Assignment One COMM PDF

Title Assignment One COMM
Author Vanna Patel
Course The Process of Communication
Institution University of Connecticut
Pages 6
File Size 99.7 KB
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First COMM1000 Assignment...


Patel 1 Vanna Patel Professor Stifano COMM 1000 17 September, 2021 Stereotypes Associated With Careers Hairdresser Qualities they do have: 1. Adaptability 2. Good listeners 3. Creative 4. Personable 5. Trendy 6. Have good hair Qualities they don’t have: 1. Academically gifted 2. Disorganized 3. Blunt/rude 4. Indecisive 5. Untimely Hairstylists are required to be kind, patient, and adaptable at all times - even when the client does not deserve those characteristics. Working customer service is hard in itself - but having the responsibility of someone's outward appearance is a huge one - and people tend to unload on their stylists if they don’t get what they want. This affects how hairstylists can

Patel 2 communicate with their clients because they may lack the self esteem and confidence to make suggestions that would look good on the client. Stylists must be effective communicators because they determine how someone looks at first glance - so they must intuitively listen to their clients and perform exactly to their needs - it’s a big deal if you mess up hair, it doesn’t grow back instantly. Furthermore, hair stylists have to always look good because they are in the cosmetics industry - so you can’t really have a bad hair day like the rest of the world. If a hairdresser isn’t having the best hair day, they may have to deal with clients canceling on them due to their lack of presentability. Furthermore, most people expect hair stylists to be personable and easy to communicate with - thus they should be kind and adaptable to a wide range of personalities - despite their personal mood for the day. Police Officer Qualities they do have: 1. Kind 2. Well trained 3. Professional 4. Reactive 5. Humanitarian 6. Respectful 7. Adaptable Qualities they don’t have: 1. Violent 2. Aggressive 3. Unattentive

Patel 3 4. Intimidating 5. Judgemental As a police officer you have to deal with a wide range of people - they can be anywhere from calm and collected to chaotic and dangerous. Most people expect police officers to be professional, well trained, and respectful in situations where they are needed. These characteristics may be hard to abide by when met with a life threatening situation. For example, if a suspect has a gun on them - it’s very hard for the officer to be kind, respectful, and a humanitarian - they have to be aggressive and reactive, even though many people would look down on them for that. Officers must be adaptable to situations because if it is a low risk situation - they have to act professionally even if the suspect is talking to them disrespectfully. When the suspects are making it hard to communicate effectively (if they’re inebriated, etc), the officer has to do their best in order to provide justice. If you think about it, it must be hard making someone aware of their Miranda rights and due processes when they’re inebriated or acting out. The job of a police officer introduces many risks and responsibilities thus communication is key to ensure no one gets hurt or wrongfully arrested - because the officer could lose their job with the smallest communication error. Officers must be attentive and asses situations quickly and effectively and communicate with their team members and the suspects/victims which can be a lot to handle in a high stress situation.There is a negative stigma around police officers so a lot of people feel intimidated by police officers which can cause them to be automatically defensive. This creates a communication barrier because the officer thinks you have something to hide - and you’re just scared because it’s a police officer speaking to you. Overall, communication is a very important skill to have as a police officer because it can de-escalate dangerous situations and also comfort victims of traumatic crimes.

Patel 4 Rideshare Driver: Qualities they do have: 1. Personable 2. Good listeners 3. Good drivers 4. Timely 5. Adaptable 6. Professional Qualities they don’t have: 1. Rude 2. Disorganized 3. Intimidating 4. Easily distracted 5. Dangerous Most people in the modern world have used a type of rideshare service once in their life so it’s easy to assume the drivers deal with a wide range of customers. When I walk into a rideshare car, I expect it to be clean and organized - which is something the driver must have in order to receive a good rating. If the rideshare driver is characteristically messy and disorganized, it may be quite difficult for them to receive tips and good ratings. Furthermore, most people expect their uber driver to be respectful and professional - this can be hard if the driver is having a bad day. While communicating with the customer is an essential part of their job, a lot of people prefer not to speak to their drivers so the driver must be adaptable and read the situation so they don’t annoy the passenger. Lastly, the driver must be timely and a smooth

Patel 5 driver otherwise the passenger may give them a bad rating which affects their wages. If the passenger is acting rude (making noise, blasting music, leaving food in the car, etc) the rideshare driver must make sure to be polite when asking them to fix their behavior. This can be especially difficult when the passenger is refusing to listen to them - the rideshare drivers actions affect their ratings so they cannot be rude and intimidating. Lastly, a negative stigma that hangs over rideshare drivers is their potential to be dangerous - which is something that can be controlled through good communication. If the driver is polite, professional, and sticks to company policies the passenger will feel much safer and more inclined to rate and tip well. Overall, the way drivers communicate affects their day to day wages and their ratings thus they must hone their communication skills as best as they can.

This exercise has enlightened me on many aspects of communication - especially how important communication is in each and every career. The process of characterizing each career made me realize how easily people tend to stereotype each other. We expect each and every person to act professional regardless of our behavior towards them. Working in customer service, I know firsthand how hard it is to be professional in certain situations - however, professionalism is a well dispersed and necessary communication skill. Communication skills are important and necessary, it can be very difficult to master them if not provided with the right tools. This means people who are not well educated or are from another country may have a hard time transitioning into a professional workforce because of their lack of communication skills. This can also affect their self-esteem because the consumer may act rudely towards someone learning a new language. Furthermore, depending on your job - being professional can be extremely difficult. For example, if your career involves high risk situations where your life is in danger, you’re less

Patel 6 likely to be professional and more likely to be aggressive. This is where the fundamental attribution error comes into play. Many people do not realize that a person may be acting a certain way based on their situation. For example, if a police officer is acting aggressive rather than professional because of the situation, people may see their aggressiveness before they assess the situation. Overall, it can be said that many people tend to perceive people by the characteristics associated with their career when in a professional setting. This means when a person is meeting someone in a specific career, they already have expectations lined up for how that individual should behave....

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