AWR1-10 - apuntes de ingles PDF

Title AWR1-10 - apuntes de ingles
Course Ingles I
Institution Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Pages 7
File Size 181.9 KB
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Student: Rodriguez Romero River DavidTeacher : Ricardo VelasquezCourse: Advanced Reading & Writing 1Schedule: 2:15 pm – 3:45 pm2020INDEX1. Daily Tasks ...........................................................................................................................1. Daily Task 1 .....


Student: Rodriguez Romero River David Teacher: Ricardo Velasquez Course: Advanced Reading & Writing 1 Schedule: 2:15 pm – 3:45 pm


INDEX 1. Daily Tasks...........................................................................................................................3 1.1. Daily Task 1...................................................................................................................3 1.2. Daily Task 2...................................................................................................................3 1.3. Daily Task 3...................................................................................................................3 1.4. Daily Task 4...................................................................................................................4 1.5. Daily Task 5...................................................................................................................4 1.6. Daily Task 6...................................................................................................................4 1.7. Daily Task 7..................................................................................................................5 1.8. Daily Task 8...................................................................................................................5 1.9. Daily Task 9...................................................................................................................5 1.10. Daily Task 10...............................................................................................................6 1.11. Daily Task 11...............................................................................................................6 1.12. Daily Task 12...............................................................................................................6

PORTFOLIO 1. Daily Tasks 1.1. Daily Task 1 Write a paragraph about you My name is River David Rodriguez Romero but everyone calls me River or David. I am 20 years old and I’m coursing the 6 th cycle of Telecommunication Engineering. I live in Callao district with my mon. My university name is San Marcos University. Although I may be shy, I’m someone who likes to meet new people and through the time I get feel comfortable to express who I’m. Also, If anybody ask me about my hobbies I’ll say that I’m someone very versatile, for example, if in any situation I have to play an specific game and another day different type of game I can play both games enthusiastically. To conclude, the last thing about me is that I study English at ICPNA but I don’t like English at all because I have some problems to listen to it.

1.2. Daily Task 2 What have you learned during the quarantine? During the quarantine time the threes first months I was operated on the appendix so I could not do exercise and I really wanted to do it. Regarding if I have learned something I would say yes! For one thing I could spent more time with my mon and grandparents since before the quarantine all of them were busy, for another thing I could organize my books and notebooks in my new study space, I started to review some notes of my latest class and to read topics about the virus. Moreover, I took advantage of watching TV series that I haven’t watched before. And finally, I have learned to appreciate the real friends who always worried about me all this time.

1.3. Daily Task 3 What makes you happy? We can say the happiness is relative because there are many definitions about the happiness for everyone. For example, for many people being happy means to be in a good love relationship, good economic balance, material items or something like that, but in my opinion to be happy in general is to be well with myself and others, or in another words is to have a spiritual balance. Furthermore, there are many specifics situation in my life when I feel happiness,

for one thing when I visit to my father and little sister, for another thing when I hang out with special friends while we are sharing experiences and for last thing when I am with all my family doing any recreational activity.

1.4. Daily Task 4 What makes you sad? There are many situations which someone can feel sad, but first we must remember that "to be sad" is a spiritual decay expressed by crying or some strange behavior. In my opinion the sadness is relative, because for someone could be the best day but for another could be the worst day. In addition, in my life there are many things that make me sad, for example the time when I heard about the illness of my grandfather or when I couldn´t get into university in my first time. Moreover, the most recently was the time when I walked for places that made me remind special times with friends or family. To sum up many situations that changes my emotional balance could cause my sadness.

1.5. Daily Task 5 What country would you like to live in? In many situations I feel bored about my country for many problems as either corruption, delinquency, robbery. Although I stress that there are many positives things here, the current situations make me think in a change. If any day I would have the chance to live in another country I'd chose "New Zealand" because I read many articles about that, for example the good weather, policy, security but is just an idea. Another country would be "Spain" because I wouldn’t have troubles to speak with people but I'm not completely sure. The last country in my list is "Russia”, because the security there is good and I love the cold wheatear but I would have difficulties at the time to communicate with people. Summarizing If I want to choose a good country not only is to read about it, I have to live in all my options and after a moth to take a good decision.

