Asstronomy Key points - Thsi was a summury of section 1 of the class PDF

Title Asstronomy Key points - Thsi was a summury of section 1 of the class
Course Topics In Astronomy
Institution LaGuardia Community College
Pages 2
File Size 69.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Thsi was a summury of section 1 of the class...


Daribel Mata Astronomy 5/24/18 Topic: Reviewing Key Points Black Holes Region of space and time that is highly warped ⁃ How might such extreme warping occur? ⁃ - Crush a lot of masss into a small size. How small? -R= radius must be less than Schwarzschild radius 2G M/c^2 Milkyway ⁃ Main components of the milkywys includes Disk, bulge, and bar. Formation of galaxies ⁃ Combination of collapse of stars [clouds], gas, dust, ⁃ Compared with stars in the disk, orbits of stars in the halo are elliptical, with random orientation. ⁃ Compared to spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies are redder and rounder. ⁃ The major evidence for the idea that the expansion of the universe is accelerating comes from observations of: white dwarf supernovae ⁃ The distribution of the dark matter in a spiral galaxy is... approximately spherical and about ten times the size of the galaxy halo. ⁃ The composition of the solar nebula was 98% hydrogen and helium.

Orbital Velocity Law M=r × v²/G G= 6.67×10⁻¹¹ m³/kg s² 1 km=1000 m 1 light year= 9.46×10¹⁵ m Msun=2×10³⁰ kg Hubble’s Law v = Ho^d ——————————————————————————————————————— ——

d(in light-years)=3.26×__________1____________

p(in arcseconds) or

p(in arcseconds)=3.26×

1 , d(in light-years)

Using a distance of d = 20 light-years, this formula gives the parallax angle to be

p=3.26/20=0.163 arcsecond. • . Uranus has a rotational axis that is tilted so much it lies nearly in the plane of its orbit. • 2. Venus is the planet with the highest average surface temperature. • 3. The planet that orbits closest to the Sun is Mercury. • 4. The only rocky planet to have more than one moon is Mars. • 5. Jupiter is the jovian planet that orbits closest to the Sun. • 6. Most of the surface of Earth is covered with liquid water. • 7. Neptune is about 30 times as far from the Sun as our own planet. • 8. The planet with the lowest average density is Saturn....

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