Assignment 2 (Pairing) - Mushroom MILK Flavour PDF

Title Assignment 2 (Pairing) - Mushroom MILK Flavour
Course Principles of Nutrition
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 22
File Size 442.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 133
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Bachelor’s In Human Resources Management






Nur Amirah Sufiah Binti Azali (2020573499)

Nur Syafiqah Binti Rosli (2020577081)






: Mohd Ramadan Bin Ab Hamid







Company name and Description


Business Description


Problem Statement (for product)


Vision and Mission

Business Value

10 - 12

Target Audience

13 - 14

Business Goal

15 - 16


Marketing Strategies

18 - 19

Research and Development

20 - 21





Assalamualaikum wbt. Alhamdullilah, first I would like to thank Allah S.W.T. as we are finally able to finish our assessment given by our lecture, Sir Mohd Ramadan bin Ab Hamid. This task had been done with my assessment partner, Nur Syafiqah Binti Rosli. Although it takes time to prepared and dedicate our time to complete this assessment, we manage to settle down and adeptly our time and effort to finally finished it.

In preparation of my assignment, I had to take the help and guidance of some respected persons, who deserve my deepest gratitude. As the completion of this assignment gave me much pleasure. I would like to show my gratitude Sir Mohd Ramadan bin Ab Hamid, our Course Instructor, for giving me a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations. I would also like to expand my gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided me in writing this assignment.

Finally, I would like to thank my parent and friend that always stick with us with their support and special thanks to my partner, Nur Syafiqah Binti Rosli for always work hard for us to produce a good assignment. Her outstanding ideas and suggestions on my paper which gave me an inspiration to improve the quality of the assignment.




State the logo and meaning.

Logo of Mush n Co Sdn Bhd.

The bottle milk shows the symbol that we need to drink even a glass of milk a day. This can encourage the community to start their day with a glass of milk.

The bicycle symbols show of healthiness. Society needs to adopt a healthy lifestyle and one of the healthy lifestyles is by drinking milk because milk contain many varieties of nutrition.

The mushroom means of our main product. Other than that, it was our fresh milk flavor that extremely popular.

For the green symbols mean quality. As our company produce dairy product, we need to maintain the quality.



State the name of the company and why you choose the name. The originally name of the company is ‘Mushroom n Milk Drink’ but then changes to ‘Mush n Co Sdn Bhd’ in 2007. Mush is the short-term for Mushroom, which is the image of our company. Mush n Co is the first dairy product that sought for diversification in their product by introduces new type of flavor in milk that does not use fruit as flavor but ingredient which is Mushroom as main flavor.


State the location of the company. Our headquarters is located at Jalan 14/6, 46200 Pjs Petaling Jaya, Selangor. We operate at 8am till 5.30pm. We have around 10 franchise all around Malaysia. There are three located at Selangor, three at Melaka, one around Sabah and one located at Perak. Last January we just open new franchise which is located at Pulau Pinang and Terengganu.


State the type of company either enterprise, sdn.bhd? Our company is Sendirian Berhad (Sdn Bhd) company.




Describe your business / company profiles. Explain in brief about your product. Founded on November 12, 2001, Mushroom n Milk Drink company is a company that emphasis on the production of the dairy product such as yogurt, and fresh milk. Mushroom n Milk Drink Sdn Bhd was incorporated in Malaysia with the commissioning of a fresh milk factory in Petaling Jaya and since then had been starting their business in Malaysia. In 2004, Mushroom n Milk Drink had sought for diversification in their product by introduces new type of flavor in milk that does not use fruit as flavor but ingredient which is Mushroom as main flavor. In 2007, Mushroom n Milk Drink change their name to Mush n Co Sdn Bhd.

Mush n Co than offer a wide option of normal and flavor milk. Mush n Co mainly focuses on Italian taste for our product but then enlarge the variety by adding ‘Asian taste’ in their product. This choice by adding more spice in their product to satisfy customer who prefers spicy flavor rather than creamy flavor. They also product food items include pastries, sandwiches, and flavor yogurt. In 2017, Mush n Co received the ‘Top 10 of the best milk product’ award for being voted as the preferred brand of milk products in Malaysia. The product also been voted as “most loved” out of 3,400 food brands in a survey.


List the company business product. Mush n Co is mainly a dairy product that produces yogurt, and fresh milk. Mush n Co is the only dairy product in the world that use mushroom as ingredient of the milk, rather than fruit and coco flavor. Our ingredient consists of Shitake mushroom, Button mushroom, Cremini mushroom, Enoki mushroom and Clamshell mushroom. In other words, Milk that use mushroom as main ingredient and flavor. Our most popular and most loved flavor is Carbonara milk flavor and Creamy chicken mushroom flavor.

