Assignment PAD253 EKSA Ekonomi Kondusif Sektor Awam PDF

Title Assignment PAD253 EKSA Ekonomi Kondusif Sektor Awam
Course Public Admin (DPA)
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 15
File Size 253.2 KB
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Nur Izzatie Binti Mohd Shukori


Anis Ayuni Binti Hossin


Wellnest Trisha Anak Kelana


Siti Nurfaizah Nikman Binti Muhammad Usman


Nasyitah Binti Rosli







5S concept was presented to companies in Japan within the early a long time of the 1980s. 5S could be a strategy or a administration instrument that can create a quality work environment that's comfortable, clean and secure within the organization and guaranteeing adherence to guidelines and to cultivate persistent enhancement. In Malaysia, the 5S concept to begin with presented within the mid-1980s and has practiced within the private sector, particularly the multi-national companies and these days numerous Public Service agencies to embrace 5S indeed in circles has picked up acknowledgment through certification from the Malaysia Productivity Corporation ( MPC). Implementation of EKSA is indispensable at the JPA as an integrated effort in the Department's management system to make the workplace sort, set in order, Shine, standardize and sustain. Through the implementation of EKSA , the JPA department staff will be able to build good discipline and work ethics that will result in high quality work performance and foster the spirit of teamwork and help each other. The implementation of EKSA in JPA organizations will be able to create a more neat, clean, organized and corporate working environment. This situation will have an impact on improving the JPA productivity, improving the quality of service delivery and helping towards a more effective working process and reducing operating costs. Safety at work will also be more secure as well as improving the motivation of JPA staff department. Main key to the successful implementation of EKSA in the JPA depends on factors such as support and continuous commitment from the management and creating an atmosphere that spans the implementation of EKSA. The management will provide an important direction and decision to ensure that EKSA are implemented properly. Subsequently, the involvement and participation of each individual in the JPA department consistently influenced the consistent involvement and participation of each individual in the JPA could ensure the continuity of execution of excitement as well as to have a prolonged impact. In addition, the effective and efficient EKSA management structure is a critical factor in ensuring that all plans, actions and reporting are implemented in a regular basis and become a cornerstone of excitement. Moreover, education and training to the JPA staff with the provision of education and training composition to all officers will raise awareness of their respective roles in the implementation of EKSA. Clear and effective communication is a system through mediums such as management meetings, intranets (portals, blogs or organizational websites), statements, posters / brochures and internal memos are important to provide explanation of the needs, interests and goodness of excitement. Additionally, the benefits of execution of EKSA at JPA 3

department are such a conducive workplace environment (5S), as well as enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational management. Furthermore, by creating clear working standards, generating creative and innovative ideas among JPA individuals and optimizing the use of workspace, resources and energy with quality management of quality.


IMPLEMENTATION In order to achieve the three policy goals of the EKSA (economic, social and environmental), implementation mechanisms must be implemented to effectively involve various levels in governments, persons and businesses, in order to increase the well-being of all types of rural areas. Rural development covers a wide range of policy fields and involves many actors, making it impossible for policy responsibilities and results to be entirely separated across government levels. Political interventions that aim for administrative boundaries or an economic sector in silos miss the opportunity to generate synergies and achieve broad rural and country policy objectives. To achieve sustainable and successful policy outcomes, the promotion of improved coordination between governments, different types of regions and stakeholders is therefore essential. Designing and implementing an integrated rural policy Changes in intergovernmental, intragovernmental, public-private-sector and civil society ties. Relations between actors take two different dimensions from an analytical perspective. First of all, a vertical dimension includes relations between the several levels of government, from supranational to national and local levels. In certain nations the governance system focuses on the national government while in other countries regions or federal systems, the role of various institutional actors might vary significantly.In the latter instance, a strong function of upper coordination should be constructed in which coordination at the lower level is efficiently supplemented (regional or federal). Regional and/or federal systems do not lose their critical role, but just adjust their role and focus on defining a policy strategy as a whole, rather than rural policy execution. The horizontal second key aspect of government. The focus is on methods of cooperation that need to be studied both at the central government level (between ministries) and locally. KPLB also strengthened the rural economy by organising different programmes such as entrepreneurship training, products sales, marketing and sales, and investing in strategic business opportunities to help entrepreneurs achieve higher returns to balance economic growth between urban and rural communities, particularly the B40 Group. Contributing particularly to improving the rural economy and the country as a whole. Rural policy is a cross-cutting policy in many policy fields, including a number of government and NGO actors. Rural policy is defined as all policy initiatives aimed at promoting opportunities and delivering integrated solutions for economic, social and environmental issues in rural areas, by using resources to promote their recreation, ecology,


