topics. For both sections, you are expected to write a standard essay without a reference section (although you are expected to cite work). Submission of Assignments Assignments must be submitted electronically by the date and time stated in the essay section on Minerva. The essays must:  have numbered pages.  be in double spaced arial or calibri 12 font typescript.  have the word count at the start or end of the main body (excludes references).

Regulations regarding submission of work after the assignment deadline can be found in your Students’ Guide to the Modular Scheme. Read these carefully and always keep your tutor informed if you run into difficulties. Be especially aware of the following:  Work submitted on time is marked normally  Work submitted up to a week after the deadline will receive a maximum mark of 40.  Work submitted more than a week after the deadline will receive a mark of zero. Exceptions to this may apply if:  There is illness or other good cause, in which case you must supply The Registry with a medical note or other formal documentation.  You have your tutor’s written agreement to an extension.

Coursework Marking Scheme

70+ Thorough treatment of the chosen topic, with clear evidence of coherent organisation in the essay. Descriptive material is appropriate, well-detailed, accompanied by research evidence and/or supporting argument where appropriate and shows evidence of wider reading, including the use of primary sources. Critical commentary is coherent, highly effective, appropriate to the level of the module and shows originality of analysis or evaluation. Complete references, conventionally presented throughout the text. 65 - 69% Thorough treatment of the chosen topic, with clear evidence of coherent organisation in the essay. Descriptive material is appropriate, well-detailed, accompanied by research evidence and/or supporting argument where appropriate, and shows evidence of wider reading including some use of primary sources. Critical commentary is coherent, effective and appropriate to the level of the module. Complete references, conventionally presented throughout the text. 60 - 64% Reasonably thorough treatment of the chosen topic with evidence of coherent organisation in the essay. Descriptive material is appropriate, well-detailed, accompanied by research evidence and/or supporting argument where appropriate, and shows some evidence of wider reading which is appropriate to the level of the module. Critical commentary is coherent and reasonably effective, and appropriate to the


level of the module. Correct referencing throughout the text although some minor errors or omissions. 55 - 59% Reasonably thorough treatment of the chosen topic with evidence of coherent organisation in the essay. Descriptive material is appropriate, reasonably well-detailed, usually accompanied by research evidence and/or supporting argument where appropriate, and uses material which is appropriate to the level of the module. Critical commentary, if present, is coherent and reasonably effective although lacking the insight of the higher mark bands, and is mostly appropriate to the level of the module. Correct referencing throughout the text although some minor errors or omissions. 50 - 54% Reasonable treatment of the chosen topic with evidence of coherent organisation in the essay. Descriptive material is appropriate, reasonably well-detailed, sometimes accompanied by research evidence and/or supporting argument where appropriate, and uses material which is appropriate to the level of the module. Critical commentary, if present, is not always developed and is not used particularly effectively, or it is not appropriate to the level of the module. Adequate referencing throughout the text, although some errors or omissions. 45 - 49% Adequate treatment of the chosen topic with evidence of organisation in the essay. Descriptive material is appropriate, although usually lacking detail and is sometimes accompanied by research evidence and/or supporting argument where appropriate. Critical commentary is limited and/or is used ineffectively. There may be an over-reliance on source material which is inappropriate to the level of the module. Some deficiencies in referencing including errors or omissions. 40 - 44% Fairly basic treatment of the chosen topic but with some evidence of organisation in the essay. Descriptive material is superficial in places, lacking in detail for the most part and is seldom accompanied by research evidence and/or supporting argument where appropriate. Critical commentary is largely absent and/or inappropriate. There may be an over-reliance on source material which is inappropriate to the level of the module. A number of deficiencies in referencing, including consistent errors or omissions. 30 - 39% Some appropriate material but severely limited in overall scope. Disorganised attempt to address the assignment brief with many errors and misunderstandings, and/or over-reliance on anecdotal material. Criticism is inappropriate or ineffective or lacking skills consistent with the aims of the assignment. Quality of referencing is below minimum standard. Alternatively, the assignment may address the wrong question at a level consistent with a pass mark for that question.


20 - 29% Extremely basic treatment of the chosen topic with little evidence of organisation in the essay. The assignment is largely incoherent as a response to the question set and contains little, if any, reference to psychological theories, studies or ideas. 10 - 19% No evidence that the topic being addressed has ever been studied in its psychological context. Some extremely basic ideas that might have been developed into an answer, but which fail to move beyond personal anecdote or vacuous prose. 0 - 9% No submission or one which fails to satisfactorily address the requirements of the assignment. N.B.  The mark awarded will reflect the best balance of criteria in a particular mark band rather than a summation of all the criteria used within it.  Marking criteria that are italicised are used as additional discriminators for advanced level assignments. MARKING CRITERIA FOR ASSIGNMENTS Marking criteria by degree classification are: >=70% First class 60-69% Upper second class 50-59% Lower second class 40-49 Third class >40% Fail


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