Assignment 20 on BBC Documentary on Life of Prophet Muhammad v2 PDF

Title Assignment 20 on BBC Documentary on Life of Prophet Muhammad v2
Author Jessie Shiffman
Course Judaism Christianity Islam
Institution University of Georgia
Pages 3
File Size 75.5 KB
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The review of the Muhammad documentary questions and answers BBC documentary...


Assignments 20 on the BBC Documentary on The Life of Muhammad EPISODE THREE: HOLY PEACE

[Starting time 1hr:55m:00s]

See Instructions in Assignment 18 template 1. What is Sufism in Islam? How do the Sufi achieve their objectives? -2:01:20 Sufism is trying to replicate Muhammad’s mystical experience with God. They do this by chatting God’s name and intense prayer. 2. Is praying alone enough in Islam for the followers of Muhammad? What else is important for a Muslim following Muhammad’s example? -2:02:408 No, they need to follow his habits. They need to be open and kind to everyone, and be humble. 3. What kind of lifestyle was practiced by Muhammad in Medina at the peak of his power around 627CE? -2:03:17 He was very human and warm. He was also very fair and simple with a dislike of possession. 4. How is Muhammad’s life and message different between his 12 years in Mecca and his last 10 years in Medina? -2:05-12 (Note: Muhammad’s Prophetic career was a total of around 22 or 23 years between Mecca and Medina) In Mecca, the revelations were more inward and delt with spirituality and faith, while in Medina they were more of a blueprint of how a Muslim should live. 5. What is Sharia? How is Muhammad’s practice of Sharia different from Sharia practiced in modern times? -2:07:25 Sharia is the rules of life revealed to Muhammad over time including justice and brotherhood. The Sharia law today was made to be a legal code for the Islamic empire over 2 centuries after the prophet had died. It is more of man’s interpretation of God’s word. 6. How does Muhammad support rights of women in a Jahiliyah society where killing of female babies (female infanticide) was normal? -2:08:16 Muhammad put an emphasis on helping orphans and widows and ended the killing of female babies.

7. What are some of the modern issues in recent Muslim-majority countries with the enforcement of Sharia law by those who are not authorized to enforce it? -2:11:06 Stoning, and chopping of body parts for stealing are seen as barbaric. 8. During Jahiliyah was polygamy or polygyny the norm? -2:13:03 1

The norm was polygamy, but Muhamad didn’t take other wives until his first one died. 9. Who was Aisha? Why is she so controversial in recent times? -2:15:41 She was only 6 or 7 when she was betrothed, and 9 when married, and by some accounts and 16/17. 10. Is there difference of opinion amongst Muslims about how women should veil themselves? -2:24:12 There are differing opinions on how women should vail themselves. There is a debate on what is considered modest. 11. Who controlled and limited Muhammad and his unarmed followers from accessing the sacred site of Kaaba for Hajj and worship of God? -2:25:30 The Quaraysh had stopped Muhammad and their followers from finishing Hadj that year, but they were permitting to go the following year. 12. Why was signing the Treaty of Hudaibiya initially perceived as a humiliating experience by Muhammad’s closest followers? Why does Muhammad strike down his own title “Messenger of God” in the agreement with Quraysh? -2:27:40 They were at a great disadvantage of a compromise, but he mostly wished to have a truce and to drop arms. Muhammad was very humble. 13. How is the term “Jihad” differently mentioned in the Quran? -2:32:50 Jihad is the ‘Holy War’. They were not around during Muhammad’s time and it is not actually mentioned in the Quran. The other meaning is striving not fighting, and that is more seen in the Quran. 14. How do some modern Muslim extremists interpret Jihad to justify killing of innocent people? Do all Muslims agree with violent interpretations of extremists? -2:36:35 They use the unholy verse to justify it even though Muhammad never killed innocents only those who were trying to protect themselves. 15. How did the pagan Meccan Quraysh violate the Treaty of Hudaibiya around 629CE? -2:37:52 They violated the treaty by attacking one of Muhammad’s allies, and then in retaliation Muhammad brought an army to Mecca and declared he forgave all of his enemies and chose reconciliation. 16. How did Muhammad treat pagan Meccans upon entering Mecca with his 10,000 strong Muslim army in 630CE? Did Muhammad demand conversion to Islam by all pagan Meccans? -2:38:42 He forgave them and did not require anyone to convert. 17. How does Muhammad defeat tribalism of Arabia which had been the root cause of corruption and social injustice? -2:40:57


He restored the Kaaba and destroyed all the effigies to make it holy for the one true god. He almost kills the paganism with kindness and gifts. 18. After freeing access to Mecca, does Muhammad stay in his birth-city Mecca or does he return back to his adopted city Medina? -2:41:09 Muhammad goes back home to Medina. 19. In Muhammad’s farewell sermon of 632CE in Mecca, what does Muhammad instruct Muslims to practice in terms of race, gender, pluralism, and equality for all? According to Muhammad, how does one become more superior to another human? -2:47:05 He speaks of not doing injustice to yourself and remembering God’s words even when he is gone. There is no superiority of race, there is only superiority of piety and good action. 20. Where and in which year did Muhammad die? -2:48:20 He died in 632. 21. How did Muhammad’s closest companion and first caliph Abu Bakr explain the death of Muhammad? Did Muhammad ever claim to be worthy of worship? -2:48:52 He said Muhammad never claimed to be anything greater than a mortal. He never claimed to be worthy of worship.


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