cultural heritage, and improving production activities and publications in rural communities as the basis for the OECD rural policy principles. Coordinating the national, regional and local institutions is a matter for multinational governance. A multi-level management framework promotes vertical (cross-level), horizontal (between equal levels of government) or networked co-operation between the different levels of government to develop and implement better policies. In many cases, it recognises that regions and localities are responsible for much of the provision of services and public investment that contributes to economic growth and the wellbeing of people. Moreover, because rural towns tend to have a smaller population than their metropolitan colleagues, rural areas are less likely to represent significantly at national level. The multisecondary governance strategy therefore seeks, through the transmission at local level, of national policy design and implementation and to promote bottom-up solutions and increase national policy effectiveness, to address the previous issues and leverage the relevance of municipal governments in ensuring sound policy implementation. The attainment of the three policy aims outlined under the Rural Well-being Policy Framework (RWF) requires procedures for implementing them, involving all actors effectively at national and local levels. It requires coordination across governmental levels, several sorts of areas (urban and rural) and stakeholders. The longevity and effectiveness of a policy depends greatly on citizens' and the private sector's level of support.



As the advantages of carrying out EKSA are featured, for example, improved client support quality, a more sure workplace, expanded inventiveness and developments , higher security and an improvement in the soul of cooperation, rehearsing EKSA will add to administrative efficiency. The foundation of EKSA required a solid responsibility from all individuals, just as cooperation, time, and exertion from all workers. Benefits of EKSA Practicing EKSA will contribute to the productivity of management as the benefits of the introduction of EKSA are highlighted, such as enhanced customer service quality, a more positive working environment, increased creativity and innovation, an increased level of safety and an improvement in the spirit of teamwork. The establishment of EKSA required the strong commitment of all members, teamwork, time and effort must be formed by all employees of the organization. The first benefits of EKSA is to enhance the customer service quality. Customer service is referring to the identity or perception of the customer or party interested in the environment, actions and achievements of a person organization. Coordinated values, ethics and labor standards among citizens Work is important in order to create a positive corporate culture. Furthermore, the EKSA also promotes the protection aspects of the environment each department or agency of the public sector. For example, most customers do not expect miracles, but demand they responsibility. If there is a mistake or an error, take full responsibility for it and solve it. The customer service staff will have the authority to fix what is incorrect on behalf of the customer. Remove any barriers to make this possible. [ CITATION Noo \l 1033 ] The second benefits are a more positive working environment. Healthy does not only constitute as needing medical attention, it could also be the outlook of the workplace and even the surroundings. A happy and healthy staff is a productive worker. People who enjoy their jobs are more likely to engage in their work in depth. The management, should play their role therefore to presence the best interest to keep the employees happy otherwise, dissatisfaction may have an effect on the quality of their work, or they might even be bored. For example, take a 7

break. Another great way to create a healthy working environment is to encourage staff to take a quick 5-minute break from their desk. Regular breaks can help to alleviate muscle exhaustion, exercise of the eyes, and improve focus. There are a few apps that you can permanently install on your employees' desktop, reminding them to take a break and stretch.[ CITATION Noo \l 1033 ] Benefits of EKSA Practicing EKSA will contribute to the productivity of management as the benefits of the introduction of EKSA are highlighted, such as enhanced customer service quality, a more positive working environment, increased creativity and innovation, an increased level of safety and an improvement in the spirit of teamwork. The establishment of EKSA required the strong commitment of all members, teamwork, time and effort must be formed by all employees of the organization. The first benefits of EKSA is to enhance the customer service quality. Customer service is referring to the identity or perception of the customer or party interested in the environment, actions and achievements of a person organization. Coordinated values, ethics and labor standards among citizens Work is important in order to create a positive corporate culture. Furthermore, the EKSA also promotes the protection aspects of the environment each department or agency of the public sector. For example, most customers do not expect miracles, but demand they responsibility. If there is a mistake or an error, take full responsibility for it and solve it. The customer service staff will have the authority to fix what is incorrect on behalf of the customer. Remove any barriers to make this possible. [ CITATION Noo \l 1033 ] The second benefits are a more positive working environment. Healthy does not only constitute as needing medical attention, it could also be the outlook of the workplace and even the surroundings. A happy and healthy staff is a productive worker. People who enjoy their jobs are more likely to engage in their work in depth. The management, should play their role therefore to presence the best interest to keep the employees happy otherwise, dissatisfaction may have an effect on the quality of their work, or they might even be bored. For example, take a break. Another great way to create a healthy working environment is to encourage staff to take a quick 5-minute break from their desk. Regular breaks can help to alleviate muscle exhaustion,


