Assignmnet EVA515 PDF

Title Assignmnet EVA515
Author Muhammad Huzaimi
Course Environmental Science
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 4
File Size 83.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Impacts of mobile application in teaching & learning among university graduates. It is indeed avoidable that the application of mobile learning in school institutions has had an impact on the development and performance of student learning behaviour. This is because it plays a role in enhancing the numeracy and literacy skills of learners by incorporating both collaborative and independent learning experiences. Technology has been the core of everything in the modern generation. It is therefore a success for the education center to have embraced mobile application learning technology as one of the ways in which learning activities at universities can be enhanced. The use of mobile technology in education contributes to teamwork and practical contact. Some of the other advantages that can be gained from the use of mobile learning apps are that they influence the social contact, connectivity, motivation, mobility, and collaboration of the student. Many research have been carried out on the advantages of using mobile technologies for students to carry their academic resources, as opposed to carrying bulky books while at the learning institution. Being that mobile phones are personal, both collaborative and personal learning give rich potential. The use of mobile application also plays a role in reducing the physical gap that exists between the learner and the teacher. The learner may feel free to ask any academic question to the teacher, even if the teacher is not physically present at the moment. This is one way in which mobile learning affects the student's behaviour. By consulting the teacher online, time is saved as the student does not waste time walking to the tutor. As a result, the student's performance is bound to increase. Mobile learning also enhances face-to-face learning in a formal learning setting. In addition, they provide students with management applications to encourage them to develop how they are structured while they are studying. In the learning environment, all teachers and students who have mobile technology are not restricted to wire-based communication. Despite the many beneficial aspects of mobile device learning to the growth and success of students, there are still a lot of disadvantages and drawbacks associated with it. Usability issues are one of the key issues related to it. It is possible to classify the usability issues into four major divisions. These include software application limitations, physical attributes, network connections as well as physical environments such as applications add-on challenges, insufficient memory, small screen size, short battery life, reliability of the network, lack of built-in functionality, lack of user competence and challenges to use mobile devices in the event of rain or excess privacy. The concern that these mobile devices emit radio frequencies that are dangerous to students has also been raised. In addition, most

scholars argue that the main challenges associated with mobile application learning are the battery life and screen size of the mobile device or the inclusion of a power-embedded browser. Mobile devices also cause a lot of disruption during the learning process. First, a call made during the class session interrupts the entire class. Second, when a student learns on mobile devices, personal messages and ads coming on the Internet may affect the student (Mtebe, 2014). The ability to access social media, which is also so addictive and timeconsuming, is a threat to the implementation of mobile learning, as it has a detrimental effect on students' learning growth and performance. In the survey, mobile device learning has also increased instances of cheating. Since there are cell phones that can be easily concealed by students during the exam time, the answers on the internet lead to false results from Google. The act of cheating in the exam using smartphones was mastered by some of the students. This is a real challenge as the outcomes posted by students of this caliber are not a true reflection of what they are. Mobile application, therefore, has both technological and educational limitations (Tarhini, 2015). The high cost of being able to afford high-end mobile technology is a major challenge for developing nations that limit the popularity of mobile device applications.

Conclusion In conclusion, it has been known that the use of mobile devices increases student motivation. This simply means that there is a strong and significant link between the use of mobile devices and the encouragement of learners to learn. Such results are consistent with the current existing literature provided by previous researchers. These findings are close to the results of this research study about the fact that when students use mobile devices, they obtain a higher incentive for learning. They figure out that when they learn by mobile technology, lessons are more fun. The student's learning habits are positively influenced by improved student motivation. Notably, students can learn at any given time and place with mobile learning. In unique learning environments, they do not have to be. This technology also encourages them to have a culture of learning and reading, since they do not have to go to the library or a special class to learn. This is not only convenient for them, but also supports their culture of learning. In addition, mobile apllication helps students to do online research, thereby developing their research skills. This aspect of research abilities fosters their learning activity in the sense that they do not have to go to the library to source knowledge from various journals and learning materials, as they can only do online researchers in e-journals and e-books that are much more convenient and quicker than manual research to acquire information. In addition, mobile devices are comparatively cheaper and can be easily reached by many students, making it very suitable for tutors to use them. They can also make online submissions and even have online discussions with other students via cell phone learning platforms. Students may create groups via mobile apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook pages and have an online discussion where they can post their questions, and the answers can be given by other students who have a solution to the issue. When the students' questions and all other needs are addressed, it suggests that they have learned knowledge, thereby increasing their success in learning.

References Anurag. (2020, August 26). Make Learning FUN: 5 Impacts of Mobile Apps on Education. Retrieved January 14, 2021, from Usage of Mobile Phone Applications and Its Impact on ... (n.d.). Retrieved January 14, 2021, from

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