1.6. Daily Task 6 Write a letter love to your future wife Dear girl, I'm someone very shy in many occasions, but in my good days sometimes I’m talkative and you met me in a good day, I didn't expect to meet anyone. I was grateful to God and life because I was in a good emotional and academic moment, but I met you. I didn’t remember your face very well at first but I do

remember the way you made me feel from a distance. I constantly wondered if it was true what was happening to me, but for once I could be sure that there was someone who complemented my day even if it was already perfect. I don't know if you are my "perfect match" or if we are destined to be happy together, I can only tell you that I don't think of anyone else, you know what I feel so if in a moment you tell me to be just friends, I will understand and go my way. Thank you for reading the letter, you know that I am not good at expressing my feelings or having girlfriend.

1.7. Daily Task 7 What are your plans for the future? Finishing university is one of my great plans for the future because it is the beginning to be able to set the foundations of my academic life. For instance, acquiring certificates in other courses that are related to my career will help me obtain skills required by companies and I will be able to get a good job, but whenever I think about my future, I imagine myself working in a company that gives good service. For another thing, if I want to set good foundations in my academic life, I must exploit my potential and see the positive aspects in my life. To sum up, I want to revolutionize my point of view about things and I will achieve that if I’m academically trained.

1.8. Daily Task 8 Write about a childhood memory. The memory in a child is very important because each first event will mark good or bad aspects in his life and he will always remember it, for instance the first time when I went to the cine because I've never gone before. I wanted to watch Meteoro with my parents in 2008 and they accepted. Later that we bought the tickets and food we went to the room cine, the experience inside was amazing because we watched the movie using 3D glasses. Finally, when we finished to watch the movie my father told me all the complete story about Meteoro. To sum up, although my parents do not remind the details of that day, I'll remind many of these experiences with them.

1.9. Daily Task 9 Who’s your favorite singer or band? Jesus Adrian Romero is one of my favorite singers because his music transmits peace and calm to me. When I was a child, I had many problems in my head and whenever I listened to his music the pain would go away. I listened to that type of music thanks to my mother, so once we went to his concert in 2014 at the National Stadium, it was my first time at a concert. Although we didn't go to church, we liked the type of music he sang. For another thing, the lyrics of his songs have fragments that seem well-structured poems and his way of singing seems interesting to me. To conclude, I like many types of music and authors, but the music of Jesus Adrian helped me since I was a child.

1.10. Daily Task 10 What has been the most amazing experience you have had in your life so far? The trip with my soccer teammates to Arequipa was one of the best experiences I could have because it was the first time that I was able to have fun with my friends away from home. In 2015 my soccer team qualified to play in the city of Arequipa with teams from Chile, Ecuador and some teams from Lima. For one thing, I was nervous about the trip and it was my first sporting experience outside of the city, but afterwards I felt better thanks to the constant calls from my parents. For another thing, we were worried about the weather conditions, for us it was difficult to play in low temperatures but the coach helped us to improve our resistance during those days. To sum up, traveling far from home with friends to do any sport is one of the best things that could happen.

1.11. Daily Task 11 Write a funny anecdote that has happened to you In the summer of 2018 was one of my best years, not only I learned many things, but also, I spent many funny anecdotes that I often remind, for example when I went to Trujillo to visit my father. I was into the car, suddenly it stopped in the middle of the road at 2 am, so I took another bus from another company. I was in such a hurry that I didn't realize that I had forgotten my travel backpack. I didn’t want to say anything to my mother because she was going to anger at me, so I waited to return to Lima and when I went to the transport company they asked me to identify what valuables items that I had in my travel backpack, so I

told them: "easy, the backpack is empty and inside it only has a toy of my sister "; they laughed and gave me back my backpack. To sum up, I always advise you to have proof of payment for your valuables when you go on a trip.

1.12. Daily Task 12 What have you learned during this month in your ARW1? I consider the ARW1 course very practical because I learned to construct wellstructured paragraphs. For one thing, before taking the course I had many doubts when writing an essay or a paragraph since I always started with one topic but later changed to another. For another thing, I didn’t know how to conclude with my paragraph and although the grammar was correctly, in my paragraph the teacher couldn’t find the coherence. Currently I’m in my last week of class and in my head, I already have an order of how I can structure a paragraph, so it will no longer be difficult for me to write three or more paragraphs to build an essay. To sum up, I need to practice more and review examples of paragraphs, but now I feel able to make a paragraph....

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