exercise of the eyes, and improve focus. There are a few apps that you can permanently install on your employees' desktop, reminding them to take a break and stretch.[ CITATION Noo \l 1033 ] The primary advantages of EKSA is to improve the client support quality. Client services alluding to the character or view of the client or gathering intrigued by the environment, actions and accomplishments of an individual association. Facilitated qualities, morals and labor standards among residents Work is significant to make a positive corporate culture. Furthermore, the EKSA likewise advances the security parts of the climate each department or organization of the public area. For instance, most clients don't anticipate wonders, however demand they obligation. In the event that there is a misstep or a mistake, assume full liability for it and address it. The customer administration staff will have the power to fix what is mistaken for the benefit of the customer. Remove any obstructions to make this conceivable The subsequent advantages are a more sure workplace. Sound doesn't only constitute as requiring clinical consideration, it could likewise be the viewpoint of the work environment and even the environmental factors. A glad and sound staff is a useful laborer. Individuals who make the most of their jobs are bound to participate in their work inside and out. The administration, should play their role therefore to presence the wellbeing to keep the representatives glad in any case, dissatisfaction may affect the nature of their work, or they may even be exhausted. For instance, take a break. Another extraordinary method to establish a solid workplace is to urge staff to take a quick 5-minute break from their work area. Ordinary breaks can assist with mitigating muscle exhaustion, exercise of the eyes, and improve your main intention to stay focus. There are a couple applications that you can for all time introduce on your representatives' work area, reminding them to take a break and stretch. Next is expanded inventiveness and developments. Through the EKSA, public organizations may also advance inventive and imaginative exercises with the necessities of the local area. Customer expectations are that, remembering the requests of progress after some time, and each open entity needs to improve its productivity and quality. In this unique circumstance, imagination and advancement are seen as the best discussion for government employees. or then again association individuals consistently consider new ideas to give best administration as indicated by their obligations. Then, at that point, green program in government areas. Recognizing that natural security is a shared duty, EKSA additionally upholds drives to construct a green climate 9

through a green program in government areas. Through this drive, every organization is approached to convey out activities like reusing and improving energy proficiency to lessen the utilization of raw materials. For any administration offices, EKSA apparently has a particular spotlight on maximizing available assets to try not to squander space, time or labor assets, just as the principle of an incentive for cash. This isn't only a save money on government spending however can be of great value and significance to the climate. The last advantage is helpful encompassing. Government offices that training EKSA also emphasize the requirement for establish a favorable workplace for local officials to people. More over Word related security and wellbeing angles are stressed in EKSA associations care about the government assistance and wellbeing of their clients can complete errands in a safe and conducive environment. Meanwhile, the client additionally gives helpful offices and capable to handle all administration organizations with liberality, wellbeing and solace.



‘Success cannot be rolled away’. Every success is accompanied by various challenges. Where there is a will there is a way. There are four challenges of EKSA found that are time, high implementation commitment, exchange of organizational structures / members and retention. The first challenge is time. Time is the most important component in assisting with the execution of this programme is wisdom in allocating and utilising resources. Department heads should understand that this programme is not a “stand-alone” programme from their regular duties. It can be simplified and applied throughout day-to-day work without the need for extra hours of service, such as afterwork hours or on public holidays, which would have a direct influence on labour waste and operational costs. Next, is high implementation commitment. EKSA implementation is particularly difficult if the organization’s management and employees do not support and commit to it. This commitment includes components such as developing, implementing, monitoring, and periodically revising EKSA processes to create a positive work environment. To succeed in this challenge, an understanding of the implementation of the programme as well as the intended impact must be fostered to form a unity of language among the staff of the department. Despite experiencing commitment issues at first, the desire to keep moving forward as a team toward the certification mission has paid dividends. Every success that comes must be accompanied by hard work before the mission will succeed. INTAN Sabah’s current achievement is a result of the previous team’s efforts and it is celebrated with a full feeling of responsibility and the ongoing fight of the current team. ‘Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way’. All challenges will be overcome as long as the desire to earn the EKSA certification is engraved in the heart, with strong excitement and commitment. If the intention to obtain the EKSA certification remains ingrained in the heart, with high enthusiasm and commitment, all challenges will be overcome. Moreover, is the exchange of organizational structures / members. Every organization is affected by waves of change, whether in terms of structure or in terms of the exchange of members. One of the biggest obstacles faced by businesses in continuing the execution of 5S programmes is structural changes, or more commonly known as the change of “ship captains.” Knowledge about the execution of 5S programmes in the organization must be explained to new leadership or members of the organization in all aspects, including the structure, role, and methods of implementation. This is to avoid the program’s implementation being disturbed, or new members being left behind in 5S implementation compared to their peers. Lastly is the retention. ‘Easy to implement but difficult to maintain’. The EKSA programme should be conducted in conjunction with other departmental quality improvement programmes, not as a stand-alone activity. To ensure the continuation of these 11

initiatives, retention programmes should be strengthened, and the development of a quality work culture based on 5S principles should be accelerated. It can be done by establishing disciplinary procedures in the workplace and implementing programmes to raise accountability awareness...

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