Assignment 3 Ecological Footprint Michael Tucker PDF

Title Assignment 3 Ecological Footprint Michael Tucker
Course Environmental Citizenship
Institution Algonquin College
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Submitted to ENV0002 For Assignment 3 Ecological Footprint

November 22, 2017

Subject: My Ecological Footprint



From this assessment on my ecological footprint I have found that my footprint spans more than twelve acres of land, far surpassing the sustainable overshoot of a mere 1.7 hectares of land per person on Earth (The Global Footprint Network ND). My personal Earth Overshoot day would be May 03, requiring the resources of nearly three Earths to sustain an entire world of humans with my lifestyle characteristics (The Global Footprint Network ND). According to overshoot research, my day of overshoot is a couple months removed from the Canadian average (Earth Overshoot Day 2017). I can see that my habits rest on the side of progress amongst North Americans. This assessment has been a real eye opener. I believed that I was making a greater difference than I was with the choices I started making a few years back in my recycling and food habits. Where I see the biggest discrepancy with my sustainable efforts lie with my CO2 Output. More than twothirds of my overall Ecological Footprint is Carbon based (Earth Overshoot Day 2017). My use of a traditional high gas mileage vehicle, mixed with an uneven tendency to carpool with my wife has spiked my CO2 emissions. My dependence on electricity, gas, and other services that deplete natural resources have pushed my carbon emissions into an uncomfortable level of 2.4 GHA (The Global Footprint Network ND). The fact that I am a vegan and tend to buy mostly fresh and unprocessed foods, reduces my impact in regards to the food element of my footprint. I also try to steer towards canned and glass packaged items at the supermarket rather than falling for plastics. My families interest in repurposing products and buying from second hand shops, increase our impact in the goods category of sustainability. Our current home is only beginning to get a sustainable makeover, starting with the replacement of all fluorescent bulbs with L.E.Ds.


PART 2 - MANIPULATING YOUR ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT: In order to reduce the amount of global hectares I currently consume down to a sustainable level, I have to take into account the comfort level I am currently experiencing. One quote sums up the difference that I know I must make after this learning, “’Change is the end result of all true learning.’ -Leo Buscaglia (Gnau ND).” Firstly I will need to reduce the carbon emissions that my mobility currently contributes to the atmosphere. I know that my wallet would benefit greatly from a hybrid or electric vehicle in the long run but the initial cost is a deterrent that blocks me from investing in one right now. I have driven with my wife on occasion in the mornings and afternoon, to allow for less trips out of the home. I do understand the benefit of using the bus system. It was not a convenient or practical transportation method when I was living in the States, and I have yet to warm up to it while living here. I can definitely make the more sound choice of riding my bike to work during the summer months. As far as my home is concerned, I do feel that I can integrate solar power and more efficient lighting into my environment. My wife and I do make the choice to leave lights on in the house in certain rooms for our dogs when we are away. We can be guilty of leaving the oven on a bit too long, or of running the gas furnace for more than is necessary. We can run our shower and baths less frequently and be more mindful of the amount of water we are wasting. I know I can achieve any level of commitment that I set my mind to, and these needs can be met with some careful planning and change in some more of our routines. I think it is very necessary to keep working to meet the 0.8 global hectare mark that we as humans need to survive. PART 3 - REFLECTING ON ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT:


To a profound level, we as people “have developed technology to grow, process, and store food so that we can make it through bad years (Gifford ND).” For most of my life my ecological footprint has stood caked in the most unnecessary measures, just to make life easy and routine. I have followed the same loose agenda as my friends and family did in regards to sustainability. I have purchased many plastic products and tossed just as many into the garbage without a care in the world. The only time I ever participated in recycling while an adolescent was for the benefit of money. My father and I collected crushed cans in large garbage containers, and then drove them down to the processing plant to make some extra cash. My father never gave me an appreciation for the true benefits of what I was doing, nor did it seem to be a consideration of his. The data has always been there and I have been a fool to allow others to guide my feelings towards recycling and conservation I don’t want to bend the arrow of blame towards another when I have always been aware of my contribution to landfills through food and water consumption. I had a teacher in grade school, who gave my class a stern talking to about the benefits of efficient showering. She told us to lather up first and then jump under the faucet for a brief and resourceful bathing experience. I had another teacher that motivated my class to compete in a poster contest, promoting recycling. Most of our class was completely absorbed by the task of creating a catchy slogan and of course the prize for creating the winning poster. Though I was reminded on occasion by teachers and television about how destructive my habits were, I still lived just for me and my unhealthy relationship with convenience and pleasure. I ate more than my fill at every meal. I tossed every bit of waste into the garbage. I used electricity without abandon. If I was concerned about my relationship with nature, it was


only because my pocket book was being affected. In my twenties I scoffed at those around me who made a big deal out of recycling, or promoted a vegan lifestyle. I couldn’t see the correlation between these habits and my overall wellbeing. My life have taken some great turns in recent years and this is all due to someone else opening my eyes to the connections I should make with the world. The largest discrepancy in my current footprint, is my usage of a high emission vehicle and avoidance of green energy. I am strongly considering making an investment in a hybrid or electric-only car. I have been more careful with my electricity, water usage, as well as paying special attention to the containers that my favorite products come in. My wife and I are also putting our child bearing aspirations aside and beginning the process to foster children. I want to focus I am very interested now in promoting change in how we perceive our growing population here in Canada and abroad. (Gifford ND) points out how “rapid changes in the world’s human population, coupled with unprecedented levels of consumption present profound challenges to human health and well-being, and the environment (Gifford ND).” There are different takes on how to decrease our numbers on Earth to reverse our tendency to overshoot in respect to our resources. The reality of each of our footprints must become more apparent and at an earlier age. Schools must dedicate more time and effort to inform the current generation of children of how it is more important to live within our means rather than simply for one’s own enjoyment on this planet.



The Global Footprint Network. (ND). “Footprint Calculator” Retrieved from: Earth Overshoot Day. (2017). “Country Overshoot Days”. Retrieved from: Retrieved from: The Global Footprint Network. (2013). “ECOLOGICAL WEALTH OF NATIONS”. Retrieved from: er_capita.html Gnau, Melanie. (ND). “CHANGE IS THE END RESULT OF ALL TRUE LEARNING”. Retrieved from: Gifford, Dawn. (ND). “HOW TO STOP POPULATION GROWTH—HUMANELY”. Retrieved from:

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