AT3 Review Adherence [S#] (2) PDF

Title AT3 Review Adherence [S#] (2)
Course aerospace engg
Institution Jain University
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Assessment Task 3: Review adherence to policies andproceduresStudent Name: Your NameStudent ID: Your Student ID numberSubmission number: The attempt number (1 or 2)FILE NAMING: [YOUR NAME_ID] – AT3 Review Adherence S#Examples: MARY SMITH 123345 – AT3 Review Adherence SMARY SMITH 123345 – AT3 Review ...


ICTICT610 Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment

Assessment Task 3: Review adherence to policies and procedures Student Name:

Your Name

Student ID:

Your Student ID number

Submission number:

The attempt number (1 or 2)


[YOUR NAME_ID] – AT3 Review Adherence S#


MARY SMITH 123345 – AT3 Review Adherence S1 MARY SMITH 123345 – AT3 Review Adherence S2

For resubmissions / reattempts Add a Heading “Revised Answer – Attempt X” under your existing answer and write your answer

Example Colours of Australian Flag The colours of the Australian flag are red, blue and green Revised Answer attempt 2 The colours of the Australian flag are blue, white, and red

Case study information Carefully read the following scenario before starting: It is a month since the final versions of the company’s new documentation were sent out to all staff. You are responsible for reviewing the staff’s acceptance of these and reporting this to the Management Team. As part of the company’s document review procedures, you are required to ask all staff for their feedback on how well they have integrated the new documents into their everyday work. A questionnaire has been developed that asks the recipient the following: 

Whether they have been adhering to the copyright requirements as set out in the Company’s Copyright Policy and Procedures

Whether their work practices adhere to the requirements as set out in the Company’s Privacy Policy and Procedures

Whether they have found that the company’s Staff Code of Conduct is adequate for the work that they do.

Whether they found themselves in any situations where they had difficulties assessing the ethical

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ICTICT610 Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment

implications involved. In order to ensure that the sensitive information that is collected with the questionnaires is handled correctly, the following has been arranged: The Information Officer will anonymise and collate the questionnaire responses and send them back to you as an unreferenced document.

1. Draft an email to all staff.

Email to all staff (your trainer) to send the Staff Questionnaire You need to send an email to your all staff (trainer) to send the Staff Questionnaire. Type your email message here. Use appropriate business-like language. Summarise the contents of the Staff Questionnaire, indicate that it is attached, and ask them to fill it out and send their responses to the company’s Information Officer, who will anonymise it.

To: Subject: Body:

Attachments: • Staff Questionnaire.docx

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ICTICT610 Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment

2. Write a Feedback Report. Review the feedback provided in the Staff Questionnaire Responses and write a report that assesses the effectiveness of the changes that you made to the company’s documentation and the staff’s understanding of these.

IT Biz Solutions - Feedback report 2.1 Copyright requirements adherence Have staff been adhering to the copyright requirements, in their everyday work practice, as set out in the company’s Copyright Policy and Procedures? Have they implemented the new work procedures that were part of the document revisions? The whole staff of the organization must guarantee that copyright issues are kept up to keep away from legitimate liabilities appended to copyright encroachment. The staffs of an establishment associated with intranet have the opportunity to share material from the school library. Conveyance of these materials among the staff individuals must guarantee they adhere to all copyright necessities. The intranet ought to introduce safety efforts that will guarantee sharing and correspondence through the web doesn't add to encroaching on copyrights. The safety effort ought to likewise guarantee that be secure and award access just to staff individuals. All staff individuals ought to consent to terms and states of utilization or dissemination appended to copyright.

2.2 Privacy requirements adherence Have staff been adhering to the Privacy Policy and Procedures requirements in their everyday work practice, ensuring that confidentiality and proprietary rights are being respected, as set out in the company’s Privacy Policy and Procedures? Have they implemented the new work procedures that were part of the document revisions? Distinguishing requirement for usage of strategy is fundamental to create explicit strategies that accommodate security of information and looking after classification. The following thought is to decide the substance of approaches that are to be outlined for the association. For the usage of an arrangement, it is important to acquire the backing of partners. In the wake of acquiring the backing of partners, the arrangements are to be conveyed adequately to the individuals or groups of association. Usage of new approaches and casing work can be actualized by tolerating the help of partners in regard of concerned strategy. The usage cycle is needed to be continued to acknowledge the standards or to acknowledge any input that is given in criticism of partners. This will bring about powerful execution and development of strategies.

