Assignment edited - assessment PDF

Title Assignment edited - assessment
Author Mennatallah Aly
Course Leadership and Management
Institution University of South Wales
Pages 25
File Size 415.2 KB
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Table of Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................2 Scientific Management:.....................................................................................................4 Administrative Management:............................................................................................6 Bureaucratic Management:...............................................................................................7 Leadership and Organizational Culture............................................................................15 1-

The great Man Theory........................................................................................................20


The trait theory of leadership............................................................................................20


The skills theory of leadership............................................................................................20


The style theory of leadership............................................................................................20


The situational leadership theory.......................................................................................20


The contingency theory......................................................................................................21


Transactional leadership....................................................................................................21


Transformational leadership..............................................................................................21


Leader-member exchange theory.......................................................................................23



Servant leadership theory..............................................................................................23

Introduction “ What do you get by treating people well? You can get a movement, but it is not motivation” [CITATION Fre19 \t \l 1033 ]. In order to obtain a wonderful production at work, home or any environmental organization the work force (participants inside this organization) have to be motivated. So how can I motivate people correctly in order for them to do the right thing; I need to lead and manage them correctly. We begin this essay by introducing the key management theories and focusing on a particular one that is affecting most of the organizations from where I come from (Egypt) and also affected by my work. This essay will also include leadership theories and example of an amazing leader that I personally got the chance to work with the last couple of months; and in my opinion he is considered one of the best managers I have ever worked with in my past five years working experience according to his leadership skills. So what is management? According to F.W. Taylor the father of scientific management, ‘Management is an art of knowing what to do, when to do and see that it is done in the best and cheapest way’[ CITATION Tay03 \l 1033 ]. You cannot control anything without being able to probably manage it correctly for example if I am going to cook a specific meal I need to have the prober ingredients, portions,


cooking tools and time; to be able to cook it correctly, efficiently and without wasting my ingredients, tools and time. The organization that I have been working in for almost 4 years is called CIB an abbreviation for (Commercial International Bank). Commercial International Bank was established in 1975. It was a joint venture between the National Bank of Egypt with 51% shares and the Chase Manhattan Bank with 49% shares. It was established under the name "Chase National Bank of Egypt”. In 1987, National Bank of Egypt (NBE) increased its shareholding up to 99.9%, and the Bank changed its name to Commercial International Bank (Egypt) [ CITATION CIB192 \l 1033 ]. CIB is known to be the best bank in Egypt - By Euromoney [ CITATION CIB19 \l 1033 ]. It is a private sector bank that has over six thousand employees, over one hundred and eighty branches and twenty-five unites and the bank serves more than 500,000 clients [ CITATION CIB191 \l 1033 ]. It is a big wide institution that has its vision, mission and values set; and each year its values is added up by a new value to be implicated by its employees. Zooming into the organization as in banks field; banks are divided into two sectors the departments and the branches; from where I stand, I am in branches sector. Each branch has its own branch manager moving vertically from the top prism down; deputy branch manager, operational manager- sales and service officer (SSO), senior personal banker (my current work) - Senior teller, personal banker- teller, customer service representative (CRR), and sub clerk. Commercial international bank is a hierarchal institution based on the vertical prism explained earlier. This essay will focus on types of management specifically bureaucratic management and types of leadership specifically transformational with and application for both theories based on experience and theoretical evidence.


There are key management theories which are: Classical Approaches (Scientific Management- Administrative Management- Bureaucratic management), Behavioral Management Approaches (Human Relations School), Management Science (OR), Organization Environment Theories (Contingency Systems).

Scientific Management: As Frederick Winslow Taylor “Father of Scientific management” said that when planning in getting number of workers together in a workplace their proclivity towards more efficiency is noticed during observation when they work in a steady and easy day to day work (Taylor, 1903/1972, pp. 30-31). Taylor afterwards had a set of measures, methods and principles by creating “Scientific Management” or “Taylorism”; which included in “Classic Approach” (the first key of management theories) beside administrative and bureaucratic management. Frederick Winslow Taylor was the author of the book “The principles of Scientific Management” it contained the answers of issues such as workers working in a poor and least efficient way, it also contains the definition of scientific management which 4

is as set of measures, methods and principles. It talks about how a worker can get his ultimate time and high productivity by simply doing a line of production and lacing each worker in the same point to do the same thing in less amount of time; the advantage of this theory is that productivity and time was managed effectively; the disadvantages were divorcing the worker from the planning process and creating a boring deskilled and repetitive job [ CITATION Tay72 \l 1033 ]. Scientific Management had number of fundamental principles such as: Clarity of organizational purpose ( everyone in work knows that they are doing and why they are doing it ), Effectiveness of structure ( any title is accredited by its position), Efficiency (using Taylor’s mathematical scientific tools to identify the best way each worker can work with to save time and attain high standards productivity), The division of work ( Each worker have specific task that he does each day in a repetitive manner), Clarity of duty and responsibility at all levels , Formal organizational relationships, clear logical planning, a hierarchical approach to management structure (Example Cib bank as explained earlier each branch has its hierarchal triangle of managers) , An assumption of rational and logical behavior. Below is a scientific Evaluation of scientific management Pros and Cons from the book [ CITATION Ger171 \l 1033 ]