The original choice of flavor is based on Italian-style, which is heavier with creamy flavor. In 2016, Mush n Co introduces new flavor style in their product by adding more spice in the ingredient to create the ‘Asian taste’ for their product. One of the new flavors that are introduce are ‘Coconut Green Curry with Mushrooms’. The new flavors are focusing on customer who prefers vegetarian taste and ‘Indian taste’. Mush n Co also introduce ‘Soy-Glazed Tofu and Mushrooms’ flavor for customer that prefer bland 6

flavor. To enlarge their product, in 2018, Mush n Co took milk flavors in different level by introducing ‘Meat n Mushroom’ milk flavors as the brand-new product. The flavor includes ‘Chicken and Mushrooms with Giant Croutons’ flavor which the ingredient consists of chicken and mushroom soup, ‘Smoky Creamy Lamb’ which Lamb as main ingredient, ‘Salmon Curry which flavor targeting customer who is prefer spicy taste and ‘Creamy muton with lemon’. The first production of the product is only about 5000 around the world and is consist as premium flavors and limited addition. However, in 2007, Mush n Co reduces the production to only 1000 as the product receive bad and negative respond and is heavily critique by the food critic. Other than flavors milk, Mush n Co also produces food items include pastries, sandwiches, and flavor yogurt.




What are the issues that lead you to develop the product?

Mush n Co facing several issues when developing the product. One of them is the care of fresh milk quality. Fresh milk is exceedingly difficult to maintain its quality because fresh milk cannot last long. Fresh milk can only last for one week. This is because fresh milk that has been squeezed and filtered will be filled into a clean milk barrel and stored in a shady place and not exposed to sunlight. The milk will be cooled and stored in a cold tank at a temperature of 3oC to 4oC while waiting for processing. The purpose of processed milk is to ensure that the milk is safe to drink and can be stored for a long time. Fresh milk must be stored cold at a temperature of 3 oC to 4oC to freeze the bacterial reproduction activity found in milk. If not kept cold, bacteria will continue to multiply, and it will further accelerate the milk to spoil.

Other than that, the production of quality fresh milk. The production of quality fresh milk is extremely complicated because sometimes not all milk that is expressed is of good quality.

Mush n Co also facing difficulty regarding the high feed cost of the cow. Limited land and grazing areas for cattle farming coupled with high feed costs continue to constrain the development of milk production. A livestock innovation study conducted by Suntharalingam et al. (2015b) found that over the past six decades, out of a total of 40,180 patents approved in Malaysia, only 69 patents are related to the livestock industry. One of the important findings of this study is that the invention of innovations related to the livestock industry is focused on feed -related technologies.


Please support your problems with statistics or any evidence from Malaysia.

According to a study by the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), extraction techniques that do not follow the recommended standards, the incompleteness of cold network systems is an issue that should be given deep attention. Again, according to a study by the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), there are many factors in producing quality fresh milk.


Among them are erratic farm management practices and lack of nutritious food. Poor nutritious foods lead to low productivity. Dairy cows that produce milk need an adequate supply of feed as well as supplementary feed. The findings of the student in Malaysia indicate significant economic implications, as it confirms two factors that cause high feed prices in Malaysia that is imported feedstuffs are subject to global commodity price fluctuations, and most innovations the livestock generated comes from developed countries such as Europe and the United States adapted according to local conditions. High feed prices cause farmers to have to look for alternative food sources, but availability and price competition play a major role in production costs in the livestock sector.




Describes at least 1 vision and 3 missions. State why do you choose the vision and mission. You must justify clearly.

Vision The Mush n Co will be an internationally recognized dairy product and trusted brand of choice in dairy product nutritious processed beverages and foods.

Mission a) Our company mission is to offer healthy and reliable dairy products that improve one’s quality of life. b) To manage and develop with more modern technology allows everyone to achieve the best and most natural milk conditions. c) To develop the fresh milk market in Malaysia. d) To encourage Malaysians to practice personal health care. e) To provides freshness and the best quality of dairy products.

This Vision and Mission is especially important because Mush n Co wants to increase the level of awareness of the people about the benefits and there are various nutrients in this fresh milk. In addition, would like to invite Malaysians towards a healthy life.




What is the value of your company / business?

a) Shareholder Value Mush n Co Sdn Bhd earned net income of RM 375 000 on annual revenue of RM 4.5 million in the most recent 12-month trailing period. It has a total market capitalization of RM 22.5 million. Mush n Co have top two shareholder in the company based on the number of shares owned. The estimated value will be calculated based on the price of the stock that are stated by Bursa Malaysia report.

