B1 Listening comprehension PDF

Title B1 Listening comprehension
Author Alberto Cannaò
Course Lingua Inglese
Institution Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Pages 12
File Size 159.6 KB
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Dott.ssa M. Severi


The listening in this dispensa are conversations between two people. The accents are varied. The length of the listening varies from just over 1 minute to approximately 3 minutes. Questions follow a multiple choice format and are similar to Parts 2 and 3 of the B1 computer idoneità listening. During the test itself, the listening is the first exercise to be attempted. You have 20 minutes to do the whole listening test. There are three parts: 1. a monologue spoken by a mother tongue English speaker. The accents vary. 2. a conversation between two mother tongue English speakers. The accents vary. 3. a conversation between at least one mother tongue English speaker and at least one non native speaker. The accents vary. During the test, make sure that you adjust the volume on your headphones. The answers may appear very similar, so, remember that you are listening for detail. Give yourself time to read the questions before you listen. You are allowed to listen twice to each of the three parts of the test. The first time just listen. Try and resist the temptation to answer the questions immediately. Listen again and then answer the questions. Only one of the three possible answers, a) b) or c) is correct.

CD Content 1. Annili and Todd


2. David and Todd

World Traveller

3. Layla and Todd

Daily Life

4. Kerri and Todd


5. Kate and Nicola


6. Jessica and Todd

The Outfit

7. Lois and Todd

Great Fruit

8. Ruth and Akane


9 Akane and Ruth

Horror Movies

10. Eucharia and Todd

New House 3

1. TEACHING You will hear Annili and Todd talking about an interesting job . You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1) Lessons took place ... a) in the air b) twice a week c) on television

2) How many students were in each class? a) 80 b) 18 c) 8

3) The students were in ... a) two different schools. b) three different locations. c) two different places

4) How long were the lessons? a) 55 minutes b) 45 minutes c) 50 minutes

5) How old were the students? a) about 8 years old b) approximately 12 years old c) from 9 to 12 years old


2 WORLD TRAVELLER You will hear David (Tenn) talking to Todd about the many places he has visited. You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1) David (Tenn) is ... a) an avid sports watcher b) prefers history to sport c) big on sports

2) David (Tenn) has ... a) visited most of Europe b) lived in 27 countries c) spent half a year in Egypt

3) While he was in Egypt he... a) photograghed the pyramids b) studied the perspective c) climbed the Great Pyramid

4) What did he see in Peru? a) Inca people b) Kefron c) Machu Pichu

5) When was it made? a) 600 years ago b) 300 years ago c) No one knows


3 DAILY LIFE – PARENTING You will hear Layla and Todd talking about differences in parenting and family life in the U.S. and France. You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1) Layla says parents in France are more ... a) permissive b) severe c) generous 2) She says the parents in the States ... a) are rare b) do not often say 'no' c) usually give their children what they want 3) In France, it is common ... a) to have an au pair b) for kids to have a nanny c) for one parent to stay home 4) Layla ... a) has only just started work as an au pair b) has been an au pair for a while c) was recommended as an au pair

5) Layla’s experience as an au pair ... a) has been positive b) has helped her to find a job c) has not improved her English


4 READING You will hear Todd and Kerri talking about reading You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c. 1) Does she like fiction or non-fiction? a) Fiction b) Non-fiction c) Both 2) How many books is she reading now? a) None b) One c) Two 3) The Ethics of Startrek is a) fiction b) is about an affair c) was given to her by her uncle

4) When does she read? a) While she works b) In the evening c) On the train 5) Kerri says she... a) doesn’t have a favourite library b) doesn’t have a favourite author c) as so many favourites that she cannot pick


5 MUSIC You will hear Kate talking to Nicola about what kinds of music she likes to listen to. You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c. 1) Why does Kate like the Beatles? a) Their songs helped her to grow up b) She likes the beat c) They make her feel good 2) Kate used to listen to listen to ? a) their records b) their cassettes c) their CDs 3) What does Kate want to do? a) Buy every album b) Go to Liverpool c) Meet a Beatle 4) Kate really likes ... a) George b) John c) Paul

5) Based on the conversation do you think Nicola ... a) likes the same type of music b) prefers Simon and Garfunkel c) doesn’t like sixties music


6. THE OUTFIT Jessica talks to Todd about what she is wearing and where she bought it. You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c. 1) Where does Jessica wear her slippers? a) At home b) At work c) In the gym 2) Where did Jessica buy her footwear? a) In Japan b) In America c) In China 3) What does she describe as humongous? a) Her shoulders b) Her shoes c) Her feet

4) How much did she pay for the pants? a) 15 dollars b) 50 dollars c) 90 dollars

5) What was the most expensive item she bought? a) The slippers b) The pants c) The shirt (blouse)


7 GREAT FRUIT You will hear Lois and Todd talking about some delicious fruit they are eating. You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c. 1) Who bought the plums? a) Todd b) Lois c) A friend 2) How much did they cost? a) 600 Yen b) 900 Yen c) 1200 Yen

3) In which country does fruit cost less? a) England b) Japan c) America 4) What is Lois’ favorite fruit? a) Pineapple b) Oranges c) Peaches 5) Which of the following statements is true? a) Lois loves strawberries at Wimbledon b) Lois loves going to Wimbledon c) Strawberries and cream are costly at Wimbledon


8 PARENTING You will hear Ruth and Akane talking about parents who stay at home. You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c. 1 . Which of the following statements is true? a) Akane and Ruth think that both parents should work. b) Ruth thinks it is negative for one parent to stay at home c) Akane thinks children don’t know how to socialize

2. Ruth says that children with a stay-at-home parent … a) learn how to share b) don’t see other people c) are shameful

3. Ruth is in favour of … a) leaving children with anyone b) leaving children only with family members c) leaving children with a child minder

4. Akane thinks the children could ... a) be unsafe b) have too much individual attention c) be unloved by their parents

5. Akane and Ruth agree ... a) on one point. b) all the points discussed c) most of the points discussed


9 HOROR MOVIES You will hear Ruth and Akane talking about horror movies. You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1) After watching a horror movie, Akane ... a) can't stop shaking b) doesn't feel safe c) can't sleep at night 2) Ruth's friend had a poster of ... a) Freddie Mercury b) Freddy Krueger c) Fred Flintstone

3) Akane says the _______ makes her scared. a) philosophical aspect b) psychological aspect c) psychiatric aspect 4) The last horror movie Akane saw was ... a) The Scary With Project b) The Blair Witch Project c) The Sandwich Project 5) That movie was filmed in ... a) a forest b) a fortress c) a foreign country


10 NEW HOUSE You will hear Todd and Eucharia talking about the place she lives You will hear the recording twice. For each question, choose the correct answer, a, b or c. 1 What does she say about her neighbours dog? a) it scares her b) it welcomes her home c) it barks all the time 2. In her house what is extremely large? a) the bedroom b) the porch c) the kitchen 3. What does she do to relax? a) grow onions b) cook c) work as a chef 4) What does she say about her house? a) the walls smell nice b) the floor has a nice smell c) the hay smells 5. What does she like about Japanese houses? a) you take off your shoes b) the toilet and bath are separate c) you sleep on the floor


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