2.3 Staff Code of Conduct requirements Have staff members understanding and applying the new company’s Code of Conduct? Is the company’s Staff Code of Conduct adequate for the work that is done by staff? Have they implemented the new work procedures that were part of the document revisions? Our colleagues, customers, and end-client clients trust the quality and estimation of our administration contributions. We rely upon solid associations with our colleagues and customers to furnish us with proceeded with occasions to develop our business. BC-AT3-ICTICT610-2020V1.2 Page | 3 Brighton College Pty Ltd RTO: 45023 | CRICOS: 0363G

ICTICT610 Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment

— To Our Shareholders Our investors trust us to dependably utilize every one of our resources for cause our business to develop. — To Our Community At the point when we reward the network, we impart pride in our representatives and addition the regard of the residents in our locale. The Ethics Committee and Compliance The Rainmaker Ethics Committee is devoted to offering workers the help and guidance they have to act as indicated by The Standards and Rainmakers' moral standards. Named by Rainmaker's Executive Team, we go about as an asset, giving the data, apparatuses, and systems to help workers in creation moral business choices. There's need of normal review of code of ethics in a company. This helps in regular check on the day to day activities also as on management of code of conduct in performance of members. There code of ethics may be provided on websites so as to supply easy accessibility to all or any members. Apart from, this a review committee will be established which will specifically house review of polices associated with code of ethics. However, it's necessary that code of ethics must suits the laws, regulations that are prevalent in country governing the methods and mode of business. Moreover, assessment will be done by using technological means for meeting objectives of implementation of code of conduct. this is often worn out order to form equality among members of organization. Reasonable steps for complying with the moral code. this could be done by using effective methods of coaching and developmental programs. There must be internal auditing and monitoring for managing unethical conduct of members. just in case such member is found guilty of any unethical conduct such member is often imposed legal sanctions

3. Draft an email to the CEO.

Email to the CEO (your trainer) to send the Staff Feedback Report You need to send an email to the CEO (trainer) to send the Staff Feedback Report. Type your email message here. Use appropriate business-like language. Summarise the contents of your report, indicate that it is attached, and ask for feedback.

To: Subject: Body:

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Attachments: • Staff Feedback Report.docx

4. Revise the IT Biz Solutions’ Staff Code of Conduct. Make changes to the Staff Code of Conduct that follow the directions given to you by the CEO (new clause to section 8, Grievances)

Revised Staff Code of Conduct (It also needs to be updated as per the changes that you did on task 2) 4.1 Purpose Please highlight any change that you make This code aims to guide the conduct of staff in the performance of their duties as an employee of IT Biz Solutions. It is intended to provide practical assistance for staff faced with ethical challenges.

4.2 Overview Please highlight any change that you make All staff of IT Biz Solutions are expected to perform the duties associated with their position skilfully, impartially and diligently in order to contribute to the efficient and economic achievement of IT Biz Solutions’ strategic goals. Staff should be guided in their conduct by the principles established by this code. If there is any doubt as to the applicability of the code, or the appropriate course of action to be taken in certain circumstances, the matter should be discussed with a senior member of staff.

Code 4.3 Ethical principles Please highlight any change that you make 1.

The fundamental ethical principles on which this code of conduct is based are: 

respect for others



economy and efficiency.

4.4 Respect for others Please highlight any change that you make 1.

All staff are expected to treat others, including other staff and customers, with fairness and respect. This involves: 

courtesy and responsiveness in dealing with others

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being sensitive to and respecting the rights and dignity of others

making reasonable, fair and consistent decisions

avoiding behaviour which might reasonably be perceived as harassment, victimization or intimidation

avoiding discrimination on grounds such as age, race, sex, pregnancy, sexuality, ethnic background, nationality, disability, political conviction, religious belief, or other grounds covered by relevant legislation

allowing alternative points of view to be expressed and reasonably debated.

4.5 Integrity Please highlight any change that you make 1.

All IT Biz Solutions staff have an obligation as a citizen and as an employee to observe the laws of the State and the Commonwealth.


