ATS career reflection PDF

Title ATS career reflection
Author hanna ra
Course Build your Career
Institution Monash University
Pages 3
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ATS2743 reflection essay based on career development...


Career Learning Reflection ATS2743 aims to broaden a student’s perspective on potential responses to career issues. This is conducted by using theoretical knowledge alongside practical activities. This unit emphasises the correlative relationship between self-management and the development of skills in the context of careers. The reason why I chose this unit is because I felt pressured to decide what career pathway I would like to undertake and to better enhance my employability skills, This semester there was several key topics that were covered, yet, I chose to reflect on the teachings regarding the notion of career success as a multifactorial concept. Career success involves numerous topics that discussed the role of choice, employability skills and resilience. In this unit, the aspects of career development were covered by engaging with a range of readings introduced during the tutorial sessions and further research was encouraged on the Moodle site. During the tutorials, one of the academic literatures that were explored was career decision making strategies. In Hollands Theory of Vocational Personality Types, it advises that employment choices are based on the reflective of personality and interests that is matched to personality records. These reflective personalities are adopted towards assisting with indecisiveness of personality and interests that are matched with their job types. Nevertheless, after persuasion and encouragement to undertake further reading, I was intrigued by Santo’s theory that focuses on how indecision isn’t certainly detrimental as it can also be located on a spectrum. In Santo’s theory it also distinguishes the types of indecision, linking indecisiveness with persevering anxiety and normative indecision with normal development. Through the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) practice, I had the opportunity to develop transferable skills such as communication and interview skills. Additionally, there was some factors in case theories that was analysed such as adaptability and resilience. Hence, I was exposed to career success examples that elaborated on defeating adversity. In accordance to Super and Knasel, adaptable is defined as ready to overcome unpredictable changes. Moreover, Bickel describes resilience as the ability to be strong and continually manage integrity when changes happen. According to studies it has confirmed that resilience is linked with positivity, optimism as well as career adaptability. The reason why I chose to reflect on career success is that because I aim to achieve goals in life. The lesson I learnt is that it can be influenced by numerous factors such as employability, resilience and choice. In event of career development, the topic career indecision has resonated with me. The intention that I had when I first decided to undertake this unit is that career success can only be achieved when individuals accomplish their aspirations. As a Bachelor of Science student, I have always been leant towards the science behind things in life. Despite this, I still question myself on the career decisions I want to undertake for instance if I want to become a surgeon or a laboratory technician. Whereby, I often find myself contemplating on becoming a surgeon if whether or not it would be ideal for me or if am I capable of even becoming one. Therefore, I was extremely stressed on based on my indecisiveness and the upcoming post graduate applications. However, after being exposed to personality inventories, I was amazed that a model can theoretically cure my anxiety. Thereby, with the support of academic literature being introduced in this unit, I have noticed that there are some limitations to personality inventories and indecision is a natural process

that majority of people endure as part of development. Hence, I am less pressurised as my anxiety is cured due to the literature provided that reduces stress from the future. Nonetheless, throughout this unit and literature provided I have gained an insight on how adaptability and resilience are both associated with success, even if undecided. The theory of Super and Knasel also agrees that adversity is a motivator towards career success if you have an open mind when encountered by change. Thus, with the support of theories I foster an open mind and I am ready to adapt when unforeseen circumstances arise. I have also attained useful feedback for my interview and communication skills in attempt to further improve and becoming more employable. Through the use of adopting the STAR strategy it has also assisted me with developing skills with becoming employable.

In essence, to progress and enhance more opportunities for a successful career, I will undertake a summer internship to practise the teachings that I have gained knowledge from this semester. Through this, I will be utilising active network and questioning my colleague’s occupation this will allow me to experience a range of career options. This can assist and prepare me to face circumstances where I would be required to adapt for instance the chances of me not getting accepted into medicine to become a surgeon. Also, this can assist with me coping on how to deal with being unhappy from a career choice I have made. This has given me motivation to record and jot down the findings in a notebook at least twice a week. In the notebook, I will also discuss how I have developed technical skills and its importance along with any room for improvement. This can be achieved through self-assessment, identifying my weakness and requesting mentors for valuable feedback. In the end of my internship I would have around 15 entries that could be used as reflective piece for self-development. The SMART approach of goal setting corresponds with Locke’s theory of conscious goal settings as a means of specificity linked with accurate performance control. Thus, if I apply these lessons that I have learnt through the semester into my self-development, I believe that I would have higher chances of achieving career success.

References (APA 6th Edition)

Nauta, M. M. (2010). The development, evolution, and status of Holland’s theory of vocational personalities: Reflections and future directions for counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57(1), 11–22. (Nauta, 2010)

Kay, C. (2019). Theotonio Dos Santos (1936–2018): The Revolutionary Intellectual Who Pioneered Dependency Theory. Development and Change, 51(2), 599–630. (Kay, 2019)

Ebberwein, C. A., Krieshok, T. S., Ulven, J. C., & Prosser, E. C. (2004). Voices in Transition: Lessons on Career Adaptability. The Career Development Quarterly, 52(4), 292–308.

(Ebberwein et al., 2004)

Bork, R. H. (1975). Alexander M. Bickel, Political Philosopher. The Supreme Court Review, 1975, 419–421.

(Bork, 1975)

Helm, P. (1979). Locke’s Theory of Personal Identity. Philosophy, 54(208), 173–185. (Helm, 1979)...

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