Ingles Selectividad - Apuntes 1 PDF

Title Ingles Selectividad - Apuntes 1
Author Aaron Marin
Course Química
Institution Universidad de Almería
Pages 7
File Size 121.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 42
Total Views 160


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Writting TOPIC:    

Natural Disasters Climate Strike III Global war OVNIS

OPINION ESSAY INTRODUCION 1-Pensar mi opnion. Para esto necesitamos encontrar 3 razones. Para introducir el tema, debemos hacerlo de forma interesante, es decir a través de una anécdota, una pregunta o una observación: Ej: Regarding our exitance in this planet, there are many people who strangly believe that humans can live up to the challenge of not becoming extint. However, are they right? DESARROLLO Debemos en dos párrafos expresar varias ideas, atendiendo siempre a explicar la idea primero y después desarrolarla. EJ: Since our very fist stop son this earth, humanity has been at the verge of extinction on a number of occasions. Natural disasters, predators, and wars have been and still are among our greatest threats Si tenemos la posibilidad, se valora mucho añadir un contraargumento. Although it is true that we have survived every challenge so far. We shouldn’t lower our guard against common threats CONCLUSION Resumen de los mas importante y terminar con una declaración firme. At the end of the day, potential without precaution and humanity is worthless. As the great Romantic por. Percy Shelly, one wrote “Nothing wilts faster than laurels that have been rested up on” All in All. Nevertheless


On the one hand On the other hand

Expresiones UTILES     

Currently, It is believed that … = actualmente es creido que Most people fail to realise that = La mayoria de la gente no se da cuenta de It is undeniable that = es indiscutible que Some people might not be concerned about the problem. However, they should be Keep in mind = Tener en mente


   

Provided that = A condición de que Owing to = Debido a (it comes always at the beginning of the sentence.) Because of = Debido a Because of = Debido a Due to = Debido a In spite of this, = A pesar de ..


Nevertheless However Conversely, -- En cambio

ADICION       

Moreover Therefore, = Asi que In addition, Furthermore, On top of that Besides, To take matters worse: Para colmo


Of couse, Clearly

    

Undoubedly Evidently Certainly Besides, For this reason

VOCABULARY FRASES PARA EL COVID Ideas: Guantes, seguridad, distancia seguridad. Dieta Since a large part of the population has been forced to stay at home for a long time, many start to feel the urge to go outside even at the cost of breaking the rules. The whole is now facing a moment of truth with the COVID-19 pandemic If we don’t put on end to it, this whole situation could get out of hand very easily Some agree that a faster reaction would have bought us more time to prepare for the pandemic Owing to a radical reduction in the use of personal vehicles during the corona virus lockdown, the has been a dramatic, decline in air pollution around the world Because of the outbreak of the virus thousands of students in this country have been forced to continue their education online. Due to this pandemic, thousands of small businesses have had to close their doors to the public.                    

Lockdown: Encierro Disparity = desigualdad Pollution: Contaminacion Outbreak: Estallido Pandemic: Pandemia Shortage: Escasez Hoard/ Stockpile: acumular Highly sought-after commodities: Productos muy solicitados Run out of stock: Sin existencias Death toll: Numero de muertes Flatten the curve: aplanar la curva Peañ: pico Ventilators: Respiradores Spread: Propagacion /contagio Gloves: Guantes Face Mask: mascarilla Sneeze: estornudar Cough: Toser Vaccine: Vacuna Isolate yourself = Aislarte


Video conferencing tools: herramientas video.. Virtual tutoring: Clases virtuales Workload: Carga de trabajo

   

Refund tuition fees: Reembolso de las matriculas Fase to fase classes Do away with = Prescindir Entail = Suponer

FRASES PARA EL CAMBIO CLIMATICO I strongly believe that not taking action against climate change now Will be seen as a Colossal mistake in the future. Owing to a radical reduction in the use of personal vehicles during the corona virus lockdown, the has been a dramatic, decline in air pollution around the world

Natural Disasters (Brasil-AusTRALIA)           

Fire: Fuego, incendio Wildfire: Incendio Incontrolado Bushfire: Incendio forestal Arson: Incendio Provocado Set on fire: Incendiar Fire Spread: Propagacion del fuego Blaze: Llamarada Pyromaniac, Arsonist Firebug: Piromano Dry season: estación seca Drought: Sequia Heat wave: Ola de calor

THIRD GLOBAL WAR        

Assault = Ataque Airstrike = Ataque Aereo Bloodshed = Matanza Trade war : Guerra comercial Warfare: conflicto Long standing tensions =tensiones largas Growing tensions = Tensiones crecientes Lead to WWIII --- trigger the war

MANIFESTACIONES         

Riot= organizar una revuelta Condone = Justificar Nonviolently = Pacificamente Looting = Saqueo Protest = manifestacion Kneef = arrodiñllarse March = Manifestarse Despicable = despreciable Abhorrent = abominable

WORDS            

Very big – Colossal Very Valuable --- Precious Very Small --- Tiny Very Simple—Basic Very Special --- Exceptional Very sure --- Certain Very Clear—Obvious Very fast—rapidly Very bad---deplorable Very tired—Exhausted Very Surprising –Astounding Very short (time) –Brief

EXPRESIONES COLOCATIONS UP (Accion completa)         

Cover up: encubrir Head up: Sanar completamente Use up: gastar Dry up: Agotarse Burn up: Quemado Clean up: Todo limpio Finish up: Completado Drink up: Beber todo Eat up: comer todo

ABOUT    

Crazy about Enthusiastic about Ansious about Mad about

  

Good at Bad at Mad at

     

Ashamed of = Avergonzado de Unaware of = inconsciente de Capable of Guilty of Proud of Dreamed of



ON   

Based on Hooked on = Enganchado en Keen on = Interesada en

    

Addicted to Grateful To Married to Opposed to Related to


WITH     

Associated with Impressed with Popular with Satisfied with Pleased with

             

Rest one one´s laurels: Dormirse en los laureles In the same way = De la misma manera Mortgage the future: Hipotecar el Fututo Hold someone accountable for = Hacer a alguien responsable de algo have room for: tener margen de maniobra (espacio Political leaning = Inclinacion politica Get out of hand = Irse de las manos The lungs of the planet = Los pulmones del planeta Close the door on = cerrarle la Puerta a Play catch up = ponerse al dia Level the playing field = nivelar el campo de juego The next step = el siguiente paso Buy time = ganar tiempo In jeopardy = en riesgo


Los verbos que terminanan en -e. Eliminan esta letra (Smoke----Smoking) Verbos que acaban en Consonabte+ vocal+consonante ---- doblan ultima consonante: Swim-Swimming . LOS VERBOS QUE ACABAN EN X, no cumplen la regla (FIX, MIX) Verbos que acaban en -y. Añaden -ing con total normalidad: Play---Playing Verbos que acaban en -L, doblan dicha letra: Travel --- Travelling

ING siemore cuando antes haya una preposicion...

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