Gerontology ATI Remediation 1 PDF

Title Gerontology ATI Remediation 1
Course   Leadership & Mgmt/Nurs Practic
Institution University of Houston
Pages 2
File Size 39.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Gerontology Final ATI Remediation Topic: Client Teaching about Alendronate 1. This medication is a bisphosphonate 2. Take with 8 oz. of water early in the morning before eating 3. Remain upright 30 minutes after taking medication Topic: Client Teaching about Nutrition (COPD) 1. Increased work of breathing increases caloric demands 2. Soft, high-caloric foods are encouraged 3. Promote hydration by encouraging fluids Topic: Communicating with a Client who has Aphasia 1. Supply the client with a picture board of commonly requested/needed items 2. Speak slowly and clearly, using one-step commands 3. Assess the ability to understand speech by asking the client of follow simple commands Topic: Identifying Stages of Grief 1. Denial – client has difficulty believing a terminal diagnosis or loss 2. Anger – client lashes out at other people or things 3. Bargaining – client negotiates for more time or a cure 4. Depression – client is overwhelmingly saddened by the inability to change the situation 5. Acceptance – client acknowledges what is happening and plans for the future and moves forward 6. Stages do not always happen In the same order and time frame of stages differ from person to person Topic: Osteoporosis Client Teaching 1. Ensure client has a diet that includes adequate amounts of calcium (milk, green vegetables, fortified orange juice, cereals, red/white beans, figs) and vitamin D (fish, egg yolks, fortified milk, cereals)

2. Encourage limited caffeinated beverages because they can cause phosphates which can cause calcium loss 3. Encourage the client to engage in weight-bearing exercise (walking, lifting weights, etc.)...

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