LP2 summarize nonfiction PDF

Title LP2 summarize nonfiction
Course Supervised Demonstration Teaching in Elementary Education,
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 4
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LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE – 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION Lesson Title & Subject(s): Summarizing Nonfiction Week 1 Day 4 (2-3 week unit, depending on how well students are grasping the concept at the end of week 2) Topic or Unit of Study: Summarizing Nonfiction Grade/Level: 4th grade Instructional Setting: Whole Class, Small Group, and Individual A self-contained general education classroom with the following student breakdown. • 26 students total (14 boys and 12 girls) • 21 students are on-grade-level readers, 4 students who are one grade level behind and 1 student significantly below grade level, but does not qualify for SPED The classroom contains group seating areas, computers, Smart Board, and classroom library. STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s): Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text. (RI.4.2) (DOK 2,3) Lesson Objective(s): Lesson Objective (s) Whole Group: The student will be able:  To summarize a nonfiction text while determining the overall structure of the text Small Group: 

To summarize a nonfiction text while determining the overall structure of the text.

Assessment Considerations Students will be assessed informally through Quizziz and through conversations throughout the lesson. Students will be assessed formally by summarizing a nonfiction text and turning it in at the end of the class. This is what they will do. How will you assess what they have completed? I suggest a simple rubric. We can discuss this on Thursday. My red group (lowest group) will summarize the nonfiction text with me at the table. Depending on how the lessons went the day before, I might add students to my group. If you do

add students to the group, revise your group paragraph on page 3.

MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Instructional Materials: Notebooks/Binders, Pencils, nonfiction texts (the nonfiction text is not determined yet as I would like to see how the first three days of the lesson go first) Resources: Common Core State Standards Initiative. 2018. English Language Arts Standards, Reading: Literature, Grad 3.3 Retrieved from: http://www.corestandards.org/ELALiteracy/RL/3/3/ . INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each): Before our nonfiction summarization lesson, we will be doing our word study unit. This will take approximately 10-15 minutes to go over. Students will complete a word study worksheet during independent time. We will then do Week 5, Day 1 of our expository writing unit. We will focus on writing a strong introduction. I will model this for my students. Then we will go into our summarizing nonfiction. 1. Student Prerequisite Skills/Connections to Previous Learning: This is Week 1, Day 4 of summarizing nonfiction. Students will have already learned how to use the template we are using (main idea, 3 details, and a conclusion). I will have modeled summarizing a nonfiction text 1-2 times prior to today, and they have completed 2-3 texts by themselves. 2. Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling: 

  

We will start the lesson by completing a short quizziz, competition style. Students will play live, and we will go over commonly missed questions as a class. I am curious about the zuizziz. Is it facts related to the research they have been doing for their expository writing or is it something else? I will start the lesson by having students seated at their desks. I will pass out the text as well as the graphic organizer. I will have students follow along as I read the text aloud. I will then prompt students to break into groups and complete the graphic organizer together.

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I will remind students of our main idea sentence structure and to refer to their interactive notebooks if they need any help. I will walk around the room while students are completing this. This should take 5-10 minutes to complete. Once students are finished, I will pull the class back together and we will complete this passage together making sure to hear from each group. Students will now have 2-3 modeled passages to use to help them in summarizing nonfiction. I will pass out a second passage for students to complete individually. I will tell students that this is individual work, and that this is a priority to get done before researching our countries. While everyone is completing the summarization, I will work with struggling students and we will complete it together. I will read the passage to the students, discuss the passage, and then have students complete the summarizing individually at their desks. This way students are still getting additional help, but still completing it by themselves so I can know how much they are improving. I will walk around the room and support anyone that has questions for about 5 minutes. I will put the to-do list on the board and meet with small groups while students are completing individual work.

Modeling: I will model summarizing a text with the students help at the beginning of the lesson. 3. Guided Practice: Guided practice will be used throughout the lesson and we will rotate from whole group to small group to partners fairly often throughout this lesson. Independent Student Practice: Students will work on their own to summarize a nonfiction text. Students will turn this in and I will look over them before the next class to see how much more support the students need. 4. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event: This is an ongoing lesson, so there will not be a closing procedure. Instructional Strategy (or Strategies): Grouping Strategy: Students will be grouped in their predetermined group. Mrs. Mendoza and Mr. Kramer worked together at the beginning of the year to create groups based on how students worked together and their different personalities to for the best productivity in each group. These groups are very spread out on skills and reading levels (mixed between high- and low-level children). Students are also grouped in this lesson with the student that sits across from them.

Assessment Strategy: Informal and formal assessments will be used throughout the lesson. Informal: The Quizziz at the beginning of the lesson, listening to students talk in small groups, and their participation in whole group modeling. Formal: completing a summary on their own I would suggest that you use a rubric to score their work. The rubric can be very simple and relate to the accurate use of their graphic organizer that they created.

Differentiated Instruction Accommodations: I will meet with my students who are struggling with summarizing during small group. I will provide these students extra support such as reading the passage to them (most of them are struggling readers and since I am not assessing how well they can read, this is an appropriate accommodation) and discuss the passage. You are correct with this section! It is very important that struggling readers be given the opportunity to do well on other aspects of the project. Use of Technology: Students will use computers to complete a Quizziz at the beginning of the lesson. Quizziz is an online quiz program that allows students to complete a quiz in a game like format. This takes the stress off the students and makes the learning more fun. Student Assessment/Rubrics: Students will be assessed against a 3-2-1 rubric, a very informal assessment as we have already been summarizing for 3 days now. 3=mastery of information, 2=needs a little bit more time to understand (review in next days lesson), and 1=could reteach information in following days lesson. I will use this to determine who needs additional support in the next lesson. If you mean just one 3-2-1 score for the final product, I would recommend a bit more complexity in the rubric. What about cases where the student is relatively good at completing the graphic organizer but has a difficult time converting that to their narrative summary?...

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