Author Dawson Wevers
Course Introduction to Sociology
Institution University of Lethbridge
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This meme deals most notably with the sociological concept that is classified as social constructionism. It can be noted that Social constructionism sets out to explain the true relationship between objects and their meaning. It makes evident that objects do not have a true set in stone innate meaning, but rather receive objective names and classifications. This is based on what people within society assign them and dictate for opposing society’s. Certain examples of socially constructed items were shown in a YouTube clip used by (sociological images, 2008), include symbols, food language and specific gesturing between others in the form of person to person gesturing ques. A specific example of food language is breakfast food being denoted as a great representation of socially constructed food. This example was shown within the YouTube clip sourced. More specifically, bacon and eggs are simply deemed within Canadian society as a form of breakfast food. Bacon and eggs are “socially constructed” to be breakfast foods because culture has regarded them to be so (sociological images, 2008). In addition, some further examples that pertain to objects that society classifies are: symbols, gestures, and language depictions. These receive certain meaning based on the culture they are part of. In relation to these examples noted, the use of flags within societies as a demographic measure is used to portray social constructionism. Flags are used as symbol for associated purposes within a designated county. This is simply because they are socially accepted as that countries flag for people within the given society. To an individual within today’s world, that is not worldly knowledgeable, a flag would simply be a symbol that holds no importance but is rather displayed just to show a work of art. An example of social constructionism that is also thoroughly shown within society meanings of gestures. These are very important aspect attested to in the YouTube clip where the example of a thumbs up gesture is given. This specific gesture means many different things all dependent upon societal location. Within Europe this is used as a form of “up

yours gesture”, whereas within Canada it is used as a congratulatory form of gesturing interaction amongst societal citizens. Another correlation to social constructionism is the exemplary of gender and its formation of being a socially constructed idea by a few societies or people living amongst a particular society. From a social constructionist’s view point, it is argued that gender roles are not innate but rather socially constructed (Brym, Roberts, Strohschein & Lie, 2016). All these examples are used to highlight that social constructionism is instilled within given societies across a large discipline. More specifically, everything in today’s day to day living measures is viewed or interacted with based on an certain individual’s socially constructed viewpoint. The meme created above specifically deals with and demonstrates multiple socially constructed ideas with vast sociological importance. The meme establishes a social constructionism portrayal between confusing language for differing cultures outside of the English jurisdiction. Furthermore, it clearly underlies how society can tend to interpret differing language dialogues, that contain a form of homophone classification. The first socially constructed idea that is implied within the meme created is the idea of languages as a collective whole being an entire socially constructed entity. The use of two English words with different denotations are used to show the irony that is instilled within the meme’s intended portrayal. Honey and hunny are two commonly used English words that hold very different meanings. Within society the word “hunny” is used as a type of slang but is still commonly used within English societies, so therefore is classified as a common place term. Hunny is used as a term to display affection to a significant other, and is often directed towards the female population. It is common within today’s western society for husbands to refer to their wives or significant others as “hunny”. This gender relationship through language use in itself is a socially constructed idea

similar to how (brym et al., 2013) explains gender relationships. (Brym et al., 2013) would argue that from a social constructionist point of view hunny is simply reserved for women because society has made it so and differing oppositions must accept this. Hunny is another English word which simply refers to the anim. The word hunny in itself is an example of social constructionism, it means hunny simply because English speaking people agree so and have established this within their own distinct societal measures. There is also room for different interpretations of the word hunny because Europe and Australia this term is not used as it is within Canada. This results in confusion depending upon location due to societal terminology in differing areas. The difference between honey and hunny and their English meaning pertain to the most obvious aspect of social constructionism behind the meme. This is that the deer misinterprets someone else’s words. Someone from outside the pane states “Over there is some fine honey”, simply stating that the honey is fine, but it is talking about the food we consume and that bees extract, not the terminology guys use to call their significant other. The honeybee then (assuming it has an actual voice in order to illustrate a point) deduces that the said person or interpreter of the meme is referring to it as “hunny” instead of the honey in the jar. This interpretation of course presents a completely different meaning then what the picture within the meme actually shows. The other aspect of social constructionism made evident is that social constructionism is relative to the groups present. The point being made is that, gestures, words, and other socially constructed entities are viewed differently depending on the situation and culture presented. This is true especially between humans in the world, where cultures vary greatly. The honeybee holding the honey in the above meme is used to exaggerate the point of misunderstanding between the two differing words of honey and hunny. The distinction here is that the meme is

representing the hidden misunderstanding of language between the two homophones. This more hidden aspect of the meme is important to understand in order to make sense of the complex relationships between social constructionism and different cultures. Social constructionism is best signified and defined as the process of examining the connection of objects with their distinct meaning in today’s culture. Most classifications within today’s world that hold the denotations and connotations that they do, are all based on what people have agreed them and determined them to have. Certain aspects can be identified instantly, like the differing meanings of hunny and honey and how they are similar words that can be mixed up within English society. However, if more time and thought is given it can be seen that many more examples of social constructionism can be drawn out of the meme. This meme was shown to provide multiple elements of social constructionism that all contribute to a specific sociological viewpoint. This meme makes the use of a honeybee holding honey and is used for the purpose of a play on the English language in a humorous way, for the importance of depicting a sociology theory.

References Brym, R., Roberts, L. W., Strohschein, L., & Lie, J. (2016). Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Fifth Canadian Edition. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education. Sociological Images. (2008). Social constructionism. Retrieved from

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