ATI Remediation - Info given after test taken. PDF

Title ATI Remediation - Info given after test taken.
Author Oak Lane
Course Child and family
Institution Concordia University Texas
Pages 3
File Size 76.9 KB
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Info given after test taken....


Form A & B Remediation Form A Abuse/Neglect: Psychosocial Issues of Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Identifying suggestive Manifestations of maltreatment  The ill-treatment of infants and children is contributed to a wide variety of things, parental background upbringing, economics, educational background, and environmental surroundings. o Manifestations  Physical: bruises/welts (in various stages), burns, fractures  Emotional: failure to thrive, sleep disturbances, withdrawal  Sexual: bleeding of genitalia/anus/mouth, UTI, regressive behaviors  Shaken baby syndrome or Abusive head trauma: vomiting, respiratory distress, bulging fontanels Medication Admin: Immunizations: Determining possible contraindications  The point of vaccines are to aid in keeping down communicable diseases and building immunity. o Contraindications  Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)  Moderated or severe illnesses with or without fever  Do not admin live virus to children who are immunocompromised (varicella, MMR) Laboratory Values: Hematologic Disorders: Interpreting Lab Values  Iron deficiency anemia o CBC: ↓RBC, Hgb, and Hct; Iron: elevated  Sickle cell anemia o CBC: determine anemia; sickle-turbidity: screening tool for HbS; Hgb electrophoresis: Separates various forms of Hgb o Sickle-cell crisis: ↓Hgb, ↑WBC, ↑bili and reticulocyte  Hemophilia o aPTT, factor-specific assays (deficiency), platelets and PT (WNL) Alteration in body systems: Skin infections and infestations: Providing teaching to an Adolescent who has Tinea Pedis  Take medication provided (oral griseofulvin, topical tolnaftate)  Wear light-colored socks, well-ventilated  Wash hands well Pathophysiology: Chronic Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders: Assessment of Spastic Cerebral Palsy  CP is impairment to motor function especially motor control, coordination, and posture that is nonprogressive. o Spastic CP (pyramidal)  Hypertonicity (muscle tightness or spasticity), ↑DTR, clonus, and poor control of motion, balance and posture.  Impairment is fine & gross motor skills  Can present in all four extremities (tetraplegia), one limb, one side of the body or LE.

Form A & B Remediation Form B Adverse effects, interactions, and contraindications: Priority treatment of Anaphylaxis 

A life-threatening, immediate allergic reaction that causes respiratory distress, severe bronchospasm, laryngeal edema, a quick drop in blood pressure, as well as cardiovascular collapse. o NURSING CONSIDERATIONS:  Epinephrine  Bronchodilator  Antihistamines

Growth hormone deficiency: medication management 

GH’s are needed for the growth, development and cellular metabolism of the body. Hormones such as ACTH, TSH, FSH and LH work with GH to control the metabolic process in the body. When there is a deficiency of the GH Hypopituitarism if suspected and replacements are given. o Management of GH  Measuring Height and weight and compared of a growth chart every visit  Check for the effectiveness of the GH replacement  Give support to family and child pertaining to the body image, possible depression and psychosocial.

Head injury: Manifestation of Increased Intracranial Pressure 

Head injury occurs when there is a traumatic injury to the brain and changes the way the brain works. We can see sings and symptoms of ICP in three ways, minor, progressive and severe. o Increased Intracranial Pressure  Minor  Loss of consciousness  A period of temporary confusion  Vomiting  Progressive  VS changes  AMS  Neurological deficits  Sever  Infants: swollen fontanels, separation of sutures and irritability  Children: forceful vomiting, headaches, and increased sleeping

Acute Neurological Disorders: Analyzing Spinal Fluid 

There are tests that are done to analyze spinal fluid to check for Meningitis in children. o Laboratory Values  Blood cultures- will show + at time when CSF if -.  CBC  CSF collection

Form A & B Remediation  

Bacterial: cloudy color, ↑WBC count, ↑protein content, ↓ glucose content and + Gram stain. Viral: clear color, slightly ↑WBC, normal to slightly ↑ protein content, normal glucose and – Gram stain.

Cardiovascular Disorders: Care of an Infant during a Hypercyanotic spell 

Due to congenital or acquired heart disease, heart failure can arise. Major defects the cause a decrease in pulmonary blood flow, such as Tricuspid atresia, and Tetralogy of Fallot. What these conditions do is cause heart failure that does not provide adequate blood supply to meet the bodies needs. o Care for Hypercyanotic spells  Knees-to-chest  Surgical shunt  Surgical repair (Glenn, Fontan)

Cardiovascular Disorders: Manifestations of Kawasaki disease 

Kawasaki disease is another cardiovascular disorder that is an acute systemic vasculitis, which means blood vessels become inflamed throughout the body. o Manifestations  Fever greater longer than five days and not affected by medications  Red eyes, lips, tongue (strawberry), oral mucous, palms and soles of the feet  Nonblistering rash

Gastrointestinal Structural and Inflammatory Disorders: Manifestations of Intussusception 

A condition where a segment of the bowel telescopes into another portion of the intestines, causing obstruction to bowels and edema. o Manifestations  Abd RLQ  Rigid abd  ↓ of absent BS...

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