Creative Nonfiction 1 PDF

Title Creative Nonfiction 1
Course Creative Nonfiction
Institution STI College
Pages 6
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Creative Nonfiction- First Semester...


CREATIVE NONFICTION WEEK 1 Learning Task 2: Directions: Write your understanding on the elements below. Tell if you think that the elements are still part of creative non-fiction.

Elements of Fiction Characters



Point of View


Your Definition

Is it still present in Creative Nonfiction? The one who speaks the Yes, without the characters a dialogue, and gives life to the story won’t function since story. most stories revolve on the character’s life and experiences. The place and time the story Yes, because the setting takes place. contributes to how the readers perceive the context and environment of the written text from the author’s vivid description. The core or central idea of the Yes, since it is the central story, or the idea where the focus of a literary piece the story revolves. theme will be essential in how the readers or audience will receive the message the story intends to give. The first, second or third Yes, showing the viewpoints person from which the story of different characters will is viewed or narrated. give the readers an outlook on what is happening on the story and will influences in the tone of the story. The structure showing how Yes, this is arguably the most the story is going to be essential element for it adds written, taking points with the up to the over-all appeal and main and biggest events in readability of the text, and the storyline’s sequence. keeps the flow of the literary piece organized and structured.

Learning Task 5: Directions: Using the template, give your comments and observations on the 5Rs of creative nonfiction incorporated in the text below.

5Rs of Creative Nonfiction Real Life





Comments and Observations Observe the phrases “festive colors everywhere,” “out of tune karaoke,” mouth-watering delicacies,” and “busy streets,” all of these are based on the author’s first-hand experience— what is seen, heard, and felt. The Real Life element is particularly seen in the introductory paragraph where the author gave a detailed and realistic description of what she/he has observed during a fiesta. To be able to give an accurate story with vivid scenery it is important that you do not embellish and alter what happened in real life because it will erase the essence of writing a nonfiction. As someone who loves to read and write, I’ve always believed that in any form of writing— may it be fictional or not, the author extends a hand to the reader and acts as a tour guide as they walk on a museum powered by their own creative mind and imagination. The writer’s reflection in the literary text provided is shown at the latter part of the text, where the author particularly wrote his/her perspective to how fiestas impact our lives. There wasn’t a specific part in the text that can prove that the author conducted an extensive research because there were no resources provided like libraries or textbooks. However, it is also important to note that the author immersed oneself to be able to experience the things narrated in the text. Reputable and accurate sources are vital, hence, first-hand experiences through immersion would be a great way to ensure the credibility of what is shown and reflected in a creative nonfiction. It is safe to say that even just for once in their lifetime, the author might have stumbled upon a magazine or articles discussing these Filipino festivities. Well, to name a few, who wouldn’t know about Sinulog, Ati-Atihan or Panagbenga? It is deeply engraved into our culture and are given a lot of attention therefore the author might have read about Fiestas for his/her to be able to have a background on why these are celebrated— as reflected in the second paragraph. From the first 4Rs of Creative Nonfiction discussed above, this part is probably the most important step because this will define the wholeness of the text. The author started with personal observations, to factual informations behind these fiestas, down to his/her personal view but is still able to make sure that the whole text is coherent. The author has successfully written a compelling story backed up with personal experiences and factual information, without necessarily following a strict standards or patterns.

Learning Task 6: Direction: Go back with the text in the previous learning task. Identify the imageries used in the text. Use the column below to group the imageries.

Visual  Festive colors everywhere  Busy streets and entertaining contests



 People singing despite their out-of-tune karaoke

Gustatory  Mouthwatering delicacies

Tactile Kinesthetic  Busy streets and entertaining contests  Performing rituals

Learning Task 7: Direction: Analyze the theme and techniques used in the text below. Use the template to do the analysis. Elements and Techniques Theme

Narrative Structure



The main theme is about the author’s journey and adventure in Caramoan.