Staff are required to be familiar with, and comply with, all relevant IT Biz Solutions policies, procedures and codes of practices of the organisation.

4.6 Conflicts of interest Please highlight any change that you make 1.

Staff should be honest in performing their role and avoid conflicts between their private interests and those of their responsibilities to IT Biz Solutions.


Conflicts of interest may arise when a staff member is in a situation where personal circumstances are affected by the decisions or duties carried out in their role. A conflict may arise when any of the following are involved:


financial interests

personal or sexual relationships

personal beliefs

outside employment

political participation

use of confidential information

use of facilities, equipment and resources

acceptance of gifts or benefits.

All staff must act responsibly and report any actual or perceived conflicts of interest that arise as part of their role. If there is any question as to whether a conflict exists, staff must discuss the circumstances with management to determine whether a conflict exists. Appropriate strategies will be developed to manage any reported or perceived conflicts of interest.

4.7 Diligence Please highlight any change that you make 1.

Staff are expected to carry out their duties in a professional, ethical and diligent manner at all times.

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This means staff must: 

make decisions fairly, impartially and without bias, using the best factual information available

keep records and documentation to support their decisions

always aim to achieve the highest possible standard of performance

continuously develop their knowledge in their professional fields and areas of responsibility. Trainers and assessors must continue developing their vocational competencies to support continuous improvements in the delivery of the services provided by IT Biz Solutions

exercise best judgment in the interests of IT Biz Solutions

maintain adequate documentation to support decisions made

ensure outside interests do not interfere with their ability to meet the responsibilities of their role

adhere to professional codes of conduct and standards of ethics

act responsibly when becoming aware of any unethical behaviour or wrong doing by any other person. This may involve a report to a senior member of staff or to external authorities.

4.8 Economy and efficiency Please highlight any change that you make 1.

Staff should use IT Biz Solutions resources, facilities and intellectual property only for legitimate purposes related to their role with IT Biz Solutions.


Staff should avoid waste or minimize it where avoidance is not possible.


Staff should maintain sufficient security and protection of IT Biz Solutions property, facilities, resources and intellectual property.

4.9 Breach of the code Please highlight any change that you make 1.

This code of conduct is designed to promote and enhance the ethical practice of staff. If any staff member is found to have breached this Code, IT Biz Solutions may decide to take action against them. This may include disciplinary action for misconduct or serious misconduct. Any such action may result in sanctions imposed, including and up to, termination of employment.

4.10 Legislation Please highlight any change that you make This code of conduct is informed by the following legislation with which all staff must comply. 

Privacy Act 1988

Disability Discrimination Act – Education Standards 2005

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5. Draft an email to the CEO (your assessor).

Email to the CEO (your trainer) to send the Staff Code of Conduct You need to send an email to the CEO (trainer) to send the Staff Code of Conduct Revised. Type your email message here. Use appropriate business-like language. Summarise the contents of the Staff Code of Conduct, indicate that it is attached, and ask for feedback and approval.

To: Subject: Body:

Attachments: • Staff Code of Conduct Revised.docx

6. Draft an email to all staff.

Email to all staff (your trainer) to send the Staff Code of Conduct After the CEO’s approval, you need to send an email to all staff (trainer) to distribute the revised Staff Code of Conduct. Type your email message here. Use appropriate business-like language. Summarise the contents of the Staff Code of Conduct, indicate that it is attached. Please outline the difference between this version of the document and the one that you discussed with them during your presentation.

To: Subject: Body:

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Attachments: • Staff Code of Conduct Revised.docx

When ALL sections of this template have been completed you can submit your assessment Save your file as [YOUR NAME_ID] - AT2 Update Policy S# Remember to keep a WORD copy Save as PDF Submit the PDF version in Moodle

Assessment Task 3 Checklist - FOR TRAINER USE ONLY Completed successfully

Did the student:



Institute a regular review of the work practices of team members with regard to the organisation's privacy policy and procedures? Institute regular reviews to ensure that team members are adhering to the company’s organisational copyright requirements? Review the staff’s understanding and application of the company’s Code of Conduct? Establish review and grievance procedures in the Code of Conduct to enable reporting of ethical issues to be confidential? Review team members’ ethical work practices and feedback to ensure correct application of the company’s Code of Conduct? Review feedback from staff members on the new work procedures that have been implemented?

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