Pros of Scientific Management - This Approach that is based on


Cons of Scientific Management -it decreased the worker influence in the

rational and mathematical base

organizations procedures which lead to

enabled the tasks and processes

decreasing his impact and appreciation

to be measured with a

-Each worker had his fragmented tasks

considerable degree of accuracy

to do each day that it limits his freedom




By measuring the tasks, the time

to do other jobs that boosts his

and the output it promotes


beneficiary standards to the work

- Each employee is appraised based

methods which by improving it

tightly on his output which promotes the

increases productivity

approach of “Carrot and Stick”

Incentive payments arise when

-By measuring scientifically every job

the employee exceeds his

by time and output any bargaining about

productivity (incentive system)

pay increase is less likely to happen

Each employee is scientifically

- The management level are the

analyzed to work in the most

authority that controls and plan every

efficient way without physical

activity in the organization.

distress -

Scientific tools and thinking has become basic in applying it in

everyday work Table 1.0

Administrative Management: “Administration, as a social practice, arose thousands of years ago in ancient civilizations, but its study, as a science, is relatively recent, around a century of existence. The historical milestone of the birth of the science of management came with the publication of Frederick Winslow Taylor’s Principles of Scientific” [ CITATION San17 \l 1033 ] in other words people within organization are managed to use the resources and information to add value to their organization ( for example : in banking sector its essential in our daily work at the end of the day to print a lot of


reports to help us revise our work , monitor it in an administrative way and study our productivity).

Bureaucratic Management: Max Weber was the sociologist that established the idea of Bureaucracy, he says that “Bureaucracy develops the more perfectly the more its ‘dehumanized’, the more completely it succeeds in eliminating from official business love, hatred, and all purely personal, irrational and emotional elements which escape calculation, this is appraised as its special virtue by capitalism’ [CITATION MWe \l 1033 ]. The main features of a bureaucratic organization according to weber in [ CITATION Ger172 \l 1033 ]: -

A continuous Organization of functions bound by rules and regulations


Specified spheres of competence; the specialization of work, the degree of authority and the rules governing the exercise of authority


A hierarchical arrangement of offices(jobs) is subject to control by the next higher level


The separation of employees from the ownership of the organization


Officials position exist in their own right, and jib holders have no right to a particular position


Rules , decisions and actions are formulated and recorded in writing

An example for Bureaucratic organization in banking field is known to have its tendency towards the bureaucracy approach than corporate Field. In Egypt it is not much of a difference. Being in banking industry; implications of Fayol’s principles of management and Taylor’s believes are easily sighted, matter of fact almost all Fayol’s principles are used. For example the division of work; in my bank everyone 7

has a specific part to fulfill and with no cross passing other person’s work , my work involves certain acts that is done only by me each day which of course made me more efficient but the same time there is no adding of a new information or experience ( no self enhancement yet practice and similarity are developed (Gerald A. Cole and phil kelly, 2017). Also, there is unity of command and scalar chain which is known at our organization hence the hierarchy and escalation process are undeniable; I have in total 20 managers but there are superiority and it comes as a pyramid from the top. I don’t for example report directly to the chairman but my supervisor can.

As per screenshot from the above taken show the bank’s structure from board of directors, board of committees, executive management and share and corporate information. The Organization may be resembles to Scientific approach however for its uses to ( Discipline, unity of command, centralization and scalar chain) not just that but also according to weber a bureaucratic organization will also have rules and actions written and we have a book that we go by it even in our emails “we must write 8

according to our book then state the rule written” (Gerald A. Cole and phil kelly, 2017) . However, there are some attempts towards the ownership point in Fayol’s; where they try to give us shares in our organization so we can have since of enthusiasm towards its success and eager to make its stock to go up for our own beneficiary. In a bureaucratic organization system, a vision and mission are set for employees to take their paths upon them, in CIB organization as shown in the demonstration below the core values and vision and mission which are:

