Assignment ASM401 - Essay PDF

Title Assignment ASM401 - Essay
Author Nurul Hanis
Course Fundamental of business
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 6
File Size 72 KB
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Explain how individuals develop their personal codes of ethics and why ethics are important in the workplace. Ethics are belief about what is right and wrong, or good and bad. Ethics are based on both individual values, beliefs and social concepts, they differ person to person, from situation to sit...


1. Explain how individuals develop their personal codes of ethics and why ethics are important in the workplace.

Ethics are belief about what is right and wrong, or good and bad. Ethics are based on both individual values, beliefs and social concepts, they differ person to person, from situation to situation and from culture to culture. Their code of ethics which offers guidelines to direct them into that is consistent with what they believe on a fundamental aspect. The code of ethics strengthens individual beliefs which will offer clarity and strength to pursue the direction they consider to be the right.

List of the traits is one of the codes to create personal code of ethics because it can represent an individual as a person. This also includes personal traits such as responsibility, fairness or honesty. It also can create clear guidelines to the people which can interact in a good relationship. This is important because can consider the relationship with the person around and like to change about each one. Besides, it can improve our values in the workplace. Next, it can be professional because can control ourselves being kind to each others and maintain professional relationships when dealing with others for all the time.

2. Distinguish social responsibility from ethics, identify organizational stakeholders, and characterize social consciousness today.

Social responsibility refers to the general manner in which an organization itself attempts to manage its contribution to the specific communities and people in its global situation.

Most companies strive to be ethically responsible to five main groups which are customers, employees, investors, suppliers and the local communities. Firstly, customers, they seek to charge fair prices, honouring warranties and standing behind quality product that they sell. Secondly is employees, which promote the image of an organisation by treating employees equally, making them part of the team and honouring their integrity.

Thirdly, investors which managers must follow correct

accounting standards, providing shareholders with appropriate details and maintain the shareholder investment security company such as financial performance. Fourthly is suppliers where the partnership relationships with suppliers will improve brand image and a positive reputation. Finally, the local communities where can contribution to local and global projects has a positive influence on the environment.

Social consciousness is inseparable from self-consciousness and we think that social responsibility needs to evolve. In the face of increasing worries on climate change and environmentally sustainable corporate activities, many companies seem to have moved back to a more rational approach to doing business.

3. Show how the concept of social responsibility applies both to environmental issues and to a firm’s relationships with customers, employees, and investors.

The concept of social responsibility applies to environmental issues are air pollution which is under new regulations, many businesses need to install special equipment to restrict the pollutants they release into the air. Next, water pollution which is increased understanding of chemical and waste dumping and the associated risks has contributed to increased water safety in many areas of the world. Then, land pollution which is proper toxic waste management and recycling systems allow businesses to help maintain land quality and avoid further pollution.

Besides, the responsibility toward customers are consumer rights which is consumerism is a progressive action devoted to defending consumers ' interests in their relations with businesses. For example, consumers have a right to safe products and have a right to be informed about all relevant aspects of a product. Then, unfair pricing is one of the concept of social responsibility applies to customers which is collusion happens when two or more companies plan to cooperate together on corruption, such as price fixing; markets gouge when firms respond to increased demand with steep price rises. Ethics in advertising also one of the concepts because consumers need to be received product descriptions that is accurate and can be proven. Moreover, responsibility toward employees is legal and social commitments which are business cannot discriminate against people in any facet of the employment relationship for any reason not related to performance. Next, whistle blower is an individual who finds and seeks to bring an end to the dishonest, immoral or reckless actions of a business through publishing them. Some companies now have whistleblowers that shield whistle-blowers from reprisals.

Lastly, responsibility toward investors is insider trading happens when someone uses proprietary knowledge to profit from the purchase or selling of inventories. Misrepresentation of finances is when dishonest managers forecast income that they do not plan to earn or mask losses and costs accumulated to raise paper earnings.

4. Identify four general approaches to social responsibility and note the role of social responsibility in small business.

There are four approaches that organizations take for example obstructionist stance which is this organization usually do as little as possible to solve social or environmental problems and does not make social responsibility an effort instead of making profits. For instance, company of nestle because they claim the formula is more better than breast feeding but the truth is breast milk is better than the formula because it is from pure milk and nestle can led to health problem and deaths. Next is defensive stance which the company is remain neutral and they think that the profit are more important than social responsibility.

They also will do everything by

following the law. For example, tobacco’s company put the health warning label on the packing because the follow the rule, but if the country has no law, they will just sell without informing the customer about the risk.

Besides, accommodative stance is doing something that belief the social responsibility as important as profit. The organizations that take this stance also satisfy all legal requirement and attempt to meet ethical standard. For example, Kellog company makes an effort to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Other than that, the company that willing to contribute to the benefits of group and stakeholder and gives sincere commitment to improve the general social by taking proactive stance. The company that takes proactive stance is McDonald’s Corporation’s Ronald McDonald House program because it is located close to medical center and can be used for minimal cost by families while their sick children are undergoing medical treatment nearby.

5. Explain the role of government in social responsibility in terms of how governments and businesses influence each other.

Government (national, state or local) aims to influence activities of social responsibility through both direct and indirect channels. Direct influence is most commonly manifested by regulation, whereas indirect influence may take on a variety of forms, especially tax policies.

For direct regulation, the government most frequently has a strong impact over organizations through policy, regulations, and guidelines that determine what organizations should and cannot do. This legislation is generally based on societal values about how companies can treat themselves. For example, Environmental Protection Agency can handle environmental issues and can control aspect of business activity. Next, other forms of regulation are indirect regulation.


example, through the tax codes, the government may indirectly affect the social obligation of companies. In effect, the government will control how companies invest their corporate responsibility dollars by offering more or fewer tax incentives.

In addition, how organizations influence government is through personal contacts because many political leaders travel in same social circles, personal contacts and network offer one method of influence. For instance, they might be directly contact a politician so that the legislation can being considered. Next is lobbying, lobbying is meet one on one with the lawmakers and workers to persuade them to endorse a certain legislation. Also use to provide relevant information to lawmakers. A ceo meeting with a representative about a project important to his company or an activist meeting with their legislator in an unpaid capacity and government also describes and regulate organized group lobbying that has become influential.

Next is political action committee. An organization whose purpose is to collect and distribute campaign funds to candidates seeking political office. For example, FedEx’s PAC is called as FedExpac and it makes frequent donations to the campaign funds of political candidates who are most likely to work in the firm’s best interest. Lastly, organizations rely on favors and other influence tactics to gain support. For instance, members of a House committee attend the fund raising in Miami were needed in Washington to finish work on a piece legislation that FedEx

wanted passed then as a favor FedEx provided one corporate jet to fly the committee members to Washington....

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