Assignment - Bsbres 801 - Answer Template Tasks 1, 2, 3 PDF

Title Assignment - Bsbres 801 - Answer Template Tasks 1, 2, 3
Author sony Gunji
Course Certificate IV in Business
Institution Victoria University
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Download Assignment - Bsbres 801 - Answer Template Tasks 1, 2, 3 PDF


Unit Code

: BSBRES801 Initiate and lead applied research

Written Questions - Assessment Task 1 1. Describe at least six (6) communication processes and methods for effective communication.

Use simple language so that the audience can easily understand.

Speak with clarity and briefly, with the help of simple language.

Using proper body language like your hand movements, gestures, smile etc

Ensure that your speech is non-judgmental, which shall only convey your message and should not be like judging someone.

Providing a friendly environment to the listener, so that they can also express their views on the discussion.

Communicating with mere respect and positive feel is always appreciable. To segregate very concisely, Methods to communicate effectively: Verbal communication skills o

Using simple language


Clear pronunciation

Non Verbal communication skills o

Maintaining eye to eye contact


Maintaining a smile and pleasant body language

Listening skills o

Listening actively and understanding the talk and


Actively participating in the discussion


Building and understanding the emotional levels of the listener, to convey the message in right time at right place.


Conveying the message and in simple words clearly, so that the listener can understand easily.


Speak with respect by maintaining a good body language, so that the other person should not feel the gestures of disrespect or carelessness while talking.

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Always communicate in a non- judgemental way, so that it expresses your opinion only and would not express a feeling of judgement.

2. Explain data collection and analysis methods, including the use of technology and technology services. Data can be acquired and analysed by different methods 1. Paper based survey Tools 

For paper based research surveys, manual requirement is needed to gather the information from the customers or employees in the form of feedback forms, rating the quality of food in restaurants etc.

2. Online Survey Tools 

Online research tools will help to get the information easily as audience are active in using digital devices like mobiles for long hours.

Most of the Banks, Employers, Consumer goods take the feedback of the customers after their transactions to improve their services.

Examples – o

Survey Monkey


Zoho Survey


Type forms


Google forms

The following methods can be used in applied research either ofor paper based research or digital surveys:    

Questionnaires Feedback forms Surveys Interviews

ANALYSING DATA: The above mentioned methods can be used to contained data and further can be analysed by using frequency tables. The analysis can be two types namely: 

Qualitative Research analysis- The data is more based on the quality like the rating on the quality of food in a restaurant.

Quantitative Research Analysis- This is based more on the numbers. Number of responses received, a study is done and results are derived.

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3. Explain the legal requirements, policies, procedures and guidelines that relate to research, including those for handling and storing data, privacy and freedom of information. 

These policies are intended to guide the storage of research data and to protect the confidential information of the research.

Policies and procedures are written to set up some pre-described rules to be followed while conducting a research that needs to be followed. A policy describes why should, you do a particular job whereas a procedure describes how it should be done.

Australian code for the Responsible conduct of Research of National Medical and Health Research council (NMHRC) is considered to play a vital role in setting up the terms and methodologies for the research.


Apart from acquiring data, its preserving and maintenance are very important to ensure there is no misuse of the data. In order to store and secure the data accumulated, one should reach to the commission body of the respective organization, has different storage mechanisms and principles for code of conduct based on the research they are conducting.

Data can be preserved in many forms like: 

Safe computer drives

External storage drives like the USB’s, Hard drives, data banks, cloud centres etc.

And if it’s in the form of forms or any physical notes, it can be files and storage rooms.

Privacy and freedom of information: 

Confidentiality of the data depends upon the policies and ethics but varies from one to another organization. Information can be valid and can be retrieved either for a particular period of time or for a particular authorization depending on the importance and confidentiality levels of the data.

Information can be made available after few months or can be made available depending upon the company’s code of ethics and the policies it follows.

For example, in order obtain any information from NMHRC’s National statement on Ethical code of human research.

