Assignment-help - Assignment 4 DR Alarms PDF

Title Assignment-help - Assignment 4 DR Alarms
Author Aashish Bhai
Course Cloud Computing
Institution Charles Sturt University
Pages 13
File Size 443.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Assignment 4 DR Alarms...


SDLC TheSoftware development life cycle (SDLC) i saf r amewor kdefini ngt asksper f or med ateachst epi nt hesof t war edev el opmentpr ocess .SDLCi sast r uct ur ef ol l owedbya dev el opmentt eam wi t hi nt hesof t war eor gani zat i on.I tconsi st sofadet ai l edpl andescr i bi nghow t odev el op,mai nt ai nandr epl acespeci ficsof t war e.Thel i f ecy cl edefinesamet hodol ogyf or i mpr ov i ngt hequal i t yofsof t war eandt heov er al l dev el opmentpr ocess . Ther ear et wodi st i nctSDLCnamel y ;pr edi ct i v eandt headapt i v emet hodol ogi es .Adapt i v eSDLC met hodol ogyi nv ol v esbr eaki ngt hesof t war epr oj ecti nt ov ar i ouscomponent sov eran undet er mi nedt i mel i net oal l owf orflex i bi l i t yi ndi r ect i ngt hepat handt hecour seoft hepr oj ect . Agi l esof t war edev el opmentmet hodol ogyi soneexampl eofadapt i v eSDLC.Andpr edi ct i v e SDLCl ay sdownal i near ,speci ficsof t war edev el opmentpl ant hati ss t r uct ur edar oundsomepr edefinedr esul t sandwi t hi naspeci fict i mel i ne.Wat er f al l met hodol ogyi soneex ampl eofpr edi ct i v e SDLCappr oach. Pros Of Predictive SDLC:--------- Pr edi ct i v eSDLCi seas yt ounder s t andandf ol l ow.Themet hodol ogyhasspeci fied s t agest hatar ef ol l owedf r om t hei ni t i at i ont ot hedepl oy mentoft hesof t war e.  Pr edi ct i v eSDLCal l owsf oreas ypr edi ct i onoft hebudgetandt i mel i nes.  Pr edi ct i v eSDLCappr oachesar eeas yt omanage.  Ev er yst agei nt hepr edi ct i v eSDLChasspeci ficdel i v er abl esandt i mel i nes ,andbyt he useoft het woaspect sonecaneasi l ymoni t orandhandl et hepr ogr es soft hepr oj ect dev el opmentandi t sl i f ecy cl e.  Pr edi ct i v eSDLChav ecl ear l ydefinedst ageswhi char epr ocessedoneatat i me.The pr edi ct i v emet hodol ogi esoffert hedev el oper sar i gi ddev el opmentl i f ec y cl emodelwhi ch i seas yf ort hem t ounder st andandf ol l ow. Cons Of Predictive SDLC:------- I npr edi ct i v eSDLCnowor ki ngsof t war ei spr oducedunt i lt hel at est agesoft he sof t war edev el opment .  Thepr edi ct i v eSDLCi snotus abl ef orcompl exobj ec t or i ent edpr oj ect s.The met hodol ogyi sonl yusabl ef orsmal l erpr oj ect swher eal l t her equi r ement sar edefinedat t hei ni t i al st ageandt heex pect edendr esul t sdet er mi nedatt hepr oj ecti ni t i at i onst age. Pros Of Adaptive SDLC:------- Theadapt i v esof t war egi v esanoppor t uni t yf orext ens i v es t ak ehol der ’ sengagement bef or et heki ckoffoft hepr oj ect s ,dur i ngandaf t erev er yst ageoft hel i f eoft hepr oj ect .  Adapt i v eSDLCal l owsf ort r anspar ency .  Adapt i v eSDLCal l owsf orear l ydel i v er y .  Adapt i v emet hodol ogi esar ef ocusedont heuser s.  Adapt i v eSDLCgener at eshi ghqual i t ysof t war e. Cons Of Adaptive SDLC:------- Adapt i v eSDLCdemandsex t ensi v euseri nv ol v ement ,andt hi st ak esupmuchoft he userr epr esent at i v e’ st i meandt hei rcompl et ecommi t mentdur i ngt hel i f et i meoft he pr oj ect .  Adapt i v eSDLCi nv ol v esal otofr equi r ement semer genceandev ol ut i ondur i ngt he l i f et i meoft hepr oj ect .  Test i ngi nadapt i v eSDLCi si nt egr at edt hr oughoutt hel i f ecy cl e.

