Assignment 6 - Creative Nonfiction Essay PDF

Title Assignment 6 - Creative Nonfiction Essay
Course Intermediate English Composition
Institution University of Cincinnati
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Creative Nonfiction Essay...


Assignment 6 Creative Nonfiction Final Draf Myron Mason 2/18/21 My feelings and my experiences in these places really strongly connects to me. Camp Joy my place of nature which really surprises me in many different ways in my life. I wasn’t’ expecting is a having a pleasure of freedom and joy of those were one of happiest most breath taking turns in life. Everything that I took in from my encounters from these places brought to happiness and peace, something that I wasn’t expecting at that time. It was those times where there were no concern’s or worries I felt at peace with life.

I had a strong connection with nature the day I first went on a camping trip with my elementary 6th grade class. The place was called Camp Joy located in Clarksville Ohio. The physical aspect of camping outside was vivid I hiked through trees, creeks, ponds and rivers. On cold days I felt icky and frigid. I encountered fish, deer, coyotes, bears from what I remembering camp was a fascinating it was so much detail added to just about everyday I was there. The weather was humid and cold it was around mid fall. The waters were screaming with pollution I saw death on my journey there and I also things come to life. The process of a freshly born butterfly in my hands. Kids around me were so astonished about the nature around them so it was peaceful and quiet I had one of the biggest smiles on my face.

I got to take in every little thing I heard, saw and tasted. Not only it was a adventure to me it was a treat to my eyes, nose, ears and mouth. Camp Joy challenged me physically and mentally with tons of obstacle courses.

Most of all loved camp joy as a kid it was super fun. I got to conquer my struggles and challenged with the high ropes course and zip line I like how me and other students we all felt like one big community that looked out for one another I have never felt this type of brotherhood. I enjoyed the food and our duties to serve the food. I didn’t like how I only stayed for only 3 days it was more fun that I wanted to have there.

During Camp Joy I chose to do the under ground railroad it took place during a dark spooky night I was haunted and taunted by the wilderness I was been heavily chased by the slave masters this simulated what slaves had to endure during slavery it was harsh and brutal I got to feel and see what it was like to be a slave and that was no fun at all. That is what we going on in my life doing the during the time I was at camp joy I had to endure harsh and brutal treatment. It was survival mode for me mentally. People around me were breaking down into tears.

I revisited camp joy 4 years afer the year I went and the landscape had changed drastically the camp sits on less land most of the land was taken up by new buildings there were lots of trees being cut down to build more the landscapes. It gave me the idea that in life you

have to be adaptable to changes nothing wont stay the same for ever and one of most important things in life is that you got to be adaptable to many different situations.

I have spent significant amount of time at high school.(Gamble Montessori). I was there from 7th grade to senior year. The main purpose of me being there because it was convenient I lived close to the school and of course I needed a diploma so that I could attend college. Our schools colors were green and purple all through out the hallways, everywhere I went there was always green and purple. My school was always decorated fancy especially for home games held inside my schools gym. The school was very old and been there for years so inside it smelled like old sewage it was disgusting.

My school was a warm nice friendly place everyone made me feel like one big happy community brother hood type. I enjoyed being at my high school especially towards senior year I have bunch of memories. Gamble Montessori was built in a suburban area. I got to school by car my parents took me back n fourth from high school and some days when I wanted to enjoy the nature around my school I would just walk home. There were plenty of other students there reaching for the same goals and stars that I weas reaching for I was able to collaborate a lot better with those type of people. Within the school there big windows, fountains, wild plant life, and some times wild animals inside of a cage that students dissected and experimented on. My schools was surrounded by tons of greenery fresh bright green tall trees. Concrete steps and hills that crossed over the

schools natural landscape. There homes in the area and we had plenty of vibrant gardens. The gardens smelled like every fruit and vegetable you could think of.

While I was in my place of nature I had lots of time to think about the meaning of life and how fragile life is and I got to establish a connection with nature I got learn more about our outside world because the outside world is just as good as the inside world. I had many experiences during my interaction with nature. In my human built structure place It was far different from my place of nature, I had people around me going through different paths which bring lots of decision making because I had to choose the right path in life. Some of my knowledge came from school while in nature I got to learn how to think big and beyond.

Both human built and nature place triggered my imagination in may various ways. Some of these could being able to work with different people that are different than you. During my camp experience de with nature it trained me to be adaptable and I always face your challenges instead of hiding them and running away from them. On my journey I push through tough challenges and grow from my mistakes from the past. Life Is so beautiful on the inside and out.

The connections and my feelings about my places are connected to something that surprises me in the inside of me that I never really seemed to pay attention until now. Its like something stuck inside of me and I’m trying my best to pull it out on paper. A lot has happened to me in my place of nature I can say I got a stronger connection with God and animals ever since. My usual human environment was eating me up on the inside that’s what influenced

some choices I made that was bad but I still didn’t regret my place of nature was place to escape from the public and to only focus on myself and In the place and time those were only things in mind.

I think of my place of my human built place anywhere besides nature which is just me in it. My nature place was the only place I have felt at peace. I recently found out I have more than one place of nature lots hard for me to narrow it down to just one place because each place of nature for me gave me a new opportunity for myself and I on the other hand my human built places around was really heavily influencing and I knew that I wanted to be in control of my destiny and life and not let other people lead me down the wrong path. I have encountered many experiences where I felt like I spoken to through the leaves of the trees. My experience in my human built place is was threatening to my beliefs and my capability for what’s right and what is wrong it made me feel like me doing the right thing was the wrong thing and me doing the right thing felt like that wrong thing to do in my human built place. It was slowly dragging me down day afer day over the blue night skies no relief hard feeling sorts of emotional attention drawing from me. It felt like a fish having a decision of biting the hook because its hungry and it wants to eat but also biting the hook for survival can lead you to die. So Me I always hungry I wanted to see more and do more I need more answers before I can open my mouth and finally take a bite of what’s coming at me with suffering from it . Turning in to a story as it comes through my mind its more like a fire that keep burning inside of me and never stops burning it can turn into a sense of danger at any given time whenever I feel like I’m off track. I have endless amount and pain from my past but I’m so happy about where I’m today

because now I realize all pain isn’t bad. The pain in my case made me fight and go harder for the life wanted to dream and live but coming up from my human built place there were lots of sacrifices I had to make be where I’m at today. My Human Built Place and my places of nature are so attached to me throughout my out my life. It’s a real Big Blessing to be in where I’m at today through all different aspects of my connections and experiences. I cant let the fire burn me and I need to burn off the fire....

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