4. Describe presentation techniques that can be used in presenting research information, including verbal and non-verbal techniques. In order to present your research or any information, we can use different presenting techniques, which can include: 

Public Speaking

Audio- visuals

Statistics Page 3 of 23





Bullet pointing

Highlighting(important points)

To describe the presentation techniques in brief, we can divide them into: 1. Verbal Public speaking- which includes PowerPoint presentations that can be used to illustrate a concept, to demonstrate or present any information in the form of words, pictures, statistics, graphs, references etc. This can be PowerPoint presentations in academic or conferences, public speaking in lectures etc.

The speed of speech- The rate at which you are delivering the information, with right pauses and highlights. Reducing the speed while delivering important points, so that audience would not miss the main points.

Pitch - Simple and clear, high or Low volume

Literature – Simple language and proper usage of technical words where necessary.

Pictorial representation – Explaining the tables, pictures, graphs, processes clearly and apt to the concept.

2. Non verbal This is mainly focusing on the body language that expresses confidence through eye contact, sitting and standing, motion pictures, animations, signs and other kind of gestures to gain the attention of the audience. This also includes the written reports which use words but without any verbal communication, where clear notes and literature is to be used as the individual might not be present physically to give any kind of explanations or reasoning for the data provided and hence should be added with the references on how data is acquired or what is referred to report such an information.

Gestures – Keep your body straight and relaxed, make hand movements

Smile – To provide comfortable environment

Using the space – Walking in the space provided will keep one relaxed

Eye contact – To keep the engagement and express confidence

5. Outline the standard reporting method. There are varied reporting methods depending on the kind of research report that is Page 4 of 23

prepared. However a standard reporting method can be designed as follows: 

Title page- The main subject of presenting a particular report

Table of contents – Indexing the topics on each page with titles and subtitles

Abstract or Summary – giving a brief note about the entire report, what is it focusing about.

Methods– Different techniques used in order to acquire the data that is presented in the report. These methods are evaluated in more detail to express how the results are arrived that is presented in that particular research.

Observations – The keen differentiations, the important notes that need to be focused more are included in this section. This section is more important in scientific reports like science research reports and statistical reports.

Results – the observations and the methods that are used and finally the findings are framed into final outcomes of the research that is performed.

Recommendations – The suggestions of the author from the observations made in the current report, the modifications that can be added which can make further differences in the research as per the author are included in this section.

References – The previous reports, the theories and concepts, books and other resources that are used in framing the report are included in this section, to provide the base and support for the research included in the report.

6. Outline the basic ethical standard that relates to applied research. An applied research can be designed in the following format with the style guide given by the organization: 

Researcher’s Name and department

Project Title

Project or Type of grant

Executive summary



Applications of the research



References and supporting documentation

7. Provide four (4) examples of applied research tools and methods and how they are applied. Page 5 of 23

1. Evaluation Research In this kind of research, the data is drawn from the target group who have invested their time or money in a specific program or service. This kind of data can be taken in the form of feedback forms. 2. Needs assessment This kind of research is done to understand the requirements in a particular community, which can be further addressed based on what is highly needed. 3. Actions research This kind of research is based mostly on the actions of the target group which implies that the target group is not only made to give their feedback or rating directly, but also by interviewing them or talking to them. 4. Epidemiological Research This type of research basically concentrates on the diseases in a population. The data is collected from a target group in a particular geography for a particular disease for a risk period, its prevalence and its spread in terms of gender, age group, habits and other factors. This also can further be divided into different kinds of research based on the data collected. For example, o o o o

Incidence studies Prevalence studies Incidence risk control studies Prevalence control studies etc.

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Project Assessment Task 2 PART A 1. Obtain and review relevant task documentation, and consult with relevant personnel to clarify, confirm and document the applied research purpose and the needs of the target group. To conduct an applied research, Planning, conducting and reporting are the important steps, that needs to be properly planned and discussed with the respective officials, can be reporting manager, commissions of the organization or any other officials who head the research. The following needs to be clarified and confirmed from the respecting reporting managers:  The purpose of the Research  The needs of the target group To confirm and clarify these, a written consent need to be obtained from the respective officers, which can be in the form of:  Agreements  Contracts  Research briefs  Guidelines etc. In order to perform a research, understanding of the target group is very important. The below criteria are to be considered:  Age  Diversity  Employees  End users  Diversity  Employment status  Education  Location  Skills etc. Research proposal plan includes, the following information needs to be considered:  Research Hypothesis  Sample size  Data collection methods  Analysis of data reliability and validity analysis  Geographical, cultural and social factors

2. Determine, obtain and review the policies and procedures in relation to conducting applied research, as well as relevant research ethics and codes of conduct.