Certainly, the author clearly gave vivid descriptions of the experiences and sceneries Caramoan has offered, and is reflected from every part of the text. After analyzing the ideas present in each paragraph we can say that when weaved together, it leads to the central idea of how we crave for an opportunity to escape the busy life in the city in exchange of tranquility and that one thing our heart has always been seeking for— adventure. The author was subjectively giving his/her personal experiences throughout the entire text. However, it is noticeable that the way the information were presented was in chronological order— from the moment the writer woke up, the time he/she stepped in the soil of Caramoan, up to the moment the author had to go back to the resort. It is presented in a manner where

Linear Narrative

Distinctive Voice, Style, and Intimate Point of View

The author used a first person point of view, and the tone was very joyful, chatty and casual, making it more relatable and appealing to the readers.

Detail and Description

“… feeling its coziness and the coldness of my room,” “I witnessed a picturesque view of Caramoan.” “I could also hear the monkeys,”

Scene and Summary

The setting took place in Caramoan. The author used different figurative language like simile and personification, there is also a prominent use of imageries. The summary was also well written because the author was able to narrate what he/she experienced in a brief and concise manner.

Techniques of Fiction

Setting, Point of View, Vivid Description, Use of imagery (both literal and figurative imagery), Theme

the reader can also be immersed on the life of who was speaking in the text. Upon observing the storyline, it is very obvious that the author uses words like “I” or “my.” Hence, we can say that the text was viewed in a first person perspective. The tone is very joyful, in which the writer was able to convey positive emotions that he/she felt during the moment. It is also very conversational that is why the readers didn’t have a hard time immersing themselves in the story. The author used tactile symbolism in the whole text. It is very evident in almost all parts since most of it conjures the feeling of sight, contact, or hearing. It is safe to say that the subtleties used and how the story was narrated, brought the readers into an adventure, although not physically but through their psyche. The setting was clearly stated and is well described. Through the writer’s vocabulary the readers are able to imagine the same feeling because of the vivid descriptions given by the author. It was also successful in engaging the audience through incorporating imageries. We can notice how almost every part contains imageries because the article is written through the first person point of view, and it is a way to immerse the readers into what the author exactly felt, touched, and seen.

The author’s strategy in writing the text was kind of inclined to the techniques of fiction where he/she utilized the use of figurative

Poetic DevicesFigurative Language

Imagery: “I witnessed a picturesque view of Caramoan.” “I saw thousands of bats,” “I could also hear the monkeys,” Onomatopeia: Kring..kring..kring.. Simile: “It seemed that the cave is like a dark hole leading to Hades’ kingdom.”

language and gave descriptions of the setting metaphorically. It is amazing how the writer was able to incorporate these techniques without removing the authenticity of what was being narrated, and not removing the essence of a nonfiction. This part pertains to the “creative” in Creative Nonfiction. This makes the text more engaging so it would be easier for the audience to be involved in the story. It can be regarded as the sprinkles in cupcakes. It adds up to the over-all appeal of the write-up. There are several poetic devices that were utilized in the whole passage, and personally it helped me create images and scenarios in my mind to better understand the feeling that the author was trying to convey.

“… it seemed like a forest somewhere in Arizona,”

Personal Reflections

Word Choice/ Diction

Personification: “… we embraced the fresh air touching our exhausted bodies.” Personal thoughts and feelings

Presence of connotations and absence of cliché phrases and jargons.

“I feel like” and “I realized,” are some of the words that can be read in the text. This implies the author’s personal thoughts and feelings. Hence, sharing the experiences from his/her perspective. It may be subjective since the author is just sharing his/her own feeling on the journey in Caramoan, it will vary from which viewpoint it is being narrated. The word choice is excellent because the writer is able to give concise but vivid description of the place and activities. It is original,

Sentence Variety (Length and Structure)

Parallel Structure in sentences

Lyrical Language

Parallel Structure and Sensory Imagery

creative and does not contain any cliché phrases. I’ve mentioned that it is very conversational, most probably because it does not use jargons that can make it hard for the audience to understand the text. Connotations are also present, one example is the usage of the word “heaven” to describe Caramoan, to which connotes as a beautiful place of bliss or a paradise. At first glance, you can easily tell that the author used parallel structure in the sentences. Upon analyzing the text, we can notice that the author never used intentional fragment, instead, she/he grouped the elements or phrases with similar idea in a grammatically parallel manner. Although there is no rhyme or repetition of words, to effectively evoke emotion to the readers, the author used different sensory imagery— literal and figuratively, as mention in the first part of this activity....

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