Assignment 4 JEPD Article 6Qs v2 PDF

Title Assignment 4 JEPD Article 6Qs v2
Author Jocelyn Tran
Course Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Institution University of Georgia
Pages 2
File Size 72.9 KB
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Assignment 4 – Dr Friedman’s Article on JEPD Sources of Bible

Name: Jocelyn Tran

Date: _____________

Please complete reading Dr. Friedman’s article on JEPD sources available on ELC, and then using the article answer the following questions. You are not required to utilize external references for this assignment. 1. According to Dr. Friedman, what is the attitude taken by academic Biblical scholars about linking a divine source to the authorship of Bible? What is the reason for this attitude? Their first job isn’t to prove if the Bible was divinely revealed to the authors. Their goal is to learn what the authors wrote, when they wrote it, and why they wrote it. If academic Biblical scholars were to first take the approach of questioning the validity of this divine writing, no progress would be made. Scholars would be arguing; torn between the side of divinity and the side of humanity. 2. How does “documentary hypothesis” aid in determining the source of Biblical authorship? The hypothesis is that the Bible’s first books were formed through a long process. As a result, it essentially makes the statement that ancient writers produced all these documents and laws and the “writer”/editors used these documents are sources for their writing. 3. By which name does the J source (author) refer to God? Where does J source most likely reside? Yahweh is how they refer to God. The J source was most likely from Judah 4. By which name does the E source (author) refer to God? Where does E source most likely reside? God was El and E source most likely came from Isreal 5. Does the P source (author) use the same name for God as source J or source E? What does the P stand for? The P stands for priesthood or priests. I think the P source uses the same name for God as source J 6. Does the Biblical Red Sea parting story found on page 20 maintains continuous flow if one read only blue colored text (source P), or if one only read the green colored text (source J), or if one read only the red colored text (source E) ? Please explain your answer please For the blue text, there was a few inconsistencies and a little confusion at one part. Overall, it maintained the flow of the story and everything was still coherent while maintaining the important details of the story. The blue colored text incorporates God as a very relevant being in the story. He was with the people every step of the way, guiding them. The green text tells the story in a way where it seems God was an omnipresent being who didn’t say much. It looked like God just came and went without communication. However, he was much more present in his actions then the blue text. Although it seems as if he didn’t say communicate much, he protected them very visibly.

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Assignment 4 – Dr Friedman’s Article on JEPD Sources of Bible

The red text gave a very short and brief story that didn’t tell much of the details of what happened at the parting of the Red Sea. However, it did maintain the flow of the story.

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