There will be many Policies and procedures in conducting an applied research, which are designed for handling, preserving and freedom of information. Page 7 of 23

National health and mental Research Council’s (NHMRC), Australia Code for the Responsible conduct of Research, which guides the research. In order to get any information on any of the research works, they should get the permission from the council.

3. Establish the mechanisms to be used for collecting and maintaining data in a systematic manner. Provide a full description of these mechanisms. The data can be collected in two different forms which can be namely: Qualitative:

This is one of the data collecting methods used to collate and combine the data based on understanding the reviews of the participants or audience based on their experience in a particular task. This is not based on number of response; instead this kind is based on the kind of review or feedback received.

Most of them include open-ended questions. The researchers add, refine and collate the data for further use.

Most of the Qualitative methods in combining and refining the data use the below: o





Feedback or reviews.

This kind of data will aid the researchers to understand the thought process and their approach and receipt of new things when introduced in the market.

To keep this more clear, the researchers would get the data based on WHY did they give such a response.


On the Other hand, Quantitative method is numerical and uses mathematical calculations. It depends on the number of responses received. The percentage or the numbers of people who have given similar kind of feedback are put together and a conclusion is drawn, based on which further research or any changes in the existing project are brought into light.

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This method helps in understanding WHAT the response was and how many have given the response.

This will help in understanding how many people will accept the new ideas and new products.

Most of these are Closed-ended questionnaires.

To add few of the strategies use, the below can be included: o






In most of the researches, both the mechanisms are used in a combination to derive better results in case of complex research areas. . Apart, Interpretation, analysing and maintenance of data are done accordingly. 4. Identify and analyse any factors affecting the reliability and validity of data. Document this analysis. 5. Reliability describes the consistency of measure. It gives the score on the quality of the data which is considered to be correct, if the same results recur on multiple attempts. 6. To identify and study the reliability, the below methods can be used:


Test-retest Method


Split-half methods

Validity defines the accuracy and precision of the data derived. Validity can be analysed by: o

Empirical Validation


Theoretical Validation

Reliability and validity are correlated to each other. The factors affecting the validity and reliability can be tabulated as below: It is important to analyse the factors affecting the reliability and validity of data: FACTORS EFFECTING THE RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE DATA AND THEIR ANALYSES:

Sample size In order to get better results, the sample size should be more. The larger the size of the sample, the better and reliable the results would be.

Type of data collection instrument used

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To analyse the consistency of the data, the data collection tool used may or may not be reliable.

Capacity to generalise findings To understand the validity of the data, it should be validated, with the help of the previous validated information which already exists.

Access to the right population The data shall be considered reliable if the target group is the correct ones. If the cohort included is not the right ones fitting to the research purpose, then such data is not useful and can be used to validate the purpose of the research. 5. Considering the available tools and resources, prepare, frame and document, an applied research strategy and hypothesis.

Research strategy is the method that is derived to get the information, which can be further collated and combined which is further stored, maintained and validated to design a solution.

As mentioned before, about the Bank that has used surveys and Questionnaire as their effective tools to derive the data from its users, has given some feedback.

Tools Used- Questionnaires and Survey conducted on the Internet/Digital platform.

Resources used- Technical aspects, monetary investment and the users

The Tools used were effectively capturing the number of users participated in the survey giving the quantitative analysis and the kind the questions which are followed by their valuable feedback helps in deriving the qualitative information as well. It’s a mix of both the mechanisms to get the best results.

6. Considering the information determined, document a research proposal or plan which includes: a. The specific hypothesis b. A valid population or sample size

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c. A description of the geographical, cultural, social or institutional context within which the research will be carried out d. A full description of the data collection methods that are to be used e. The analysis of the limitations to research design, including the reliability and validity of data

Hypothesis: To perform a research, a proper hypothesis is to be derived from the existing ones. If none exists, one should be designed. Example:

Data collection methods to be used include:    

Questionnaires Interviews Surveys Map makings

Reliability and Validity of data can be analysed through analysis tools.

PART B 7. Identify, review ...

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