Assignments all units PDF

Title Assignments all units
Author Himanshu Gupta
Course Advance java programming
Institution Uttarakhand Technical University
Pages 5
File Size 86.4 KB
File Type PDF
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This includes all the important questions from all units of advance java programming course ....


ADVANCE JAVA PROGRAMMING (TCS-505) ASSIGNEMENT- UNIT -1 1. What is a Java Bean? 2. What are the advantages of Java Beans? 3. What is EJB? 4. What are the types of Enterprise Bean? 5. What is session bean? 6. What is stateless session bean? 7. What is stateful session bean? 8. What is JavaScript? 9. List some features of JavaScript. 10. How to use external JavaScript file? 11. How to create a function in JavaScript? 12. What are the different types of pop-up boxes available in JavaScript?


2. What are the life-cycle methods for a JSP?

3. What are the different scripting elements used in JSP?

4. What are the JSP implicit objects

5. What the difference is between include directive and include action?

ADVANCE JAVA PROGRAMMING (TCS-505) 6. How can I implement a thread-safe JSP page? What are the advantages and Disadvantages of using it?

7. What are the two ways to include the result of another page. ?

8. How can we forward the request from JSP page to the servlet?

9. What is the purpose of ?

10. What is the purpose of ?

11. What is the purpose of ?

12. What is the use of 'out' implicit object?

13. Give the use of session object.

14. What is JSTL?

15. Which directive is used in JSP custom tag?

16. List the various action tags used in JSP.

17. Explain the MVC Architecture with diagram.

18. What do you understand by Struts Framework?



3. What are the steps to connect to the database in java?

4. What are the differences between Statement and PreparedStatement interface?

5. What are the benefits of PreparedStatement over Statement?

6. What are the differences between execute, executeQuery, and executeUpdate?

7. How can we execute stored procedures using CallableStatement?

8. What are CLOB and BLOB data types in JDBC?

ASSIGNMENT UNIT-4 1. What is the life-cycle of a servlet?

2. What are the life-cycle methods for a servlet?

3. Who is responsible to create the object of servlet?

4. What is difference between Get and Post method?

5. What is difference between GenericServlet and HttpServlet?

6. What is servlet collaboration?

7. What is the purpose of RequestDispatcher Interface?

8. Difference between forward() method and sendRedirect() method ?

ADVANCE JAVA PROGRAMMING (TCS-505) 9. What is Session Tracking?

10. What are Cookies?

11. What is difference between Cookies and HttpSession?

12. What is filter?

13. What is the disadvantage of cookies?

14. What are the advantages of Servlet over CGI? 15. What are common tasks performed by Servlet Container? 16. What are different methods of session management in servlets? 17. What is a deployment descriptor?

18. Differentiate between servletconfig and servletContext.

ASSIGNMENT UNIT-5 1. Differentiate between C and C++. 2. What is Java Virtual Machine and how it is considered in context of Java’s platform independent feature? 3. Differentiate between thin client and thick client. 4. Differentiate between 3-tier and n-tier Architecture. 5. What is finalize() method? 6. What is Exception? How exceptions are handled in java? 7. What do you mean by Checked Exceptions? Explain Runtime Exceptions?

ADVANCE JAVA PROGRAMMING (TCS-505) 8. What is multithreading? 9. Differentiate between process and thread?

10. What are the advantages of multithreading?

11. What are the states in the lifecycle of a Thread?

12. Differentiate between the Thread class and Runnable interface for creating a Thread?

13. Can we call the run() method instead of start()?

14. What about the daemon threads?...

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