Q- How to train the team to use agile development? Ans -Fi r standf or emos tst ept ot r ai ny ourt eam f oragi l edev el opmenti st omak et hem f ami l i ar wi t hagile methodology. TheAgi l emet hodol ogyi sani t er at i v eappr oacht opr oj ectmanagement .I nst eadoft aki nga“ oneshot ”appr oach,Agi l emet hodol ogi esadaptt ochangi ngr equi r ement s . Agi l esof t war edev el opment ,speci fical l y ,r equi r esf eedbac kf r om cust omer sandcr ossf unct i onal t eamsf orsucc ess .Theagi l emet hodi sar eal t i meappr oac ht opr oj ectmanagementt ohel p managey ourdev el opmentasi tocc ur s ,i nanev ol vi ngmanner .Wi t ht heAgi l emet hodol ogyy ou cr eat e,i ncor por at ef eedbacki nt o,t es t ,andmanagey ourpr oj ect ssi mul t aneous l y . wecanusef ol l owi ng5way st omak et hem l ear nagi l edev el opment 1.Byc r eat i ngex er ci sesandassi gnment susi ngagi l emani f est o.Forex ampl e,begi nwi t haski ng y ourt eam aboutt hemani f es t o.Lett hem di scusst hepr i nci pl eswi t heachot her .Then,hol da br ai nst or mi ngsessi onwi t hy ourt eam t ol i stt hepr i nci pl est hatwi l l beeffect i v ei ngr oup di scussi ons .Youcant hengi v et hem awr i t t enassi gnmentt oappl ypr i nci pl est ot hei rcur r ent sof t war edev el opmentst yl es .Theai m oft heseassi gnment si st oadoptandmemor i z et he pr i nci pl es . 2.Focusonl i v et r ai ni ngr at hert hant heor y .mak et hem st ar tapr oj ectus i ngcur r entmet hodol ogy l i k es cr um andXP. 3.Mot i v at et hem t ocompl et eSc r um andKanbancer t i ficat i ons . 4.Teachi ngcol l abor at i on:Focuson" We"not" I " . 5.Hi r eanAgi l ecoach. Q. How to adopt agile approach in an organisation. Ans. Agility is catching fire, andt her ei sgr owi ngr ecogni t i onofi t st r ansf or mat i onal benefit s .Butmov i ngt oanagi l eoper at i ngmodeli st ough,es peci al l yf ores t abl i shedcompani es . Ther ear esev er al pat hst oagi l i t yandmanydi ffer ents t ar t i ngpoi nt s . Anyent er pr i sewi deagi l et r ansf or mat i onneedst obebot hcompr ehensi v eandi t er at i v e.Thati s ,i t shoul dbecompr ehensi v ei nt hati tt ouchess t r at egy ,s t r uct ur e,peopl e,pr ocess ,andt echnol ogy , andi t er at i v ei nt hatnotev er yt hi ngcanbepl annedupf r ont . 

Acompr ehensi v et r ansf or mat i ont ouchesev er yf acetoft heor gani z at i on,i ncl udi ng peopl e,pr ocess,s t r at egy ,s t r uct ur eandt echnol ogy .Successf ul t r ansf or mat i onsst ar twi t h aneffor tt oaspi r e,desi gn,andpi l ott henewagi l eoper at i ngmodel .Theseel ement scan occuri nanyor derandof t enhappeni npar al l el . As pi r e,des i gn,andpi l ot Mos tt r ansf or mat i onsst ar twi t hbui l di ngt het opt eam’ sunder st andi ngandaspi r at i ons, cr eat i ngabl uepr i ntt oi dent i f yhowagi l i t ywi l l addv al ue,andl ear ni ngt hr oughagi l epi l ot s . Theset hr eeel ement si nf or m oneanot herandof t enov er l ap.

Sc al eandi mpr ov e Agi l et r ans f or mat i onsacknowl edget hatnotev er y t hi ngcanbeknownandpl annedf or , andt hatt hebes twayt oi mpl ementi st oadj ustasy ougo. Sc al i ngbey ondaf ewpi l ot si snosmal l f eat ;t hi si swher emos tagi l et r ansf or mat i onsf ai l . I tr equi r esr ecogni t i onf r om l eader s hi pt hatscal eupwi l l r equi r eani t er at i v emi ndset :