Dutch lady is one of the largest investments and common shareholder in Mush n Co. Dutch lady act by offering a range of financial products and services including, asset management, equities, investment strategies and financial planning. Dutch lady fund holds about RM 650 000 shares of shareholder and comprising about 1.5% of the total number of shares outstanding with market value around RM 960 000. Farm Fresh in one of the biggest and the top one of Mush n Co shareholders. Mush n Co manages to cooperate with Farm Fresh as the company's director of retail operations and marketing. Farm Fresh then appoint Dato’ Ahmad Bin Iskandar as the CEO that are responsible for Mush n Co. Dato’ Ahmad first duty as CEO by expanding the company from 13 stores in 2001 to 1100 stores in 2008. He then resumes the role of CEO till now. Dato’ Ahmad owns about RM 900 000 shares in Mush n Co and about 1.2% of the company's total shares outstanding. which is estimated at RM 876 000 reported in Bursa report.

b) Customer Value Mush n Co took customer value and preference very seriously. We believe that customer value determines what the business will produce and whether it will prosper or not. Mush n Co one of the most importance quotes as motivation is "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." by Bill Gates. 11

Mush n Co segment our customer and ask for their different perspective regarding which flavors that suit their taste. We created Twitter and Facebook which is organize by our customer service team to ask for customer opinions regarding our product. By every end of month, we will create a poll for our customer to vote which is the best flavors and the least flavors. For the most favorite flavors, marketing team will increase the product demand and increase the promotion. As for the least flavors, marketing team will re-study and come out with the outcomes whether to decrease the production or proposed changes. By asking customer opinions, Mush n Co not only can improve their marketing strategies, but also building relationships with existing customers.

For a product, quality of the product is the most important element in marketing. Mush n Co marketing team took part to make sure the product in high quality to customer. Rather than competing price with other brand, Mush n Co more focusing on value of product than cost of product. Mush n Co believe that customer is willing to pay more depend on the value and quality of products. For us, no matter how cheap and famous your product and brand are, if the quality is low, customer will never be satisfying and eventually lose interest in your product. Not something that Mush n Co want to gamble and risk for.

c) Employee Knowledge Knowing the knowledge levels of your employees is a crucial step when trying to enhance performance and increase revenue for your business. After all, your employees are the main star and if their knowledge is not good enough, your company going to face a difficult progress.

In Mush n Co, we train our employees and staff to have more confident in their role and highly trained in managing various situation. For newcomer that are lack with knowledge and skills will be send to training provide by Human Resources team. The training usually took three days and within those three days, the trainer will enhance the employee knowledge and skills by provided them many practices for different type of situation.


In Mush n Co, we teach our staff and employee to not depending on manager whenever a situation or problem occur. We believe that our employees must have courage and high-level confidence. To increase our employee’s performance, by every end of month, Human Resource team will choose one employee randomly to test their performance. He/she will act as customer to test of how the staff act and manage the situation. The situation will be depending on the staff performance reported by their manager. If the staff manage to handle the situation with flying colors, she/he will be got promoted or recognition. As for those who are failed, she/he will be send to training to improvise and if their performance is still low, Mush n Co has no other option either to fired or dismissed the employee.




Please specify the target group, gender, or any specific community. Why?

Mush n Co has a few of target audience. Our company targeting to various of community and for suitable for all ages. It is because this is because each age group has its own set of nutrient requirements.

Starting for the children aged 4 to 12 years, milk is synonymous with bone health. The high calcium content in milk is needed by growing children to ensure the formation of strong bones as they age. Children need milk because milk obtains a variety of important nutrients for the body. Milk has nutrients such as probiotics, vitamin D and immunoglobulins that boost the immune system.

Next, tenant aged 13 to 25 years. For teenagers, it is particularly important to drink milk because it can increase mental intelligence. This is because milk has two natural elements, namely fat and water, which are important for brain growth and mental intelligence. Milk has vitamin A, vitamin D and lactic acid which are good for the skin. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that is often used in skin care products such as facial soaps, toners, and facial moisturizers. No need to bathe in milk to get beautiful and soft skin. Drinking 2 glasses of milk a day is enough. In addition, you can also use milk as a face wash. Milk can remove dead skin cells, yet no studies have proven that milk is a better choice than facial soap.

For the adults aged 26 to 59 years. Milk can reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Nutrients contained in milk such as potassium, magnesium and calcium can help maintain healthy blood pressure. In addition, the high calcium content in milk is also important to be taken by menopausal women to prevent brittle bones or osteoporosis. Adults, both men and women, should also include milk in their diet to maintain bone health. milk also has benefits for menopausal women. Milk plays a role in restoring glycogen that has been lost after exercise. When you exercise, the muscles need energy to do those activities. That energy comes from a sugar known as glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the cells of the body and will decrease when you exercise.

Other than that, senior citizens aged 60 and above. Most seniors have specific nutrient needs because aging affects the processes of absorption, utilization, and excretion.


The combination of macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water is especially important to supply adequate nutrients.

Finally. for the pregnant mother, it is important because the calcium found in milk is important for pregnant women because a pregnant mother needs 1000 to 1300 mg of calcium per day for the health of their body and the baby growing in the womb. Drinking milk can give pregnant women the calcium they need. Milk can also relieve heartburn that often happens to pregnant women. During pregnancy, pregnant mothers tend to experience heartburn and gastric problems. Since milk is a type of antacid, it can play a role in relieving these symptoms.


Please include demographic information such as density of the targeted population.

The demographic characteristics of various respondents can determine the behavior of respondents in terms of purchasing patterns and consumption of good and q...

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