According to Cib bank bureaucratic approach: Vision: To uphold CIB’s distinct reputation as a leading and trusted financial institution in Egypt, respected for its people, strong core values, performance and commitment to inclusive, responsible and sustainable growth. Mission:To create outstanding stakeholder value by providing best in class financial solutions to individuals and enterprises that drive Egypt's economy. Through our innovative products, superior customer service, development of staff, and


commitment to sustainability we will realize our ambitions and pave the landscape of banking in Egypt for years to come. CIB Objective: To grow and help others grow.[CITATION Com19 \l 1033 ] CIB Values: A number of core values embody the way in which CIB employees work together to deliver effective results for our customers and community. Integrity: Exemplify the highest standards of personal and professional ethics in all aspects of our business. Be honest and open at all times. Stand up for one’s convictions as well as accept responsibility for one’s own mistakes. Comply fully with the letter and spirit of the laws, rules and practices that govern CIB’s business in Egypt and abroad. Say what we do and do what we say. Client Focus: Cib clients are at the center of our activities and their satisfaction is our ultimate objective. Commercial international bank Rules are written in a book called SOP ( standard operating procedures) , decisions and actions are formulated and recorded in writing in the organization website (intranet) Commercial International bank success is dependent upon our ability to provide the best products and services to our clients; we are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals and be the best at what they do. Innovation: Since our inception as the first joint venture bank in Egypt, CIB has been a pioneer in the financial services industry. We believe innovation is a core competitive advantage and promote it accordingly. Commercial International bank strive to lead the Egyptian financial services industry to a higher level of performance in serving the millions of Egyptians who remain under-served or un-banked.


Hard Work: Discipline and perseverance govern our actions so as to achieve outstanding results for Commercial International bank clients and outstanding returns for their stakeholders. Seeking service excellence guides our commitment to Commercial International bank clients. Commercial International bank work with our clients to reach their current goals while anticipating and planning for their future objectives. Teamwork: Commercial International bank collaborate, listen and share information openly within CIB and with their partners, clients and shareholders. Each Commercial International bank employee consistently represents CIB’s total corporate image. Commercial International bank value and respect one another’s cultural backgrounds and unique perspectives. Diversity Commitment Statement Commercial International Bank, EGYPT (CIB) is an inclusive financial organization. CIB sustains a diverse workplace powered with voices from different age groups, backgrounds, personalities and capabilities. CIB is a positive, supportive working environment providing equal opportunity to all segments of the society and values the culture of difference. Respect to the Individual: Commercial International bank respect the individual whether an employee, a client, a shareholder or a member of the communities in which we live and operate. Commercial International bank treat one another with dignity and respect and take time to answer questions and respond to concerns.


Commercial International bank firmly believe each individual must feel free to make suggestions and offer constructive criticism. CIB is a meritocracy, where all employees have equal opportunity for development and advancement based only on their merits. Anti-Harassment Commitment Statement: Commercial International Bank, EGYPT (CIB) has zero tolerance towards any verbal or nonverbal harassment conduct within and among its employees. Verbal Harassment refers to offensive comments regarding origin, race, color, religion, disability or appearance. Nonverbal Harassment, on the other hand, includes distribution, display or discussion of any written or graphic material that ridicules or indicates hostility toward the other. All CIB members (staff and/or customers) are treated with respect and dignity. Mannerism: CIB focuses on business etiquette with Commercial International bank clients and has strict policies governing mannerism. Peculiarity of manner in behavior, speech, actions, dress code. Bureaucracy does not suit the early mentioned work practice; Paternalistic management that was commented on Fayol’s approach it is what is needed (Gerald A. Cole and phil kelly, 2017). Remuneration and equity can compensate and retain the employee psychological factor which promotes the locality recognition towards his/ her organization. So as per the above commercial international bank core values , mission and vision that are essential to be adhered to all commercial international bank staff it is proven the bureaucratic approach is taken place within the organization, also it can be noticed that according to [ CITATION Ger172 \l 1033 ] main features of Weber in a bureaucratic organization the separation of employees from the ownership of the


organization doesn’t actually exist in our bureaucratic organization example , on the contrary ownership do exist and motivated. Also in commercial international bank it can be seen that David Mcclelland’s achievement motivation needs are located in the core values: “the need for achievement, the need for power and the need for affiliation or belonging”[ CITATION McC61 \l 1033 ] According to Frederick Herzberg’s talking about motivation there are some factors that leads to job satisfaction ( which called the motivators), while there are other factors that led to dissatisfaction (which called hygiene factors); the motivators or satisfiers that Herzberg’s identified were: Achievement (for example in Commercial International bank; the bank/employee achievement is considered as a seed that is being placed at early sage of induction as they always say to new hires “Cibians are achievers”) – Recognition (In Commercial International Bank Each week there is a contest being placed for best achievers in credit cards,...

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