Written assignment peer assessment PDF

Title Written assignment peer assessment
Course Online Education Strategy
Institution University of the People
Pages 7
File Size 125.7 KB
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A very great assignment with perfect notes and answers to the instructor's questions and got 90/90....



What is peer assessment, and why do we use it at University of the People?

Peer means the person having same age, the same social position or having the same abilities as other people in a group, and assessment is the act of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality, or importance of something, or the judgment or decision that is made. Peer assessment is the phenomenon of collaborative learning technique where learners (students) evaluate their peer's work and have their work evaluated by peers. Learner (students) gets the feedback, ideas, etc. of their work which will help them to improve and motivate in doing further investigation and also those who give feedback (peers) get a lot of information by evaluating their peer, such as they will be able to find the mistakes, they can give ideas and they can gain more information than they research which will help them while developing their own essay or paragraph. Peer assessment can be discouraging to student sometimes when their work is not evaluated fairly by their peers. So instructor or teacher should be very much careful in this case. The entire student must be trained properly about evaluating peer’s assignment. University of the people is an online university where there are no physical classrooms, library or place where student can meet and talk with each other face to face. But for studying in college it is essential for students to have an environment where they can make interaction with each other, meet together for discussing about their topic and give feedback to each other’s work which is very important to understand the topic of the study. We can read so many books or article which proves that peer assessment is very effective in learning. Actually in modern world where everyone is using information technology, mobile devices and computers for their daily usage this peer assessment is the good idea to involve student in information technology where they can easily complete their task. I think university of people had faced a lot of problem while they were building this online university. To provide all the above mention facilities in online world

and to make study more effective to their student university of the people use peer assessment technique as a mandatory. 2. What are the benefits of peer assessment? As we already know what peer assessment is, it is very important to know the benefits of peer assessment and why it is important in learning. I want to give one example of peer assessment to be clearer to the topic. For example; Andy is one of the students among 15 of total student’s in a class. You teacher tell you to start a topic in women rights and ask your class mate (peers) to give rating and feedback on your speech why it is good or why it is bad. After receiving feedback from your peer your teacher will evaluate both of you, how you perform and how they give rating to you. This process is the process of peer assessment. Following are some benefits of peer assessment: 

Involves in collaborative study Peer assessment is one of the methods of collaborative study. While you are doing peer assessment you are involve in collaborative study which is very effective in understanding the topic. All the students of your class will be discussing on the same topic and sharing each other thoughts by grading each other’s work.

Helps to build team work By involving in peer assessment different students are working in same topic. For example if your instructor ask you to find the solution of some problem than you will share your thought while other will give also give some advice in your thoughts by ratings and you will try to find the solution working as a team. Peer assessment helps us to build team work.

Recognition Your instructor will be looking all of yours thought and evaluate how you are engaged in the topic. If you are doing good than everybody in your class will recognize you by your work.

Responsible While you are doing peer assessment you will be more responsible towards the topic and try not to do the mistake because you don’t want to be among those people who does not know the background of the study.

Encourage to do more research Research shows that you student do more research when they are involved in peer assessment. So it will help us to understand more about topic and help to complete our college successfully.

Enhance judgement skills You are rating your peers while doing peer assessment by following specific criteria to give rating to your peers which will help you to increase your judgement skills by thinking from various ways.

Flexible with sharing thoughts Students are more flexible sharing their thought with their friends than teacher. As they know their rating will be done by their peers they are not hesitating to write what comes in their mind.

There lots of benefit of peer assessment but for me I think above benefits are the most important of peer assessment.

3. What are the challenges of giving peer feedback in peer assessment? You must be very careful while giving feedback to other works. It is not an easy job to judge other people work. Have to be look and evaluate from different angle when you say right or wrong. Following are some challenges:

Student must know the criteria of evaluation if they lack the idea than they may give wrong feedback which can lead to depression for another student by thinking their post is not good.

Students must understand the meaning of the topic and also read the post properly before giving feedback.

Instructor must see all the activity what is happening and must manage the entire student and encourage them to do evaluate and give feedback fairly.

Information should be clear and understandable from instructor about the specific topic without any confusion. If there will be confusion there might be some wrong evaluation which will generate wrong feedback.

Some student are more sensitive, those student can be depressed if feedback are given without studying properly.

Students must stay on the topic while giving feedback and provide reason for every feedback.

Some student may use bad language in feedback section so instructor should always be attentive of student’s feedbacks.

4. What are the challenges of receiving peer feedback in peer assessment? We should possess very positive quality of thinking while we are receiving peer feedback in peer assessment. Everybody is not same when it comes to give feedback. We should

understand their post very positive way. Following are some challenges while receiving peer feedback in peer assessment. 1. Student who is receiving feedback from peers should be attentive what peer is trying to say. One should read properly and accept their mistakes and learn from that mistake. If not so than it may lead to misunderstanding. So while reading feedback we should be careful and read the feedback in positive manner. 2. Whether you receive negative or positive feedback you should not response them with bad attitude by responding bad words. Some students may respond angrily but it is very bad for them. When your peer is giving feedback at least you should appreciate that they read their post and give feedback. 3. Student must learn from the feedback and try not to repeat them next time.

5. What strategies will you use to peer assess written assignments? How will you assess discussion assignments? We already knew some knowledge about how assessment work peer and what are the benefit of the it. There are two different kind of peer assessment we will be practicing in our future. One is written assignments and another is discussion assignments. These two assignments are different from each other and you have to be very careful what kind of assignment you are assessing. Written assignments. Written assignment are those assignment which are not seen by your entire friends like discussion assignment and you don’t know who wrote those assignments, neither your assignment will be seen your peers. You should be very careful when you are assessing

someone’s assignment. I have learnt so many strategies about assessing your peers. I will use all those strategies step by step. Following are my strategies to assess written assignments: 1. I will read all the question of the written assignment properly and understand very carefully. 2. I will read the instruction of our instructor what we are allowed to do and what we are not and I will see if my peer assignment possesses that quality of instruction by instructor. 3. While reading the assignment I will research if the data or references provided in those assignment are true or not and ensure if that assignment contents plagiarism. 4. After that I will rate my peer assignment by evaluating everything. 5. While giving feedback I will include both good and bad thing about the assignment by ensuring not to heart my peer hard work. Discussion assignment Those assignments which are seen by all of your peer’s and you also can see your peer’s assignment including their identity is known as discussion assignment. It is slightly different than written assignment. Entire class can see your discussion assignment and they can know that you are the one who is peering and posting. Following are the strategies which I will be using while discussion assignment: 1. I will read the Instructor note carefully and try to understand what our instructor wants and after that I will read those assignments which are made by my peers carefully. 2. Before giving a rating I will evaluate each and everything which should be evaluated. 3. I will be substantial to the topic while I will be responding to them. 4. After that I will give rating as they deserve.

Word Count:- 1,648 (One thousand six hundred and forty four) In reference to: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042816309909?via%3Dihub https://www.google.com/search? q=peer+meanin&oq=peer+meanin&aqs=chrome..69i57.1804j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8...

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