l ear ni ngi sr api dl yi nc or por at edi nt hescal euppl an.I nt hi s ,enought i mei sr equi r ed—a si gni ficantpor t i onofk eyl eader s ’ t i me—aswel l aswi l l i ngnesst or ol emodelnewmi ndset sandbehavi or s.Agi l et r ans f or mat i onsacknowl edget hatnotev er yt hi ngcanbeknown andpl annedf or ,andt hatt hebes twayt oi mpl ementi st oadj ustasy ougo.Forexampl e, al eadi ngEur opeanbankfir s tdepl oy edf our“ f r ont r unner ”t r i best ot es tt hebl uepr i nti n act i onandadapt edi mpor t antel ement soft hebl uepr i ntacr osst hedel i v er yent er pr i se. Suc hani t er at i v er ol l outappr oachenabl escont i nuousr efinementbasedonconst ant f eedbackandcapabi l i t ybui l di ngf ork eyr ol esacr osst heor gani zat i on,i ncl udi ngagi l e coaches ,pr oductowner s,scr um mast er s ,andl eader shi p. Q. Frustrating and difficult aspects of agile development. Ans- Whenat t empt i ngt oadoptanAgi l emet hodol ogyf oranent i r eor gani zat i on,i t ’ seas yf or mi sst epst ooccur .Taki ngont woweeki t er at i onsandot herex per i ment al appr oachest oi nc r eas e pr oduct i oncanhel pi nspi r ecr eat i vi t yandent husi asm—butnotwi t houtr i sk . Her ear et het hr eedi sadv ant agesofAgi l emet hodol ogyal lpr oj ectmanager sul t i mat el yf ace. 1.Teamsgeteasi l ys i det r ack edduet ol ackofpr oces ses Thei nher entf r eedom andi ndependenceoft heAgi l emet hodol ogycanber ef r eshi ng.Especi al l y f ory ourmor es el f assur edsof t war edev el oper s( oranyot herex per i encedmember sofy our t eam)whowel comet hei deaoff or gi ngaheadwi t hmi ni mal pl anni ng. 2.Longt er m pr oj ect ssufferf r om i ncr ement aldel i v er y Wi t ht heAgi l emet hodol ogy ,t eamsandor gani zat i onscanbr i ngpr oduct st omar k etf ast er .I t s i ncr ement al del i v er yst yl ehel pspr ovi dequi ckwi nsandpr omptt ur nar ounds. Howev er ,t hi si sal sooneoft hedi sadv ant agesoft heAgi l emodel . Compar edt oot hermet hodol ogi es ,Agi l el acksmanyoft hechecksandbal ancest hatsaf eguar d l essexper i enceddev el oper sandt eam member s .BecauseAgi l edoesn’ thav eaf or maldesi gn phase,l ongt er m pr oj ectdev el opmentcanbemor epr obl emat i c. 3.Thel ev el ofcol l abor at i oncanbedi fficul tt omai nt ai n Agi l ei smeantt obeanempower i ngpr ocess .Wheni t ’ ssuccessf ul l yempl oy ed,pr oj ectt eamsar e adeptats el f or gani z at i onandcr oss f unct i onal i t y .Howev er ,Agi l er equi r esendl esscol l abor at i on, addi t i onalt i me,andgr eat ercommi t ment . Let ' st ak eacl oserl ookatcol l abor at i on.Toav oi dt hedi sadv ant agesofanAgi l ef r amewor k ,t eams mus tcommi tt ot hef ol l owi ng:  Theav ai l abi l i t yoft eam member st oconductdai l yt est i ng  Si gnoffatev er yphas et oal l owdev el oper st omov eahead  Useri nv ol v ementt oensur et hatpr oduct smeetex pect at i ons Theseconcer nscanl eadt of r ust r at i ons ,ski ppedt asks ,andmi sseddeadl i nes . / * *Thecl asssubj ec thol dsobj ect swi t hnameandcodeast hei rmember s* / publ i ccl assSubj ec t { / * *memberv ar i abl esoft hecl assSubj ect* / St r i ngSubj ect Name; St r i ngSubj ect Code; / * *Par amet er i z edconst r uct ort oi ni t i al i z et hemembervar i abl esoft hecl ass* / publ i cSubj ect ( St r i ngname, St r i ngcode) { Subj ect Name=name; Subj ect Code=code; } } =========================================================

=========================================================== i mpor tj av a. ut i l . * ; publ i ccl assTest Subj ect { / * *subj ect si sanar r ayofobj ect soft ypeSubj ect* / Subj ectsubj ect s [ ] ; / * *noOf Subj ect si sas t at i cvar i abl et hathol dst het ot al numberofSubj ectobj ect s *cr eat ed. * / s t at i ci ntnoOf Subj ect s; / * *Const r uct orcr eat est hesubj ect sar r ayandi ni t i al i z ei twi t hsi z e5* / / * *I tal soi ni t i al i z est hest at i cv ar i abl ewi t hv al uez er o* / publ i cTest Subj ect ( )

{ subj ect s=newSubj ect [ 5] ; noOf Subj ect s=0; } / * *Thi smet hodi susedt ot esti fagi v encodei sal r eadypr esenti nt hear r ay . *I fi ti spr esent ,i tr et ur nst r ue.Ot her wi se,f al se. * / publ i cbool eani sEx i st i ngCode( St r i ngcode) { / * *l oopt hr ought hear r ayonl yf ort henoOf Subj ect scr eat edsof ar *t ochecki ft hesubj ectcodei sal r eadypr esenti nt hear r ay .Si nce *t hesubj ectcodeshoul dbet est edwi t houtconsi der i ngcase,equal sI gnor eCase *met hodi susedf orcompar i son. *noOf Subj ect si sas t at i cvar i abl eandhencei ti susedwi t hCl assname *i nsi deanons t at i cmet hod. * / f or ( i nti =0; i...

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